View Full Version : The $800 billion dollar Stimulus Bill
February 17th, 2009, 11:14 PM
I think it was a complete waste of time, money, and effort to get this bill to pass. I mean think about it. Mostly government programs are in this thing and all its going to do is make the economy worse! Over 1,100 pages of this bill is ridiculous! :mad:
Rob Oplawar
February 17th, 2009, 11:18 PM
Protip: don't get involved in politics threads when you're new. Politics threads always start a massive shit flinging contest, and people will eat the new guy alive.
Also, it's loaded with some shit, but it's not 100% useless, and nothing's going to be 100% perfect in this economy. It sucks, but somebody's gotta do something, and we can't keep bickering over it until we find the perfect solution. At some point we've got to act.
February 17th, 2009, 11:33 PM
what's better? To take action and attempt to remedy the problem or to do nothing and let the problem continue?
February 17th, 2009, 11:46 PM
I think it was a complete waste of time, money, and effort to get this bill to pass. I mean think about it. Mostly government programs are in this thing and all its going to do is make the economy worse! Over 1,100 pages of this bill is ridiculous! :mad:
It sounds like you've heard blurbs of your parents discussing this thing, and figure that's all the important details.
If you want to convey your point, support your opinions with facts and data.
Here's some facts:
-Economic crashes have happened before, and will continue to happen. However, as we learn what went wrong with the previous crash, we learn how NOT to let that happen for the next crash.
-The Great Depression was aggravated by a lack of government funding. Later economic crises were lessened by government funding, and thus it is a tried and true method to remedy economic troubles.
-Government programs are getting this beca--wait, what? Where else would the money go? Big business?
-Those 1,100 pages are important. If you don't specify HOW money should be spent, companies are going to misuse it (Like they did with the previous stimulus)
Finally: Please, please don't say your solution would be to print more money. Read some post-WWI history first.
E: Wait, what the hell? "Change is another word for socialism"? What?
February 17th, 2009, 11:55 PM
This forum has a lot of INTELLECTUAL people. And I mean it when I say that. I usually never post in political threads like this because of that.
February 18th, 2009, 12:50 AM
We should have spent that $800,000,000 $800,000,000,000 on our military, drafted every healthy man and woman above the age of 15 into the military and invaded China to make them forget our debt.
February 18th, 2009, 12:54 AM
We should have spent that $800,000,000 on our military, drafted every healthy man and woman above the age of 15 into the military and invaded China to make them forget our debt.
let's make another fallout 3!!
no but really guy don't fuck with the people on this forum they're mostly liberal and will blow your mind like yuri did the americans
February 18th, 2009, 01:39 AM
First post is correct.
The 800 billion dollars is literally not going to do anything at all, and only add to the debt. Which is of course the grand plan. Crash economy, buy up corporations at cheap as shit prices, just like before.
Mr Buckshot
February 18th, 2009, 01:39 AM
I'm coming to America for university. Something to stimulate the economy is definitely welcomed, the question is what steps are being taken to achieve that stimulation. It's a bit unnerving when the politicians use the number "billion" so casually though.
February 18th, 2009, 01:50 AM
It's not going to stimulate anything, other than the tight anus of Ben Bernanke as he wedges your superannuation up his ass.
February 18th, 2009, 05:42 AM
The bill isn't perfect (then again what is perfect in politics?) but something needs to be done with how bad a state this economy is in. I'm all for something that could help out both in the short run and long run. I hope this bill ends up being a good investment when passed but only time will tell whether or not this was a good investment. And quite frankly, I could careless that it's over 1000 pages long. Heck if it were 2000, bring it on. Can't have a bill without details... Last thing I want is a 2 page bill with regards to something like this.
February 18th, 2009, 05:57 AM
Here is the nitty gritty truth, researching the facts and simply looking at history and current states will prove it all correct. Please read if you wish to form a legible argument. If you don't read it, and further attempt to insult me with your own stupidity and ignorance, then you don't have the right to keep arguing if your going to ignore information.
The Federal Reserve Bank creates loans at interest. The US government gets all money from them in the form of government bonds. This 800 billion dollars will have to not only be re payed back, but also with interest which could effectively double or triple it by the time it's actually payed off.
That could be at minimum1.6 trillion dollars debt.
But here's the catch: It can't and won't ever be paid off. There isn't and wont be enough money in circulation to ever do so.
So why is this continuing?
Because our current system works, sure, works only as long as we can keep pumping fake stimulus packages into it. However, those won't work anymore, seeing as the bottleneck that has long been approaching since the formation of the FED has finally reached us.
So why is this continuing?
Because this federal reserve monetary way of economy was never intended to be solid. It was intended to be a long prolonged fail. The part where it crumbles is the part that is the most important to these owners of yours.
See when the market and the economy crashes (which it will, totally and undoubtedly fall to the ground [Japan is now in a depression, the others will follow suit]) stock values and share prices will plummet, and just like in the great depression, corporations and businesses that aren't currently owned by the government will be bought up at cheap prices (good palatable example is the current Midway game publisher shady bankruptcy, look it up).
So then when the corporations have monopolized and liquidated the former competition, what happens next?
The next stage of the new Tri Lateral Agreement. 3 grouped dollar markets, the Amero, the Euro(which already exists, thats a 3rd of the work gone already) and the Australasia.
Then of course those 3 will merge together creating the one world government.
Sounds like peace doesn't it? Joining together, becoming all good buddies and sharing the same rates and dollar, same conditions, same laws?
Peace, no, all the fish in one barrel? Yes.
Even ignoring all the federal reserve stuff, there is still the point that this money, can't ever be paid off.
Now does that 800 billion+ dollars of debt sound like help to you?
Does a man who endorses said problem, sound like a man you can put faith into? Says some little prepared speeches with no action and now all of a sudden he's a savior?
Sorry gang, but the government have literally pulled the ultimate race card out of the bag, and you've all fallen for it.
They used the black race as slaves in the beginning to build and industrialize their country, now they're using the black race against you to.....further rebuild and industrial your country while you become slaves to the very thing you swore to protect.
February 18th, 2009, 02:39 PM
I'm coming to America for university. Something to stimulate the economy is definitely welcomed, the question is what steps are being taken to achieve that stimulation. It's a bit unnerving when the politicians use the number "billion" so casually though.Here's the problem...
Corruption occurred for decades now.
We're really really fucked up.
We need to think not about billions and trillions and such... we need to think about where we want to be headed and how to get there.
Right now we want to recover ~3 trillion dollars (I hope I'm getting that number right) that vanished from our economy.
Billions right now are peanuts compared to the craphole we're sunk in.
February 18th, 2009, 02:49 PM
First post is correct.
The 800 billion dollars is literally not going to do anything at all, and only add to the debt. Which is of course the grand plan. Crash economy, buy up corporations at cheap as shit prices, just like before.
It's not going to stimulate anything, other than the tight anus of Ben Bernanke as he wedges your superannuation up his ass.
Here is the nitty gritty truth, researching the facts and simply looking at history and current states will prove it all correct. Please read if you wish to form a legible argument. If you don't read it, and further attempt to insult me with your own stupidity and ignorance, then you don't have the right to keep arguing if your going to ignore information.
The Federal Reserve Bank creates loans at interest. The US government gets all money from them in the form of government bonds. This 800 billion dollars will have to not only be re payed back, but also with interest which could effectively double or triple it by the time it's actually payed off.
That could be at minimum1.6 trillion dollars debt.
But here's the catch: It can't and won't ever be paid off. There isn't and wont be enough money in circulation to ever do so.
So why is this continuing?
Because our current system works, sure, works only as long as we can keep pumping fake stimulus packages into it. However, those won't work anymore, seeing as the bottleneck that has long been approaching since the formation of the FED has finally reached us.
So why is this continuing?
Because this federal reserve monetary way of economy was never intended to be solid. It was intended to be a long prolonged fail. The part where it crumbles is the part that is the most important to these owners of yours.
See when the market and the economy crashes (which it will, totally and undoubtedly fall to the ground [Japan is now in a depression, the others will follow suit]) stock values and share prices will plummet, and just like in the great depression, corporations and businesses that aren't currently owned by the government will be bought up at cheap prices (good palatable example is the current Midway game publisher shady bankruptcy, look it up).
So then when the corporations have monopolized and liquidated the former competition, what happens next?
The next stage of the new Tri Lateral Agreement. 3 grouped dollar markets, the Amero, the Euro(which already exists, thats a 3rd of the work gone already) and the Australasia.
Then of course those 3 will merge together creating the one world government.
Sounds like peace doesn't it? Joining together, becoming all good buddies and sharing the same rates and dollar, same conditions, same laws?
Peace, no, all the fish in one barrel? Yes.
Even ignoring all the federal reserve stuff, there is still the point that this money, can't ever be paid off.
Now does that 800 billion+ dollars of debt sound like help to you?
Does a man who endorses said problem, sound like a man you can put faith into? Says some little prepared speeches with no action and now all of a sudden he's a savior?
Sorry gang, but the government have literally pulled the ultimate race card out of the bag, and you've all fallen for it.
They used the black race as slaves in the beginning to build and industrialize their country, now they're using the black race against you to.....further rebuild and industrial your country while you become slaves to the very thing you swore to protect.
stop posting and go back to zogbush911fedreservezeitgeisttruthronpaul08cialoos
February 18th, 2009, 02:53 PM
I knew dane would have something to say. :P Msn with him on this topic is brain sizzling. Haha.
February 18th, 2009, 03:02 PM
I knew dane would have something to say. :P Msn with him on this topic is brain sizzling. Haha.
in the same sort of way that discussing geology with young earth creationists is brain sizzling
February 18th, 2009, 03:12 PM
There's one big difference between now and the Great Depression though...a disturbingly high proportion of jobs are now overseas, meaning less people here are hired, which translates to Americans not having money to spend. And then they don't spend, which cripples the economy further. having jobs over seas means that even if something were to kickstart the economy (like WWII did), a lot of that work is not being done here and a lot of that new money will not be payed to Americans, meaning it will take longer to get out of the hole.
Solution: annex China outsource less. I know outsourcing is a perfectly logical thing to do, and often benefits the consumer, but when shit hits the fan and all your money is leaving the country, then it's time to pack it in and head home...or leave completely and set up shop where your employee base is.
Rob Oplawar
February 18th, 2009, 05:39 PM
Here's my plan:
We look at it like an RTS.
The dumbasses are all allied with us right now. So we say to them: "Dudes I got a depression help me out send me some gold and iron and wood."
We take all we can get, then we spend half of all our money building a shitton of barackses and airports and factories and shit, and then spend the rest of our money building as many units as we can.
In the meantime, we go to Eurasia and build a bunch of cheap, strategically placed outposts- if our builders get taken out along the way it's no big deal, because the individual outpost is not the point.
We send out our builders and perhaps a couple of low-level units from our outposts into enemy territory and aggro some scouts, then retreat back into our "allies" territory. We keep doing this until our allies and enemies get drawn into their own conflicts and they say "Dued help us America" to which we will be forced to reply "shit dawg sorry I still gots a depression." Russia against Europe, the middle east against the other middle east, China against Korea, etc.
This is where the magic happens. We wait until our allies are almost dead, then we send in all the bombers we built at the airports and bomb the fuck out of Russia, the middle east, and Korea while they're still off ass raping our allies. They'll all immediately send their troops back, but their forces will be weakened from the fighting and exposed while moving. We use our remaining bombers to take down the units' armor while our ground troops sweep in to finish them off.
Now, depending on our success in these battles we may have two options. Either way, we have to immediately finish off our enemies before they recover, or else they'll retreat to some corner of the map world and annoy us for the rest of the game century, although they don't pose a serious threat anymore. If wiping them out hasn't dropped our army size too significantly, or if we can rebuild our units fast enough, we now have the option of un-allying and wiping out the rest of Europe, the middle East, and the far East, since they've already had their defenses destroyed.
We also take out Mexico and Canada as a matter of course, but that doesn't really take much strategizing.
Bang swoop, we now control the three northern continents; fuck the southern hemisphere, their continent bonuses are nowhere near ours. The game is won.
February 18th, 2009, 05:47 PM
Here's my plan:
We look at it like an RTS.
The dumbasses are all allied with us right now. So we say to them: "Dudes I got a depression help me out send me some gold and iron and wood."
We take all we can get, then we spend half of all our money building a shitton of barackses and airports and factories and shit, and then spend the rest of our money building as many units as we can.
In the meantime, we go to Eurasia and build a bunch of cheap, strategically placed outposts- if our builders get taken out along the way it's no big deal, because the individual outpost is not the point.
We send out our builders and perhaps a couple of low-level units from our outposts into enemy territory and aggro some scouts, then retreat back into our "allies" territory. We keep doing this until our allies and enemies get drawn into their own conflicts and they say "Dued help us America" to which we will be forced to reply "shit dawg sorry I still gots a depression." Russia against Europe, the middle east against the other middle east, China against Korea, etc.
This is where the magic happens. We wait until our allies are almost dead, then we send in all the bombers we built at the airports and bomb the fuck out of Russia, the middle east, and Korea while they're still off ass raping our allies. They'll all immediately send their troops back, but their forces will be weakened from the fighting and exposed while moving. We use our remaining bombers to take down the units' armor while our ground troops sweep in to finish them off.
Now, depending on our success in these battles we may have two options. Either way, we have to immediately finish off our enemies before they recover, or else they'll retreat to some corner of the map world and annoy us for the rest of the game century, although they don't pose a serious threat anymore. If wiping them out hasn't dropped our army size too significantly, or if we can rebuild our units fast enough, we now have the option of un-allying and wiping out the rest of Europe, the middle East, and the far East, since they've already had their defenses destroyed.
We also take out Mexico and Canada as a matter of course, but that doesn't really take much strategizing.
Bang swoop, we now control the three northern continents; fuck the southern hemisphere, their continent bonuses are nowhere near ours. The game is won.
February 18th, 2009, 05:51 PM
alright rob but what do we do about the russian zeppelins
February 18th, 2009, 05:55 PM
alright rob but what do we do about the russian zeppelins
Zeppelins are the worst possible military unit. They are floating - not flying, but FLOATING - targets filled with highly combustible materials. I still don't get why a single rifle shot doesn't destroy them in any video game they've been in.
So, with that bit cleared up, rob's plan should be foolproof.
February 18th, 2009, 06:00 PM
This thread is getting better and better.
February 18th, 2009, 06:05 PM
Zeppelins are the worst possible military unit. They are floating - not flying, but FLOATING - targets filled with highly combustible materials. I still don't get why a single rifle shot doesn't destroy them in any video game they've been in.
So, with that bit cleared up, rob's plan should be foolproof.But... but... but...
They'll bomb our construction yard :O
February 18th, 2009, 06:12 PM
Oh heres a great idea, lets add $800,000,000,000 to the $64,000,000,000,000 debt pile!
In all seriousness, action is needed,problem is I bet they are throwing the money at areas which woke help the situation. Apparently the car industry wants $21 billion to help them out.
February 18th, 2009, 06:12 PM
But... but... but...
They'll bomb our construction yard :O
Build some AA defense and you'll be fine.
Edit: This stimulus plan will buy us time, but to fix the economy we have to start limiting imports and start increasing our exports. Our money is going to other countries from us buying too many imports. We need to get manufacturing jobs back in America so that we can start exporting crap instead of importing it.
February 18th, 2009, 06:29 PM
Build some AA defense and you'll be fine.
Edit: This stimulus plan will buy us time, but to fix the economy we have to start limiting imports and start increasing our exports. Our money is going to other countries from us buying too many imports. We need to get manufacturing jobs back in America so that we can start exporting crap instead of importing it.
they'd destroy your SAMs with a joint apocalypse tank/flak trooper assault :(
e: again doing something is better than nothing
i back this bill but with caution
February 18th, 2009, 09:32 PM
Zeppelins are the worst possible military unit. They are floating - not flying, but FLOATING - targets filled with highly combustible materials. I still don't get why a single rifle shot doesn't destroy them in any video game they've been in.
So, with that bit cleared up, rob's plan should be foolproof.
Helium ain't explosive yo
February 18th, 2009, 09:33 PM
We should really have a depressing section in the forum, especially for threads like this. Politics make me depressed :(
February 18th, 2009, 09:36 PM
what's better? To take action and attempt to remedy the problem or to do nothing and let the problem continue?
oh god america is in so much dept to it's own fed bank and other nations that i don't think this problem will ever be solved.
February 18th, 2009, 09:56 PM
oh god america is in so much dept to it's own fed bank and other nations that i don't think this problem will ever be solved.
Again, I have an easy solution. War. Fuck Diplomacy, fuck the world, fuck "bilateral treaties" and this sanction rubbish.
World War Fucking 3. The answer to humanities problems. Global warming? Who cares if we're all dead. Credit crisis? Fuck credit, you'll be lucky to have enough firewood to burn for your caveman camp fire. Auto market in the toilet? The only thing that car will be good for is caveman shelter.
This post is more rational than most of the political posts on this site.
...welp, war did help us out of The Great Depression anyway...
February 18th, 2009, 10:42 PM
Yes, but that was only because there was stuff for people to make and now people don't make things.
Machines do.
Unless you wanna stop every machinery and go back to good ol' hand-on (which many won't be willing), war won't help the same way.
February 18th, 2009, 10:58 PM
Helium ain't explosive yoWho said a thing about helium? Every game I've seen zeppelins in they've had an infinite supply of highly-explosive munitions strapped to their undersides. Just one shot and the whole thing would blow up, no matter what.
February 18th, 2009, 11:46 PM
My entire post was a jest =P.
If you really think about it deep enough, the war time spending that happened as a result of entry into WWII was more like a gigantic public-works project; it grabbed the unemployed, stuck them into long underused factories and turned the unused manufacturing potential towards something, allowing our nation to grow.
Something tells me that fighting a new war won't have that effect because businesses are completely different now. However, if effort was put into something else on a similar scale, then things would be much better for the US. Things that pop into my mind; Finding alternative sources of energy, cleaning up our vehicles, etc. Too bad the US is only interested in nationalizing banks and making half-hearted attempts at making our cars appealing to anyone.
February 19th, 2009, 12:01 AM
[21:58] Boba: "Zeppelins are the worst possible military unit. They are floating - not flying, but FLOATING - targets filled with highly combustible materials. I still don't get why a single rifle shot doesn't destroy them in any video game they've been in."
[21:58] Boba: what if said zeppelin was constructed of lead
[21:58] Boba: and was powered by METAL
February 19th, 2009, 12:03 AM
Who said a thing about helium? Every game I've seen zeppelins in they've had an infinite supply of highly-explosive munitions strapped to their undersides. Just one shot and the whole thing would blow up, no matter what.
Make boolets, not bombs
February 19th, 2009, 02:27 AM
stop posting and go back to zogbush911fedreservezeitgeisttruthronpaul08cialoos
Hey CN, try actually responding to peoples posts rather than quoting them for an excuse to whore your tired forced memes out while sitting on that fence of yours.
Your happy enough to dismiss things but won't ever contribute. This makes your posts hard to take seriously because you seem to be simply trolling, and lacking in effort at that I must say.
I see many many facts to thoroughly prove that we are fucked, and the US government and the FED is the main contributing cause and I and many others haven't seen or heard of any to suggest the opposite. Your only 'argument' seems to be :insert emoticon and ron paul jibberish here: it's just how it is.
Post the facts (or conspiracies) to suggest that the economy and our continuing transgression is not the cause of the underhanded shady dealings of the government and the fed and I'll happily accept defeat.
I'm not anti information here, I'm anti people who seem to be against critical thinking. Which is what you don't do.
February 19th, 2009, 03:04 AM
i demand evidence of others while providing none for my own shitty retarded conspiracy theories
February 19th, 2009, 06:02 AM
Dane your asking CN to do thing which are impossible for him.
He just turns up to threads, posts shit, -reps and fucks off. Never bothering to actually post evidence or facts or what not.
I'm pretty sure 800 billion isnt going to be enough.
February 19th, 2009, 08:08 AM
Again, I have an easy solution. War. Fuck Diplomacy, fuck the world, fuck "bilateral treaties" and this sanction rubbish.
World War Fucking 3. The answer to humanities problems. Global warming? Who cares if we're all dead. Credit crisis? Fuck credit, you'll be lucky to have enough firewood to burn for your caveman camp fire. Auto market in the toilet? The only thing that car will be good for is caveman shelter.
This post is more rational than most of the political posts on this site.
...welp, war did help us out of The Great Depression anyway...
just because it great jobs doesn't mean it's dept free. the only ones who benefit from war are high profile bank owners. as we need money to go to war which we need to barrow from the federal bank with interest, which create more dept.
February 19th, 2009, 12:48 PM
CN you're asking Dane to do things which are impossible for him.
He just turns up to threads, posts shit, -reps and fucks off. Never bothering to actually post evidence or facts or what not.
hey, sup, fixed your post ~>
February 19th, 2009, 03:34 PM
just because it great jobs doesn't mean it's dept free. the only ones who benefit from war are high profile bank owners. as we need money to go to war which we need to barrow from the federal bank with interest, which create more dept.
Do you know how total wars are funded?
Bonds. Lots and lots of bonds. Sure, now they owe money to the people, but with activity back home, we can now generate it. Rob's plan, applied to a real-world scenario with less abbreviated activities, would actually be a good plan if it could be set up without being detected (which is admittedly unlikely). How did America become the dominant power in the first place? Reconstructions after World Wars I and II. We didn't have to set those up, but we need another similar setup now, and there isn't one (so make one! =D).
In similar line of thought, if Africa were reliable about paying back debts, we'd have a banking gold mine there, but you can't expect to collect when the government you lent out money to three weeks earlier is gone and replaced by a new one saying the terms of the loan are void.
February 20th, 2009, 08:30 PM
"Why should I have to pay for someone else's mistake BY FORCE? Really, I'll help the less fortunate or downed when I want to, but when I'm forced to pay for funds that go to other people's problems..."
^This is the question that is being toiled with now. I'm agreeing with it because my family works hard and is getting along enough to where we can barely pay our bills. The stimulus plan is bared on the middle class, which if it continues with more and more then we'll end up being the victims of the economic stage too. The money Obama is giving to people is so insufficient and nearly useless compared to what we'll have to pay in the future if this continues. That's what I've gathered from the news, my parents (who are intelligent individuals in this matter), and just plain common sense.
I don't like this economy, but instead of forcing people to pay for others' needs in their taxes, you should rally up support and keep some of these huge ass businesses from taking fucking vacations.
I see what Obama is trying to do though, so who can blame him, yet I'm not sure if it's the option for the moment. It's almost socialist, just not to an extreme (thankfully).
February 21st, 2009, 08:58 PM
...welp, war did help us out of The Great Depression anyway...
where already in the war on Trevor :v:
February 21st, 2009, 09:08 PM
I agree with the just random giving out of cash to people who didnt earn it. Now schools budgets are being cut because of this. The schools need newer technology to function with everyday life, but this random giving out of cash just makes people more lazy and drop out. They figure, if they act innocent enough, they will get a big check from the government. So.. Everything else is alright with me, just not this.
February 21st, 2009, 09:44 PM
a 300 dollar stimulus check isn't going to encourage anyone to be a dropout.
February 21st, 2009, 09:47 PM
Minors don't even get a check do they? And any College student knows how valuable 300$ is.
February 21st, 2009, 09:49 PM
you don't get a check unless you paid taxes.
February 21st, 2009, 09:55 PM
And with the shit pay most students make, I doubt anyone is going to drop out RobertGraham
February 21st, 2009, 10:07 PM
Okay, sorry geez, do we have to go on offense about this? MASTERS...
February 21st, 2009, 10:47 PM
I think this is the one time today I wasn't trying to be offensive actually.
February 22nd, 2009, 01:58 AM
I think this is the one time today I wasn't trying to be offensive actually.
vOv could've fooled me.
February 22nd, 2009, 01:28 PM
Something tells me that fighting a new war won't have that effect because businesses are completely different now. However, if effort was put into something else on a similar scale, then things would be much better for the US. Things that pop into my mind; Finding alternative sources of energy, cleaning up our vehicles, etc. Too bad the US is only interested in nationalizing banks and making half-hearted attempts at making our cars appealing to anyone.
I agree. The only reason that World War II ended the depression is because it allowed FDR to spend the kind of money he had always wanted to without futile attempts to balance the budget constantly. Republicans had to choose between their militarism and their all-curing free-market silliness, a conflict of hurrs you might say. World War II made expansive government spending unavoidable.
If people got their heads out of their asses and realized that a balanced budget isn't going to be feasible when an ass-backwards financial system has made the government the only remaining viable generator of economic demand and would just let the money start flowing in realistic quantities to some half-useful causes we could slow unemployment and decline while trying to fix a number of social and infrastructural problems in the process.
February 22nd, 2009, 01:31 PM
WWII only helped us out of the Great Depression because we didn't fight in it till later. We recovered our economy by selling Military Hardware to European and Asian Countries that were fighting Japan and Germany. That is what got us out of the Depression, not us actually fighting the war.
Us starting a war would only make things worse.
Also Graham, there is $50Billion in the stimulus that is going to go to schools.
February 22nd, 2009, 04:47 PM
Sure, us manufacturing arms for other countries helped the US out, but so did manufacturing arms for ourselves. The bottom line is that it created jobs, not that the US got money from it. With people earning money, they spent more, and thus the economy pulled itself up. WWII would have helped the US out regardless of its entry date.
March 3rd, 2009, 10:01 PM
Woot, Just got a raise. Fuck you recession,
March 3rd, 2009, 10:07 PM
Nice bump.
March 3rd, 2009, 10:13 PM
Sure, us manufacturing arms for other countries helped the US out, but so did manufacturing arms for ourselves. The bottom line is that it created jobs, not that the US got money from it. With people earning money, they spent more, and thus the economy pulled itself up. WWII would have helped the US out regardless of its entry date.
I know a guy who makes 350,000 US a year for welding Patriot missiles. And I know that the guys who work at gun factories make around 50,000 US a year. The fact is that guns are a definite business enterprise. After all, the invention that allows us to dominate every species on the face of this planet is in very high demand all over the world. The US government should shut down all of its money-sucking air force programs and focus on our infantry and firearm manufacturing. Put some goddamn M-16s in peoples hands so they can defend themselves from all da crazies all over the world. But tahts just my opinion.
By the way, the majority of the money in the stimulus goes to small businesses. And buying out corporations isn't a bad thing; we did it in the 30's to very much success.
March 3rd, 2009, 10:15 PM
Nice bump.
It's semi-legit :)
March 3rd, 2009, 11:06 PM
Lol, masters got banned.
March 4th, 2009, 02:51 AM
Old news bub...
March 4th, 2009, 06:44 PM
Lol, masters got banned.
March 4th, 2009, 06:54 PM
hey fuck this, they take no federal out of my check now which means I won't get many taxes back end-year.
March 4th, 2009, 06:58 PM
First post is correct.
The 800 billion dollars is literally not going to do anything at all, and only add to the debt. Which is of course the grand plan. Crash economy, buy up corporations at cheap as shit prices, just like before.
mate seriously no
this is almost as ridiculous as the new world order thing i'd better let them know they're still onto us at the next meeting of the world domination committee
March 4th, 2009, 07:20 PM
this is almost as ridiculous as the new world order thing
b-but bush 41 said..
March 4th, 2009, 07:46 PM
Old news bub...
not to me
:saddowns: (
March 4th, 2009, 07:49 PM
I love amerika
March 4th, 2009, 07:50 PM
i know :(
March 4th, 2009, 08:43 PM
Wait, Masterz is seriously banned? For wut?
March 4th, 2009, 08:50 PM
Being a dick, probably.
March 4th, 2009, 09:27 PM
Wait, Masterz is seriously banned? For wut?Someone mentioned it like 2 pages back I think
March 4th, 2009, 11:15 PM
Lets not talk about masters behind his back. Hes not a Strider, lolz
March 7th, 2009, 03:43 PM
my dad lost his job the other day.
March 7th, 2009, 05:42 PM
Sucks, bro. Mine lost his at the end of last year, but we all saw it coming and he managed to pick up his redundancy package literally days before the company went bankrupt.
Mr Buckshot
March 8th, 2009, 12:29 PM
Strangely, in these bad times my mother's company's business actually became better than ever, she works 7 days a week in a tutoring centre that, well, helps students, typically high school ones, with homework and to prepare for exams, etc. Probably because more students are deciding to pursue post-secondary studies rather than find jobs immediately after graduation due to these bad times, hence they decide to get some extra help to improve their chances. I guess the education sector really can hold its own against economic turndowns, just like the medical sector. I'm considering that field as a possible career nowadays. The trades are holding up ok but it's only those that are directly useful to society, e.g. plumbing, electricity, those like carpentry and stuff are hit bloody hard.
Still though, I'm seeing lots of "employment spaces available" at food court stalls.
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