View Full Version : "an eye for an eye"

February 20th, 2009, 09:17 PM
Interested to see what you guys think about this story:

Is it right? The guy must've had some kind of mental problem. Would you have taken the money? After all, making someone else blind isn't going to make you any less blind.

February 20th, 2009, 09:34 PM
you know
as much as i completely disagree with the notion of an eye for an eye

this motherfucker deserves acid in his eyes

February 20th, 2009, 09:35 PM
"I don't want to blind him for revenge," Bahrami said in her parents' Tehran apartment. "I'm doing this to prevent it from happening to someone else." GTFO my planet, you fucking liar. Put him in prison then.

Mr Buckshot
February 20th, 2009, 09:35 PM
No it's not right, and it's pointless. As long as the man is kept behind bars he won't attack anyone else. It's Iran, not the West, so it's unlikely the man will get out of prison anytime soon.

February 20th, 2009, 09:37 PM
But isn't there the argument of you murder, you get the death penalty? Isn't this just the same thing, but on a smaller scale?

Mr Buckshot
February 20th, 2009, 09:39 PM
I support capital punishment, but I wouldn't consider that to be an eye for an eye type of sentence.

Yes it is horrible, what happened to this woman's eyes, but IMO doing the same to the attacker's eyes achieves nothing.

February 20th, 2009, 09:40 PM
But isn't there the argument of you murder, you get the death penalty? Isn't this just the same thing, but on a smaller scale?

The death penalty is only applied in a case where the person is essentially guaranteed to be a danger to those around them
then again this is Iran thats hardly true at all

February 20th, 2009, 09:44 PM
But isn't there the argument of you murder, you get the death penalty? Isn't this just the same thing, but on a smaller scale?
The people who think the Hammurabi Code is wrong are the same people who think the death penalty is wrong. hth

February 20th, 2009, 09:44 PM
I support capital punishment, but I wouldn't consider that to be an eye for an eye type of sentence.

Yes it is horrible, what happened to this woman's eyes, but IMO doing the same to the attacker's eyes achieves nothing.

You should look at the video that's in the article... a bit graphic, but it wasn't just her eyes.

And do you guys think it will stop other attackers from doing the same? I know a lot of people think that if we had public executions it would stop more murders. What are your thoughts on that?

February 20th, 2009, 10:38 PM
Where the hell does the middle east get all it's acid from?

February 20th, 2009, 10:43 PM
Camel piss.

An eye for an eye pretty much means revenge doesn't it...
heh what a dumb woman.

February 20th, 2009, 10:51 PM
Well since I have no degree of pity whatsoever for attacks made in cruelty, I'd be trying to get the guy skinned alive and choked to death on his own shit.

He should count himself lucky.

February 20th, 2009, 11:03 PM
You people DO know that in some other countries, the penalty for theft is removal of your hands?

I consider myself logical and nice in most cases, but in this case, the niceties go out the window. If someone goes and permanently debilitates another person while having the intent to, they should get the same treatment back. As barbaric as it sounds, eye for an eye is the best way to strike the message into peoples' minds that you shouldn't do fucked up shit to other people.

We live in a day and age where people play the system and do fucked up shit anyway because the penalties aren't harsh. Murder gets you 25 to life. Life, in prison, where you are kept alive and in good health with taxpayer money. What do you lose? Freedom to live how you want. Big whoop. Eye for an eye, you kill someone on purpose, what do you lose? YOUR life.

February 20th, 2009, 11:05 PM
You people DO know that in some other countries, the penalty for theft is removal of your hands?

I consider myself logical and nice in most cases, but in this case, the niceties go out the window. If someone goes and permanently debilitates another person while having the intent to, they should get the same treatment back. As barbaric as it sounds, eye for an eye is the best way to strike the message into peoples' minds that you shouldn't do fucked up shit to other people.

We live in a day and age where people play the system and do fucked up shit anyway because the penalties aren't harsh. Murder gets you 25 to life. Life, in prison, where you are kept alive and in good health with taxpayer money. What do you lose? Freedom to live how you want. Big whoop. Eye for an eye, you kill someone on purpose, what do you lose? YOUR life.

Eh, I think a shitty life is worse than death. Killing the person doesn't make the other person any less dead.

Mr Buckshot
February 20th, 2009, 11:10 PM
Where the hell does the middle east get all it's acid from?

It's very easy to acquire, in fact schools all over the world have lots of acid. I live in Canada and my school's chemistry lab has a disturbingly large stock of 6.0 molar hydrochloric acid...nasty stuff I can tell you.

Like I said, I support capital punishment because there's no point spending money to keep serial killers well nourished with sanitary living conditions. But I doubt executions will actually deter crime, if someone's a madman he's a madman and he's not going to absorb any of the anti-crime stuff he's supposed to learn in school and so on. But that doesn't mean we should stop carrying out harsh punishments on these criminals (especially killers), I'm just saying that it doesn't achieve what some people think it does.

February 20th, 2009, 11:10 PM
No it's not right, and it's pointless. As long as the man is kept behind bars he won't attack anyone else. It's Iran, not the West, so it's unlikely the man will get out of prison anytime soon.

Wait what

Aren't you the China apologist and capital punishment supporter? How do you survive that much cognitive dissonance? http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c251/CN3089/Emoticons/emot-psyduck.gif

February 20th, 2009, 11:13 PM
Sure would be awesome if we had a thread for all these random articles.


February 20th, 2009, 11:15 PM
Wait what

Aren't you the China apologist and capital punishment supporter? How do you survive that much cognitive dissonance? http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c251/CN3089/Emoticons/emot-psyduck.gif
THIS. BTW, what is with you people and trying to demean the quality of life of other nations and peoples? Don't you know that's why the West is hated? People like you guys putting down everyone and trying to impose your way of life is what fucks the world up, not these people suffering your shit.

February 20th, 2009, 11:16 PM
Eh, I think a shitty life is worse than death. Killing the person doesn't make the other person any less dead.

True, but would you commit murder knowing that you will be killed if caught? Would you dismember someone knowing that you would also lose your limbs if caught? Would you torture someone, knowing that in the end, you will end up in the same position as your victim?

I'm talking about the truly heinous crimes. I don't see why scumbags who go low enough to violate someone's human rights should be allowed to keep theirs. Being the better person in a situation is nothing but a useless mantra when you're losing the ability to use your own body.

e: Putting the person in jail doesn't make the victim any less dead either.

February 20th, 2009, 11:53 PM
e: Putting the person in jail doesn't make the victim any less dead either.
I was going to say the same thing. And killing them does just as good a job of preventing them from committing the crime again as jail does. The only argument I see as valid at this point would be whether we truly knew the person committed murder or not. The fact that an innocent person could be put to death is a very large downside.

February 21st, 2009, 12:11 AM
I was going to say the same thing. And killing them does just as good a job of preventing them from committing the crime again as jail does. The only argument I see as valid at this point would be whether we truly knew the person committed murder or not. The fact that an innocent person could be put to death is a very large downside.

That's very true. With our legal systems, we can't use revenge because it can be played and people can be framed, unfortunately.

February 21st, 2009, 12:14 AM
It's hard to really takes sides on this, as both have their points. I can see where this woman is coming from; sure, she says it's not revenge, but we all know that's straight bollocks. However, openly or otherwise, if I got myself blinded by some faggot who threw acid in my face, I'd want the same thing to happen to him.

On the other han, the eye-for-an-eye system is an extremely primitive style of justice; there's generally a reason it's not practiced anymore in most modernized countries. However, I'd just leave it up to each nation's legal system to decide.

February 21st, 2009, 03:05 AM
True, but would you commit murder knowing that you will be killed if caught? Would you dismember someone knowing that you would also lose your limbs if caught? Would you torture someone, knowing that in the end, you will end up in the same position as your victim?

Most of the time, this is not how somebody would think in one of these situations.

February 21st, 2009, 03:08 AM
because that's not the way it is. our criminal law is laughable at best.

February 21st, 2009, 03:15 AM
Most of the time, this is not how somebody would think in one of these situations.

Yeah, I know you're thinking of the murder-suicide type of people.

But I mean the people who exploit others and do something horrible and debilitating to them for petty reasons, thinking that what they did was justified and that they can get away with it. Like this guy. He felt that tossing acid in this woman's face, blinding and disfiguring her forever, was justified because she didn't want to sit on his cock.

February 21st, 2009, 03:41 AM
Yeah, I know you're thinking of the murder-suicide type of people.

But I mean the people who exploit others and do something horrible and debilitating to them for petty reasons, thinking that what they did was justified and that they can get away with it. Like this guy. He felt that tossing acid in this woman's face, blinding and disfiguring her forever, was justified because she didn't want to sit on his cock.

Yeah, I understand where you are coming from too. I say she should have to splash the acid in his face.

Also, I am a little confused, are we debating death penalty, or just eye for an eye, because while they are similar, they are on different levels and have different specifics to them.

E: and CN, obviously my first post was only in response to the obvious lie, which annoyed me. I can post about shit indirectly related to the topic if I want to, GAWSH.

February 21st, 2009, 10:06 AM
An eye for an eye makes all men blind.

And then it's pretty hard to enjoy a first-person-shooter.

Mr Buckshot
February 21st, 2009, 12:42 PM
True, but would you commit murder knowing that you will be killed if caught? Would you dismember someone knowing that you would also lose your limbs if caught? Would you torture someone, knowing that in the end, you will end up in the same position as your victim?

It may stop the sane people, but it's not going to stop the insane people. Look at the Virginia Tech shooter, he was educated in a perfectly normal American school system, he obviously would've learned about all the consequences of various crimes, but he was messed up, so he went about with it. This acid thrower obviously knew he wouldn't get away with his crime, but he was mad, so he did it.

Harsh punishments for crimes is as effective at deterring crime as torturing prisoners is at extracting information.

Confining these criminals in prison is enough, if they have murdered intentionally then a humane execution is enough. Yes they have violated the rights of their victims. But in doing the same back to them, we bring ourselves down to their level. Refraining from such action preserves the fact that we are better than they are and that we are civilized people, not savages.

So no, don't throw acid in the culprit's eyes. As long as he is not released from prison, he poses no threat to the public.

February 21st, 2009, 02:50 PM
If it stops the same people isn't that a good enough reason to do it?

Edit: In prison he's a threat to other prisoners and the economy of the country. If you throw him down a well then the country saves money on taking care of him and can make the prison safer.

February 21st, 2009, 03:31 PM
Eye for an eye is better than jail time. These anti-social psychopaths go into the system with a dysfunction, and come out stronger, better connected, and more techniques on how to perpetrate more crime. While they're in there getting bigger, badder, meaner, it's my money going to waste to keep them fed and protected. They're even allowed to make minuscule amounts of money.

I vote capital and corporal punishment instead of sentencing terms.

February 21st, 2009, 11:04 PM
Confining these criminals in prison is enough, if they have murdered intentionally then a humane execution is enough. Yes they have violated the rights of their victims. But in doing the same back to them, we bring ourselves down to their level. Refraining from such action preserves the fact that we are better than they are and that we are civilized people, not savages.

I don't see why scumbags who go low enough to violate someone's human rights should be allowed to keep theirs. Being the better person in a situation is nothing but a useless mantra when you're losing the ability to use your own body.

Being the "better person" takes time and money to prepare. If someone is, without a doubt, guilty of a heinous crime, I see no reason to waste everyone's time and money on ensuring that they're being treated humanely when they don't fucking deserve it.

Taxpayer money goes towards running prisons housing many (not all of them are) irreversably fucked-in-the-head criminals, making sure they're well fed, in good health, and as snaf said, even giving them the ability to make money themselves. Why should I be paying the bills for the psycho who raped and disemboweled little girls because he might be able to be rehabilitated and made into a productive member of society?

A line exists seperating "saveable" from "far gone." The moment you plan to do something incredibly fucked up to people, you cross that line.