View Full Version : Gametype Issue - CamtrackArena

March 24th, 2009, 05:18 PM
tl;dr version: need help figuring out how to spawn vehicles correctly on camtrackarena (or its variants)

I know that getting a definitive answer to this is a shot in the dark, but here goes:

I've been trying to put together a custom map pack for people to download for use on my server and one of the maps I want to use is 'camtrackarena'. Only problem is, I can't get the vehicles to spawn correctly. I was wondering if it was something if anyone (maybe someone from 'back in the day' who was around when the map came out) had any luck with it or knew of the proper way to spawn the vehicles.

First of all, I've tried all three versions of the map I've found so far (camtrackarena, camtrack-arena-fx, and camtrack-arena-race) and they all seem to have the same vehicle spawning problem. When the default 'CTF' gametype is loaded, the map spawns with both types of hogs, ghosts, tanks (and in the case of the 'fx' version , shees). The gametypes I am using are CTF gametypes with different vehicle counts that I know load correctly on the stock halo maps (don't recall what custom maps I've tried them on). Whenever I try one of those only the red team seems to get the proper amount+type of vehicles spawned.

I figured that the map may rely on some kind of 'vehicle spawning' script (kind of like the z team h2 coagulation/sanctuary maps do) , so I tried different settings (setting red team's vehicles and leaving blue's at 'default' or 'none' ) and this seemed to produce messed up vehicle sets that sometimes.

So yeah, if anyone has any ideas or if this is already a known issue let me know. I did a google search beforehand to see if I could find anything but came up with nothing. Thanks again.

March 24th, 2009, 07:59 PM
I'll look at the source for "FX", since I'm the one that made it, but if I recall correctly everything should just be set to "Allowed" on all variant's.

E: What do you want spawned? Everything looks fine in the source.

E E: Nevermind the team index's were all set to 1 instead of 0=red/1=blue. I changed it and recompiled it, if you want to give it a shot it will be on Halomaps.org soon. I'm just doing a quick test.

March 24th, 2009, 09:55 PM
wow, ty! I was trying to set up a simple ctf game with one of each hog, a ghost, and (maybe) a banshee (since the map is kind of big). I was gonna end up scrappng the map from my lineup altogether but if this works out then I really appreciate it! :bowdown: I'll be waiting for it to pop up on Halomaps so I can add it to the server.

On a side note, I was actually wondering about the author(s) for the original and FX. Guess that at least answers one of them. =D

March 24th, 2009, 10:14 PM
The original was made by "Camtrack" or "Cam", I forget his actual username. I just tested the game type you specified and it works just fine, so look for "Camtrack-Arena-FX02" to show up on Halomaps. I also modified the played Biped to use Jahrains "Lost Spartan" biped, as well as changing the warthog passenger seats to third person for easier aiming. If you want to use the turrets, set 1 turret/team for a base defense turret, two turrets per team for a base defense and an offensive turret (offensive turrets fave the enemy base and are located on the ramps to the overhang area).

Edit: I'm in a good mood so I uploaded the archive to my server, here it is (http://www.lancersedge.co.cc/downloads/Camtrack-Arena-FX02.zip). Have fun!

March 25th, 2009, 12:13 AM
Ohhh..so your the guy running the server I been popin in and out of?
And goodluck contacting the original maker of camtrack..pretty sure he left the HCE scene AGES ago..like not to long after camtrack was released..

March 25th, 2009, 12:28 AM
If you want a fixed version of Camtrack Arena (non-FX) I could probably put it together for you. The modifications are very simple.

March 25th, 2009, 01:16 AM
Freelancer: Sure! :D I'm gonna use your fixed 'FX' version, but having a fixed version of the original would be nice too. I'm sure i'm not the only one who would appreciate to have it as an option.

KiLLa: If you're referring to the '100 cap CTF' BG server, then yes. Howdy :D Too bad the guy left, but at least he released a cool map before dong so.

March 25th, 2009, 01:48 AM
haha indeed...I enjoy your server
The only active CE server with decent admins around :)
I was in your server when you suggested your whole map pack idea!
altho you shot down my hypothermia...meany face :(

March 25th, 2009, 02:05 AM
The only active CE server with decent admins around :)

Points to Lancers Edge (http://www.lancersedge.co.cc).

Edit: Fixed Camtrack Arena (http://www.lancersedge.co.cc/downloads/Camtrack_Arena_Fixed.zip), also has third person warthog passenger cameras, as well as ghost and scorpion availability. I didn't do any tweaking though, so it still has the annoying waterfall sound under the overhang in the middle.

March 25th, 2009, 08:42 AM
haha indeed...I enjoy your server
The only active CE server with decent admins around :)
I was in your server when you suggested your whole map pack idea!
altho you shot down my hypothermia...meany face :(

Uhhhh, HCEL?


March 25th, 2009, 08:47 AM
Uhhhh, HCEL?

NOU! That server has some p gay fucking admins. Abusing the app and shit.

March 25th, 2009, 09:31 PM
I did say active server..
I seen your server up, but it wasn't populated..
So I can't really judge it