View Full Version : LOST!?

March 7th, 2009, 09:07 PM
I want to watch this show I really do. But unfortunately I only have like 20 channels (fuck you cable). So I've only seen a few episodes. They were amazing.

But theres one thing I don't understand that I need some of you to clarify right now.

What the FUCK is with the animals!? Episode one had a polar bear that moved like it was on crystal meth. The episode on right now sounds like the bastard child between a mech and a star wars AAT. It's even making mechanical sounds now, so I'm thinking its some machine experiment gone fucked up. OH BUT WAIT!!! It turned into a FUCKING SHADOW IN THE AIR!


March 7th, 2009, 09:11 PM
Yeah you probably picked the worst time to suddenly get into lost and watch recent episodes lol, theres a ton of things going on that even confuses me sometimes.

I recommend trying to find a friend who has the DVD's and just blasting through them. You really need to start from beginning to really get the full Lost experience.

Latest episode (the one you just watched I think) gets shown in UK tomorrow evening, cant wait :D

MetKiller Joe
March 7th, 2009, 09:12 PM
Go to Google and type in ABC Full Episode Viewer.

Every episode of Lost. For free.

That's right. Free.

March 7th, 2009, 09:12 PM
Please just tell me what the animals are. :phonegonk:

March 7th, 2009, 09:14 PM
Please just tell me what the animals are. :phonegonk:
You mean the smoke monster or the polar bears?

MetKiller Joe
March 7th, 2009, 09:14 PM
They are. You have to keep watching.

They are not illusions. They are actually there. The reason why they are there, well, that's why you watch the show.

The smoke monster... yeah. Nobody actually knows what that is. Its old though... really really old.

March 7th, 2009, 09:16 PM
^ Yup, although they havent actually said what the smoke monster is (apart from a security system) and they havent said why the polar bears are there.

Fans just have to put the pieces together, they probably will tell us in the end why, part from that its just a guess.

I have a theory why polar bears are there. Smokey interests me alot more though.

March 7th, 2009, 09:17 PM
I wouldn't know, I never watched Lost :gonk:

March 7th, 2009, 09:18 PM
Soooo...it's a demon that makes machine noises?


March 7th, 2009, 09:19 PM
Soooo...it's a demon that makes machine noises?

One guess could be:
Its jacob
Although hasnt been confirmed and I think producers said thats a no. They did say we'd learn alot more about it this season. Everytime we see it we learn a new thing about it.

March 7th, 2009, 09:23 PM
John is starting to scare me.

MetKiller Joe
March 7th, 2009, 09:30 PM
One guess could be:
Its jacob
Although hasnt been confirmed and I think producers said thats a no. They did say we'd learn alot more about it this season. Everytime we see it we learn a new thing about it.

I hope because the fact that they are in the same time as DI with that fence... hopefully lucy will do some 'splanin.

March 7th, 2009, 09:55 PM

March 7th, 2009, 10:42 PM
Is it just me or is lost a massive clusterfuck of self references?

March 7th, 2009, 11:15 PM
Is it just me or is lost a massive clusterfuck of self references?


let me know when series 15 comes out so i can understand why i watched series 1.
i thought it was alright at first, but it just ended up pissing me off. It's worse then DBZ for dragging shit out but at least DBZ had fighting and people yelling at each other, and fireballs....

March 9th, 2009, 07:46 PM
Well the polar bears were kind of explained in this season, iirc:
They were brought to the island by DI, after they were found in Tunisia, and since the island has special properties or whatever they can live. And this part is a super spoiler, so if you havent watched this season, i recommend you dont read it:
Since the island is always moving, that could have something to do with it.

And as for the smoke monster:
I think it represents time, or the guardian of time or something. We know that it guards the island, but it could also guard time. Reason being is that, in one of the earlier episodes, there is a close up shot of the monster, and in it, there are a series of images inside of the smoke. for instance, you can see Jesus on the cross, as well as other famous historical events.

March 9th, 2009, 09:15 PM
Was it a small black kid? Was his name Walt. If so, he was captured for a few reasons

My housemate is now starting to watch the episodes with me, problem is he hates the show and just sits there complaining and moaning saying how far fetched it is.

I tell him, never has the show claimed to be realistic, I agree its getting bizarre, but with shows like Star Trek and Stargate, this is closer to realism.

Episode LaFleur Spoiler:
When Kate met Sawyer, that moment was amazing, shows how much sawyer has changed over the last couple seasons. Hes got some explaining to do tho, with all the love making with Juilet.

MetKiller Joe
March 9th, 2009, 09:27 PM
Was it a small black kid? Was his name Walt. If so, he was captured for a few reasons
Episode LaFleur Spoiler:
When Kate met Sawyer, that moment was amazing, shows how much sawyer has changed over the last couple seasons. Hes got some explaining to do tho, with all the love making with Juilet.

That was PERFECT filmmaking

March 9th, 2009, 09:59 PM
That was PERFECT filmmaking

Yeah, look on his face was priceless :)

Site I recommend that has ALOT of Lost content (new interviews, recap etc)

I still think Episode 6 was one of the best episodes this season, great stuff.
For those who have seen it (big spoiler)
Do you think Ben maliciously killed Locke, to me he freaked when Lost said the womens name, and had to make a quick decision to kill him, I'm thinking he knew what would happen next.

March 9th, 2009, 10:17 PM
^^^ I'm thinking that Ben knew that he wasn't supposed to kill himself, that he had to be killed. He just got the information that he needed from him, and finished the job. There has never really been a reason for him to want to kill him, but you never know. He knew that he was just going to come back anyways if they succeeded.

April 29th, 2009, 02:55 PM
Didn't want to bring this topic up again, but it has to do with ABC's Episode Viewer. I've been watching lost episodes nonstop, because I wanted to catch up on what was going on. So I've reached season 5, but I realized that the arrow pointing down, to go to previous episodes, is greyed out, and as new episodes come, the bottom one gets pushed down and I can't view it. Anyone else get this problem? This only happens on season 5.

April 29th, 2009, 03:28 PM
SPOILER: The writers have no idea what they are doing. They are writing as they go.

MetKiller Joe
April 29th, 2009, 03:52 PM
SPOILER: The writers have no idea what they are doing. They are writing as they go.

Would explain:

1) The lame conflict between Ben and the other guy.
2) The fact that Season 5 has dragged out everything.

Last weeks episode wasn't even an episode, it was a summary. That was never in the original plan.

April 29th, 2009, 04:06 PM


... I'm sorry...

April 29th, 2009, 05:43 PM
I've been watching lost episodes nonstop, because I wanted to catch up on what was going on. So I've reached season 5, but I realized that the arrow pointing down, to go to previous episodes, is greyed out, and as new episodes come, the bottom one gets pushed down and I can't view it. Anyone else get this problem? This only happens on season 5.

April 29th, 2009, 09:11 PM
Just make sure you watch ALL the eps, teek. You won't regret it. A friend got me into lost in very late 08, and I watched all the eps up until season 5 in about 4 weeks (I didn't watch it nonstop though, so you could finish them all faster). You'll be amazed at how the show evolves. As long as you can get past season one, you'll be hooked.

April 29th, 2009, 09:14 PM
This whole season has been going downhill. For a season about time travel they can't even get the dates they specified in the earlier seasons right.

April 30th, 2009, 01:06 AM
The show is still fucking epic. Anyone catch tonight episode.....

April 30th, 2009, 02:47 PM
Did anybody notice the reason WHY I revived this topic... I mean, if any of you don't have a clue\its not happening to you, at least have the decency to say so.

April 30th, 2009, 04:16 PM
Just saw last nights episode, kinda confused me when they were talking about the buried bomb on the island because I thought Faraday said you can't change the past? So if there in the past, and trying to change the future so that the hatch never crashed the plane.. ? wtf im so confused :(

April 30th, 2009, 07:44 PM
Their not changing the past because its their present. Their changing their present to affect the future.

Yeah, it still make no sense.

May 13th, 2009, 04:26 PM

Finale tonight aired in USA. I'nm waiting till Sunday when its airred on UK tv mainly because I'm going home tmw so wont have any time to watch it.

Season five has been great in my eyes, one of the best seasons and from what I've heard this finale has 2 big twists that will knock your socks off.


May 13th, 2009, 10:08 PM
This finale SUCKED.

May 13th, 2009, 10:09 PM
Pretty much all the shows I watch just had or are about to have season finales. Nothing left to watch.

May 13th, 2009, 11:02 PM
I got done watching it
masterz what are you talking about
That was actually a pretty good ending to the season..
Never expected her to actually live...
Jacob... I thought he was going to be a hobo looking dude for some reason LOL
It was pretty good
My favorite season has been this one and season 3 so far, hopefully 6 will be awesome like all the other ones.

Dude, spoilers.

Also.... wow... I love this show.
And I'm happy that the last season is next year. I'm glad they're going to wrap it up. I know I'll be buying the entire show once it comes out. Cool stuff...

Edit: Wow... that didn't sound like I was impressed at all. I'm just a hard core Lost fan... and like... still trying to process everything I just saw...

May 14th, 2009, 12:27 AM
wow, the finale is good so far, i have 30 minutes left.

May 14th, 2009, 02:15 AM
have we figured out why we watched season 1 yet?

Lost got gay.

May 14th, 2009, 10:43 AM
Did they ever explain that ghost/machine/spirit thing?

May 14th, 2009, 11:50 AM
Did they ever explain that ghost/machine/spirit thing?
Not yet, but I SWEAR they were playing those same damn sounds in a episode where Hurrley and whats-his-face-who-can-sense-dead-bodies were out at the drilling site

interesting finale, can't wait for next season when it all ends

MetKiller Joe
May 14th, 2009, 06:02 PM
Their not changing the past because its their present. Their changing their present to affect the future.

Yeah, it still make no sense.

Bottom line, their present is variable which means they can mess with the past variables, which for them is a constant, but by messing with them when they are still being set they are changing their constants. Once the constants are changed their present changes according to those constants, in theory making them land in LAX rather than the island.

Although, what doesn't make sense is that, in the grand scheme of things this would completely ruin whatever the guy that is impersonating Locke had planned because his intricate "loop-hole" to kill Jacob.

Another thing to note, it didn't seem that this imposter was aware of Ben's pact with his dead daughter (who I'm also guessing was also being impersonated), so he might just be another lieutenant/officer/important person in the grand scheme of things along with Jacob, but he is not the main one (although, whoever is in control MIGHT have known that this impersonator was planning to kill Jacob, and, due to what he's done, might have had it coming). Also, who are these people that are coming? That is what I'd like to know.

Was the physicst trying to close the loop-hole or create it?...

And I'm guessing Jacob's side was the Others and this Impersonator was the other side (along with Widmore).

May 14th, 2009, 08:44 PM

Looking forward to the grand finale that's bound to piss everybody off though.

May 14th, 2009, 10:06 PM
Bottom line, their present is variable which means they can mess with the past variables, which for them is a constant, but by messing with them when they are still being set they are changing their constants. Once the constants are changed their present changes according to those constants, in theory making them land in LAX rather than the island.

That got me thinking. If they never end up landing on the island, then that means that they never would have went back in time to stop them from going to the island which would mean that they do end up landing on the island and then they go into the past and stop themselves from landing on the island and it's a never ending cycle that makes your brain exploded into a bloody pile of shit. Maybe I'm just thinking too much into it...

MetKiller Joe
May 15th, 2009, 05:12 AM
That got me thinking. If they never end up landing on the island, then that means that they never would have went back in time to stop them from going to the island which would mean that they do end up landing on the island

If they change a constant, which for them is that the electromagnetic region under the island is activated so-to-speak, they're plane will have never crash landed on the island, which means it would have flown safely back. Its tricky logic, but its cool to think about.

May 15th, 2009, 06:48 AM
If they change a constant, which for them is that the electromagnetic region under the island is activated so-to-speak, they're plane will have never crash landed on the island, which means it would have flown safely back. Its tricky logic, but its cool to think about.
I understand that, I was just thinking that if they never go to the island, then that means they never go to the past. If they never go to the past then that means they wouldn't have activated the electromagnetic thing. That would mean that they would end up landing on the island, which means they would then go to the past and so on. Maybe not. I'm just going to stick with what you say, because it's sounds right (and less confusing) ;)

May 18th, 2009, 08:17 AM
Finale was fucking incredible, best finale yet and possibly best Lost episode ever. So much action, lots of answers and 2 huge cliffhangers, gotta love it.

May 18th, 2009, 12:46 PM
I understand that, I was just thinking that if they never go to the island, then that means they never go to the past. If they never go to the past then that means they wouldn't have activated the electromagnetic thing. That would mean that they would end up landing on the island, which means they would then go to the past and so on. Maybe not. I'm just going to stick with what you say, because it's sounds right (and less confusing) ;)

No because even though they were in the past, it is still the present to them. If they make it so they never crash on the island, then the regular present is still their present. So its like duplicates of them were on the island in the past and changed the variables, so that the actual ones of them live their lives normally in the present present.

Yeah, confusingly awesome isn't it.