View Full Version : [MISC] Halo 3 Beta Spartan Files
February 26th, 2009, 01:48 AM
There were some files ripped from the beta of halo 3 and by what I have read, you have to rig and export them in order to use them for halo ce or halo 2 vista.
This is the official download for the Halo 3 Beta Spartans.
Included are the models and textures for the:
EVA/Intruder Armor
CQB/Cobra Armor
Recon/Ninja Armor
Mark VI Armor
Models are in:
Textures are in:
Credit goes to Bungie for the models and textures they worked hard to do.
And The many people who researched the structure of Halo 3 Beta and to those who ripped using the valuable information discovered.
More on the topic:
The original site the files were from is closed as well as the link to the download, so heres the link to the download. :lmao:
February 26th, 2009, 02:44 AM
Isn't discussion of ripped content like this banned?
February 26th, 2009, 02:52 AM
Wierd, I really don't like bungies diffuse textures.
No one makes em like they used to :(
February 26th, 2009, 08:10 AM
Nice work. Now no one needs to learn a skill like modelling. Unless they want to make other stuff. But most people like modelling H3 content.
Feel proud of your self and buy your self something like a Magnum and test it on your face.
I hate rips
February 26th, 2009, 08:24 AM
Nice work. Now no one needs to learn a skill like modelling. Unless they want to make other stuff. But most people like modelling H3 content.
Feel proud of your self and buy your self something like a Magnum and test it on your face.
I hate rips
Wow, fuck off already.
I respect the work that modelers such as yourself do, but you have no idea how much work it takes to actually extract an asset from a game. The programming knowledge and logical/analytical abilities required, as well as all the research that goes into it take just as much, if not more skill than modeling.
But, I guess that's too much for your narrow mind to comprehend.
February 26th, 2009, 09:08 AM
Cheers. I supose your right seems as I get things like that said to me every day. Im fucking sick of. On forums, In life. I get treated like shit!
No one gives a shit about me. Anywhere.
that's nice dear.
this is the internet. nobody really cares. deal with it.
E: and for fuck's sake be a man about it. so somebody insulted you, tough shit. it happens to everyone, you're just being an immature brat about it.
either way, i'm not sure if this is OK to be posted since it pretty much belongs to bungie (although the models and textures have most probably been changed).
I still might have a look at these.
February 26th, 2009, 09:20 AM
Maps should be unprotected.
February 26th, 2009, 09:23 AM
Isn't discussion of ripped content like this banned?
So don't discuss it. :)
February 26th, 2009, 09:34 AM
W.e. I shouldnt have to, I have had nothing like this on
I may as well stay, need to finish Pelican for Penguin... Just stick nobs on my ignore list.
Not you CtrlAltDestroy, I mean future nobs.
February 26th, 2009, 10:57 AM
Hunter, no one cares.
February 26th, 2009, 11:05 AM
you have no idea how much work it takes to actually extract an asset from a game.
Takes a lot of work to break into a bank too . >.>
I don't condone using ripped content but whatever. I suppose theres no harm if your not going to use it for retail sale.
February 26th, 2009, 01:14 PM
I have someone already rigging the biped and hopefully it shouldn't take long to do :P
Invader Veex
February 26th, 2009, 01:59 PM
I don't have a prob with this being released, but it annoys me to see it here, when there is clearly a link to the Halo CE releases at the top of the page.
February 26th, 2009, 02:05 PM
I will take a look at this once I get home, I think it's kind of neat. I love looking at models from games.
February 26th, 2009, 02:42 PM
you have to rig and export them in order to use them for halo ce or halo 2 vista.
Haha, that made me laugh.
Maps should be unprotected.
I think I see why your rep is red. :rolleyes:
February 26th, 2009, 02:45 PM
Okay guys I have returned. Seems like the guy that ripped the files has hidden his site so its best to download them from filefront while you still can. :lol:;13368252;/fileinfo.html (;13368252;/fileinfo.html)
Pictures kitties: :dtonque:
Note: this isn't my albulm and this is the guy that actually ripped them :P
Halo 3 Beta ripped armor:
Mark IV:¤t=tigre1.jpg
Better version of Recon:¤t=Ninja_Fixedup.jpg
Master Cheif:¤t=SpartanMKVI.jpg
Sniper Rifle:¤t=SniperRifle.jpg
Covenant Carbine¤t=Carbine.jpg
Master Cheifs face #1:¤t=Betaface.jpg
Master Cheifs face #2:¤t=Betaface2.jpg
Master Cheifs facemask:¤t=visormp.jpg
More here:
February 26th, 2009, 02:47 PM
Okay guys I have returned. Seems like the guy that ripped the files has hidden his site so its best to download them from filefront while you still can.
So you didn't have permission to release the files or even link to his website?
February 26th, 2009, 02:49 PM
So you didn't have permission to release the files or even link to his website?
Correction, someone else has released the site and the photos with the files. He made the site in the first place because he wanted only a few of his friends to have it and thats it, but one of his friends got the word out about it and then it spread all around causing him to remove his site to the public. :D
February 26th, 2009, 02:57 PM
not that the download works anyways.
February 26th, 2009, 02:59 PM
not that the download works anyways.
*Sigh* Time to upload it now :lol:
Okay, I got it uploaded:
February 26th, 2009, 04:42 PM
Correction, someone else has released the site and the photos with the files. He made the site in the first place because he wanted only a few of his friends to have it and thats it, but one of his friends got the word out about it and then it spread all around causing him to remove his site to the public. :D
There is no correction then, what I stated was true. He did not want his site being linked to, or any files from it distributed to the public. You said yourself that it was only for "a few of his friends".
February 26th, 2009, 04:44 PM
well its not exactly his files, now are they?
Also if he wanted a few friends to get them, he should have sent them a disk or attached a file or something.
February 26th, 2009, 04:47 PM
Wierd, I really don't like bungies diffuse textures.
No one makes em like they used to :(
Yeah I don't really like the spartan textures. They are really bland and just looked like a normal and AO baked onto a white metal texture D:
February 26th, 2009, 04:49 PM
Professional Game Studios
Always being cheap.
February 26th, 2009, 04:59 PM
well its not exactly his files, now are they?
Also if he wanted a few friends to get them, he should have sent them a disk or attached a file or something.
It depends on your definition of "his". The content contained in them might be Bungie's, but the files were taken off of his personal website. Though, I doubt the person even got the models himself, seeing as how only a handful of people have made extractors for Halo 3 Beta models.
I personally don't care about the H3 Beta Spartan models being released, mainly because a lot of people have them already (even though they shouldn't). But there is the fact that Vern linked to somebody's personal site without permission.
February 26th, 2009, 05:04 PM
It depends on your definition of "his". The content contained in them might be Bungie's, but the files were taken off of his personal website. Though, I doubt the person even got the models himself, seeing as how only a handful of people have made extractors for Halo 3 Beta models.
I personally don't care about the H3 Beta Spartan models being released, mainly because a lot of people have them already (even though they shouldn't). But there is the fact that Vern linked to somebody's personal site without permission.
Consider that the link to their site is blocked, and the link I provided isn't the same link that he provided, nor is it to his site. :P
February 26th, 2009, 05:09 PM
Consider that the link to their site is blocked, and the link I provided isn't the same link that he provided, nor is it to his site. :P
Originally, the link you posted was a link to his website. Correct?
And there is a reason that it is now blocked. First, the files were never meant to be public. Second, you were using up the bandwidth of his site by giving the link to the public. You should not even have the files yourself, so you have no right to release them to anybody.
February 26th, 2009, 05:49 PM
Originally, the link you posted was a link to his website. Correct?
And there is a reason that it is now blocked. First, the files were never meant to be public. Second, you were using up the bandwidth of his site by giving the link to the public. You should not even have the files yourself, so you have no right to release them to anybody.
A lot of the people on the that were on the forum already got them. It's barely using any bandwidth for this site. I got the files because the person made the link. Your probably mad because theres ripped content from halo 3 beta and you want people to make models from stratch. I respect that idea, but some people just want to use the tags the easy and fast way :P
February 26th, 2009, 05:54 PM
A lot of the people on the that were on the forum already got them. It's barely using any bandwidth for this site. I got the files because the person made the link. Your probably mad because theres ripped content from halo 3 beta and you want people to make models from stratch. I respect that idea, but some people just want to use the tags the easy and fast way :P
Actually, no, I am not mad for that reason. I am mad because you had no right to distribute those files. I don't care if people have the models, I do care about stuff from a personal website being distributed though. Also, the original people who extracted them have gotten NO credit. You have no idea how much time it takes to program bitmap and model extraction, as well as research it all in the first place.
February 26th, 2009, 06:05 PM
Origional posted by Ultima. Link (
Well hello there chaps.
Sorry to say, but the links on that site went down yesterday. And they will not be going back up for a while. Also, I'm going to have to ask nicely that you remove these files from your filefront.
Look, I originally set up that site for the purposes of distributing those models to a few friends of mine. Lo and behold, a few days ago someone shows up on my DA profile asking me to take the site down. I told them that just about no one uses that site, since I set it up for a CSC project a couple of months ago. They throw me a link to this site, and all of a sudden I find that hundreds of people are downloading from my site. That was not it's intended purpose.
Don't believe me? Check the site for yourself. All of the H3Beta maps and models are now 404 dead end links. And don't try to circumvent the internal directory system because I put up an index blocker as well.
Seriously, guys, not cool.
Additionally, that was NOT an official release, and I'd appreciate you not calling it that. I put a boatload of effort into those maps and models, and the original rips that I have are barely even useable.
They are in no way official or probably legal. I don't want to get my ass sued here. And you guys are making my life really difficult right now.
February 26th, 2009, 06:23 PM
Well maybe he shouldn't release the files in the first place huh? Otherwise this won't even happen, but since it happened, lets have fun with it :P
February 26th, 2009, 06:28 PM
I got the owner of to take down the downloads a while ago.
February 26th, 2009, 06:41 PM
Well maybe he shouldn't release the files in the first place huh? Otherwise this won't even happen, but since it happened, lets have fun with it :P
Wtf man. Stfu. OMG. Another infraction for me. I will be banned soon, oh well.
If the owner to the files down they should stay down, not re uploaded fuktard.
How old are you? Think about what this guy said. YOU should not have the files. You have no right to do this. he said it was not for the public. Just because someone found them... ffs. I am not going to right an essay.
Basicly. You dont care about other people. You think you are doing right and that you have the right to do waht you want. You are a selfish child. gtfo.
Choking Victim
February 26th, 2009, 06:44 PM
This is stupid. Didn't someone try releasing the models awhile ago, only to have the thread be locked in the end after a conflict much like the current one you're all having? cool.
Thar she blows, bro's and ho's. (
teh lag
February 26th, 2009, 06:56 PM
Indeed. I'm quite sick of all the drama that's been going on lately. Vern, you're in a serious need of an attitude change. You come off as quite the arrogant prick - could you try not to start trouble like this?
February 26th, 2009, 07:41 PM
Indeed. I'm quite sick of all the drama that's been going on lately. Vern, you're in a serious need of an attitude change. You come off as quite the arrogant prick - could you try not to start trouble like this?
What attitude? I'm having no attitude here. Your assuming too much and calling me names makes you less intellegant on the forums already. :mad:
teh lag
February 26th, 2009, 07:54 PM
Well maybe he shouldn't release the files in the first place huh? Otherwise this won't even happen, but since it happened, lets have fun with it :P
This attitude. If you can't tell how arrogant that is then I really can't help you. Also, you do realize I'm a moderator, right? It's my job to tell people when they're screwing up. And right now, you're screwing up.
Locking this before it really goes to hell.
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