View Full Version : Epic Thread

March 12th, 2009, 08:20 PM
Read it and you will under stand the time loop we have created by talking about this thread in the past and creating it. THUS PUTTING THE CREATION OF THE THREAD INSIDE OF IT! GENIOUS!!!!!

(starring Lodex and inferno)

Mr ▀█▀: i did the arena thing without dieing
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: orly
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: how so
Mr ▀█▀: i just kept trying
Mr ▀█▀: and eventually i was so uber leet
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: lol
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: guess who got a nearly flawless build of yoyorast done today
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: THIS GUY
Mr ▀█▀: are you trying to overbluff me or is that the truth???
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: truth
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: im not 100% sure if this is a final build of teh SBSP
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: but it seems like it
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: im very : )
Mr ▀█▀: thats coo
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: because debuggin yoyorast is like
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: having your eyes ripped out
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: by el doggy
Mr ▀█▀: man i cant imagine how horrible thats gotta be
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: you probably cant
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: its impossible to imagine
Mr ▀█▀: impossible is nothing
Mr ▀█▀: georgio armani
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: hahah
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: my name is gerogio armani. i make perfume for dudez lol
Mr ▀█▀: lolcakes, but im a rich motherfucker with hot ladiez
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: its just my cover. georgi armani is really a super flamer. he flames all day and all night. and on teh forums
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: he also flames a forest
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: and burned it down
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: and made perfume out of it
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: he called is diesel
Mr ▀█▀: vin diesel, to be precise
his newest sensation for bald men
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: lawl
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: hey you wanna see the best chat log ever
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: dont tell shadow i sent yout htis
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: he will get mad
Mr ▀█▀: oki doki
Mr ▀█▀: ill be good
<Downloading file i rip from zteam lawl.PNG>

March 12th, 2009, 08:21 PM
This is the best idea we have ever had.

<Uploading file i rip from zteam lawl.PNG>
<Completed uploading file i rip from zteam lawl.PNG >
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: he hates it when people rip his tags
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: so i do that to him all the time
Mr ▀█▀: lawl that r funnyface
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: i have half of the zteam tagset because of jesse
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: i dont use it but i still annoy shadow with it
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: im like
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: Ima release yo tags nigga
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: and hes like
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: *activate zteam hax*
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: and im like oh teh noes save me el doggy
Mr ▀█▀: i call el doggy my personal little bow wow
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: lmao
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: does he rap when you adress him
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: you go SPEAK LIL BOWOW
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: and he starts rappn
Mr ▀█▀: i just saw a cool movie, watchmen and it had like this, egyptian lyon in it
Mr ▀█▀: lol and yea
Mr ▀█▀: we be rapin in da crib
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: lyon
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: is that like lion
Mr ▀█▀: woops
Mr ▀█▀: yea
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: lawl
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: lyons and tigers
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: damn it i dont want to change my sig again
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: but thats funny
Mr ▀█▀: haha we should write a book of sigs
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: more like a encyclopedia
Mr ▀█▀: we could call it "book of sigs"
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: our convo logs are like comedy gold
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: i bet shadow is trying to hack my compuer and steal them >_>
Mr ▀█▀: our logs deserve its own goddamn thread
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: they do
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: DO IT
Mr ▀█▀: thats why shadow wants to steal them
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: we should make a inferno and lodex thread
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: in off topic
Mr ▀█▀: yes we should
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: starting with this chat room
Mr ▀█▀: unfortunately i dont have any of our old logs
Mr ▀█▀: aka ologs
Mr ▀█▀: i dont store logs in general
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: does xfire store them at all?
Mr ▀█▀: i think its an option
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: fffffffffff
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: i thought it did it automatically
Mr ▀█▀: speaking of option
Mr ▀█▀: I worked at Option 2 times for summer job
Mr ▀█▀: option r big wireless company
Mr ▀█▀: holy shit
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: i thought it was just a option
Mr ▀█▀: imagine this
wankzta: HOLY SHIT
wankzta: wtf
lodexia: no more cords to trip over
wankzta: why am i wankzta
lodexia: the mysteries of life
lodexia: but back to the wireless dog
wankzta: omg your lodexia now
wankzta: how the fuck
lodexia: wut
wankzta: what the fuck
lodexia: im mister T
wankzta: its not displaying screen names
wankzta: its displaying usernames
wankzta: wtf did i do
lodexia: yes, but back tot the wireless dog
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: ok
Mr ▀█▀: we could call it WMBF
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: stands for Wireless Motion Belmic Fridge
Mr ▀█▀: wut, somebody already stole our abreviation??
Mr ▀█▀: D======
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: yea
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: WMBF is a really big company
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: there wireless motion belemic fridges are soo cool
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: i have like 6
Mr ▀█▀: holy lolcakes
Mr ▀█▀: i want one
Mr ▀█▀: trade you it for a belgian waffle
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: how about 2 belgian waffle and a el doggy mold
Mr ▀█▀: how about 1 waffle and an el doggy action figure
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: hmmm
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: you have a schmeal
Mr ▀█▀: i drive a hard bargain don't i
Mr ▀█▀: its no ferrari though
Mr ▀█▀: but its good enough for me
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: so about that thread
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: you wanna post it or should i
Mr ▀█▀: how about we like, each post half
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: hmmm
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: hold on
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: You post from the top to the point it sent you that image
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: then ill post from there to the bottom
Mr ▀█▀: so, untill and including the downloading file i rip..., and you start from downlaod complete kk?
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: kk
Mr ▀█▀: what should i call it
Mr ▀█▀: The Lodex and Inferno thread of awesome?
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: Epic Thread
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: and then put
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: Read it and you will under stand the time loop we have created by talking about this thread in the past and creating it. THUS PUTTING THE CREATION OF THE THREAD INSIDE OF IT! GENIOUS!!!!!
Mr ▀█▀: okay: i r about to post! diz r so exciting
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: yea
Mr ▀█▀: its up
{DMT}-//-»ßx£« Inferno: OMG I SEE IT

Too be continued in Episode 2. Revenge of the chat room!

March 12th, 2009, 08:23 PM
So you talked about posting a thread before posting it...? Quotes, no matter how awesome you think they are go here: http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?p=372445#post372445

Just use this: Read it and you will under stand the time loop we have created by talking about this post in the past and creating it. THUS PUTTING THE CREATION OF THE POST INSIDE OF IT! GENIOUS!!!!!