View Full Version : ATTN: To all news posters

March 27th, 2009, 06:08 PM
Check your fucking sources, and read more than the headlines.

I am sick to DEATH of reading these "oh hurr they're taking away our rights" posts, only to find that either A) It's not a reputable source or B) The headline was blown completely out of proportion.
This goes for ALL news, NOT just this recent trend.

That is all.

E: In the case that somebody does post a shittily-researched thread, the best thing to do is explain what is wrong with the thread (IE, lack of info, misleading title, etc.), back it up with evidence, and leave. Let the poster know that they should check their facts, and don't respond again-- you've made all of the points you need to, it's up to them to listen or not.

English Mobster
March 27th, 2009, 06:10 PM
I got it from a source who got it from a source who got it from a source.

It wasn't until AFTER I posted the thread that I managed to trace it back to Russia Today...

Heh... Sorry.

March 27th, 2009, 06:12 PM
Yeah I agree this anti-Obama shit is getting annoying.

If your going to use a reference, make the threat title accurate please.

March 27th, 2009, 07:01 PM
Check your fucking sources, and read more than the headlines.

I am sick to DEATH of reading these "oh hurr they're taking away our rights" posts, only to find that either A) It's not a reputable source or B) The headline was blown completely out of proportion.
This goes for ALL news, NOT just this recent trend.

That is all.
got damn beat me to it

this is pathetic, all it takes is one person posting a completely unserious or unsupported claim and you all flip out and decide that the world is going to hell and then proclaiming you'll fight off the government because they aren't going to take your limewire while you're still alive

it's like watching the reactions of below-average-iq single mothers after one of today tonight's scare stories, you kids really are sad sometimes

March 27th, 2009, 07:28 PM
I should design tinfoil hats and sell them at a premium price

March 27th, 2009, 07:36 PM
Mine is made of aluminum :tinfoil:

March 27th, 2009, 07:52 PM
Mine is made of aluminum :tinfoil:

Obvious conspiracy noob. If you were serious you would use lead foil. :snafubar:

March 27th, 2009, 08:33 PM
I'd like to see Modacity-branded tinfoil hats on cafepress or something, heh...

MetKiller Joe
March 27th, 2009, 09:26 PM
got damn beat me to it

this is pathetic, all it takes is one person posting a completely unserious or unsupported claim and you all flip out and decide that the world is going to hell and then proclaiming you'll fight off the government because they aren't going to take your limewire while you're still alive

it's like watching the reactions of below-average-iq single mothers after one of today tonight's scare stories, you kids really are sad sometimes


You don't have to respond to those threads. Nor do you have to read them.

Posting the kind of none-sense that has been going around these days is akin to trolling. After the initial post is made, everybody starts going on little mini-tangents. 6 pages is how long the last one lasted. 6 pages.

Do you really have nothing better to do with your time than respond to a troll for 6 pages? Then start blaming him/her for the chaos?

It is the fault of whoever posts to this kind of garbage that the thread continues when it should just die. If one likes the drama, great, but one should not blame excess drama on the poster. They didn't make it go on and on for 6 pages, the posters did.

March 27th, 2009, 10:05 PM
Here's a tip - they're not actually posting with intent to troll. Dane actually believes what he posts (God knows why), and The Dark Side didn't bother to check his sources. Very big difference between openly trolling and just making rushed posts jumping to conclusions, bro.

MetKiller Joe
March 27th, 2009, 10:19 PM
Here's a tip - they're not actually posting with intent to troll. Dane actually believes what he posts (God knows why), and The Dark Side didn't bother to check his sources. Very big difference between openly trolling and just making rushed posts jumping to conclusions, bro.

Again, what I am saying is that these post are like responses to a troll post. The original post may have the best intention, but it is the responsibility of the posters to act in a responsible (which gets back to your point).

My point is that blaming the original poster for 6 pages of "No, you are wrong! <insert tangential counter-point>" is irresponsible.

Mr Buckshot
March 27th, 2009, 10:42 PM

You don't have to respond to those threads. Nor do you have to read them.

Do you really have nothing better to do with your time than respond to a troll for 6 pages? Then start blaming him/her for the chaos?

this times a billion, +rep. If you really feel the need to call someone out as a tard in such threads, a simple "that isn't cool/funny/right, cut it out" suffices rather than a flaming longpost that deserves an infraction just as much as the shitpost it's directed at. (I'll probably get flamed for this *checks ignore list to make sure it's filled up*)

Hey, some of these articles are funny partly because they're fake. I get a laugh from hoaxes.

March 27th, 2009, 10:51 PM
I got it from a source who got it from a source who got it from a source.

It wasn't until AFTER I posted the thread that I managed to trace it back to Russia Today...

Heh... Sorry.

dont worry about it. I'm sure the minute they read the words "Dane, you may be right" no one took it seriously.:rolleyes:

March 28th, 2009, 12:31 AM
(I'll probably get flamed for this *checks ignore list to make sure it's filled up*)
hope you realise harping on nonstop about your fucking ignore list is tantamount to trolling

if these were my forums that'd be bannable, it's really irritating and exceptionally snobby

March 28th, 2009, 12:35 AM

March 28th, 2009, 02:03 AM
Again, what I am saying is that these post are like responses to a troll post. The original post may have the best intention, but it is the responsibility of the posters to act in a responsible (which gets back to your point).

My point is that blaming the original poster for 6 pages of "No, you are wrong! <insert tangential counter-point>" is irresponsible.
I don't see the problem with telling retarded people they're posting retarded shit filmed and theorized by retards. They're not anything like responses to troll posts. They're posting something they think is proper for debate, no matter how far off the reality is from that.

March 28th, 2009, 02:09 AM
Forgot to mention that if people do post shittily-researched threads, you might as well ignore them and not post. There is almost zero possibility of anything good coming out of a misinformed thread, and posting only adds more to the problems.

March 28th, 2009, 02:11 AM
there is something good that comes out of it.

They learn.

for the love of god dont listen to buckshot. he's in that position because he ignored his own problem.

March 28th, 2009, 02:19 AM
there is something good that comes out of it.

They learn.

for the love of god dont listen to buckshot. he's in that position because he ignored his own problem.
It's a fine line between informing and arguing, and one that is difficult not to cross. However, I'll take this into consideration when I edit my OP tomorrow. I simply can't tolerate this kind of panic-inducing misinformation (Not to say that we shouldn't be concerned), and part of me would rather see a thread buried than have a flame war started. But I would hate to see people walk away without the right facts, perhaps moreso than I would hate to see an argument.

MetKiller Joe
March 28th, 2009, 08:51 AM
I don't see the problem with telling retarded people they're posting retarded shit filmed and theorized by retards. They're not anything like responses to troll posts. They're posting something they think is proper for debate, no matter how far off the reality is from that.

Why do you care that they are? Simply ignore the thread or lock it.

I mean when I'm in Europe I don't come up to every guy yelling about damnation and say, "Hey, you're going about it the wrong way there."

Why waste your time? You probably have better things to do then telling somebody how wrong they are in some meaningless thread.

Mr Buckshot
March 28th, 2009, 12:56 PM
Why waste your time? You probably have better things to do then telling somebody how wrong they are in some meaningless thread.

eh sometimes it feels good to be able to try to clear up a matter if it's done nicely. It's making a constructive post which is what forums are all about.

e.g. there's a thread saying 1+1=3
You hop in with a response saying "no no, 1+1=2, here is why." That's a lot better than saying "no you *expletive* retards 1+1=2 leave here right now you suck blah blah blah."

That's the way to handle it. Of course there are always meaningless and dumb questions that invite facepalms but hey replying in a civil manner with a no is always good.

March 28th, 2009, 01:03 PM
You know, I wouldn't mind if Obama was just like George Dubya.

In fact, he's closer to Dubya than we think.


MetKiller Joe
March 28th, 2009, 01:08 PM
eh sometimes it feels good to be able to try to clear up a matter if it's done nicely. It's making a constructive post which is what forums are all about.

Alright. Fine. Do that. Just don't make another thread complaining that you either weren't successful or that the previous thread was made into spam.

Mr Buckshot
March 28th, 2009, 01:18 PM
You know, I wouldn't mind if Obama was just like George Dubya.

In fact, he's closer to Dubya than we think.



March 28th, 2009, 01:34 PM

You caught me!

March 29th, 2009, 12:56 AM
Edited front page- I think it's a fair balance between most of the points people've been talking about in here.

Basically, post once.