View Full Version : [Video] r0x vs. KOD - HaloCE League Match
October 2nd, 2006, 02:24 PM
The match was filmed and edited by Dr@Home, grab it here:
r0x vs KOD HD.wmv (
(17 mins 13 secs, 1152x720, 777 MB, .wmv format)
October 2nd, 2006, 02:34 PM
Awsome vid, wish we had won though.
October 2nd, 2006, 02:50 PM
What map was this played on?
October 2nd, 2006, 02:52 PM
Quoting from Gearbox lolz-
I believe it's 6 PM EST
And make sure you guys have all of the maps...
Lost Cove (
Nightcamp_CE (
Sneak (
Casualty Isle (
Ice Fields
We played it in a different order though.
October 2nd, 2006, 02:54 PM
failure :(
October 2nd, 2006, 02:59 PM
Memorable moments:
0:50 - [KOD]KiLLeR takes one in the face from r0x-Ghost
1:01 - r0x hog does a barrel roll!
2:32 - [KOD]KiLLeR's hog is hit by r0xCMTM1337's magic rocket.
2:43 - [KOD]S73V3 becomes victim to r0x-Ghost's rocket camp.
3:08 - r0x hog doesn't take the outer path; flag cap stopped by [KOD]S73V3's fuel rod gun.
3:52 - [KOD]KiLLeR survives r0x-Ghost's rocket and catapults to top of r0x base.
5:42 - r0x hog lands a backflip from [KOD]KiLLeR's fuel rod gun.
6:36 - r0x-Ghost totally nails r0x-fail with a friendly nade.
8:00 - ... "Atty was killed by r0x-Ghost"
9:28 - r0x-Ghost and [KOD]Shadow go SPLAT!
After about the 10 minute mark was just bleh. :p
October 2nd, 2006, 03:13 PM
Hey, that makes it sound like r0x owned, rofl.
(Just playing, it was a great match :) )
October 2nd, 2006, 03:59 PM
Memorable moments:
0:50 - [KOD]KiLLeR takes one in the face from r0x-Ghost
That hurt! D=
October 2nd, 2006, 04:15 PM
Hey, that makes it sound like r0x owned, rofl.
(Just playing, it was a great match :) )
I'd rank each match in the order it was played. The best match was hands down the first. By the last it just sucked. r0x had definitely given up after the third game - there was already talk in TeamSpeak of the "loser's bracket."
October 2nd, 2006, 04:51 PM
I realised we would fail when it got to the point where we would stop everything we were doing and run back to base if Steve was within half a mile of the base.
October 2nd, 2006, 04:58 PM
You guys were shitting your pants whenever Steve came around. I'll bet that I killed him more than he killed me.
October 11th, 2006, 08:34 AM
Sounds like an entertaining match. And Steve sounds really scary... ph34r
October 11th, 2006, 10:21 AM
Sounds like an entertaining match. And Steve sounds really scary... ph34r
He sure is, that's why KiLLeR was in my Rocket Warthog when I was playing most of the time. :XD:
October 13th, 2006, 02:06 PM
Nice vid. Did Casualty Isle play well? :)
October 14th, 2006, 03:49 AM
Nice vid. Did Casualty Isle play well? :)Lagtacular.
You guys were shitting your pants whenever Steve came around. I'll bet that I killed him more than he killed me.
I bet Steve 3sk'd more than I 2-magazine-sk'd him. >.<
October 14th, 2006, 01:42 PM
Nice vid. Did Casualty Isle play well? :)
It was my favorite of the 5 games!
October 22nd, 2006, 02:24 AM
Nice vid. Did Casualty Isle play well? :)
Incredible, best game of the five.
October 23rd, 2006, 01:52 PM
Dang, I shoulda gone and busted out the ol' tags to show you kids a thing or two. Sounds like it was fun. ;)
October 23rd, 2006, 04:26 PM
How do you make it so you can see ALL of the players names above their heads, not just the ones on your team? Or is it a program?
October 23rd, 2006, 09:22 PM
It's a hack by rec0. Obviously it could be used to cheat so it's not being publically released.
October 23rd, 2006, 09:41 PM
actually, i have something that allows all player names to show up, and let me tell you, i tried it in a few games, and it does NOT help in the least.
it makes it very confusing and you think an enemy is a teammate only to get killed and be like oh yah...
October 23rd, 2006, 10:11 PM
Smooth, Bacon :P
October 23rd, 2006, 11:05 PM
I used the hack where you "switch" team colors or whatever. It puts the green triangles over the enemy's head. But in the end it really does confuse you. I ended up TKing a few people and also not shooting at enemies who were firing at me (because I believed they were on my team with the green arrow over their head).
October 27th, 2006, 10:51 PM
I used the hack where you "switch" team colors or whatever. It puts the green triangles over the enemy's head. But in the end it really does confuse you. I ended up TKing a few people and also not shooting at enemies who were firing at me (because I believed they were on my team with the green arrow over their head).
Me and BioCroc.Posted this before:)
December 1st, 2006, 04:59 PM
Do you guys know how to record sound from the computer, and I mean, only sound coming out of the computer and nothing else? Whenever I try recording, using fraps, when I click record sound, it records it from my microphone, and there is so much background noise, anyone know how to record sound like Dr@Home did in this video?
December 1st, 2006, 05:02 PM
Um, you put a cable going from your Sound out to your mic plug, I'm geting that same thing, and I'm going to buy a spliter that I can do that, I got two, but one is for my 4 speakers, and one is to for bloth my head phones and speakers.
December 1st, 2006, 06:06 PM
Change the Input to "Hear what you hear".That should be an option and then use Microsoft Sound Recorder.
December 1st, 2006, 06:10 PM
For the Input, I only see 3 options. They are SPDIF, Line In, and Microphone.
December 1st, 2006, 09:17 PM
If you're using Fraps it should be able to automatically capture the sound that comes out of your speakers.
December 1st, 2006, 11:12 PM
I am using a laptop, I don't know if that makes any difference. But back when I used my old desktop and used fraps, it recorded as I wanted, only the sound that came out of the speakers and nothing else. But when I use fraps on my laptop, the setting for sound recording is set to Microphone. And the only other choices that it will change to, are those three settings I posted, SPDIF, Line In, or Microphone. Basically, whatever setting that I check, one of those three, that's what the sound recording will be set to on fraps. And yes, I have tried those settings, and tried recording the sound, the only time when sound actually got recorded, was when I put the setting on microphone, and that just puts me exactly where I started.
December 2nd, 2006, 12:04 AM
Ya, Um, I got the same thing that he has with his Laptop, but it is with my desktop, is there anything up with that?
December 2nd, 2006, 09:21 AM
It might be because of my sound card, I'm not sure. And if it is, is there a sound driver I can download that will let me change the input? I can't really buy a new sound card at the moment.
January 9th, 2007, 05:49 PM
Wow, that was very entertaining! You don't see too many Halo CE Gameplays!
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