View Full Version : Videogames seen good for children.

February 11th, 2009, 09:40 PM

Take THAT Jack Thompson and all the other anti-videogame peeps :D

E: Bah! Sorry, meant off-topic thread. Can a mod move it please?

E2: Thanks =)

February 11th, 2009, 09:44 PM

The report stressed parental involvement by proposing development of a "red button" that could allow parents to control content and how long games are played. It did not elaborate as to what form this button would take.

How about the form of pulling the plug on the video game console when it's bedtime, you raging pussies.

Believe me, I fucking invented that "but I need to get to a save point!!!" while ignoring every opportunity to save schpiel.

February 11th, 2009, 09:55 PM
That's why I could never get through Majora's Mask - I couldn't get to the next usable owl statue in the mere hour i was allotted each day.

February 11th, 2009, 10:16 PM

Also Exam, your avi is fucking excellent.

Mr Buckshot
February 11th, 2009, 10:22 PM
Finally, an article that doesn't bash video games. Games are meant to be fun. To me they're just like those toy cars and toy soldiers we used to play with when we were kids, except aimed at a much broader age range.

Teaching creativity and cooperation? I definitely agree with the former, not that sure about the latter though...haha.

The report stressed parental involvement by proposing development of a "red button" that could allow parents to control content and how long games are played. It did not elaborate as to what form this button would take.

Uh, it's called set a limit for your kid, tell him that he must turn off the game after 2 hours or something like that. And also watch what your kid purchases from game stores if you don't like the idea of him playing gory games. I don't believe that playing 10 hours of GTA nonstop will turn you into a criminal, but I do believe it just isn't good from a social perspective especially if done on a regular basis.

February 11th, 2009, 10:51 PM
The report stressed parental involvement by proposing development of a "red button" that could allow parents to control content and how long games are played. It did not elaborate as to what form this button would take.
Lol. Being too lazy to pay attention to your child is the shit in terms of modern parenting.

Mr Buckshot
February 11th, 2009, 11:00 PM
[/b]Lol. Being too lazy to pay attention to your child is the shit in terms of modern parenting.

Oh trust me, dumb parents will try to blame their kids' behavior on entertainment. Though, I'm still laughing hard at how Jack Thompson predicted that Cho Seung Hui of Virginia Tech was a counter-strike fan - then an investigation concluded that the guy wasn't even a gamer and when he did play games in the past they were nonviolent ones like Sonic.


February 12th, 2009, 10:19 AM
Theres TONS of articles out there that show that video games are good for you, of course in moderation though.

February 12th, 2009, 11:05 AM
Oh trust me, dumb parents will try to blame their kids' behavior on entertainment. Though, I'm still laughing hard at how Jack Thompson predicted that Cho Seung Hui of Virginia Tech was a counter-strike fan - then an investigation concluded that the guy wasn't even a gamer and when he did play games in the past they were nonviolent ones like Sonic.

Sonic is really violent when you think about it for a second...

poor little guy spends a lot of time being skewered on beds of razor sharp spikes

Mr Buckshot
February 12th, 2009, 11:30 AM
Theres TONS of articles out there that show that video games are good for you, of course in moderation though.

Yeah. Some can actually make you smarter - try the Myst series, it actually influenced my puzzle solving strategies.

February 12th, 2009, 12:11 PM
Critical thinking, improve reactions, theres lots of things that help you in day to day life. Driving games, give you a slight advantage in real life, they help give you a basic understanding of cornering, reversing, braking etc.

February 12th, 2009, 12:55 PM
I too have witnessed the "but I need a save-point" argument. My brother used it all the time. Me, I was well aware that I could press "save" from a start menu in most cases, but my brother was a more troublesome little bastard. His addiction to video games was an actual HAZARD, and he's the reason my first console was a 360... =_= I feel we should do away with save-points entirely! Have the industry adopt the save-anywhere practice, and end the progression of whiney, bitchy kids! >:| Then you've got your red button right there; the tv remote.

Actually, when you think about it, the tactics we used to use probably won't fly too well for the next generation of kids, considering the adults will be a little more tech-savvy.

February 12th, 2009, 08:23 PM
Finally, an article that doesn't bash video games. Games are meant to be fun. To me they're just like those toy cars and toy soldiers we used to play with when we were kids, except aimed at a much broader age range.
You played with toys when you were a little kid? I was playing WW2 flight simulators and quake 2...

I too have witnessed the "but I need a save-point" argument. My brother used it all the time. Me, I was well aware that I could press "save" from a start menu in most cases, but my brother was a more troublesome little bastard. His addiction to video games was an actual HAZARD, and he's the reason my first console was a 360... =_= I feel we should do away with save-points entirely! Have the industry adopt the save-anywhere practice, and end the progression of whiney, bitchy kids! >:| Then you've got your red button right there; the tv remote.

Actually, when you think about it, the tactics we used to use probably won't fly too well for the next generation of kids, considering the adults will be a little more tech-savvy.
Most kids in my middle school right now still don't know how to really use a computer, just the internet browser. They can't play movies or CDs or do anything else though. Also, the "I need to save" thing works well for me.