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February 16th, 2009, 02:26 PM
As some of you remember, in an older thread I posted about my monitor crashing my pc, well the problem has changed slightly, and once again I'm tired of dealing with the result which is now something like this.


and the scaling goes all odd and shit, or the screen just goes black with huge white blotches, or just all black. The PC will still respond to input such as Start + L + S, but the image on the monitor will not change.

Most of the time this happens when I exit a game and the resolution switches back to my monitor's regular resolution (1920X1200) but has also happened in windows very rarely, but always during resolution switches.

So the good news is I don't get those pesky DirectX errors now, I just get crashes :downs:


e: also no the image is not crushed sideways, the image that my screen just gave me when it crashed was crushed sideways :S

February 16th, 2009, 02:39 PM
I don't remember what any of the options are in the ATI Control Panel, but there should be something similar to the following:


I know those options can really destroy your scaling if you have them set to some custom resolution/aspect ratio/scaling options. Try playing with the similar things in the ATI CP.

February 16th, 2009, 02:52 PM
I'm not having any problems with scaling though, I'm having problems with DirectX dying, and my PC's monitor going blank, or being stuck on some contorted image like the one I posted :S

February 16th, 2009, 04:00 PM
Is the display driver failing?