View Full Version : Guns
March 20th, 2009, 11:50 PM
So, I turned 18 this past Christmas, and have been debating what to splurge money on that has something to do with me being 18. Cigarettes are not my thing and pr0n was too easy. So, I am thinking about buying myself a nice firearm...there are ranges near me, bolt-actions are cheap, I've got more than enough money for a year's worth of ammo, etc.
So, I was thinking of a surplus military weapon. I like Mosin Nagants (the original pattern and MN1891/1930, not the M38 or M44), but I like Enfields more. Nagants one can find in abundance, but Enfields are harder to come by, especially the No.1 through No.3 (No. 4 is ugly). What should I do: go with an MN, or search for an Enfield? :confused2:
This thread is for those of you who own a gun or five to post in and brag, as well as answer the above questions.
March 20th, 2009, 11:57 PM
Get something newer and unique that YOU can brag about. Like a Tavor or something.
I want one.
Or something with more bang like an M14, but it's not very unique because they're so popular...
Also, I don't have any pictures of my guns because they're hunting guns, and not cool enough to show off.
March 21st, 2009, 12:00 AM
Well, I'm a stickler for older weapons. They have a charm to them that modern ones lack. TARs are cool and all, but it is also out of my price range.
March 21st, 2009, 12:34 AM
You'll never find ammo for a Nagant. Get the Enfield, there much nicer, you can find ammo at any gun shop, and you won't have to go surplus for it either. The only way to get 7.62x54R ammo is through surplus, and it is SHIT.
March 21st, 2009, 01:18 AM
You'll never find ammo for a Nagant. Get the Enfield, there much nicer, you can find ammo at any gun shop, and you won't have to go surplus for it either. The only way to get 7.62x54R ammo is through surplus, and it is SHIT.
any gunshop sells 7.62x54R. it's common as dogshit, just like everything else the soviets made.
March 21st, 2009, 01:43 AM
Lol, my brother bought himself a Nagant and apparently loves the thing.
March 21st, 2009, 06:14 AM
why can you people own guns, buy cigarettes and put your life on the line in military service..... and not be allowed to drink alcohol.
Wtf people honestly.
March 21st, 2009, 06:20 AM
That doesn't stop most teenagers.
Not saying that you drink War, also go for the Enfield. You'll treasure it more.
March 21st, 2009, 07:09 AM
Enfields are as common as shit out here because we produced them, the guy I'm getting mine from has literally hundreds while he only has a handful of Nagants (I only saw about six, but there could've been more buried underneath all the Enfields).
Watch what you get for ammo though, surplus Pakistani .303 is probably the easiest and cheapest to get (here, anyway) but it tends to hangfire.
Anyway, the No.4 is gorgeous, don't diss it
March 21st, 2009, 07:18 AM
March 21st, 2009, 07:27 AM
I fucking love Walthers.
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 21st, 2009, 10:18 AM
Imo, the Desert Eagle looks the best out of all pistols, too bad the gun itself can knock you out :S
Though, the Nagant is awesome.
If you can't get a nagant, try the M1a1 carbine, or the M1 Garand
March 21st, 2009, 11:08 AM
Pyong Kawaguchi
March 21st, 2009, 11:14 AM
Is that a musket?
March 21st, 2009, 11:38 AM
Imo, the Desert Eagle looks the best out of all pistols, too bad the gun itself can knock you out :S
Though, the Nagant is awesome.
If you can't get a nagant, try the M1a1 carbine, or the M1 Garand
The Desert Eagle is a terrible gun for people who feel the need to compensate for something, as far as I'm concerned. In terms of combat, home defence, or concealed carry (read: any actual practical use), it's worthless since it's overpowered, heavy, and bulky. Anything past .45ACP in a semiauto is just getting ridiculous. I don't much like the look of it, either; give me a 1911 any day.
March 21st, 2009, 02:55 PM
any gunshop sells 7.62x54R. it's common as dogshit, just like everything else the soviets made.
As I said though, its of terrible quality. Corrosive ammo equals a no-no.
And yeah, .45 ACP is about as high as you need. Though the .357 mag has a little more pepper with a smaller diameter bullet. The Deagle is pretty cool, but unless your willing to spend a fortune I wouldn't go for it. 50 AE ammo costs a shit-ton, or you can roll your own...
I'd go with the Enfield. My Grandfather owns one, and its absolutely beautiful. The only thing that compares is the Mauser/Springfield, and while Mausers are fairly available, Springfields usually come with a hefty price tag (or so I'm told. Snaf, please correct me if I'm wrong).
I'd also say it depends on what country your in. Any place correlated with Britain I'd go Enfield.
March 21st, 2009, 03:08 PM
As I said though, its of terrible quality. Corrosive ammo equals a no-no.
Hey bro, it's not surplus.
March 21st, 2009, 08:01 PM
So it looks like you guys are in favour of the Enfield overall. Looks like I'll go with that then.
Now, just find time to head down to VA Arms Co. and have them dig up a No. 1 for me, preferably Mark 3 or 4. :cool:
E: anyone here ever fire both the Nagant and the Enfield? If so, how's the recoil compare on both?
EE: Added poll.
March 21st, 2009, 09:22 PM
Corrosive ammo is fine as long as you clean your rifle out properly after you shoot it.
March 21st, 2009, 11:10 PM
Hey bro, it's not surplus.
I knew Winchester made new manufacture, but I've never seen it in a shop. Wherever you go is awesome dude. How much are you paying for it? What bullet grains/style (FMJ, soft point, match style mebbe)? I may just pick up one of the Nagants that are sitting around at the Big 5 by my house then.
And I know all about corrosive ammo and cleaning it out of your bore. I'm just too lazy for that kind of crap.
I'd still go Enfield though. Removable box magazine, fast action, pretty looks, good ammo availability. I saw some at Joe's today (shopping for a new fishing shirt), and they had a couple cases of shells too. If your in Australia, I'd double that number, as I've heard the .303 is to you guys what the .30-06 is to us.
March 21st, 2009, 11:22 PM
My parents live about an hour from the factory where they made them. No shortage of Enfields at all here, you can pick them up for anything between $50-350 depending on their history and condition... ammo is supposedly plentiful, too.
March 21st, 2009, 11:29 PM
Saw an M95 8x56R at Joe's too. Austrian carbine model, probably WWII issue. They wanted $139 for it. Probably would buy it if they had actually been selling ammo at the same store.
They had some Mark 4 Enfields, but they were in shitty condition. America doesn't get too many good Enfields, but I'm gonna inherit my Grandad's sporterized Enfield.
March 22nd, 2009, 01:46 AM
I knew Winchester made new manufacture, but I've never seen it in a shop. Wherever you go is awesome dude. How much are you paying for it? What bullet grains/style (FMJ, soft point, match style mebbe)? I may just pick up one of the Nagants that are sitting around at the Big 5 by my house then.
And I know all about corrosive ammo and cleaning it out of your bore. I'm just too lazy for that kind of crap.
I'd still go Enfield though. Removable box magazine, fast action, pretty looks, good ammo availability. I saw some at Joe's today (shopping for a new fishing shirt), and they had a couple cases of shells too. If your in Australia, I'd double that number, as I've heard the .303 is to you guys what the .30-06 is to us.
Any common ammunition type you want, they have it, in varying degrees of quality too. I've ordered things from them several times, just not ammo.
March 22nd, 2009, 03:32 AM
Too bad hes only 18...
t3h m00kz
March 22nd, 2009, 05:40 AM
Call me a Nazi all you want
March 22nd, 2009, 05:59 AM
why can you people own guns, buy cigarettes and put your life on the line in military service..... and not be allowed to drink alcohol.
Wtf people honestly.
Apparently the only thing that's worse than killing people is killing people while drunk?
Mr Buckshot
March 22nd, 2009, 07:41 AM
I'm not a gun nut, but as a 007 fan I recommend the Walther P99 and the Walther PPK. Take your pick, btw I think the PPK has more of a "Bond feel" than the P99.
If you're into those big guns that you must hold with two hands, then:
SC-20K (real name FN2000) from splinter cell series. This bullpup rifle does exist in real life. Add in a multipurpose launcher to shoot sticky shockers (plus a 20mm sniper rifle from Chaos Theory) and you've got the best automatic rifle in the world.
trivial fact about Lee-Enfield rifles: In WW1, Canadian soldiers really hated the Canada-made Ross rifle because it tended to jam, so they picked up British-made Lee-Enfields from dead allies whenever they could.
March 22nd, 2009, 01:11 PM
Dude, trust me, I know just about as much about guns as Snaf and's just some particulars about modern ones that I am not familiar with, as I don't really look at them too much.
As for pistols: would get a PPK if I could...:downs:. Or one of those old Colt Navy 1861 black powder revolvers...vintage FTW.
Bod: there's a petition to Congress by 120 university presidents to have the drinking age lowered to 18...all is not without hope.
t3h m00kz: sexy gun is sexy, though that is a bit of an odd modification to the Kar it German-made or is it another country's variant?
March 22nd, 2009, 03:17 PM
Thats the Yugo version. Its called the M48. Very nice surplus guns, but Mitchell's charges a pretty hefty price IMO.
As far as modern guns go, I tend to like the AK-103. as accurate as a basic AR-15, has an optic rail, and synthetic furniture. When you combine that with the fact that its a fucking AK, its a pretty sweet little package. Put some 125 grain Winchesters in the mag and it'll make a good little woods rifle.
March 22nd, 2009, 03:21 PM
It's been raped with that pistol grip...:gonk:.
I'm an AK person as well when it comes to modern guns, though I prefer the more classic look of the laminate furniture. I have some sitting underneath my bed awaiting a gun to be mounted on.
t3h m00kz
March 22nd, 2009, 03:27 PM
sexy gun is sexy, though that is a bit of an odd modification to the Kar it German-made or is it another country's variant?
I don't know it's the first image I got from Wikipedia, lol
March 22nd, 2009, 04:19 PM
It's been raped with that pistol grip...:gonk:.
I'm an AK person as well when it comes to modern guns, though I prefer the more classic look of the laminate furniture. I have some sitting underneath my bed awaiting a gun to be mounted on.They come the pistol grip, too:
March 22nd, 2009, 05:03 PM
Call me a Nazi all you want
No it's cool, I love German shit too. Going to buy a K98 once I find a nice one.
March 22nd, 2009, 06:28 PM
Good K98s are easy to find in the States...what I'd really want to find is an original Gewehr 1898...I'd buy that over the Enfield.
March 22nd, 2009, 06:47 PM
I knew Winchester made new manufacture, but I've never seen it in a shop. Wherever you go is awesome dude. How much are you paying for it? What bullet grains/style (FMJ, soft point, match style mebbe)? I may just pick up one of the Nagants that are sitting around at the Big 5 by my house then.
And I know all about corrosive ammo and cleaning it out of your bore. I'm just too lazy for that kind of crap.
I'd still go Enfield though. Removable box magazine, fast action, pretty looks, good ammo availability. I saw some at Joe's today (shopping for a new fishing shirt), and they had a couple cases of shells too. If your in Australia, I'd double that number, as I've heard the .303 is to you guys what the .30-06 is to us.
I go to big 5 and i think it's winchester brand ammo, goin for about 1/25 a round. Just multiply that by whatever size brick you want. I don't have a mosin myself, only a .22 ruger. I can't decided between daily carrry, home defense shotty, bushmaster or curio and relic :/
March 22nd, 2009, 06:54 PM
Good K98s are easy to find in the States...what I'd really want to find is an original Gewehr 1898...I'd buy that over the Enfield.
Plenty of those here, heh
March 22nd, 2009, 07:10 PM
how about spending your money on sensible things and not trying to compensate for your small penis by buying a gun
March 22nd, 2009, 07:20 PM
how about spending your money on sensible things and not trying to compensate for your small penis by buying a gun
Or trollin wit fiyah :frogout:
March 22nd, 2009, 07:30 PM
I go to big 5 and i think it's winchester brand ammo, goin for about 1/25 a round. Just multiply that by whatever size brick you want. I don't have a mosin myself, only a .22 ruger. I can't decided between daily carrry, home defense shotty, bushmaster or curio and relic :/
I've got a couple of .22 Rugers. 10/22s to be exact. I'm thinking about modding them out, you ever do anything like that?
I'd go with a Bushmaster. My buddy Uriah owns one, its fuckin sick. .223 caliber. Unfortunately the price of .223 is going up because of military contracts. Are you sure its 7.62x54R ammo though? You could be mistaking it for 7.63x39 ammo, which is very, very common.
March 22nd, 2009, 08:48 PM
how about spending your money on sensible things and not trying to compensate for your small penis by buying a gun
Read the first post...I want to spend it on something that I can only buy at 18 or older, and you don't celebrate by buying sensible things...the only sensible thing I can buy at 18 anyways is a car, and that is way out of my price range.
That's about right for 7.62 Rimmed. ~$0.30 per round.
E: gj for stupidity CN. L2 post :downs:.
March 22nd, 2009, 09:44 PM
how about spending your money on sensible things and not trying to compensate for your small penis by buying a gun
March 22nd, 2009, 10:45 PM
Read the first post...I want to spend it on something that I can only buy at 18 or older, and you don't celebrate by buying sensible things...the only sensible thing I can buy at 18 anyways is a car, and that is way out of my price range.
That's about right for 7.62 Rimmed. ~$0.30 per round.
E: gj for stupidity CN. L2 post :downs:.
I dont like ordering ammo online though, just like I don't like the idea of ordering a guitar online. Something about not being able to self-quality control really bugs me.
March 22nd, 2009, 10:57 PM
You want cheap, get a Mosin Nagant. Enfields are a bit more expensive then nagants. Not to mention you can get balls cheap (and good!) ammo for nagants. $10 for 30 rounds of non-corrosive ammo. Nagants are incredibly easy to disassemble and clean, easy to store, easy to shoot, and look awesome. I feel it's a great weapon for any starting collector. I love mine, entertains me thoroughly.
Also be very careful when buying ammo. There's corrosive and non-corrosive ammo. If the ammo is corrosive you will need a certain kind of cleaning solution in order to clean your gun and if you don't clean it thoroughly, it will rust very quickly. So that ammo you posted a link to, corrosive. Also you should look into a carrying case that's designed to keep out humidity. That will also lead to rust. Those are cheap, it's like $20 for a good case.
Also I can't decide between a Kar98 or an M1 Carbine to purchase this summer :( (What I really want is an STG 44 however I don't have $44,000 >_<)
March 22nd, 2009, 11:02 PM
Nagant you say? ml
And a decent 98k as well (though it is Czech in origin):
As for that ammo, I know that's corrosive, it's military surplus :p. As for storage, I'll need a hard safe, since I have a brother who can't be trusted with his temper. Those run for more than any gun I'll be buying.
About Enfields: do any of you know where to get a No. 1 (in the US)? I can't for the life of me find any place online that I could order from (through the local dealer of course). Hell, I'm having a hard time finding No. 4s, let alone the older ones. If I can't find any, I'm probably going to go with a Nagant.
March 22nd, 2009, 11:07 PM
Like I said they tend to run pretty high in price.
No. 1
Can't go wrong with a nagant, you can always upgrade later :p
Safes are...well a safe bet >_> (no pun). I would buy one however I don't keep ammo in the house, nor do my rifles stay intact when I store them, bolts are always removed (safe practice regardless if you have a safe or not). Once I get the extra money for a climate controlled safe I'm snaggin one.
Also time to start working the street corners
March 22nd, 2009, 11:23 PM
Those Enfield prices are fucking ridiculous, my No.4 is in perfect nick and is only $150 (probably about $110 US). Bet you wish you guys had produced them in their thousands too, heh... although plenty were made up in Canada, I'd imagine they're cheap there too.
March 23rd, 2009, 12:37 AM
British guns are cheap in British locations :p
March 23rd, 2009, 01:33 AM
They run anywhere from $150 to $800 here, depending on condition and any perks. It's just that finding them anywhere but on Gunbroker is almost impossible. American Enfields are easy to find, but they aren't quite the same as Lee-Enfields, even the original long ones.
March 23rd, 2009, 01:48 AM
I've got a couple of .22 Rugers. 10/22s to be exact. I'm thinking about modding them out, you ever do anything like that?
I'd go with a Bushmaster. My buddy Uriah owns one, its fuckin sick. .223 caliber. Unfortunately the price of .223 is going up because of military contracts. Are you sure its 7.62x54R ammo though? You could be mistaking it for 7.63x39 ammo, which is very, very common.
Nah, i've never kitted out a 10/22. Just using the pistol I learned to shoot on when i was 7. I love the damn thing.
Prices of the Bushmaster here are flippant. Then there's the California weapon laws.
Yeah, I'm 100% certain it's 7.62x54R. I held the rounds.
t3h m00kz
March 23rd, 2009, 11:10 PM
Holy Christ bolt action rifles are cheap. I may get an gun license and get one... K98s are cheaper than I expected. I think an airsoft remake of a K98 is actually more expensive than the gun itself.
E: No permit or registration required for shotguns or rifles in the state of washington. JOY!
Now I just have to worry about my income...
March 24th, 2009, 01:32 AM
Those Enfield prices are fucking ridiculous, my No.4 is in perfect nick and is only $150 (probably about $110 US). Bet you wish you guys had produced them in their thousands too, heh... although plenty were made up in Canada, I'd imagine they're cheap there too.
Hunting buddy of mine's dad has 12 or 13 of them at their lodge up near Cold Lake in Alberta here. Don't ask me why, but they're VERY fun to shoot, nice firearms, but I just like modern stuff better. I'm a "Tacticool" kinda guy, hell I'm going to be using a "black" M14 with an Eotech and magnifier for hunting soon.
March 24th, 2009, 04:16 PM
As long as that M14 is not EBR or Magpul stocked, it's fine...
March 24th, 2009, 05:49 PM
I love the EBR what you talkin bout willis :mad:
March 24th, 2009, 06:39 PM
It looks flimsy (though obviously it isn't) and ugly all at the same time, spoiling an otherwise kick-ass gun. It's like putting rails on an just don't do it. :aaaaa:
March 24th, 2009, 08:05 PM
I actually like picitannys on AKs, thank you :mad:
March 24th, 2009, 08:18 PM
Jeez, what an American...:rolleyes:
I kid. I prefer to leave guns in their stock configuration, because once you change it, it's not really that gun any more. It's like sporterising a 98k, a Springfield, or an Enfield.
March 24th, 2009, 08:29 PM
Invent the Ma5c in real life.
I suppose if you are going for a bolt action, the coolest IMO is the Enfield, yet not by much. I truly think the Mauser looks a little bit cooler than both, although it looks a little typical with this scope. per%203.jpg
That or I'd get the lower gun because it looks more modern:
It looks Halo-like, which is why I like it. It's also from a country not mentioned too much in the news.
March 24th, 2009, 09:52 PM
If you want something classic, the coolest thing around (in my opinion) is this:
This be the SKS. Predecessor to the AK47. No idea if its legal to own. I wouldn't be surprised either way. My grandpa has about 14 of these rifles. Soon I intend to buy one off of him.
March 24th, 2009, 10:16 PM
SKS is totally legal, at least in Oregon anyway. The only problem with owning one is, as with most East-Bloc weapons, accuracy. Some are pretty good, some are utter dogshit.
March 24th, 2009, 10:31 PM
Stay away from any Jugo (Yugoslav) made guns. The accuracy is terrible, build quality is bad, and the barrels are not chrome-lined. The best quality Easter-bloc weapons are, in fact, the Russian-made ones, though Bulgarian ones are often just as good. Also, the accuracy of Eastern-bloc weapons is due in large part to the ammunition, not the gun. The 7.62M43 tumbles after a certain distance, and kind of forms a wavy flight pattern. Not a sniping round, that's for sure.
Also, Belgium might not exist for much longer...there is talk in Europe about splitting it.
March 24th, 2009, 10:58 PM
Warsaw is right, stay away from Yugoslav produced arms. If you're going to get something from that region, make it Serbian (Zastava arms), East German or Russian.
March 24th, 2009, 11:05 PM
I believe the SKS is produced by several different soviet areas. I just posted a picture of the Yugo one. I could be wrong, I'm no expert. Regardless I still want one.
March 25th, 2009, 12:19 AM
Warsaw is right, stay away from Yugoslav produced arms. If you're going to get something from that region, make it Serbian (Zastava arms), East German or Russian.
East German MPi-KMs are sexy beasts...
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