View Full Version : Piracy Discussion

March 13th, 2009, 11:45 PM
TBQH I don't see how pirating a decrypt game like halo PC is such a horrible thing... I mean yeah piracy is bad but it's not like the end of the world and it's not like they would go out and buy the game if they couldn't pirate it. So basically them pirating it gives me more servers to play in, servers that I can actually use weapons BESIDES the pistol in.

March 14th, 2009, 10:12 AM
Halo CE pirates are parasitic scum. Don't play with them.People pirate CE because their country doesn't sell the damn game anymore, just to let you know. I'm sure only the US and a few other choice countries still sell it..for $20 (at my Gamestop at least).

March 14th, 2009, 08:02 PM
TBQH I don't see how pirating a decrypt game like halo PC is such a horrible thing... I mean yeah piracy is bad but it's not like the end of the world and it's not like they would go out and buy the game if they couldn't pirate it. So basically them pirating it gives me more servers to play in, servers that I can actually use weapons BESIDES the pistol in.

The word you were looking for is 'decrepit'.

If they don't want to buy it, they don't deserve to play it. Gearbox did a big thing for this community by even releasing CE, only to get ripped off by these little shits?

People pirate CE because their country doesn't sell the damn game anymore, just to let you know. I'm sure only the US and a few other choice countries still sell it..for $20 (at my Gamestop at least).

There's this wonderful thing called the Internet, have you heard of it?

If they can get online to play Halo then they can find a way to buy it.

March 15th, 2009, 12:48 PM
If they can get online to play Halo then they can find a way to buy it.

And if they can get online to pirate it they certainly can get online to buy it. :awesome:

OT: if z_sanctuary. Nothing more.

March 19th, 2009, 09:33 PM
Unless they are teenagers or otherwise have no way to purchase things online because they do not have a credit/debit card. I know if my local stores didn't sell the game, I would never have gotten it because I wouldn't have a way to purchase online.

Same. Got the game before I even knew what "ebay" was.

March 20th, 2009, 11:53 AM
Unless they are teenagers or otherwise have no way to purchase things online because they do not have a credit/debit card. I know if my local stores didn't sell the game, I would never have gotten it because I wouldn't have a way to purchase online.

Then you don't play it. Simple.

March 20th, 2009, 05:44 PM
Then you don't play it. Simple.
Exactly... It's like this, if there's a car that you want, but you can't afford you have two choices. 1) Don't get it, 2) Steal it, the latter option is obviously illegal. Why should video games be any different?

The only real reason to pirate a game is to (referencing my car example) take it for a test drive, and then buy it if you like it and can afford it. If the game isn't available in your area then you can't play it, simple as that.

March 20th, 2009, 08:03 PM
Although there is a pretty big difference between intellectual and physical property.

By me pirating a game they are not losing any money.
If I steal a car that person is losing the 15,000 they payed for that car.

Also I have bought games that I pirated. It's like try then buy.
Ive also pirated games that I used to have and have lost but wanted to play again.

March 20th, 2009, 08:22 PM
Although there is a pretty big difference between intellectual and physical property.

By me pirating a game they are not losing any money.
If I steal a car that person is losing the 15,000 they payed for that car.
And if the car is stolen from the dealership (which is what I was referring to) it's not the same as stealing a game from the developers? I don't see your point.

March 20th, 2009, 08:23 PM
The difference is

Electrical Impulses =\= Actual Physical Objects

It's like saying copying your friends CD on to your computer is the same thing as stealing a CD from your friend.

March 21st, 2009, 12:38 AM
Discussion of piracy is against the rules, and it's quite off topic no matter what your viewpoint is. Also, check your PMs.

March 21st, 2009, 12:45 AM
Discussion of piracy is against the rules, and it's quite off topic no matter what your viewpoint is. Also, check your PMs.
If you guys are going to be that fucking harsh on the piracy rule, I'll leave, because we were having a conversation about why piracy is a BAD THING.

Pyong Kawaguchi
March 21st, 2009, 10:25 AM
Sadly enough for my, I lent the game to my friend, and he lost it
But, he ended up giving me a psp to use for spare parts so all is good :)
And, I'll probably get a bunch of other stuff his little brother has broken (NDS, possibly more psp's, ps3, 360, etc) Yeah, his brother breaks alot of stuff.
Oh well, more for my pile of electronics :) ^.^

March 21st, 2009, 10:29 AM
Exactly... It's like this, if there's a car that you want, but you can't afford you have two choices. 1) Don't get it, 2) Steal it, the latter option is obviously illegal. Why should video games be any different?

The only real reason to pirate a game is to (referencing my car example) take it for a test drive, and then buy it if you like it and can afford it. If the game isn't available in your area then you can't play it, simple as that.I hate to have to say it, but that's why we have demos.

Pyong Kawaguchi
March 21st, 2009, 01:26 PM
But, not all games have demo's
and, quite a bit of demos have the best part of the game as the demo, and the rest sucks.

March 21st, 2009, 01:40 PM
Well, that means you should play some better games. Every great game I've gotten within the past year had a demo or a beta or something of that sort, which for some of them I have tried, and of those, many had me hooked.

March 21st, 2009, 01:49 PM
The difference is

Electrical Impulses =\= Actual Physical Objects

It's like saying copying your friends CD on to your computer is the same thing as stealing a CD from your friend.
Yes however, most of the time a game CD is accompanied by an individual CD key that cannot be used to play online with more than one account. If you were to copy the game and steal the CD key (which is also generally used to install the game) then your friend would no longer be able to play the game online. This basically takes the game completely out of their control and leaves you with a stolen copy anyways.

I hate to have to say it, but that's why we have demos.
This is true, but I don't like to base my decisions on what to buy off of two campaign levels an no multiplayer. Yes, SOMETIMES that's enough to get me hooked as was the case for Halo PC, Crysis, etc. However most of the time I like to be able to play the entire campaign to judge if the multiplayer aspect of the game is worth investing in. I think it would be the bomb if PC developers started releasing game demos that included the entire campaign and no multiplayer. We're at the point in technology now that they wouldn't be loosing very much money on the people that don't have access to the internet.

Captain Pakundo
March 21st, 2009, 02:13 PM
Then you don't play it. Simple.

I must resent this!
Have you any idea how frustrating it is, being a teenager, that yes, doesn't have a fortune to spend on games(read: something that the teenager likes, and parents hate)?
Halo PC was, and still is and AWESOME game.
The first time I encountered it was through a demo, which I replayed over and over again, because it was great.
Afterwards, my father(back at the day, I wasn't permanently connected to the internet yet, so no multiplayer yet) gave me the full(yes, downloaded version, cause there simply was NO other choice) game, and I had a great time.
As time went by, the disc it was on didn't work when I tried to install it after a 2 year break.
Just by accident, 2 and half years ago, I found it in a mall, costing 20$, and I convinced my mother to buy it(I helped her to carry stuff because I had free time in the summer break), because sometimes, a game is just TOO good to stay on my HDD/disc pirated, and it deserves the money( I had someone to pay for it - XD).

What's the point in this?
I don't like being a pirate, I hate it.
But the buttom line is:
There ain't no other choice(at least not for me).
P.S: Trust me, I think I have the right to play games just like others, and by no means I disrespect the makers by not buying the game, but NO means do I.
If I ever have an option to buy a game I truely like, even if I have it all set-up in my PC pirated, I'll still buy it, just to show my appriciation.
P.S2: I never, absolutley NEVER pirated a game if I had the option to buy it, so bear that in mind when you consider me a worthless pirate.

March 21st, 2009, 02:15 PM
Here's an Idea. Get a credit card. Get Steam. Download Orange Box. Be legit.

Captain Pakundo
March 21st, 2009, 02:18 PM
Here's an Idea. Get a credit card. Get Steam. Download Orange Box. Be legit.

Here's an idea(provided you responded to my post, if not then ignore this reply):

Read it before you write.

being a teenager, that yes, doesn't have a fortune to spend on games
(Read: There's not much I can do with pocket money that doesn't exceed 10$...)

March 21st, 2009, 02:25 PM
then you ask your parents if you can do a couple of chores for cash or something, goddam.

teh lag
March 21st, 2009, 02:27 PM
Even though Jcap split off this thread and it pretty much has his blessing, I'm getting a bad feeling about where this discussion is headed.

I won't lock it because it was Jcap's idea and I won't second-guess him, but... you guys, just don't say anything stupid, alright?

There ain't no other choice.

Actually, you could get a job. Or just not get the game.

P.s. you can stop talking like that.

Captain Pakundo
March 21st, 2009, 02:28 PM
That'd be awesome...
Had there been anything they could have me help them with.
Besides, it's not only the money that's the problem, it's the wasting them on games problem, i.e they both agree it's a 100% waste of money.
I don't blame them about that, though, so yeah, what I wrote was just my 5 cents about piracy.

Edit: That's all I have to say, I won't drag this topic any further.
Also, I might be able to get a job once I'm 16...
No lawns to mow, this isn't exactly the US/Europe here... >_>
Edit 2: Man, it sounds like my entire life revolves around games, doesn't it?
Guess I'm too dramatic sometimes... ;)
I said all I had to say, good night to everyone who lives withing the GMT - GMT+3 timezone.

March 21st, 2009, 02:29 PM
Even though Jcap split off this thread and it pretty much has his blessing, I'm getting a bad feeling about where this discussion is headed.

I won't lock it because it was Jcap's idea and I won't second-guess him, but... you guys, just don't say anything stupid, alright?
Yea, everyone remember that this is a discussion, not a poo flinging barrel of moneys, yes a barrel of monkeys.

Really though, is it that hard to go and mow a lawn or do some chores for money? I know that when I was in Jr. High (grades 7-9) I mowed lawns to get the money I needed for computer/video games.

March 21st, 2009, 02:33 PM
I'm out of this thread. My opinions are apparently 100% wrong about piracy.

And for the record I have payed for a legit copy of halo PC and a legit copy of Halo Xbox, Halo 2 Vista, Halo 2 Xbox and halo 3 (collectors edition not legendary)