View Full Version : Whats up with CMT?

March 14th, 2009, 07:46 PM
I'm really confused.

I have been following two threads for the CMT SPV2 mod, the thread here, which was locked like two months ago. (for good reason I might add)

The other one was on halomaps.org, and now that thread is just gone, it doesn't exist anymore.(i'm surprised that didn't happen months ago)

However before it got deleted Masterz said the mod wouldn't be released, then Arteen came and said it would be.

So that brings me back to my original question, whats up with CMT, is the mod going to ever be released? By the way, is Masterz really banned, if so why?

(By the way, if I'm not supposed to be posting about this topic, just tell me so, and the topic will be changed, or a moderator can just delete it, I'll understand.:))

teh lag
March 14th, 2009, 07:51 PM
-The mod will be released. We're not going to throw away all of our hard work. I'll pick it up all by myself if I have to (once I take my break from the team starting in April of course) in order to see it get released.

-Masterz is really banned. He is banned because he asked p0lar to ban him, as he was increasingly irritated with Modacity.

-CMT discussions have a history of going south easily and bringing a shitton of drama with them. I won't lock this just yet if there's more you want/need to know, but if you don't then please lock it yourself (thread tools > close thread).

March 14th, 2009, 07:56 PM
Thanks, a lot, I was getting worried for a little while, and I'll lock it right after this post. Thanks again.

March 14th, 2009, 08:12 PM
I did lock it, for like 20 minutes, but then iI realized that I do have another question.

A couple months ago, in one of the threads somebody mentioned a new SPV2 video coming out in the coming week or so. Now my question to you is, do you know if this video will come out, or was it dropped when the threads started to go down hill?

teh lag
March 14th, 2009, 08:20 PM
No videos coming out soon, and I especially don't think there was one planned to come out as of the last few weeks.

If you don't mind, I'm going to lock this now as I can see this easily becoming a nonstop round of Q and A. CMT, while not disbanded, is going to be more reclusive for a while now (like we've been a few times before), and we're not really up to answering a bunch of questions. If you want to IM or PM me about this go ahead, but I'd rather not risk this thread taking a traditional CMT nosedive.

March 14th, 2009, 08:25 PM
Just opened it for 30 seconds to say thanks, and I understand your decision. Besides I'm also sure this thread will get really ugly fast

Now I'm going to lock this thread, throw away the key, and then blow up the general area that my key landed at. You won't hear from me again. (that is untill the mod comes out, which will be a day that all will remember)