View Full Version : The Obama Deception

March 16th, 2009, 05:34 AM


Pirate Bay Torrent link, yes it's legal because Alex Jones the maker wants it out there, money is not even an issue and for it to be would be a complete hypocrisy on all the film stands for.


Entire thing on google video if the torrent doesn't work for you.


First part on youtube if google video isn't your thing.

You have no right to argue with anyone who has watched this film until you have so yourself, because until then, unless you already know this information due to your extensive research, you are a misguided snotty child who knows nothing but what your mind feels comfort in.

Here are some of the key issues being explored:

There is a police state brewing made up of COMPULSORY (yes that means you) of all american 18 - 20 something year olds in military training to stop the riots that are going to come when Obamas admin play their next cards.

The first and second amendments will be abolished to keep people from defending their rights and their liberties.

Camps are being constructed in every state of the US to enslave the "100 million terror suspects in the US" a figure that rises by 20 thousand people a week. Your probably on it, good chance seeing as a 3rd of America already is. This extends into the no fly list limits. This will basically mean that all these people on the list (which by the end of it all, will be everyone) are not allowed to own or buy guns. There goes your right to bear arms. The us government investigated a 5 year old at the airport and at his home for being on the list. They told his mother she wasn't allowed to touch him because he was a suspected danger to her.

3rd world countries are going to pay direct tax to the federal reserve bank.

Global warming is a hoax instilled in the hearts of angsty teans and stupid fuckup baby boomers by Al Gore of the Clinton Administration to allow the passing of numerous "environmental tax" bills, 2 of them include taxes for giving birth, and raising cattle, due to "carbon and methane emmisions". Many others include a regulatory mandatory chip that will be enforced by local governments to install an ecu chip or similar in your car to tax your mileage, on top of your petrol.

The real cause of the current warming of our earth (which is funnily enough occurring in every planet in the suns vicinity) is because of increased solar activity and sun spots as documented by real scientists who actually know what the fuck they're talking about.

Obamas advisers are ALL wall street bankers. Every person he seated in his reception and his commity is one. This is the first time it's ever been this extreme. With bush there were at least a few trade officials, motor sector officials and so on and so forth, but this time, they're ALL bankers. Bankers who apparently have the knowledge and dedication and care to the people who they never associate with, or need to.

The federal reserve bank stole all the bailout money, and because of the obligations written in the 1000 page bill, what wasn't said is that basically that check was a blank.

The current figure on that bailout money is approx 6 or 7 trillion, all of it missing.

The us government is building bases in and around Iran Russia and China. This is the secondary unknown reason for the Iraq War and invading of neighbouring countries (besides that popular oil thing).

The us is going to cut off chinas oil and resources and force them to steal from Siberia (Russia).

Obama has gone back on every single promise he has made thus far. Infact, he voted FOR legislation to be passed for things he said he was going to ironically abolish. Nothing important though, just the Patriot Act.

Iraq was supposed to be void of US troops within 6 months. That was extended to 16 months. Now it's been extended to 24 months and will be "looked at".

There will be globalization in the form of one world bank and therefore government. Hitler will look like an underachiever compared to what the Obama administration is paving the way for.

Forget Obama the man himself, he is nothing. It's his administration that is being investigated here for they are the ones who really do the work and run the show.

Religious and patriotic views have nothing at all to do with anything related to this film. This affects every single living thing on this planet. Cut the bullshit, set aside your egos and realize what the fuck is going on. Obama is not your lord and savior hes is infact the most brutal dictator the world has ever seen.

This film contains no conspiracy, no theory. It is all documented, and often reported by mainstream media and all covered by real facts, and everything can be researched and found from credible sources, and many of them on the internet.

March 16th, 2009, 05:46 AM
oh hey look another crazy as fuck dano conspiracy thread

just gonna leave this here

never stop posting bro, this is funny shit~~

March 16th, 2009, 05:56 AM
[03:53] imod53: well
[03:53] imod53: i'm forcing myself to go to bed
[03:54] Snaf: no you're not
[03:54] Snaf: you're going to open dane's thread in otYou delay my bedtime for this? I hope you're happy.

Look, I know you want to hide behind your "you don't have the right to argue with me until you watch this bullshit conspiracy film!" but it just ain't gonna happen, pal. Obama's not perfect, but he's not motherfucking Hitler, either. I'd seek professional help if I were you. You and all those other poor, deranged sods who made that film.

March 16th, 2009, 06:05 AM
Urgh why do people think that when someone refers to Obama as hitler they mean the nazi shit.

They mean the world domination, working for bankers shit.

You also refer to the film as if you watched it, and countered my argument of not watching it to give you some sort of justification to do just that.

The film has the facts, what you believe isn't backed by any at all.

Also CN, keep posting those, they're great. I like winning. Knowing that you stayed up extra late for me so you can fail at making a shitpost is just making my head swell with pride. As I've said before, provide facts for the opposite of what this film is saying and I'll respect your opinion. Trouble is though, you won't find them. Ask yourself for a fucking minute what it is you actually believe.

I also love CN how you confuse the word fact with conspiracy. This isn't aliens and lizard people chemtrails shit. David Icke isn't here ok. This is the real deal.

I also find it hilarious that the two people who tried to discredit me before are the first two posters, who not only didn't watch the film, they probably didn't even read the spoiler.

They are also the pseudo intellectual tough guys on the forum, who may I add, do nothing more than repost shit from somewhere else and hoard credit for it, and barely actually contribute other than flaunting their stupid fucking memes and shitty shader restoration packs from 2 years ago and bitch about people to each other on msn/aim like 2 school girls observing their clits in a mirror.

Yes that is a personal attack. Don't throw the bait without expecting a bite fellas.

The fact that you have stuff about me in your sig Exam really makes me feel good. You can't discredit me. There's nothing to tarnish here. However the fact that I am in your sig makes me feel that you really are disgruntled by what I'm doing, and I like that.

That's about all I'm going to add to this post. The thread is here, if at least 1 person watched it and is no longer stupid then it wasn't in vain. Other than that, keep tossing your tackle back and forth fellas, because your dickfear only makes me laugh.

March 16th, 2009, 06:14 AM
Urgh why do people think that when someone refers to Obama as hitler they mean the nazi shit.

They mean the world domination, working for bankers shit.

You also refer to the film as if you watched it, and countered my argument of not watching it to give you some sort of justification to do just that.

The film has the facts, what you believe isn't backed by any at all.

Also CN, keep posting those, they're great. I like winning.


I hope some day when you're older (and hopefully wiser) you look back at these posts and realize how dumb you were

March 16th, 2009, 06:22 AM

i'll watch it tomorrow but until then i'm feeling EXTREMELY pessimistic.
i mean... Urgh.

March 16th, 2009, 06:28 AM
Haha, you guys are amazing.

I'll let it be you, who look back on your posts in regret. I don't care if I was stupid or made stupid posts, unlike you self absorbed internet image folk. I know in my heart of hearts that this shit is the truth. That's all that really counts.

Also bodie, your "fear and love" bullshit has been compromised, obviously. Your being a fake, stop it.

March 16th, 2009, 06:44 AM
How are people complaining when he's been in office for only a few months?

March 16th, 2009, 06:47 AM
Obama said all those things as a joke. Don't you get it?


How are people complaining when he's been in office for only a few months?

Mad republicans.

March 16th, 2009, 06:56 AM
Debunking documentaries like this is quite difficult to do on a forum, since they make so many points in such a short space of time. I'll wait until a decent blogger does it, then I'll link it.

Double post for cool person status.

March 16th, 2009, 07:00 AM
world domination
:lmao: (http://www.modacity.net/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=374162#)

March 16th, 2009, 07:26 AM
It's hard to debunk a documentary like this because it is made an faulty assumptions and false facts that the film's creators (and his supporters) will say are true to the bitter end.

I'm not going to watch the film because I do not want to waste my time watching faulty arguments and crazed conspiracy theories. The only thing this movie is missing is them stating that Obama's parents are aliens.

March 16th, 2009, 07:29 AM
How is it that every time a country actually elects the right person someone will still manage to make a doomsday scenario out of it, and then make otherwise intelligent people believe it?

It'd be like actually believing TT or ACA (Aussie references, Dane knows what they are even if the rest of you don't) and taking their every word at face value...

March 16th, 2009, 11:24 AM
Wait...what? Isn't dane Australian anyways?

March 16th, 2009, 11:28 AM
Yes, hence him knowing what they are.

We don't just sit around with our thumbs up our arses, you know. Those of us with the brainpower required take quite an interest in world events, especially what the country we can't seem to suck up to enough is doing. How many Americans watched Rudd get elected?

March 16th, 2009, 11:54 AM

why cant you just leave things as it is, you think bod is being fake and Obama is the next Hitler.
please just stop

March 16th, 2009, 12:00 PM
Quality comedy here. Dane, the threads you make nearly eclipse some of those drunkenpost threads. It's a good thing you're not being serious or...

oh wait

teh lag
March 16th, 2009, 12:02 PM
I really don't see this going anywhere good :\