March 29th, 2009, 07:59 PM
Now, I know it's not on the bleeding edge of 3d technology but man it has some fun games.
First of all, check out the Byond games (http://www.byond.com/?page=Start) website. Download the client and get a few maps. My personal favorite is the resident evil one.
Next, if you really want to learn how to program for games, they have a guide of their own custom-tailored programming language.
I'm working with the thing and it's pretty interesting so far- I have light background in C++ and Java and QBASIC so it might be different for me than you later on but right now I think anyone could learn this language.
I see many similarities at their programming guide here (http://www.byond.com/docs/guide/) with their language and C++. Very promising for dedicated noobs.
First of all, check out the Byond games (http://www.byond.com/?page=Start) website. Download the client and get a few maps. My personal favorite is the resident evil one.
Next, if you really want to learn how to program for games, they have a guide of their own custom-tailored programming language.
I'm working with the thing and it's pretty interesting so far- I have light background in C++ and Java and QBASIC so it might be different for me than you later on but right now I think anyone could learn this language.
I see many similarities at their programming guide here (http://www.byond.com/docs/guide/) with their language and C++. Very promising for dedicated noobs.