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View Full Version : Rejected! Westboro Church Members Banned from UK

February 19th, 2009, 11:50 AM

A father and daughter from a US church which preaches hatred of homosexuals have been banned from entering the UK.
Fred Phelps and his daughter Shirley Phelps-Roper from the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) had urged protests against a play being put on in Hampshire.
Queen Mary's College in Basingstoke is staging The Laramie Project, a play about a man killed for being gay.
Mrs Phelps-Roper told BBC News Online the decision would "bring great wrath upon your heads".
She warned other members of the church, who are not as well known to the authorities, will be trying to get into the UK to protest.
"There are members of WBC that are not named Phelps," she added.

"So they [the authorities] might have their work cut out for them.
"Unless they intend to begin checking the bare backsides of every person coming into that country to find that tattoo that says 'Property of WBC' - they will have no way of identifying who is from WBC."
She called the British government "filthy" for thinking they have the power "to keep the word of God from coming into her borders".
The UK Border Agency said it opposed "extremism in all its forms".
A spokesman added: "Both these individuals have engaged in unacceptable behaviour by inciting hatred against a number of communities.
"We will continue to stop those who want to spread extremism, hatred and violent messages in our communities from coming to our country.
"The exclusions policy is targeted at all those who seek to stir up tension and provoke others to violence regardless of their origins and beliefs."
....View article for moreYup so Fred and his daughter have been banned from entering the UK. I am delighted of course as it means we will have 2 less pieces of scum roaming out streets, spreading misguided ignorant hatred.

The play is occurring in my county (state) if it were closer I'd go along just tu hurl some abuse back at the crazy westboro peeps.

The documentary that a British guy filmed probably had a big affect on the ruling, considering it showed a banner with Princess Diana on it saying some hateful slogan.

Actually its kinda bad they got banned, because the police here wont protect them, a few are still coming.

February 19th, 2009, 02:07 PM
I would enjoy feeding that woman to sharks.

February 19th, 2009, 02:23 PM
I would enjoy feeding that woman to sharks.

Come on, you can think of worse. :rolleyes:

February 19th, 2009, 02:26 PM
I would have sharks rape her
then eat her

February 19th, 2009, 02:27 PM
Even I have my limits.

February 19th, 2009, 02:38 PM
They can be as homophobic as they want, its their zealotry I can't stand. Granted, by their interpretation of the Baptist faith, they are supposed to be zealots, so there's really no stopping that.

February 19th, 2009, 02:41 PM
I dont see why the police wont turn a blind eye and let people kick the shit out of these idiots.

February 19th, 2009, 02:53 PM
They can be as homophobic as they want, its their zealotry I can't stand. Granted, by their interpretation of the Baptist faith, they are supposed to be zealots, so there's really no stopping that.

My boyfriend is baptist. His family is baptist. They love and accept us both.

February 19th, 2009, 03:00 PM
That's ridiculous. Why is it always the women that are complete and total bitches?

February 19th, 2009, 03:21 PM
For the same reason that women would make more dangerous soldiers than men: because most of them are single-minded psychopaths who are hellbent on their point of view, and anything that defies them is inherently wrong. They very rarely stray from the way they were brought up. Ever tried arguing with a woman before? :v:

Once a bitch, always a bitch.

February 19th, 2009, 03:30 PM
Oh no stupid americans who obviously didn't do enough acid in the 70s preaching stupid shit, what will we ever do!

February 19th, 2009, 04:16 PM
Now we just need to ban them from the US and half of our social problems would be solved.

February 19th, 2009, 04:52 PM
People like that should be legal game, seriously.

February 19th, 2009, 05:21 PM
My boyfriend is baptist. His family is baptist. They love and accept us both.
Reread my post, I never said baptists were homophobic.
Two separate statements.

February 19th, 2009, 06:37 PM
Ever tried arguing with a woman before? :v:

Yea, just end the argument with "I'm right." That'll get em.

February 19th, 2009, 10:42 PM
Good choice. Last thing they need are morons starting riots with their protests... When they die, I seriously wonder if someone is actually going to do a protest on them for payback.

Reaper Man
February 19th, 2009, 11:05 PM
People like that should be legal game, seriously.

Mr Buckshot
February 19th, 2009, 11:24 PM
Well, that's what happens when freedom of speech is abused.

Homophobic or not, I hate any kind of religious person who tries to preach to non-believers. You can say what you want about people of different sexualities or different races or different religions, just don't try to preach it as the "right" way of thought. Encountered a few such people in L.A. before, except they weren't homophobic, they were saying that "you don't convert God will have his wrath, blah blah blah," I gave one of them a hard shove in the chest because he was standing in my way, caused him to drop all his rubbish too :D

Good thing the U.K. has the sensibility to ban these people from their country. As for what others have said, I wouldn't go as far as to say they should be killed, but they should be banned from civilization. Drop them onto some remote unpopulated island, there we won't see them again, they'll be happy too because they won't see anyone who doesn't think the way they do.

February 20th, 2009, 02:35 PM
They don't like being with people who think like they do...they want to be around people who don't think like they do, because it makes them feel "superior."

February 20th, 2009, 08:00 PM
Alright, you can disagree with something and even announce to the public about your opinion, but I'm positive persecution is against the Bible, it's hypocrisy. Also, they should realize that people aren't going to follow the same ideas as you do. This should have already said that they've taken they're condemning (which is considered a no-no as a part of Christian ideas) too far. Next to that, they're method of trying to convert people is totally off par. People need to reach for religions themselves, not being pressured by other people. You can guide others in religion, but you can't force them into it.

A.K.A, they are beyond radical.

February 20th, 2009, 08:04 PM
Westboro Church members (and other Fundamentalist Christians) are like real life trolls. They just try and get in arguments with people they disagree with.

February 20th, 2009, 08:12 PM
Dude, I know a lady like that in my neighborhood who tricked the Feds and fucked with my neighbors' lives because she can't stay in her own damn business. She got immunities from her "reporting." My neighbors now can't get a job and are in serious shit for the rest of their lives. The case was dropped months before, but with the economic shit going on, they wanted cases and money so they brought up the federal case again. It's shit like this that really makes me question the Feds.

February 22nd, 2009, 07:30 PM
Alright, you can disagree with something and even announce to the public about your opinion, but I'm positive persecution is against the Bible, it's hypocrisy. Also, they should realize that people aren't going to follow the same ideas as you do. This should have already said that they've taken they're condemning (which is considered a no-no as a part of Christian ideas) too far. Next to that, they're method of trying to convert people is totally off par. People need to reach for religions themselves, not being pressured by other people. You can guide others in religion, but you can't force them into it.

A.K.A, they are beyond radical.
This is probably the first thing I've read from you which doesn't rage me, because you're exactly right. People like this do little more than use religion as an excuse to try shove their own pathetic 'morals' down everyone else's throat, when they're going against every single value that religion promotes. They're on par with the Taliban and should be treated as such, because when push comes to shove, they're just Christianity's counterpart.

February 22nd, 2009, 09:00 PM
Basically, they go to extremes and take one part of the Bible as their guidelines, which judging by the talking it's from the Old Testament, and they go on a frenzy about it. Well, I'll tell you now, the Old Testament is filled with stuff people did that would never fly now-a-days nor after the first quarter of the New Testament, or even in half of the Old Testament. In other words, they look into the Bible and find in a tale in the Old Testament that people stoned someone for being gay. That's what they use as guidelines to carry out their acts. They only look at one sentence instead of the whole paragraph.

February 22nd, 2009, 09:12 PM
I love people like these.
I usualy wait 5 minutes for them to get started with how the bible says all and tells all, then i offer them to have a look in dictionary and see what real truth looks like.
if that fails then i offer them to listen to some Rammstein and then see what their response is.
All in all, a majority of the stupidity on this planet are from religous fanatics.

February 22nd, 2009, 09:19 PM
I love people like these.
I usualy wait 5 minutes for them to get started with how the bible says all and tells all, then i offer them to have a look in dictionary and see what real truth looks like.
if that fails then i offer them to listen to some Rammstein and then see what their response is.
All in all, a majority of the stupidity on this planet are from religous fanatics.
Delete everything until the last sentence. Then you'll actually make decent sense.

The dictionary is a glossary for terms we use in the modern language. If that is what you use as a Bible, then you are no different than the other radicals. I mean really, a dictionary, something that is changed by people on a yearly basis? Please come up with analogies that make sense.

The last sentence is technically incorrect. People in general are stupid. Stupidity is just stupidity. But you also see alot of atheists/non-religious folk doing stupid shit too. You're putting your words into what you disagree upon as a whole, not directing them at the Radicals, but at general religious people. Stop doing that. It makes you look ignorant.

February 23rd, 2009, 01:54 AM
i'm impressed darkhalo.

you've stepped up a notch in my book.
this puts you at notch 1.
keep it up.

February 23rd, 2009, 07:42 AM
Delete everything until the last sentence. Then you'll actually make decent sense.

The dictionary is a glossary for terms we use in the modern language. If that is what you use as a Bible, then you are no different than the other radicals. I mean really, a dictionary, something that is changed by people on a yearly basis? Please come up with analogies that make sense.

The last sentence is technically incorrect. People in general are stupid. Stupidity is just stupidity. But you also see alot of atheists/non-religious folk doing stupid shit too. You're putting your words into what you disagree upon as a whole, not directing them at the Radicals, but at general religious people. Stop doing that. It makes you look ignorant.
Are you telling me that the majority of stupidity on this planet is not from religous extremists?
Scientoology, hammas and so on?
By fanatics i mean radicals or which ever you wish to call them, i personaly preffer to call them fanatics.

February 23rd, 2009, 09:57 AM
Well, the majority of stupidity in England is from chavs with no religious background. Being an extremist does not mean you are stupid - some of them are extremely intelligent - they're just jerks.
I agree, Chavs over here are rather stupid, although there can be some epic luls at messing with their neanderthal like mind especialy at the college i used to goto.
Some of the extremists can't be that smart though, they keep blowing themselves up.

February 23rd, 2009, 02:05 PM
I agree, Chavs over here are rather stupid, although there can be some epic luls at messing with their neanderthal like mind especialy at the college i used to goto.
Some of the extremists can't be that smart though, they keep blowing themselves up.

Agree 100%.

Even Mormons (like me) who don't accept Homosexuality as okay or allow it in our religion; haven't been banned from the UK.

February 23rd, 2009, 04:45 PM
i still don't get why she can't go into the UK?

February 23rd, 2009, 04:59 PM
Because England still has standards as far as who they let into the country goes?

The one good thing about Australia still not having any actual bill of human rights is that fuckheads like these have none. We can lock the bastards away and chuck the key for all the government cares.

February 23rd, 2009, 07:05 PM
Well, the majority of stupidity in England is from chavs with no religious background. Being an extremist does not mean you are stupid - some of them are extremely intelligent - they're just jerks.

why does it matter if the chav has no religious background
they're annoying fucks regardless

e: Dwood, Mormons are a: too large of a group to ban from the UK and b: you aren't crazy bastards
i mean to be honest i find your beliefs very different from mine but you aren't zealots about it (minus the whole preaching Mormonism to others on your little pilgrimage thing)
oh ps don't bother talking about your opinion on homosexuality; it'll cause a shitstorm.

February 23rd, 2009, 07:27 PM
e: Dwood, Mormons are a: too large of a group to ban from the UK and b: you aren't crazy
i mean to be honest i find your beliefs very different from mine but you aren't zealots about it (minus the whole preaching Mormonism to others on your little pilgrimage thing)
oh ps don't bother talking about your opinion on homosexuality; it'll cause a shitstorm.

A little late on that one. Mainly why I disabled my rep. :D:v:

Wait I don't think I've gotten into a homosexuality discussion yet have I?

We've gone into so many I can't remember lol.

As a group, us Mormons are tolerantly Zealous, perhaps? Not radical but not "that's fine w/ me"

February 23rd, 2009, 07:33 PM
EDIT: Stupid Post

February 23rd, 2009, 07:59 PM
IMO Christianity is bullshit. How would you believe a book? That's like me looking through a magazine and picking things out and saying "If you don't buy this item, you are going to hell". There is no sure way to tell that Moses, or even god for that matter, wrote the bible. In my eyes, I have to see to believe.

NOTE: Not Christian, no religion, kthnxbai

dear guy: shut up you're posting just to offend people

February 23rd, 2009, 09:02 PM
IMO Christianity is bullshit. How would you believe a book? That's like me looking through a magazine and picking things out and saying "If you don't buy this item, you are going to hell". There is no sure way to tell that Moses, or even god for that matter, wrote the bible. In my eyes, I have to see to believe.

NOTE: Not Christian, no religion, kthnxbai

Because proper christians DON'T spread kindess and good faith to their fellow man.
Because proper christians DON'T donate money to charity and adoption organizations like the starving kid commercials on TV.
Because proper christians DON'T respect everyone else and AREN'T kind and giving to all they meet.


Leave these forums right now. You have slandered my faith and I find you nothing less than a belligerent parasite.

February 23rd, 2009, 09:17 PM
EDIT: Another Stupid Post

February 23rd, 2009, 09:27 PM
You may do all those things, I never said you were a bad person, I said the religion was stupid.

Because that makes what you say any better.

Second, so my opinion doesn't matter because of what your faith says? lol, Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, and if you don't, then you need to get that checked.

You're opinion is irrelevant in my eyes because I see you nothing less as a troll, a parasite, a waste of existence.

No I am not posting to offend people, I am posting my public opinion on an Internet forum, if you don't agree, do not reply in such ways that will start an argument.

Then watch what you say. This may be the internet but thats NO EXCUSE to disregard common courtesy.

If you really want an Argument, just add me on Xfire. I will be your entertainment.
I'm not particularly sure that would be healthy for either of us, especially for you.

You've only been here a short time and you've already proven you do not belong here, at least in my eyes. Honestly though I'm not surprised, we get a lot of people like you now.

Just leave.


Rejected! Westboro... February 23rd, 2009 10:26 PM RobertGraham Hai, I liek satan too

That's all I needed to know. You're nothing more than a troll who bashes religion for fun. What a waste of a soul.

February 23rd, 2009, 09:33 PM
I edited my posts, sorry for the stupidity.

February 23rd, 2009, 09:34 PM
IMO Christianity is bullshit.
There's no need for posts like this, especially when your opinion is totally irrelevant to the subject of discussion, which is banning zealous church members. Your post is an outright flamebait. Unplug your keyboard and smash your face with it, thanks.

Ps, don't post in such ways which will start an argument.

February 24th, 2009, 02:19 AM
There's no need for posts like this, especially when your opinion is totally irrelevant to the subject of discussion, which is banning zealous church members. Your post is an outright flamebait. Unplug your keyboard and smash your face with it, thanks.

Ps, don't post in such ways which will start an argument.
y0 thanks brosef <3

Don't knock a religion just because of a few nuts. Every single one has its fair share and so does atheism, for that matter. If you absolutely must generalise something as stupid, try "humanity as a whole is stupid". It's still not entirely true, but at least it's not biased.

February 24th, 2009, 08:17 AM
This is probably one of the only reasons why I like living in England.
Although it's gotten too PC recently, it's awesome having so much tolerance of any belief (Living in London, it's one thing we all have to get used to).
Take those atheist bus ads for example ("You know, there probably is no God. So stop worrying and start living") that are on quite a few buses in London.
I've had a catholic upbringing (although I'm now an atheist), and the only things I see wrong with that faith is the way they disagree with contraception even though there are crises such as AIDS throughout the world, which strongly contradicts their core beliefs.
However it's extremist sections of faith such as Evangelicals that I don't agree with, as they seem to preach love as well as a syndicate of criminals.
I agree with rossmum, there's no reason to target specific religions/beliefs (or lack thereof) as a whole, since within each religion there is quite possibly a spectrum of different beliefs within them.
Either way, I'm damn proud of my country for doing this.

Because England still has standards as far as who they let into the country goes?

Let's hope it stays that way.
Come back to England, rossmum...