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View Full Version : Screw iPhone, this owns it

Mr Buckshot
March 18th, 2009, 06:22 PM

So I went to see Watchmen with some friends, and one of them happened to be holding THIS nifty toy, and of course I demanded to check it out. Apparently, his relative from South Korea came to visit and brought this for him, so that explains why I haven't seen these in North American stores yet.

While I own neither the iPhone nor this Samsung Pixon M8800 (the exact name of this phone), I've played with enough iPhones at school to be able to make a comparison.


The iPhone uses a 3.5" 480x320 screen while the Samsung uses a 3.2" 240x400 screen. Both are touch screens of course, no physical keypads here. Although the Samsung had a smaller screen, I was hard-pressed to find any real quality difference between the two. But what the Samsung had over the iPhone was the aspect ratio, which is more widescreen-movie-friendly.


Can't quite remember the range of formats either device supports, but I do know the Samsung supports more video formats than the iPhone, including DivX. That means less time spent with those video conversion utilities when transferring videos to the phone. The audio formats though are about the same for both. As I don't have particularly sensitive ears, I can't judge which has better sound quality, but yeah they both sound loud and clear. Same thing for video playback - crystal clear, but the Samsung has the edge in the number of formats it supports out of the box.

The Samsung's camera really kills the iPhone's too. This is the main selling point of the Samsung - it's an 8.0 megapixel camera with autofocus and true optical zoom and real flash. Suffice to say, it took beautiful shots. The iPhone's 2.0-megapixel camera apparently produces worse image quality than the 2.0-megapixel camera in my Motorola RAZR V3X, probably because the optics are crappier. Also the iPhone lacks a flash on its camera. Granted, this is definitely the first phone I've seen since the Nokia N95 (5.0-MP) that can really substitute for a standalone camera. Video playback with the Samsung was excellent too, it even supports higher resolutions than my dad's Canon 7.1MP. And no, my friend did not try to pirate Watchmen using the camera.

And finally, the Samsung has expandable storage. w00t!

Key features:

The Samsung has wi-fi and GPS and Bluetooth. I didn't get to try out the wi-fi because there wasn't an access point at the theater, but when I go to my friend's house next time I'll be sure to check it out and update the review. As for the iPhone, it has the same features and I really liked its web browser. Let's see if the iPhone still holds top marks in mobile web browsing.

The Samsung also has far more hard buttons than the iPhone, making it more practical. I don't really like how the iPhone must use the screen for absolutely everything.

Extra programs:

I guess nothing can beat the iPhone's app store at the moment, but the Samsung is no slouch either. The GPS feature works pretty well (acquires satellites quickly outdoors), there are some fun touchscreen games (e.g. whack-a-mole), and of course all the basics like calculators, currency converters, etc.

Best part was, it cost my friend the equivalent of $650 Can while the iPhone would've cost the equivalent of $950. Unlocked and without carriers, of course.

March 18th, 2009, 06:45 PM
It doesn't look all that interesting imo. Whats with the low resolution screen and throwing even more megapixels into the camera when the optics are junk? Lots of features, but still nothing close to an iPhone killer.

/me waits 5 more years for a proper camera + phone device

March 18th, 2009, 07:05 PM
Looks like a glorified Samsung Behold, and the GUI looks exactly the same too.

March 18th, 2009, 07:39 PM
Looks like a touch screen camera. That lens is stupid big.

March 18th, 2009, 07:50 PM

I dunno, even by the specs you posted I want an iPhone more. THe app store gives huge advantage.

I have neither though :( I dont want to pay out the ass for a phone, then have to pay out the ass again for the ridiculous contract.

Mr Buckshot
March 18th, 2009, 07:57 PM
Lol same here Limited, there are so many cool phones I want but my parents won't let me get them due to the price. My Motorola RAZR V3X serves me pretty well though, I bought it overseas for the equivalent of $150 here, and I use a pay-as-you-go service rather than a flat-fee monthly contract as I'm not a frequent caller.

March 18th, 2009, 08:59 PM
I'd rather get a cheap-o/freebie phone and a $100 point and shoot tbh.

Or ebay a decent but older camera.

March 19th, 2009, 09:29 AM
That does look cool, and it does indeed beat the iPhone in many ways, but you have to think, will anything really become an "iPhone killer" anytime soon? Mac's reputation really gives it the edge over anything else. Sure, I'll admit, I haven't really seen many iPhones around, but that's possibly because I haven't been looking too too much.

March 19th, 2009, 09:32 AM
I see nothing on this that makes me want it over an Iphone.
1: The Iphone's UI is probably the best I've seen
2: Its 3rd party app capability makes it far superior to anything else out there.
3: Ill bet it doesn't have a 600mhz processor...
4: Iphone has bluetooth, and excellent Wifi and GPS as well
5: Multitouch on a smaller screen? No...Iphone is as small as it should ever get...
6:The Iphone's camera takes great pictures for a camera-phone, and If I want better Id use a real camera. IDC what the review says, i have had both the Rzr V3 and the Iphone, and the Iphone is MUCH better here.
7: Doesn't look nice like the Iphone

I don't think anything is coming close to the Iphone yet to be quite honest.

March 19th, 2009, 09:50 AM
Looks like an Omnia, which is incredible fail.

I'll stick with my Blackberry Storm, until I can buy an iPhone on Verizon.

March 19th, 2009, 09:53 AM
Looks like an Omnia, which is incredible fail.

I'll stick with my Blackberry Storm, until I can buy an iPhone on Verizon.

Buy one off Ebay or Craigslist.

March 19th, 2009, 10:32 AM
I have the Omnia, It rapes the shit out of the pixon apart from the camera. You cant edit any files or anything on the Pixon, so that means you can not improve its performance ect.. Very limited to what you can do on it.

IMO, THe IPhone is better than both. But. They both have their ups and downs.

March 19th, 2009, 12:04 PM
Buy one off Ebay or Craigslist.And somehow fix the fact that Verizon doesn't use SIM cards therefore I can't transfer my Verizon account to an iPhone thereby making it completely useless to own?

Naw, I'll stick with my Blackberry.

March 19th, 2009, 01:55 PM
Just wait for the Palm Pre. Fall 2009.

March 19th, 2009, 02:02 PM
Samsung Pixon M8800 (the exact name of this phone)

Do we really need to know this? On second thought, it's not some bad info to know.

Just wait for the Palm Pre. Fall 2009.

Get a credit card bro

March 19th, 2009, 08:16 PM
Just wait for the Palm Pre. Fall 2009.

Was just gonna say this. It look very nice. I still don't think anything will be an Iphone killer because the one thing it will always have over its competitors is the App Store, making its uses endless. If any other phone is able to rival the appstore and is faster and has more features than the Iphone, maybe it will win.