View Full Version : [TAG] Ifafudafi's Plasma Pack (UPDATE : EVERYTHING'S FIXED!)
March 13th, 2009, 06:29 PM
Make sure to watch in HQ!
Well, after weeks of work and frustration, it's here. While I've had to axe the Plasma Burst (the rapid-fire thing) and the Plasma Nuke, I've used the leftover time and effort to refine everything else to a mirror shine.
If there are missing tags, strange references, or other errors, tell me so I can fix them ASAP.
Plasma Rifle: Gameplay-wise, designed to emulate Halo 3 under the limitation of the Halo 1 engine. Stun has been nearly eliminated. Rate of fire starts low, but quickly accelerates at the cost of accuracy. Bolts travel slightly faster. Tears through shields quickly, but takes several more hits to down an opponent. Comes with custom model, skin, animations, and effects. Model/skin emulates Halo 3, while the effects retain characteristics from all Halo games (1's smoke, 2's electricity, and 3's cleaner, dark blue style.)
Plasma Grenade: Functionality virtually unaltered, save for a blue screen flash when stuck. Effect is based loosely off Halo 3, but with several modifications and additions to give it my own spin. The video is pretty self-explanatory.
Plasma Beam: Experimental Covenant weapon based on the Plasma Rifle, later scrapped for the more efficient Beam Rifle. Fires relatively slow moving, high-powered bolts which ricochet on impact with anything non-organic. One shot will eliminate an enemy's shields, and two more will kill them. Comes with a 4X zoom. Counterbalanced by slow rate of fire, easily identifiable contrail, and low battery life (36 shots.) Effect style based of cheesy alien ray guns, with less smoke/sparks and more rings and glow.
Plasma Spread: Covenant answer to the human shotgun, rarely used due to the Elite's preference of the Energy Sword for close range combat and eventually eclipsed by the portability and durability of the Brute Mauler. Fires 8 fast-moving bolts in a wide cone, which, like the Plasma Rifle, rip easily through shields but take longer to damage flesh and armor. Fires at twice the rate of the human shotgun, but counterbalanced by lower power and quick overheat (5 shots with 5 second cooldown.) Approximately 30 shots per battery. Effect style designed around clean green bolts trailed and accompanied by messy purple sparks.
All weapons come with custom decals, both in style (as seen in the video) and in the bitmaps.
If demand is high enough for a return on the Burst and Nuke, I may revisit them, but I think these two new weapons fit much better into the game. Anyway, quit listening to me blab and download the blasted thing already. Read the readme!
E: As I expected, there were a couple missing tags. Download the second file and replace the corresponding folders.
EE: Link was broken. Now it's not.
EEE: Yet more missing tags. Added to the tagfix.
EEEE: Everything fixed. Enjoy.
EEEEE: Added the modacity FTP in case Filefront goes through with the shutdown.
Filefront (17.02 MB) (;13777973;/fileinfo.html)
Modacity FTP (
March 13th, 2009, 06:39 PM
Thats extremely good looking.
Why is plasma your specialty?
March 13th, 2009, 06:41 PM
It doesn't conform to standard conventions, at least in Halo. While you won't be seeing a neon-purple frag grenade, I can take an unknown technology and make it whatever I want.
That, and I've been working on the PG for about a year now. ._.
March 13th, 2009, 06:44 PM
Time to examine how you set up the plasma grenade energy arcs. Thanks.
teh lag
March 13th, 2009, 06:55 PM
Some of those effects are pretty impressive. I approve of this thread.
Nice to see another competent animator in the field as well.
March 13th, 2009, 07:06 PM
Very well done. If I come across the spare time I might design and model weapons to compliment the plasma beam and spread.
March 13th, 2009, 07:47 PM
The next step for me is to get them working in the campaign. Since I have to modify every blasted distance/accuracy/speed/etc. variable for every blasted actor_variant, it'll take a while; for now, I'll probably take the week off.
Glad you guys like it; hope I see it in some maps soon.
March 13th, 2009, 07:48 PM
The plasma rifle lower and upper fire effect don't have 3P effects. Simple enough fix though.
March 13th, 2009, 08:05 PM
Bah, not a big fan of the Plasma Rifle's origin, however I love the walking animation for it. Always a big fan of new Plasma Grenade explosion particles also, great job on that.
March 13th, 2009, 08:05 PM
One question, why don't the flaps open on the plasma rifle when it overheats?
Also I really wish I'd had those plasma grenade effects back in the days of Halo 2 campaign glitching, would have made it so much easier to time my jumps.
March 13th, 2009, 09:19 PM
The plasma rifle lower and upper fire effect don't have 3P effects. Simple enough fix though.
GAH. I knew I was forgetting something. Maybe I'll release a fix later.
Bah, not a big fan of the Plasma Rifle's origin...
Likewise, but it's been a while since I touched the animations. Eh, maybe someone can change it if it's really that bad.
One question, why don't the flaps open on the plasma rifle when it overheats?
Errors with the importation of the model. Since I imported it through Bluestreak and then edited the geometry, something got lost in translation and now they won't open. Never found a way to fix that.
t3h m00kz
March 13th, 2009, 09:38 PM
I really like the Plasma Beam.
It'd be a bitch to hit someone with that over the net though, lolz
March 13th, 2009, 10:19 PM
Dude this is really something else. Nice work. Could I might use your Plasma Grenade in the Community Mod possibly by chance? I know you released it, but I know some people here are a little squeamish about using stuff in Campaign Mods.
March 13th, 2009, 10:20 PM
As long as I get credit, I don't care what anyone does with this. Feel free to use it how you want.
March 13th, 2009, 10:23 PM
As long as I get credit, I don't care what anyone does with this. Feel free to use it how you want.
Alright dude, thanks.
March 13th, 2009, 10:58 PM
That does look pretty tight, gj.
March 14th, 2009, 12:02 AM
I'm missing some particles, if anyone would care to give me them:
effects/particles/energy/bitmaps/cloud c plasma smoke.bitmap
effects/particles/energy/bitmaps/clo sound sounds\plasma_flare.sound
March 14th, 2009, 12:12 AM
GARF! I knew I was missing something. Those are two custom effects & sounds used that didn't make it into the folder.
This is what happens when you have too much custom content. You forget what's what. D:
Reuploading the original file with missing tags now included.
March 14th, 2009, 12:15 AM
GARF! I knew I was missing something. Those are two custom effects & sounds used that didn't make it into the folder.
This is what happens when you have too much custom content. You forget what's what. D:
Reuploading the original file with missing tags now included.
Alright dude, thanks. For some reason, not having the bitmap fucked over my entire weapons set. I'll look into it more, but something was up when I tried to compile my map.
March 14th, 2009, 12:24 AM
Check the main post. The tags are added.
Let me know if anything else is fuxed.
March 14th, 2009, 02:27 AM
That is awesome work! Good job! :D
March 14th, 2009, 09:45 AM
Check the main post. The tags are added.
Let me know if anything else is fuxed.
I don't have these two neither:
effects\particles\flash\flash h shield impact grow.particle
effects\point physics\plasma debris.point_physics
March 14th, 2009, 10:51 AM
The plasma beam seems overpowered in a way.
Dr Pepper
March 14th, 2009, 11:24 AM
Link is broke
March 14th, 2009, 11:32 AM
yea the link is broken, somebody fix it :mad: that plasma rifle looks cool
March 14th, 2009, 11:59 AM
Fixed. Enjoy.
March 14th, 2009, 12:08 PM
Great stuff, Ifa.
March 14th, 2009, 12:13 PM
The plasma beam seems overpowered in a way.
it's exactly the same as the pistol from what I can tell
I'm really thinking of making a covie map and using all these for an all plasma game.
March 14th, 2009, 12:18 PM
Looks good, talk to me later on xfire. I have like 2 sets of pr anims you can use if you want
March 14th, 2009, 01:22 PM
effects\particles\solid\blood grunt burst.particle
effects\particles\solid\blood grunt decal causing.particle
effects\decals\blood splats\floodcombat splat.decal
effects\decals\blood splats\flood splat.decal
were can i find these? im looking thru the campagin maps for them but i cant find them
EDIT: i cant find them in the campagin maps, are they even important?
March 14th, 2009, 01:58 PM
More stuff I was missing; most of it from my blood mod, and another for something entirely different.
Added to the fix.
March 14th, 2009, 03:02 PM
more stuff missing
tags\effects\particles\flash\flash h shield impact grow.particle
tags\effects\particles\energy\bitmaps\h2\electric_ arcs.bitmap
tags\effects\point physics\plasma debris.point_physics
EDIT: i got mine to work by putting in other random particles, and i got a good outcome
March 14th, 2009, 06:58 PM
You are also missing a lot of bitmaps. That's what's impaling me.
March 14th, 2009, 07:06 PM
Ordinarily I'd just dump my entire bitmaps folder into the zip, but I've got so much other custom content it's not feasible.
Get me a list of every missing bitmap you can find; if they're not critical, you can replace them, but otherwise I'll need to repuload.
I knew this wasn't going to work as smoothly as I'd hoped.
March 14th, 2009, 07:11 PM
03.14.09 16:14:23 failed to load weapon tag 'weapons\plasma pistol\plasma pistol'
03.14.09 16:14:23 failed to load item_collection tag 'item collections\single weapons\plasma pistol'
03.14.09 16:14:23 file_open('tags\effects\point physics\snow.point_physics') error 0x00000002 'The system cannot find the file specified. '
03.14.09 16:14:23 couldn't open point_physics tag 'snow.point_physics'.
03.14.09 16:14:23 failed to load particle tag 'effects\particles\air\smoke residual'
03.14.09 16:14:23 failed to load effect tag 'weapons\assault rifle\effects\impact h skin'
03.14.09 16:14:23 failed to load projectile tag 'weapons\icee's-ma5d_gl\bullet'
03.14.09 16:14:23 failed to load weapon tag 'weapons\icee's-ma5d_gl\ma5dgl'
03.14.09 16:14:23 failed to load item_collection tag 'item collections\single weapons\assault rifle'
03.14.09 16:14:23 failed to load scenario tag 'levels\pit\pit'
03.14.09 16:14:23 need to get the following tags:
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\point physics\snow.point_physics
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\point physics\snow.point_physics
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\point physics\snow.point_physics
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\point physics\snow.point_physics
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\point physics\snow.point_physics
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\point physics\snow.point_physics
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\point physics\snow.point_physics
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\point physics\snow.point_physics
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\point physics\snow.point_physics
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\point physics\snow.point_physics
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\blood collision grunt.effect
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\blood collision grunt.effect
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\blood collision grunt.effect
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\decals\blood splats\bitmaps\flood combat splat.bitmap
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\decals\blood splats\bitmaps\flood splat.bitmap
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\blood collision grunt.effect
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\blood collision grunt.effect
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\blood collision grunt.effect
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\decals\blood splats\bitmaps\flood combat splat.bitmap
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\decals\blood splats\bitmaps\flood splat.bitmap
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\blood collision grunt.effect
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\blood collision grunt.effect
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\blood collision grunt.effect
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\decals\blood splats\bitmaps\flood combat splat.bitmap
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\decals\blood splats\bitmaps\flood splat.bitmap
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\blood collision grunt.effect
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\blood collision grunt.effect
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\blood collision grunt.effect
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\decals\blood splats\bitmaps\flood combat splat.bitmap
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\decals\blood splats\bitmaps\flood splat.bitmap
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\decals\blood splats\bitmaps\flood combat splat.bitmap
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\decals\blood splats\bitmaps\flood splat.bitmap
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\decals\blood splats\bitmaps\flood combat splat.bitmap
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\decals\blood splats\bitmaps\flood splat.bitmap
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\decals\blood splats\bitmaps\flood combat splat.bitmap
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\decals\blood splats\bitmaps\flood splat.bitmap
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\decals\blood splats\bitmaps\flood combat splat.bitmap
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\decals\blood splats\bitmaps\flood splat.bitmap
03.14.09 16:14:23 effects\point physics\snow.point_physics
03.14.09 16:14:23
03.14.09 16:14:23 game_load() failed.
March 14th, 2009, 07:19 PM
next time before you release tags, if you have a untouched tutorial tags test them out in those first like if you rar the ones you think that wont have any missing tags, put those in a untouched tutorial, compile too and see what it tool says, if it says the missing ones put those in the necessary tags folder and retry until there are no errors, you will know the difference between custom and non, if im talking non-sense dont bother to do what i do
@CLS_GRUNT: snow physics get it from b40 map and others from the campagin maps, the others look for HCEnewerblood in his filefront account, they have i think all;10510048;/fileinfo.html
that has some of the missing files
March 14th, 2009, 07:50 PM
wait nvm i fixed :D
March 14th, 2009, 08:23 PM
03.14.09 21:05:41 effects\blood collision grunt.effect
03.14.09 21:05:41 effects\particles\flash\flash h shield impact grow.particle
03.14.09 21:05:41 effects\point physics\plasma debris.point_physics
^I'm missing those.
March 14th, 2009, 11:36 PM
03.14.09 21:24:55 effects\particles\flash\flash h shield impact grow.particle
03.14.09 21:24:55 effects\particles\energy\bitmaps\h2\electric_arcs. bitmap
03.14.09 21:24:55 effects\point physics\plasma debris.point_physics
03.14.09 21:24:55 effects\particles\flash\f effects\point physics\plasma debris.point_physics
March 15th, 2009, 09:52 AM
erm i have no comment on fixing those, find related and close to the missing bitmaps and point_physics, like just add bitmaps and point_physics that are close to the missing ones
@Dark: for the grunt, make a copy of a blood aoe grunt.effect and rename it to blood collision grunt.effect, for the particle use a shield one from the cyborg and the plasma debris um find a related one to it
if it makes no sense your screwed
March 15th, 2009, 12:12 PM
For Point Physics, a good alternative would be an h2 explosion or the original H1 explosion if you have them.
March 18th, 2009, 03:00 PM
I've replaced my tagset with the default Blood Gulch one, added in the pack, and then fixed everything that was missing. Any other errors should be on your end.
Main link updated.
March 18th, 2009, 05:58 PM
In the future, just recursively extract your tags from a map that they are compiled in. Then you will get all of the dependent files on all of your weapons and whatnot.
March 21st, 2009, 07:29 PM
You coulda told us the plasma rifle and plasma grenade in the pack was going to replace the stock ones.
teh lag
March 21st, 2009, 07:35 PM
You coulda told us the plasma rifle and plasma grenade in the pack was going to replace the stock ones.
There are some tag replacements, so make sure you back up the relevant files in case you don't find these quite to your liking.
He did.
March 28th, 2009, 10:28 PM
You coulda told us the plasma rifle and plasma grenade in the pack was going to replace the stock ones.
If you have problems with it, just go into HEK+, extract from original campaign the original tags and have them set as overwritten.
March 28th, 2009, 11:20 PM
If you have problems with it, just go into HEK+, extract from original campaign the original tags and have them set as overwritten.
The only problem with that is, HEK+ does not extract every tag properly.
March 29th, 2009, 11:19 AM
Went ahead and added a link to the FTP server here in case Filefront actually does shut down.
November 8th, 2010, 03:17 PM
Broken link :(
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