View Full Version : DEE lied?

February 4th, 2009, 07:20 PM
[20:04] K23: actually
[20:04] K23: fix the link
[20:04] K23: it should be dee fails
[20:04] K23: because
[20:05] DEElekgolo: no
[20:05] DEElekgolo: llolol
[20:05] DEElekgolo: dude
[20:05] DEElekgolo: you cant do shit
[20:05] K23: you cut off half
[20:05] DEElekgolo: first of all
[20:05] K23: where you spammed
[20:05] DEElekgolo: wtf
[20:05] DEElekgolo: i didnt spam
[20:05] K23: which is fail
[20:05] DEElekgolo: onotix spammed me about dicks
[20:05] K23: and
[20:05] DEElekgolo: all you can do is run on what
[20:05] K23: you said dicks
[20:05] DEElekgolo: ONOTIX
[20:05] DEElekgolo: says
[20:05] DEElekgolo: you dont know
[20:05] DEElekgolo: my side of the story
[20:05] DEElekgolo: so you cant take sides
[20:05] DEElekgolo: if your being biased

i would like to start off differently than i did on fps zone.

original fps zone post

Before i start i would like to apologize for any spelling mistake i have made but there is not spell check here.

Well today me and Deehunter got into and argument because he was spaming and flaming members at another site i got to. He told them there work sucked and showed off his halo 3 rips claiming them as his own. So went and told him. "[16:38] Dark: showing off your halo 3 rips doent make you cool"

Thats when it all started..so we got into an argument and he ended up posting the chat log some were. well ussually i wouldnt care but there was something just some thing missing... Like half of the convo were he was spaming me and telling me i didnt have his recon model ingame. Now what really got my going was when he said i was talking about dicks earilier in the conversation. The funny part is he was the one who starte the dick thing by saying... "[16:45] DEElekgolo: satan wants your dick." Caught him in the act of a lie. So i bet your thinking why should we belive you? Well i have the full chat log from start to fiinish and i will now post it here....

P.S. if anyone would like any more chat logs of completely stupid things dee has said message me on xfire - onoitx335 is what i should be....now what you have been waiting for.

Conversation ended: Mon, Feb 02 16:56:15 2009
Conversation started between Dark and DEElekgolo: Wed, Feb 04 16:38:32 2009
[16:38] Dark: dee
[16:38] DEElekgolo: fl
[16:38] Dark: showing off your halo 3 rips doent make you cool
Conversation ended: Wed, Feb 04 16:38:58 2009
Conversation started between Dark and DEElekgolo: Wed, Feb 04 16:39:33 2009
[16:39] DEElekgolo: ?
[16:39] DEElekgolo: wat
[16:39] Dark: nexus
Conversation ended: Wed, Feb 04 16:39:41 2009
Conversation started between Dark and DEElekgolo: Wed, Feb 04 16:39:42 2009
[16:39] DEElekgolo: i didnt show off my rips for a while
Conversation ended: Wed, Feb 04 16:39:45 2009
Conversation started between Dark and DEElekgolo: Wed, Feb 04 16:39:48 2009
[16:39] DEElekgolo: oh lololol
[16:39] DEElekgolo: custom
[16:39] DEElekgolo: i showed
Conversation ended: Wed, Feb 04 16:39:52 2009
Conversation started between Dark and DEElekgolo: Wed, Feb 04 16:39:53 2009
[16:39] DEElekgolo: the elite
[16:39] DEElekgolo: and the master chief
[16:40] DEElekgolo: was that you that said "I know him from another forum?"
[16:40] Dark: nope
[16:40] Dark: and i have the halo 3 rip i know ow they look
Conversation ended: Wed, Feb 04 16:40:26 2009
Conversation started between Dark and DEElekgolo: Wed, Feb 04 16:40:29 2009
[16:40] DEElekgolo: lolol
[16:40] DEElekgolo: no ur dont
Conversation ended: Wed, Feb 04 16:40:33 2009
Conversation started between Dark and DEElekgolo: Wed, Feb 04 16:40:34 2009
[16:40] DEElekgolo: you dont have
[16:40] DEElekgolo: my rips
[16:40] Dark: yes
[16:40] Dark: i have
[16:40] DEElekgolo: the one with teh
[16:40] DEElekgolo: wrait
[16:40] DEElekgolo: and so on
[16:40] DEElekgolo: lololol
[16:40] DEElekgolo: wraith
[16:40] DEElekgolo: bubble sheild
[16:40] DEElekgolo: warthog
[16:40] Dark: your eva and recon rips ingame
[16:40] DEElekgolo: troophog
[16:40] DEElekgolo: hahahhahahhahhahah
[16:41] DEElekgolo: ahahaaahahhhahahahahah
[16:41] DEElekgolo: fail
[16:41] DEElekgolo: you dont have my
[16:41] DEElekgolo: hog
[16:41] DEElekgolo: peli
[16:41] DEElekgolo: wraith
[16:41] DEElekgolo: troop
[16:41] DEElekgolo: ghost
[16:41] DEElekgolo: mongoose
[16:41] DEElekgolo: allw eapons
[16:41] DEElekgolo: FP arms
[16:41] Dark: i mean the spartans
[16:41] DEElekgolo: those rips are just my leaks.
[16:41] Dark: gawd
[16:41] DEElekgolo: ha
Conversation ended: Wed, Feb 04 16:41:23 2009
Conversation started between Dark and DEElekgolo: Wed, Feb 04 16:41:29 2009
[16:41] DEElekgolo: hhhaahahhahahahaaahahahahhaahhhahahha
[16:41] DEElekgolo: hahahhahhahahha
[16:41] DEElekgolo: hahahhahhahahhahhahaaha
[16:41] DEElekgolo: its not rigged
[16:41] DEElekgolo: lolol
[16:41] DEElekgolo: you have the .3ds
[16:41] Dark: OH YEAH
[16:41] DEElekgolo: from the time you leaked it
[16:41] Dark: YOU WANT VID
[16:41] Dark: HU PUNK
[16:41] Dark: YOU WANT VIDS
[16:41] DEElekgolo: lololol
[16:42] DEElekgolo: from whenn you leaked it with kidd
[16:42] DEElekgolo: not rigged
[16:42] Dark: HU
[16:42] Dark: no
[16:42] DEElekgolo: hahahahahhahahahahaha
[16:42] DEElekgolo: hahahahah
[16:42] DEElekgolo: failing
[16:42] DEElekgolo: so hard
[16:42] Dark: i dl from modacity
[16:42] Dark: and
[16:42] Dark: some one rigged for me
[16:42] Dark: and
[16:42] Dark: it r prrety
[16:42] DEElekgolo: lololol
[16:42] DEElekgolo: faill
[16:42] DEElekgolo: faiil
[16:42] DEElekgolo: dude
[16:42] DEElekgolo: you are f***ing failin
[16:42] DEElekgolo: so hard right now
[16:42] DEElekgolo: the modacity leak
[16:42] DEElekgolo: from kidd
[16:42] DEElekgolo: the oooold one
[16:42] DEElekgolo: notice
[16:42] DEElekgolo: it doesnt have CQB helmet
[16:43] DEElekgolo: hahahahhaahahhah
[16:43] DEElekgolo: hahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahhhhhhahhahah
[16:43] Dark: uh so
[16:43] DEElekgolo: ahhahahhahhahahhahah
[16:43] DEElekgolo: that is the

[16:43] DEElekgolo: OOOLD
[16:43] DEElekgolo: leak
[16:43] DEElekgolo: the UVs
[16:43] DEElekgolo: are custom
[16:43] Dark: i dont like cqb
[16:43] DEElekgolo: the rig
[16:43] DEElekgolo: is custom
[16:43] DEElekgolo: new one has correct shaders
[16:43] Dark: its ugly
[16:43] DEElekgolo: rigged like it in ingame
[16:43] DEElekgolo: with real game vertice weights
[16:43] DEElekgolo: HLSL is ripped
[16:43] DEElekgolo: .fx is ripped
[16:43] DEElekgolo: so shader sstem is perfectly simulated
[16:43] DEElekgolo: ohhh
[16:43] DEElekgolo: and cubemaps
[16:44] DEElekgolo: finnaly got cubemaps
[16:44] DEElekgolo: turns out the sequence was RGBARGBARGBARGBA for each cubemap side.
[16:44] DEElekgolo: hhahahahahhhahahhahahahahahahahhahahahhaha
[16:44] DEElekgolo: anyways
[16:44] DEElekgolo: u fail
[16:44] DEElekgolo: :D
[16:44] DEElekgolo: oh
[16:44] DEElekgolo: we i got the elite skins ripped
[16:44] Dark: wow
[16:44] Dark: idc
[16:45] DEElekgolo: and darco is ripping the models
[16:45] DEElekgolo: with vertice weights
[16:45] DEElekgolo: darvolt has BSP rips also
[16:45] DEElekgolo: but no UVs
[16:45] Dark: DUDE
[16:45] Dark: STFU
[16:45] Dark: I DONT CARE
[16:45] DEElekgolo: Turns out the UVs are reassorted
[16:45] DEElekgolo: using the lightmap UVs
[16:45] DEElekgolo: lol
[16:45] DEElekgolo: and u still fail
[16:45] DEElekgolo: :D
[16:45] DEElekgolo: horribly
[16:45] DEElekgolo: satan wants your dick.
[16:46] Dark: at least i have one
[16:46] DEElekgolo: hahahhahhahahahhahhahah
[16:46] DEElekgolo: hahahhahhahaahahhahhahha
[16:46] DEElekgolo: I never knew you were aware of the status of my penis. But it seems to be incorrect
[16:47] DEElekgolo: You probably didnt know how a penis looked like
[16:47] DEElekgolo: I wouldnt blame you. You never saw one.
[16:47] * DEElekgolo logs chat
[16:47] DEElekgolo: This is for future lulz
[16:47] Dark: if it was the long hard thiing with 2 balls at the bottom that i showed up your moms pussy then i know what it is
[16:47] DEElekgolo: The next comment you say is going to be immature.
[16:48] DEElekgolo: hahahahhahahhaha
[16:48] DEElekgolo: Im sure you like to f*** old people
[16:48] DEElekgolo: you lost your chance with your age group.
[16:48] DEElekgolo: Never knew you had to resort to older people.
[16:48] DEElekgolo: the next comment you say is going to be immature.
[16:48] Dark: yes i like older women
[16:48] Dark: im in 9th grade
[16:48] DEElekgolo: there it goes.
[16:49] DEElekgolo: Same here.
[16:49] DEElekgolo: Finals
[16:49] Dark: but my gf is iin 11th
[16:49] DEElekgolo: Honors
[16:49] DEElekgolo: a 40 year old 11th grader?
[16:49] DEElekgolo: thats sad.
[16:50] Dark: idk about were you live
[16:50] Dark: but were i live
[16:50] DEElekgolo: I dont care were you live.
[16:50] Dark: 11th graders are about....16-18
[16:50] DEElekgolo: wow. You must live in a 3rd world country
[16:50] DEElekgolo: or the south or something.
[16:51] Dark: uh no
[16:51] Dark: usa
[16:51] DEElekgolo: Yea. You must live in the south.
[16:51] DEElekgolo: 18 year old 11th graders.
[16:51] DEElekgolo: Southern standards.
[16:52] Dark: yes
[16:52] Dark: in mystate
[16:53] Dark: you can be in highschool till the age of 22
[16:53] DEElekgolo: lolol
[16:53] DEElekgolo: HAHHAHAAHHHH
[16:53] Dark: for examle
[16:53] Dark: repeating
[16:53] Dark: and
[16:53] DEElekgolo: Here in the more advanced north.
[16:53] DEElekgolo: Im 14 and im in 9th grade
[16:53] DEElekgolo: NORMALY
[16:53] DEElekgolo: people finish high school when there 18
[16:53] Dark: to get better understanding on the matrials
[16:53] Dark: yes
[16:53] Dark: same here
[16:53] Dark: but
[16:53] Dark: take into concideration
[16:53] Dark: repeats
[16:53] Dark: and
[16:53] Dark: ppl from other countries
[16:54] Dark: not everyone is a white f*** like you dee
[16:54] DEElekgolo: Ha
[16:54] Dark: ppl immigrate to my state because they like it here
[16:54] DEElekgolo: so apperently im white now?
[16:54] DEElekgolo: oh wait
[16:54] DEElekgolo: you used the term
[16:54] DEElekgolo: White f***.
[16:54] DEElekgolo: Describe this please. I dont know the southern slang.
[16:55] * Dark creals through
[16:55] Dark: a white f***
[16:56] DEElekgolo: btw this chat will be shown publicly.
[16:56] Dark: is a racist who is a member of the white race who discriminates everyone who snt not white for example assuing that because an 18 year old is in 11th grade they are automaticaly from a third world countrie
[16:56] Dark: alsoo
[16:56] Dark: idc
[16:56] Dark: ooooooooh
[16:56] Dark: you gonna show your internet friend
[16:57] DEElekgolo: I didnt assume
[16:57] DEElekgolo: lol
[16:57] DEElekgolo: you even said
[16:57] Dark: then theyll come show me
[16:57] DEElekgolo: the average age for the grades.
[16:57] DEElekgolo: how can I be assuming that if you stated that as fact.
[16:57] Dark: and you assumed
[16:57] DEElekgolo: 13:55] Dark: idk about were you live
[13:55] Dark: but were i live
[13:55] DEElekgolo: I dont care were you live.
[13:55] Dark: 11th graders are about....16-18
[13:55] DEElekgolo: wow. You must live in a 3rd world country
[13:55] DEElekgolo: or the south or something.
[16:57] DEElekgolo: i didnt
[16:57] DEElekgolo: you stated it as fact.
[16:57] Dark: exactly
[16:58] Dark: you assumed i lived in a 3rd would countrie
[16:58] Dark: because
[16:58] DEElekgolo: lol spartan 094 is laughing at this.
[16:58] DEElekgolo: Keep the crowd going.
[16:58] Dark: i said the age range of 11th graders were i live is 16-17
[16:58] Dark: i mean
[16:58] Dark: 18
[16:58] DEElekgolo: 13:55] Dark: idk about were you live
[13:55] Dark: but were i live
[13:55] DEElekgolo: I dont care were you live.
[13:55] Dark: 11th graders are about....16-18
[13:55] DEElekgolo: wow. You must live in a 3rd world country
[13:55] DEElekgolo: or the south or something.
[16:58] DEElekgolo: [13:55] Dark: but were i live
[13:55] DEElekgolo: I dont care were you live.
[13:55] Dark: 11th graders are about....16-18
[16:58] DEElekgolo: [13:55] Dark: 11th graders are about....16-18
[16:59] Dark: i alredy corrected my mistke
[16:59] DEElekgolo: Narrowed it down for ya.
[16:59] DEElekgolo: anyways
[16:59] DEElekgolo: continue.
[17:00] Dark: oh ok
[17:01] Dark: another example of a white f*** is a kkk member
[17:01] DEElekgolo: ha
[17:01] Dark: a white f*** can also be called a "w.a.s.p."
[17:02] DEElekgolo: ha
[17:03] Dark: i know
[17:03] Dark: quit funny
[17:03] Dark: *quite
[17:03] Dark: now
[17:03] DEElekgolo: stop
[17:03] DEElekgolo: talking
[17:03] DEElekgolo: like
[17:03] DEElekgolo: this
[17:03] Dark: shhhhh.....
[17:03] Dark: i watching this new guy on fps-zone
[17:03] Dark: called
[17:03] Dark: dee the fag
[17:04] DEElekgolo: what new guy?
[17:04] DEElekgolo: :D
[17:04] Dark: dee the fag
[17:04] Dark: he just came out of the closet
[17:04] Dark: lol
[17:05] Dark: funny
[17:05] Dark: name sound familiar
[17:05] DEElekgolo: I think thats assassin
[17:05] DEElekgolo: lol
[17:05] DEElekgolo: from modhalo
[17:05] DEElekgolo: i remember killing him in eswords and got the last kill using nades.
[17:06] DEElekgolo: There
[17:06] DEElekgolo: de the fag is no more
[17:06] DEElekgolo: :D
[17:06] Dark: ah
[17:06] Dark: ok
[17:06] Dark: well
[17:06] DEElekgolo: Oh
[17:06] DEElekgolo: this justfor fun guy
[17:06] DEElekgolo: hmm
[17:06] DEElekgolo: i donno
[17:07] Dark: i dont feel like talking to a gay right now..
[17:12] DEElekgolo: Lol. Do you even know what gay means
[17:12] Dark: in simple terms
[17:12] Dark: a man who likes a man
[17:12] Dark: also
[17:12] Dark: the old meaning
[17:12] Dark: was happy
[17:12] DEElekgolo: It only means
[17:12] DEElekgolo: Happy.
[17:13] DEElekgolo: Like how it is used in the bible
[17:13] Dark: that was an old meaning
[17:13] DEElekgolo: Back then when men loved men they called themselfs gay because they were hapy
[17:13] DEElekgolo: now some social terms
[17:13] DEElekgolo: try to use it as at rend
[17:13] DEElekgolo: liek your selfs.
[17:13] Dark: it means a man who like a man
[17:13] DEElekgolo: It does not. That is the social term.
[17:13] Dark: and you admited it on a public formus
[17:13] DEElekgolo: people like you are victom to
[17:13] Dark: and spartan too
[17:13] DEElekgolo: And no lol
[17:13] Dark: tsk
[17:13] DEElekgolo: really?
[17:14] DEElekgolo: were
[17:14] DEElekgolo: http://www.fps-zone.net/index.php
[17:15] Dark: i caught it lol
[17:15] Dark: and will for ever remember
[17:15] Dark: that ur gay
[17:15] DEElekgolo: lol and when did I ever say that anyways?
[17:15] Dark: k bai
[17:15] DEElekgolo: oh ur done?
[17:15] DEElekgolo: k uploading chatlog.
[17:15] * Dark blocked
[17:15] DEElekgolo: ha.
[17:15] DEElekgolo: apperently not
[17:15] DEElekgolo: :D
[17:15] Dark: bye
[17:16] DEElekgolo: k
then i blocked him i hope you saw how dee lied.

February 4th, 2009, 07:22 PM
this is a good thread

MetKiller Joe
February 4th, 2009, 07:22 PM
Epic wall of text fail.

February 4th, 2009, 07:25 PM
this is a good thread

I sensed sarcasm in that post.:v:

February 4th, 2009, 07:26 PM
no i was being completely sincere

February 4th, 2009, 07:26 PM
OMG WTF HAPPENED ? it wasn't like that before ill try to fix really sorry

heres the fps zone link http://www.fps-zone.net/index.php?topic=132.new#new


Choking Victim
February 4th, 2009, 07:29 PM
OMG WTF HAPPENED ? it wasn't like that before ill try to fix really sorry

heres the fps zone link http://www.fps-zone.net/index.php?topic=132.new#new

FYI, dee sponged those halo 3 rips off of Trulife. He was never capable of doing it himself, so he just leeches off of others. ;)

Also, why is this a thread.

February 4th, 2009, 07:29 PM
Number 1: Who the fuck cares?
Number 2: Who the fuck are you?
Number 3: You registered just to post this shit?

February 4th, 2009, 07:30 PM
I'm sorry, but it's too long; I didn't read.

Would it be a waste of my time to read this?

February 4th, 2009, 07:33 PM
No clue, didn't read myself. I was just wondering why anyone would care.

February 4th, 2009, 07:34 PM
Isn't there a thread for posting this kind of stuff?

February 4th, 2009, 07:34 PM
Wtf is this? You are going by all the edited chatlogs and biased theory's of onotix just to get back at me?

February 4th, 2009, 07:34 PM
I don't think anybody gives a shit? (except for you) so please think before you post? :cop:

Choking Victim
February 4th, 2009, 07:36 PM
Wtf is this? You are going by all the edited chatlogs and biased theory's of onotix just to get back at me?
What? You mean this guys not legit?

well shit i had no idea. :rolleyes:

February 4th, 2009, 07:38 PM
Wtf is this? You are going by all the edited chatlogs and biased theory's of onotix just to get back at me?

NO faggot you posted the edited one so no one saw that you were spamming me and then you go and say i was talking about dick...you started the thing about dicks.

February 4th, 2009, 07:39 PM

February 4th, 2009, 07:40 PM
And when did I spam forums? I posted the h3mt Custom elite and master chief in the fallout 3 Halo porting thread? Itails was the one that spammed it.

February 4th, 2009, 07:40 PM
Conversation started between ONOTIX EPISODE 2! and DEElekgolo™: Tue, Jan 20 21:51:15 2009
[21:51] DEElekgolo™: your girlfriend looks like a monkey
[21:51] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: <.<
[21:51] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: >>>
[21:51] DEElekgolo™: monkey girlfriend
[21:51] DEElekgolo™: ooh ooh
[21:51] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: >.>
[21:51] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: uh
[21:51] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: i broke up with my gf
[21:51] DEElekgolo™: this isn't a math class
[21:51] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: last year
[21:51] DEElekgolo™: ><><>,><>
[21:51] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: what gf
[21:51] DEElekgolo™: <><=-+
[21:51] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: who told you this
[21:51] DEElekgolo™: your girlfrienhd
[21:51] DEElekgolo™: monkey rang uh tang
[21:51] DEElekgolo™: organutantang
[21:52] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: wut
[21:52] DEElekgolo™: l;
[21:52] DEElekgolo™: rangatangtangatang
[21:52] DEElekgolo™: o
[21:52] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: idk what your talking about
[21:52] DEElekgolo™: sloppy foot
[21:52] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: ?
[21:52] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: pics or stfu
[21:52] DEElekgolo™: do u use poop sovk
[21:52] DEElekgolo™: poop sock
[21:52] DEElekgolo™: i'll show you my poop sock
[21:53] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: ...
[21:53] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: dude
[21:53] DEElekgolo™: i poop in my sock
[21:53] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: wtf are yu talking about
[21:53] DEElekgolo™: and call it poop sock
[21:53] DEElekgolo™: rangatangtanga
[21:53] DEElekgolo™: ooh ooh
[21:53] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: wat gf wat poop and wat sock
[21:53] DEElekgolo™: butt butt
[21:53] DEElekgolo™: dude i have a bowflex
[21:53] DEElekgolo™: and i put bowling ballson it
[21:53] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: omg
[21:53] DEElekgolo™: and kill squirells
[21:53] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: shut up
[21:53] DEElekgolo™: and rangatang girlfriends
[21:53] DEElekgolo™: rangatang
[21:54] DEElekgolo™: oh i just farted
[21:54] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: ........
[21:54] DEElekgolo™: and it sounded like an elephant
[21:54] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: your so weaird
[21:54] DEElekgolo™: ho
[21:54] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: fag
[21:54] DEElekgolo™: NO U
[21:54] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: bitch
[21:54] DEElekgolo™: i'll hit you with my poop sock
[21:54] DEElekgolo™: <Invalid / command. Type /help for help>
[21:54] DEElekgolo™: <Invalid / command. Type /help for help>
[21:54] DEElekgolo™: speechless
[21:54] DEElekgolo™: i'm that amazing
[21:54] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: \\\\\\\\/////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\///////////\\\\\\\\
[21:54] DEElekgolo™: with mmy sock FULLAPOOP
[21:55] DEElekgolo™: youre a chimp
[21:55] DEElekgolo™: chimp
[21:55] DEElekgolo™: CHIMPY
[21:55] DEElekgolo™: OO EE
[21:55] DEElekgolo™: PUT YOUR POOP SOCK ON
[21:55] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: ............
[21:55] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: havent heard that one
[21:55] DEElekgolo™: r u on yer period
[21:55] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: no
[21:55] DEElekgolo™: you could use a poop sock
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: huggable
[21:56] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: i just grew up
[21:56] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: and got matture
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: i bet you did
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: pfffrt
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: pfffrt
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: pfffrt
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: pfffrt
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: pfffrt
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: pfffrt
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: pfffrt
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: pfffrt
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: pfffrt
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: pfffrt
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: pfffrt
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: pfffrt
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: pfffrt
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: pfffrt
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: pfffrt
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: pfffrt
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: pfffrt
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: pfffrt
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: pfffrt
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: pfffrt
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: pfffrt
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: pfffrt
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: oh fuc
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: i just pissed myself
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: lol
[21:56] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: ...
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: period boy
[21:56] DEElekgolo™: yuo have lady tampon
[21:57] DEElekgolo™: pee pee pad
[21:57] DEElekgolo™: no u peepeepad
[21:57] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: ...
[21:57] DEElekgolo™: BUTTFLODD
[21:57] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: ok
[21:57] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: bye
[21:57] DEElekgolo™: LOL
[21:58] ONOTIX EPISODE 2!: also go suck your poop sock.
Conversation ended: Tue, Jan 20 21:58:12 2009

February 4th, 2009, 07:40 PM
I sensed sarcasm in that post.:v:
mine overloaded and burst into a wall of flames and fail.

~zilla 09~

February 4th, 2009, 07:41 PM
Where's a mod when you need one? :saddowns:

February 4th, 2009, 07:41 PM
And when did I spam forums? I posted the h3mt Custom elite and master chief in the fallout 3 Halo porting thread? Itails was the one that spammed it.
I have a witness who say you spamming and shit posting your halo 3 rips.

February 4th, 2009, 07:42 PM
THe h3mt custom elite and master chief. Itails spammed. I didnt spam anything. I was asking to be part of the project and posting the things that can be posted in it. Get your facts strait.

February 4th, 2009, 07:42 PM

February 4th, 2009, 07:43 PM
Where's a mod when you need one? :saddowns:
Right above you... owait not yet :-3

zilla - mod 2009

ALso Vega- Nobody cares k? stop spammin up the offtopic plzkthxbai

February 4th, 2009, 07:49 PM
ok knew you would take this faggots side.

February 4th, 2009, 07:51 PM
Because you are only running on what onotix tells you. Completely biased statements

February 4th, 2009, 07:51 PM
Oh no! Internet drama!

February 4th, 2009, 07:52 PM
Gah. End the drama here.

In b4 delete.

February 4th, 2009, 07:56 PM
Gah. End the drama here.

In b4 delete.


February 4th, 2009, 07:58 PM
i like this thread

teh lag
February 4th, 2009, 07:59 PM
Go home, strider.

None of us care about this.

February 4th, 2009, 08:00 PM
No life, ya?

February 4th, 2009, 08:01 PM
what is this shit