View Full Version : Meh server's coming back.

February 15th, 2009, 02:45 PM
Well thanks to (I don't know if I can say who this is yet), I can run more than 1 setlist on my server

So here's the details
There will be a total 5 setlists (which admins can change when ever they want)

Setlist one will be this

sv_mapcycle_add putput "SS_Slayer shotties"
sv_mapcycle_add deathisland "ss_CTF"
sv_mapcycle_add ratrace "ss_snipers (no shields)"
sv_mapcycle_add wizard "SS_Juggernaut"
sv_mapcycle_add dangercanyon "ss_tag"
sv_mapcycle_add prisoner "ss_team oddball"
sv_mapcycle_add timberland "ss_team slayer snipers"
sv_mapcycle_add sidewinder ss_team c king heavies"
sv_mapcycle_add icefields "ss_assault"
sv_mapcycle_beginSetlist 2
sv_mapcycle_add No_Remorse "ss_team slayer snipers"
sv_mapcycle_add teletubbies "ss_slayer shotties"
sv_mapcycle_add portent "ss_snipers (no shields)"
sv_mapcycle_add cliffrun "ss_tag"
sv_mapcycle_add Insomnia_map "ss_juggernaut"
sv_mapcycle_add cmt_v2_fragment "ss_team oddball"
sv_mapcycle_add delta_ruined "ss_king"
sv_mapcycle_add midship "ss_slayer (no pistols)
sv_mapcycle_add Sneak "ss_assault"
sv_mapcycle_add snowtorn_cove "ss_ctf"
sv_mapcycle_beginsetlist 3 (still needs gametypes)
sv_mapcycle_add OverGrown
sv_mapcycle_add immure2
sv_mapcycle_add ambush
sv_mapcycle_add tempo
sv_mapcycle_add new_mombassa_classic
sv_mapcycle_add sympathy_mp
sv_mapcycle_add pipe_dream
sv_mapcycle_add mystic
sv_mapcycle_add soli_deo_gloria
sv_mapcycle_add hydrolysis
sv_mapcycle_beginNow what other maps / gametypes do you want or want me to change in the first 2.

Also if someone has a gametype editor or know's how to edit the blam.lst please let me know because I'd love to make more gametypes without the pistol and maybe have a shotty sniper gametype or some other creative stuff. So please let me know. Also I want to be able to choose starting weapons like a sniper and plasma rifle or some other stuff. So if you know of a gametype editor or can edit blam.lst teach me. please.

February 15th, 2009, 03:18 PM
I say take off Blood Islands and Valkyrie RC2. I really didn't find those maps that fun when I played. Everything else seems pretty good though.

February 15th, 2009, 03:25 PM
Nice idea, but you should also look into some small maps too, seeing as half of the time there's never a full list of players.

I suggest these:
Delta Ruined

Also, post the links to the maps so it makes it easier for people to get the maps.

February 15th, 2009, 03:29 PM
Please take nightcamp off :S And make a maplist of smaller maps like ThePlague said.

Alwin Roth
February 15th, 2009, 03:41 PM
peril pl0x?

February 15th, 2009, 03:44 PM
peril pl0x?
Umm...no. Terrible map is terrible. It looks as if it wasn't even finished. Craptastic edges everywhere and like 1/4th of the map has shit uvw's.

February 15th, 2009, 03:55 PM
Uhhh, no they weren't, except for the ledge of the cliff. Don't talk about things you don't know, because I actually fixed the entire lighting and looked 100% better.

But thats offtopic.

Anyways looks like a good mapcycle is coming back. Id suggest this map,
And this one

February 15th, 2009, 04:07 PM
Less night camp, more helix canyon.

February 15th, 2009, 04:07 PM
Uhhh, no they weren't, except for the ledge of the cliff. Don't talk about things you don't know, because I actually fixed the entire lighting and looked 100% better.
I said nothing about lighting, and there were parts next to the ledges, the bases, and on some parts that had failure uvw's. Bad smoothing was a must in places also. I could make a box map with better game-play than perils.

February 15th, 2009, 04:08 PM
portent and I'll start playing CE again :)

February 15th, 2009, 04:11 PM
What gametypes is this server going to mostly focus on?

February 15th, 2009, 04:13 PM
What gametypes is this server going to mostly focus on?

killing the other team.

February 15th, 2009, 04:15 PM
I said nothing about lighting, and there were parts next to the ledges, the bases, and on some parts that had failure uvw's. Bad smoothing was a must in places also. I could make a box map with better game-play than perils.
I was never even saying that Peril had good gameplay in the first place, and half of the errors (Besides the shitty uvws) were caused by the poor lighting.

February 15th, 2009, 04:15 PM
killing the other team.
hurr...I mean more along the lines of CTF/Slayer/Oddball/KOTH/etc.

February 15th, 2009, 05:26 PM
Yeah I forgot about portent, that's a guarantee so don't worry portent will be on.
What do you guys think about teletubbies? should that map be in? it's very fun with all shotty slayer.

February 16th, 2009, 12:15 PM
Snowtorn Cove
cmt fragment v2
delta ruined
no remorse

Now help me on gametypes which gametypes are good for which map.
**Sorry for the double post but i felt is was necessary.

February 16th, 2009, 03:34 PM
Yeah I forgot about portent, that's a guarantee so don't worry portent will be on.
What do you guys think about teletubbies? should that map be in? it's very fun with all shotty slayer.
Oh hell yes, Illegal's finest work :awesome:

Also mystic mbmb?

February 16th, 2009, 04:44 PM
I had mystic on my last server and when I was checking the gametracker stats it said mystic was the least played. so I don't know.

February 16th, 2009, 04:58 PM
Oh hell yes, Illegal's finest work :awesome:

huh? teletubbies?

February 16th, 2009, 07:52 PM
Tried this exact same thing, and I was even using a paid server. You're going to get next to no activity on a server with ALL custom maps.

Good luck though!

February 16th, 2009, 09:36 PM
Yeah, my last attempt lasted for what a month then it got inactive,
Freelancer makes a good point.

So what if I had a server of Portent, No_remorse, teletubbies, cmt fragment v2, blood gulch, sidewinder, wizard, danger canyon and infinity.

February 16th, 2009, 09:57 PM
problem with any custom map server, is most players could give a shit less to even have any custom maps..
Even myself, I can't say I have many custom maps, cause the likelyhood of even 4 players being online, WITH the map, AND having a server running it, is almost impossible, unless I have a massive maps folder filled with crap loads of maps..

Kinda why I gave up on the whole map creating process in general XD

February 16th, 2009, 10:23 PM
Yoyorast still gets some hits...

February 17th, 2009, 12:12 AM
Yoyorast still gets some hits...
Yea but there's at least three Yoyorast_Island 24/7 servers usually. If only someone could build some kind of app that auto downloaded maps that players didn't have... God, Halo CE would be win. I'm sure that it would be possible, some kind of 3rd party application like Xfire that can throw a GUI over the Halo UI. When you try to join a server and get an invalid map file error, the app could pop up and ask you if you want to download it. If the server is using the server side part of the app the client app could grab the IP address of the server and download the map from the servers map folder.

I know next to nothing about coding, but I assume this would be incredibly hard.

February 17th, 2009, 01:07 AM
But that would involve restarting halo to make it register the new maps (read: too long, didn't DL).

February 17th, 2009, 08:21 AM

My favorite maps.

February 17th, 2009, 08:55 AM
Some servers like TG's are custom maps 24/7 and they're quite popular. Start with well known custom maps and then remove some and add a good custom map that not everyone has. But then people know it's worth downloading, even your server runs it. I think this is the way how 2MA servers work.

Alwin Roth
February 17th, 2009, 03:31 PM
Pen Island?

February 17th, 2009, 03:36 PM
Oddly pen island (http://hce.halomaps.org/index.cfm?fid=1255) doesn't look so bad.

February 17th, 2009, 04:31 PM
That made by zsdg06 lets players download the map if they don't have it. But that's trhough xfire. and all it does it open a browser and give them the search result of hte map at halomaps.org

Alwin Roth
February 17th, 2009, 07:55 PM
Oddly pen island (http://hce.halomaps.org/index.cfm?fid=1255) doesn't look so bad.

no i ment THE pen island (http://hce.halomaps.org/index.cfm?fid=1182)

February 17th, 2009, 08:09 PM
Gallows Pole (http://hce.halomaps.org/index.cfm?fid=229)
Snipers and pistols only.

Blood Islands (http://hce.halomaps.org/index.cfm?fid=175)
Assault rifles &/or shotguns.

Hydrolysis (http://hce.halomaps.org/index.cfm?fid=2611)
Assault Rifles & pistols.

Island Hop (http://hce.halomaps.org/index.cfm?fid=384)
Haven't tried it, yet, but it looks pretty good.

February 18th, 2009, 01:19 AM
Oddly pen island (http://hce.halomaps.org/index.cfm?fid=1255) doesn't look so bad.
Look at it from above.

Also, shoot the waterfall.

February 19th, 2009, 01:09 AM
Island Hop (http://hce.halomaps.org/index.cfm?fid=384)
Haven't tried it, yet, but it looks pretty good.

Boats don't work, and without those the maps are useless. The layouts of the tunnels and the islands are completely fucked.

February 19th, 2009, 01:55 AM
Island Hop (http://hce.halomaps.org/index.cfm?fid=384)
Haven't tried it, yet, but it looks pretty good.
Jump in a boat and you hit the skybox. Wish it worked :<

February 19th, 2009, 02:51 AM
I distinctly remember that map working just fine... I only played it ALONG time ago when it was first released though...

February 19th, 2009, 04:26 AM
If you want a water based map, do hydrolysis on team slayer/ctf.

February 19th, 2009, 10:34 AM
Yeah I was thinking about hydrolysis but then people were like omg we want small maps not uber big ones...

February 19th, 2009, 01:14 PM
I will NOT be doing a zombie server because I do not want to compete with Abyll's (who is doing a great job).

Then don't compete and put one up.

Just in case his server is full.

February 19th, 2009, 02:55 PM
Hydration and Excavation

February 19th, 2009, 08:05 PM
Then don't compete and put one up.

Just in case his server is full.There's also the beta clan's zombie server... I don't think we need another one.

February 19th, 2009, 09:15 PM
Oh, I didn't know there was another one.

February 21st, 2009, 04:14 PM
Here's a pic of today's game of Team Oddball on Prisoner
It was a tough yet fun game, I encourage you all the come join the server.
custom Maps will be on every other day, so it will switch off, custom regular custom regular.