View Full Version : Sonic 2 Hack

March 4th, 2009, 07:25 AM
Now I’ve talked about this hack/mod awhile back asking if it’d be ok to post it and since there were NO objections, I decided to go ahead and make a topic about it and its development.

A foreword about it: though it’s a hack, it isn’t an ASM (assembly) hack, it’s along the lines of a level layout change, palette and added things inside the levels (wall jumping and running on walls and hanging from certain ceilings.

Here is the story line/synopsis of the game. This game is also my senior project for my high school (we get to choose anything we want for it)…here is the story to the game.

Robotnik is at it again, this time he has reinvaded South island. The first signs of his new attempt at conquest are in the famous “Crimson Falls” a tourist attraction known for its waterfalls and crimson coloured flora. Sonic isn’t going to let Robotnik get away this time! Race through new levels such as “Crimson Falls” and “Rusty Factory”, blaze a trail through once cut levels such as the famed Hidden Palace and Wood zone, then prepare for the final fight against Robotnik on his rebuilt Death Egg…think you can win? Or will robotnik finally be victorious in his plans to conquer the world?


here is the list of proposed levels in the final game. as of now, no screens are posted here, but expect a flood of them and demo videos(if you watch one of these videos ALL the way to the end, you'll be rewarded with a special treat *cough*linktoaplayabledemo*cough*.

Levels(ones worked on so far and concepts):

Crimson Falls --> Run through "Crimson Falls" A strech of South Island famous for its large water falls and crimson flora. The buzzers and coconut badniks prove Robotnik has been this way, blaze a trail and stop him before he can cut down all those rare palm trees!

Rusty Factory --> Looks like Robotnik is trying to rebuild his Chemical Plant to synthesize new chemicals for his machines, get to the heart of the factory and stop him! but be warned, some of the old pipes have broken open, spilling their contents and flooding certain areas of the factory with Mega Mack Muck

Casino night Zone --> Seems nothing here has changed really, stop Robotnik before he steals all the money from this ritzy casino. Keep sharp, some of the elevators are down for maintainence and you'll have to find a way around them.

Hill Top --> after the volcano eruptted from your last stint here, the grass is Charred and more pockets of lava are present. Put a stop to his attempt to harness the lava’s thermal energy to power his machines responsible for rebuilding the Death Egg! Looks like you’ll have to climb up though, the lava shut out your old paths in some areas. You’re gonna have to go over the volcano instead of through it this time Sonic

*Snow Cap --> You’d think the tip of the volcano would be like Hill top, weird huh? Trudge through this snow covered mountain cap. It looks like a clean run for sonic, no badniks…looks like Robotnik didn’t want his badnik’s servos locking up from the intense cold up here…you gotta motor Sonic! Get down to the other side, Robotnik is there!

Hill top (part 2) --> Looks like Robotnik stepped up defenses here to compensate for you’re easy run across the snow cap. The grass here is charred as well, but fewer magma pockets exist. Stop Robotnik’s “hot” idea to harness thermal energy, hurry though. He’s almost done!

*Hidden Palace --> These now abandoned gem mines are being used so Robotnik can build energy weapons, and he’s trying to use the gems as focusing crystals!!! Hurry through these mines before he can finish his new beam cannon for his egg mobile Sonic, South Island is counting on you!

Abandoned Quarry --> you made it through the mines, but Robotnik is escaping through the quarry just outside the mine’s entrance! Rush through this abandoned site and reach him before he can escape with his partially complete beam cannon! Be warned though, some of the old mining equipment has long broken down and created jagged metal spikes, some areas are so bad they block whole paths (unless you’re sportin some sort of invulnerability that is).

Munitions Plant --> DAMN IT! Robotnik has escape into his Metropolis compound to finish the beam cannon and the defenses here may be too much for Sonic to handle. Burn a trail and stop Robotnik’s weapons compound before its done arming the new badnik battalions!

Sky Chase --> Robotnik isn’t giving up yet, take to the skies and shoot him down! Watch it though, he set up interception patrols to shoot down the tornado on site! Hopefully you can put a stop to him aboard his new flying fortress

Wing Fortress --> MAYDAY! MAYDAY! The tornado has been hit! Luckily Sonic managed to jump aboard the flying fortress…but what about Tails? He was still in the tornado’s cockpit when it was hit by the beam cannon defenses. Looks like Sonic is going alone on this fight, make your way to the heart of the fortress and shut down Robotnik…hopefully one and for all!

Death Egg --> He just won’t give up will he? Luckily before you jumped onto Robotnik’s escape rocket, tails handed you a ring to keep you safe aboard the death egg…looks like this is it…Sonic vs Robotnik…hopefully you’ve nabbed all 7 chaos emeralds by now, you could use it in the final fight against Robotnik and his giant mech…Will you save the day? or will Robotnik end Sonic’s winning streak once and for all?


These are SOME of the levels, the list here is just the few I have level descriptions for. when I get home (typing this at school on a mac [bleh], I'll post pics and a video for ya all to see.)

REMEMBER: THIS IS NOT..I REPEAT NOT A TOTAL REVAMPING OF SONIC 2!, JUST A FEW MINOR EDITS (level layout, pallatte [colour scheme] changes, and added things)



~none (yet)~ *sad face*

stay tuned folks for updates and some surprises in a select few videos.

* denotes a level that may be cut from the final build due to certain issues (objects may not appear or level crashes upon loading or some strange shit occurs during level play)


snow cap and hidden palace are only one act levels, Hill top part 2 is the boss fight for the HTZ (Hill Top zone) saga and HPZ (Hidden Palace Zone) leads into ACT 2 of AQZ (originally Mystic Cave Zone)

March 4th, 2009, 07:34 AM
This post is reserved for updates concerning the game


Have a few pictures I scrounged up from my school comp account...in first post.. in first post...links or full pics

I apologize for the .bmp format, I'll format the rest of the pictures as png (Jpeg destroys he quality of the pics)

update: 3/4/2009 @ 8:42 a.m. EST

found an old maj account I used and forgot password to, i'll make a third post (sorry, but older build deserves its own post) dedicated to screens from the older, build (now long gone) for you to compare

March 4th, 2009, 07:48 AM
this post is dedicated to the older build which dates back to 2005 or 2006, i forget. the original had a grey one tailed fox named trey and a hedgehog a oddly coloured sonic.


(will pull up later)

March 4th, 2009, 08:05 AM
overkill I know, but this post is dedicated to people who openly volunteer to play the demos, I have a few so far. ranging from my friends to people on xfire...DO NOT REQUEST THE DEMOS ON THIS FORUM! CONTACT ME ON XFIRE IF INTERESTED

Derek (RL)
Mike (RL)
<<TG>> Phil (volunteered, giving him demo 3 today)
ARK Glint (Sonic fan, he jumped on the invitation to play it)


those who contact me will recieve a packaged zipped folder containing the demo and the debugens emulator which I use to test and dump things ranging from the CPU to the pallatte

March 4th, 2009, 08:10 AM
Four in a row...that's incredible.

And it looks interesting. I doubt I'll play it, but as long as it's enjoyable to others, go for it.

March 4th, 2009, 08:50 AM
Can somebody give me the tl;dr version?

March 4th, 2009, 10:02 AM
Can somebody give me the tl;dr version?
Sonic 2: Slighted Edited Edition.


Looking good, so are you editing a rom or the actual sonic 2 exe game?

March 4th, 2009, 12:34 PM
Wrong section bro.

March 4th, 2009, 01:55 PM
in terms of sonic hacks, a slight edit would be altering small small things here and there..this is a moderate overhaul, criticism is welcome but any harsh shit results in -rep.

don't care if its in the wrong section,

@limited --> you seem to be unable to see its alittle trickier to edit a ROM level at the hex level than it is to populate a halo map seeing as how certain tiles require the proper path swappers just to work

I'm serious about this and I've been working hard on it, call it shit but I'm proud of this and once its done I'm working on the ASM hack which will feature alot more seeing as how with just a ROM you can't exactly expand upon it by adding code and you need a disassembly of the ROM and know machine code

I've said ROM about a few dozen times so..I'm working with a ROM

March 4th, 2009, 03:05 PM
Yay! Where I get pl0x?

March 4th, 2009, 03:51 PM
REMEMBER: THIS IS NOT..I REPEAT NOT A TOTAL REVAMPING OF SONIC 2!, JUST A FEW MINOR EDITS (level layout, pallatte [colour scheme] changes, and added things)

Can somebody give me the tl;dr version?

Sonic 2: Slighted Edited Edition.

grow up and actually try the damn thing

Number one, I was telling llama master what YOU said but I made it shorter.
Number two, do not think the slightly edited (which is what I meant, typo) means you havent done alot or anything, do not take it in a bad way.
Number three, grow up and try what? Hacking low level code?

I can edit/write machine code/asm and I never once said this was bad/horrible work. I actually think its really good and think you should keep up with it.

March 4th, 2009, 06:17 PM
Number one, I was telling llama master what YOU said but I made it shorter.
Number two, do not think the slightly edited (which is what I meant, typo) means you havent done alot or anything, do not take it in a bad way.
Number three, grow up and try what? Hacking low level code?

I can edit/write machine code/asm and I never once said this was bad/horrible work. I actually think its really good and think you should keep up with it.
w/e limited, if you have a problem get...you're trying to bait me even if you don't know it


A) watch the updates and play the damn public demo coming soon


B) stop watchin this thread and get


C)Help me with the damn thing and read up on saxman's Sonic 2 guide and look at tricks of the trade...the trying to add water to certain areas of crimson falls is driving me insane because its not allowing me


fixed some path swappers and have fixed a lethal bug with ACT 2 which caused a line of invinicbility sparks to come up behidn the player and in turn either uses your continue you got from ACT 1 or restarts your game...turns out the Path swapper was an invalid one

March 4th, 2009, 06:23 PM
w/e limited, if you have a problem get...you're trying to bait me even if you don't know it


A) watch the updates and play the damn public demo coming soon


B) stop watchin this thread and get


C)Help me with the damn thing and read up on saxman's Sonic 2 guide and look at tricks of the trade...the trying to add water to certain areas of crimson falls is driving me insane because its not allowing me
Woah, what's your problem dude? Nowhere did Limited put you down or even try to flamebait, he even told you that you're doing a great job and to keep it up, and in return you tell him to "get". You seem to come of as a little arrogant, and that won't get you very far here.

March 4th, 2009, 07:34 PM
Woah, what's your problem dude? Nowhere did Limited put you down or even try to flamebait, he even told you that you're doing a great job and to keep it up, and in return you tell him to "get". You seem to come of as a little arrogant, and that won't get you very far here.I havbe to be arrogant in life because no one in my life listens to me unless I yell, so I use the arrogant persona to get a point across or other things

I'm trying my best, I know its not epic...but its something

UPDATE: new pics on Crimson Hill Zone Act 2 (still in works)


only some of the pics...video tomorrow

March 4th, 2009, 07:34 PM

March 4th, 2009, 07:42 PM

I respect modacity's anti-piracy rule and as such I'm refraining from putting a download link...as of now the only way to get a demo is to find out my xfire and ask, 99% of the time I'll say yes

March 4th, 2009, 07:42 PM
I havbe to be arrogant in life because no one in my life listens to me unless I yell, so I use the arrogant persona to get a point across or other things
BHAHA, you dont get it do you?

March 4th, 2009, 07:45 PM
BHAHA, you dont get it do you?...I don't care if I don't get it, I'm working hard on this, I'm just gonna start reporting any more posts that are not on topic..end of story.

either take it or leave it

March 4th, 2009, 07:48 PM

I respect modacity's anti-piracy rule and as such I'm refraining from putting a download link...as of now the only way to get a demo is to find out my xfire and ask, 99% of the time I'll say yesJesus Christ, all you had to do was PM it to me, that's not actually PUBLICALLY giving it out. Take some Miadol and chill out man. It was a question, not a "o gimme gimme!".

March 5th, 2009, 10:39 AM
now that i've chased away all the people from this, I'm gonna blisfully continue...hopefully a demo video of the build so far

March 5th, 2009, 10:47 AM

I respect modacity's anti-piracy rule and as such I'm refraining from putting a download link...as of now the only way to get a demo is to find out my xfire and ask, 99% of the time I'll say yes

Jesus christ man get your thumb out of your ass.

Also, learn to use IPS patches like I'm pretty sure I said when you first mentioned this. There's nothing illegal about a patch that only records changes. Here, I'll even link you, (again (http://home.arcor.de/minako.aino/ipsXP/)).

One other thing, please don't use the Hidden Palace music that's already in the game. It's so repetitive and annoying I want to cry :gonk:

March 5th, 2009, 10:58 AM
Jesus christ man get your thumb out of your ass.

Also, learn to use IPS patches like I'm pretty sure I said when you first mentioned this. There's nothing illegal about a patch that only records changes. Here, I'll even link you, (again (http://home.arcor.de/minako.aino/ipsXP/)).

One other thing, please don't use the Hidden Palace music that's already in the game. It's so repetitive and annoying I want to cry :gonk:I won't for HPZ I wanted to use the mystic cave zone's 2P vs music.

and ips patches sometimes don't work when applied.

I have the tools to make it an ips patch

however, as ROMs became larger in size, this format became useless

I WILL try to make it a patch, but I want to refrain from having to make a new patch each time I consider the game ready for a public demo.

the current demo I'm circulating is the ROM but its edited to start on CFZ (Crimson Falls Zone) and then it resets the game after completion.

I'll make an ips patch and make a video with a hidden link to the ROM in it


2nd level almost done, I'm starting to pick up how to properly use path swappers... the level starts out with one path, splits into two and then the path splits into a third branch with all three branches fusing into the last leg a few screens before the boss fight

March 5th, 2009, 03:27 PM

I got an ips done using lunar patch...the link is here: http://www.zshare.net/download/565815350d67e780/

use lunar ips or whatever its called and apply it to your sonic 2 ROM

peace and hopefully you play the first level first.

March 5th, 2009, 03:41 PM
You can also do what Halo PC modders do and use a PPF patch...

March 5th, 2009, 06:40 PM
first zone is 100% done

IPS patch can be found here: http://www.zshare.net/download/5658779365f564aa/

the game SHOULD reset after the boss fight

March 5th, 2009, 07:16 PM
work on rusty factory has begun (fuckin' finally I might add)

Only pic so far because the level is basically only 7 tiles long is here:


I'm usin the spoiler tag to keep the pags from stretching to big.
The loops in Chemical plant zone utilize different path swappers than the Emerald Hill zone ones, but hopefully I can get a hang of things

March 6th, 2009, 07:21 AM
harsh shit results in -rep.

Your modification sucks.

w/e limited, if you have a problem get...you're trying to bait me even if you don't know it

Are you fucking serious?

Stop being such a spoiled little shit.

March 6th, 2009, 11:58 AM
Would be nice for people to post some feed back and/or pictures of them playing the demo, the latest IPS patch is in my previous post.

teh lag
March 6th, 2009, 01:39 PM
Yuki, cool it.

Sevlag, you cool it too (referring to the last page). And stop making so many multiposts, they're really not so necessary.

Also moved to Tech Talk where this belongs.

March 7th, 2009, 10:33 AM
Yuki, cool it.

Sevlag, you cool it too (referring to the last page). And stop making so many multiposts, they're really not so necessary.

Also moved to Tech Talk where this belongs.
cool thanks, I posted it here originally because I didn't know where to properly place it.

anyways work is almost done on Rusty Factory ACT 1

March 9th, 2009, 11:12 AM

work on HPZ/MCZ has started, Mystic Cave Zone ACT 1 is usign HPZ's tile set which then after completing the level loads MCz ACT 2, which is the boss fight obviously.


MCZ's level card (place holder for HPZ)

level start (need to get sonic to spin down pipe properly)

after the fall down the pipe

now actually I've run into a slight problem, MCZ ACT 2 loads the tiles from ACT 1, I've tried correcting this problem but upon trying to fix it, ACT 1 becomes unplayable as the tiles become garbeled and nothing where it should be

anyways, just thought I show progress regardless. if I cant fix the tile load problem, HPZ will be junked

March 14th, 2009, 11:40 AM
sorry for my chain post, but a new demo is avalible in the following link:

:whats what:

first two acts done, 3rd level is complete-able, but is vastly unfinished (clean up and a path or two need fixing)

tails when selected in options, his name is MILES similar to the european version.

Tails/Miles has increased running speed (noticeable, but not so much that it ruins gameplay)

hopefully everyone will look past the E-drama from the last few pages and give this a try, Sonic fan or not, its a nice little hack I'm making and its ment to challenge the player and add new life to what is an old favorite to myself and thousands of other Sega genesis owners

also, pooky...I have had a IPS program for awhile I didnt use it because I wasn't sure how it'd handel making a patch...but it works from what I've heard...

anyways, link to IPS patch DL in top of this replay post


I tried adding SOME water to crimson falls, but when I did the whole level was underwater and thus you'd drown before reaching the goal...I'm looking for someone to disassemble my ROM and edit the water level, the water added exists on a different build I keep sperate for good reasons, if someone is willing to help the water level is only flodding lower levels, but not so much as to cause the dreaded countdown unless you sit in it.



-Multiposts merged- ~Lag

I know I spam post, but there shouldn't be a problem (hopefully) if I make multiple posts in a thread I created...

anyways, here is the first demo video of the mod, first 2 levels and a partially cleaned up 3rd level..oh and I played as tails for a change of pace (who happens to be slightly faster, jsut slightly)



I use the spoiler button to keep pages to a small size incase of a large update or whatnot, once again I apologize for the multi post, but I like to update when I can

edit: won't do that mini youtube video thing on the thread, included link as a fail safe

March 14th, 2009, 02:55 PM
Weren't you just warned about your multiposts?

Use the EDIT button.

But yes, this does look fun.

March 14th, 2009, 03:17 PM
Weren't you just warned about your multiposts?

Use the EDIT button.

But yes, this does look fun.to be honest since this would just sink into obscurity and the whole point of this thread is to talk about it and since no one has actually PLAYED it and posted feedback or anything...yeah

and I wasn't given a warning over the multi post, that was for another reason.

anyways back on topic...

chemical plant/Rusty factory has hit a snag, since ACT 1 lacked any of those warp tube things I felt I needed to leave them intact in ACT 2, and the water gimmick has me concerned if I can build this level without interrupting the flow of the level overall, some areas may go unchaged for the sake of gameplay.


heathen, if you want to play it, I included a link to an IPS patch that contaisn the data for my demo. you just need a IPS patcher (suggest lunar IPS patcher, easy to use IPS patcher), a ROM of the original Sonic 2, and a Sega genesis emulator...or if you want the rom and emulator in one go, hit me up on xfire "tacomansuper" I can give you the demo package I keep for when I have my friends test it

March 14th, 2009, 07:55 PM
no one has actually PLAYED it and posted feedback or anything...yeah

That couldn't have anything to do with the huge tantrum you threw when people tried paying attention to this :rolleyes:

March 15th, 2009, 11:23 AM
That couldn't have anything to do with the huge tantrum you threw when people tried paying attention to this :rolleyes:I admit I got carried away, but it takes more than one person to fight...

anyways, I finished ACT 2 of Rusty factory jsut a few moments ago and the flow is good, added a submerged route that literally runs the length of the map up until the part where the water level rises, there ARE air bubbles (though the large bubble's sprite is garbbeled, look closely for it) and parts of the path you can jump up and grab a breath from an air pocket.

i'll make a new patch and hopefully people will ignore the E-drama BS from a few pages back and actually try this.


March 15th, 2009, 11:31 AM
and I wasn't given a warning over the multi post, that was for another reason.

And stop making so many multiposts, they're really not so necessary.
but yeah, when I get off of work I might try this puppy out.

March 16th, 2009, 07:37 AM
but yeah, when I get off of work I might try this puppy out.
cool, and for those who play it you'll notice Sonic enters each level in some sort of manner (in rusty factory ACT 1 Sonic literally runs through the main entrance with blast doors closing behind him showing Robotnik doesn't want him in there in the first place...

ACT 1 of hilltop zone is being worked on, which is basically the halfway point of the game, Sonic enters on one of those basket things which the player has to get clear of before it breaks off its tethers and plummets into the abyss.the palatte reflects what hill top has become, a charred dormant volcano (because of the volcano eruptting when you play through it in sonic 2) the flowers and grass is charred and one of the flowers shares colors with rexxon, that lava snake/dragon thing, resulting in rexon having a very cool looking color which i'll take a screen or two of. there was a problem early on with HTZ (to be renamed Volcanic Crater Zone) in which a large invisible barrier blocked the path, at first I thought it was an invisible barrier used for crushing, but after converting the barriers to platforms and the problem still persisted I found out that it was an object with the offset 30 00 08, which essentially worked as a big ass barrier two screens wide and two screens tall, I later discovered an object had accidently became a big ass kill barrier which killed sonic on contact regardless of the rings he had on him.

some levels I didnt completely all out edit because I felt completely editing them would negatively affect gameplay, aquatic ruin zone has more submerged areas to show that some of the ruins have sank into the lake.

Casino night zone has a few elevator lifts missing because they are down to to maintainence being conducted on your run through this time.

Metropolis zone is being cut down to either two or three acts, the first act is renamed "outskirts" which is the area located right outside the metropolis itself, it borrows chemical plant's tiles.

I wanted to seperate Hill Top Zone by a new level dubbed "Snow Cap Zone", a one ACT level, which took place ontop the mountain, this level was introduced because during the events of Sonic 2, the volcano erupted, and since the lava has cooled since the last run through, it has blocked off major paths and I wanted it to force Sonic to traverse this new level to proceed to HTZ ACT 2.

I'll have another demo video ready sometime soon. this Hack is something I enjoy doing and its also why I chose to cover Sonic 2 hacks for my senior project as well as my technology class project. The senior project has a written part which is a magazine style article which is going strong.

anyways, expect more demo videos and more screenshots of the game...


March 17th, 2009, 10:06 AM
Volcanic Crater ACT 1 is complete, I love how you enter this level...anyways, screens for now and a new demo video on the horizon

the level's starting point:

charred landscape

Rexxon duo

This won't end well

those are the screens I have ATM, stay tuned for updates and a new demo

March 18th, 2009, 10:54 AM
new updates...

I thought of using the tiles from labrynth zone from sonic 1 and swapping Aquatic Ruins zone's tile set for them..one problem, the collisions fucked up and even when I went in and fixed them, that tunnel tile set still contained fucked up collisions...

here is the few pics I have along with an update of VCZ ACT2


I tried :P

also, Volcanic Crater ACT 2 is almost done, I did a little feature where you have to race across falling platforms above the rim of the volcano, and if you fell in...you'd be screwed. I'll post screens and a demo video of it soon

March 27th, 2009, 06:47 PM
yeah I've been neglecting to update this because I've been messing with the game's coding and added water to ACT 1 of Rusty Factory. the lower levels are now completely submerged in most places and makes it interesting to watch that dreaded countdown timer popping up and counting down while you struggle to find a way to get above the water just to steal a breath of air before submerging again.

anyways pictures:

The pipes

Hold your breath Sonic

also, a new sneaky thing I did...introducing the harm ring (clever object placement)

looks harmless doesn't it


Currently the demo goes up to Volcanic Crater ACT 2... Speaking of which the boss is ALOT harder, with two moving platforms being your only safe ground and the platforms move on and off screen forcing you to time your attacks.

sounds fun doesn't it?

stay tuned for a video of the VC ACT 2 boss (I have trouble beating it, so I placed a 1up and shield monitor close to the star post before the battle to cut down on head aches and continue wastes)

April 2nd, 2009, 09:02 AM
another large bump...but I don't think anyone minds/cares about this and I still like to post updates regardless...

Casino Night Zone: Boss is tougher, the middle section of floor has been removed so players can no longer just roll back and forth, they actually have to think the attacks through.

A large update concerning Mystic Cave Zone:

Mystic cave is undergoing large changes in both level art and layout. I ported Ice Cap Zone's tiles (Ice Cap is from Sonic 3). the level is Called "Frozen Caves" and revolves around sonic having to navigate these icy caverns and confront robotnik...however some graphical difficulties have arisen and I'd like to ask for someone to help.

I need someone to correct the palette for the rings themselves as well as the "Rings, Score, and Timer" counters. Also, A working set of background tiles are needed as any sort of background with the current tile set becomes erratic and odd.

I'll post pictures but like I said, I need help with this level and will need someone that is an expert in hex and/or ASM as I lack a decent experience with the two and adding water to Rusty factory ACT 1 was pure luck as I had no idea where the proper indexes were.

so tyes, need help with Frozen caves, I can give you the latest build or a disassembly of the ROM via xfire or email

April 2nd, 2009, 05:43 PM
Well since page 2 I havent bothered reading this thread for obvious reasons, with that a side, I'd like to say good job so far.

I'd love to play it but I'm not on my main pc right now, so I cant really right now, but I hope to within a week or so :)

So yeah, keep it up, from the pictures and video you posted it looks very promising.

April 3rd, 2009, 08:50 AM
Well since page 2 I havent bothered reading this thread for obvious reasons, with that a side, I'd like to say good job so far.

I'd love to play it but I'm not on my main pc right now, so I cant really right now, but I hope to within a week or so :)

So yeah, keep it up, from the pictures and video you posted it looks very promising.thanks..but like I said unless people want to see frozen caverns with a black background I need a large amount of help repurposing some of the background tiles to function properly...

this is what i mean:

all attempts at a proper background have resulted in the wrapping ging FUBAR and the tiles to become jumbeled in the BG. the rings also need to be restored to the proper pallette (the pointer is in hex) I've been using the nemesis hacking guid for most of the work:


Frozen Cave zone ACT1 is completed in terms of layout...now I just need to clean up the level and put everything in a fitting place. the one thing i love is that Crawlton (snake like badnik who constantly pokes his head out) is camoflauged on this level and it catches people off gaurd. another thing is early on in the level is a gap...DO NOT JUMP IT OR ATTEMPT TO IT IS BLOCKED BY A DRAW BRIDGE THAT ISN'T LOWERED!!!

instead look at the small arrow made of rings, and jump up, you'll snag the lever to lower the draw bridge and procced

I have to give a big thanks to those who created sonED and to Esarel for making ESEII, these programs (along with Sonic Tweaker) have made this project easy and allowed for a cut down on having to do this all in hex format

April 4th, 2009, 06:59 AM

The newest Demo patch goes all the way up to Mystic Cave (Frozen Caverns) ACT 1...it then loads FCZ ACT 2...although FCS ACT 2 has like only the very first tiles down...

anyways demo:


I altered the songs played so new songs for certain levels...yay :D

April 9th, 2009, 01:03 PM
well i'd like to announce that I've...for the first time making this thing...officially fucked myself over and somehow reverted most of the levels to their original Sonic 2 forms...

I had just finished work on Frozen Cave Zone ACT 2 (Mystic Cave Zone's replacment) and had begun work on Oil Refinery Zone (Oil Ocean’s redux)…ORZ started/was to start with Sonic zooming down an oil slide, off a ramp and landing on a solitary platform with collapsing pathways the player had to run over in order to proceed and give a sense of finality for the player by making him/her think “well I crossed the threshold of the refinery…no turning back now I guess”.

unfortunately I had accidently written HPZ's pallette to ORZ and had to use an unedited copy of Sonic 2 in order to revert the pallette...

so now I have to work with an outdatd demo that isnt that bad, but it forces me to still finish Frozen Cave Zone ACT 1 and COMPLETELY redo FCZ ACT 2

When I get home today I'll release demo 11 (its gone up that far)...which plays out till the incomplete (though you can make the last jump to the end post) FCZ ACT 1

April 10th, 2009, 01:50 PM
well Frozen Caverns has been remade and restored albeit with a different layout...I'm posting regardless if no one cares because I ENJOY making this hack....

anyways a demo video of Frozen caverns...and YES I know that the palette for the score and timer and rings is off, it does that for some strange reason... oh well

har video:

May 18th, 2009, 07:42 AM
don't care about this big as bump, but I've finally made it to past the halfway marker...

Frozen Caverns Zone both ACT I and II has been finished and so has the first act of Oil Refinery Zone

I'll release demo15 sometime today

bug fixes:

small clipping error on RFZ that caused sonic to fall through the floor in some areas.

small problem involving a loop on CFZ, added a path swapper that wasn't there...loop works properly now

loop into tunnel on CFZ ACT II fixed, originally if you tried to go back using that ramp, you'd be unable to go back through the loop, added a path swapper to fix this

alignment problems on RFZ ACT II concerning certain platforms, caused an "F U" moment at this area

fixed an issue with a certain wall in SRZ ACT II

fixed a pallate glitch on FCZ, however ring, time, and score count still messed up pallate



CNZ (Casino Night Zone)-> boss arena now made to act like a pinball table, with a gutter in the middle and two flippers on each side of the gutter, soem bumpers to add to the feel.

SRZ (Sunken Ruin Zone)-> added more under water segments to reinforce the feel of soem of the ruins being more submerged.

anyways I'm still workign on this...originally this game hack was for me senior project, well my presentation is over and the thnig was 50% of my 4th term grade (got a 92 :D)

demo 15 will be uploaded tonight so if anyone actually plays this, the IPS patch will be avalible tonight


May 29th, 2009, 08:03 AM
I give up on this because honestly no one is trying this thing out or cares...just because its not a shooting game or survival horror

all builds have been destroyed and no backups now exist

next thing to throw out: my editing suite and that damn CE map that won't compile