View Full Version : Yoyov2 - WANTS YOU!

April 3rd, 2009, 05:29 PM
We need someone with a super sick computer to run light maps for us because it would take 2 weeks to do on mine.
That's about it.

April 3rd, 2009, 05:32 PM
Possibly, but I haven't touched Sapien in awhile...All I remember is that I have to take off an affinity to get it to work

someone has a more sicker computer than I do...

April 3rd, 2009, 05:33 PM
All we need is you to type radiosity_quality 1 and then radiosity_start. Then wait for like 2 or 3 days and type radiosity_save. :)

April 3rd, 2009, 05:36 PM
OH yea those were the commands.

Choking Victim
April 3rd, 2009, 05:39 PM
Higher quality lightmaps in a fraction of the time. (http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?t=13450)

April 3rd, 2009, 05:43 PM
We had dee try that but it didn't work. Something about over lapping light maps.

Choking Victim
April 3rd, 2009, 05:45 PM
There's your problem.

But seriously, i've never heard of a problem like that. Was it given by Aether or tool?

April 3rd, 2009, 05:46 PM
I have a big file downloading, and I'm gonna have my PC on for the next few days straight, so I could give it a shot.

E: Don't worry, the file is downloading through Bittorrent (It's a linux OS pack with a ton of Linux OS's), so it won't effect my PC's speed that much.

April 3rd, 2009, 05:46 PM
But seriously, i've never heard of a problem like that. Was it given by Aether or tool?

Ask dee.

April 3rd, 2009, 05:50 PM
The lightmap UVs overlap.

April 3rd, 2009, 06:01 PM
i can do it if you want, check my pc specs in my profile, ive not found a map i cannot lightmap longer than a hour, i've made lightmaps for D40_doom a few times, that took about 20 mins.

April 3rd, 2009, 06:10 PM
Well running normal radiosity would be fine and we'd be glad to have some of you guys on it.. but trying to make a killer lightmap as it was originally planned would be awesome. For the moment Dee have some trouble making it but maybe someone has a solution..

April 3rd, 2009, 06:50 PM
Can one make a killer light map with Sapien? If one can, then I'm still willing to help. I have no plans for using my PC for anything that big for the near future.

April 3rd, 2009, 08:14 PM
I'm pretty sure Innergoat or Freelancer has the fastest pc's here (amazingly fast) maybe one of them will do it :D

April 3rd, 2009, 08:31 PM
You do know that you could also just do it in Tool and it will end auto-magically when done...

April 3rd, 2009, 08:41 PM
Sapien light maps look better from what I've heard.

April 3rd, 2009, 09:52 PM
I can do it for you guys. I'm going airsofting tomorrow so my PC will be dedicated to this for 7-8 hours. After that I'm sure I can manage by watching porn Star Trek Voyager until lightmaps are done.

I'm pretty sure Innergoat or Freelancer has the fastest pc's here (amazingly fast) maybe one of them will do it :D
If Xet's computer specs aren't a lie, he has the best computer here. But if you ask him, he's always had the best computer (I've never seen any proof of his computers).

April 3rd, 2009, 10:27 PM
Sapien light maps look better from what I've heard.

Uhhh, pretty sure they look the same.

April 4th, 2009, 02:52 AM
Sapien locks up when I do "radiosity_start" and I get the following error in debug.txt:

04.04.09 01:40:29 sapien pc ----------------------------------------------
04.04.09 01:40:29 reference function: _write_to_error_file
04.04.09 01:40:29 reference address: 401b13
04.04.09 01:40:29 Couldn't read map file './sapienbeta.map'
04.04.09 01:40:29 CreateDevice succeeded with refresh rate = 0
04.04.09 01:40:29 Initializing 11 button 0 axis 0 pov joystick 'Saitek Gamers' Keyboard Command Pad'
04.04.09 01:40:29 Successfully initialized device button 4 instance number 0 - Button 0
04.04.09 01:40:29 Successfully initialized device button 260 instance number 1 - Button 1
04.04.09 01:40:29 Successfully initialized device button 516 instance number 2 - Button 2
04.04.09 01:40:29 Successfully initialized device button 772 instance number 3 - Button 3
04.04.09 01:40:29 Successfully initialized device button 1028 instance number 4 - Button 4
04.04.09 01:40:29 Successfully initialized device button 1284 instance number 5 - Button 5
04.04.09 01:40:29 Successfully initialized device button 1540 instance number 6 - Button 6
04.04.09 01:40:29 Successfully initialized device button 1796 instance number 7 - Button 7
04.04.09 01:40:29 Successfully initialized device button 2052 instance number 8 - Button 8
04.04.09 01:40:29 Successfully initialized device button 2308 instance number 9 - Button 9
04.04.09 01:40:29 Successfully initialized device button 2564 instance number 10 - Button 10
04.04.09 01:40:29 Could not initialize unknown device object 192 instance number 0 - Collection 0 - Game Pad
04.04.09 01:40:29 Sound card doesn't meet minimum hardware requirements. Disabling hardware option.
04.04.09 01:40:30 Increasing sound decompression buffer size to 1048576 bytes
04.04.09 01:40:30 WARNING: 2 clusters in structure_bsp levels\test\yoyov2\yoyov2 have no background sound or sound environment.
04.04.09 01:40:31 local player 0, weapon (0x0), deleted unexpectedly


April 4th, 2009, 04:02 AM
ill do it with tool, fuck sapien.

April 4th, 2009, 04:24 AM
Masterz has an allstar computer :/ contact him.

April 4th, 2009, 04:25 AM
Or sunny because of his map... his computer must be awesome.

April 4th, 2009, 12:07 PM
Good news, Freelancer is doing it, thanks guys.

April 4th, 2009, 12:47 PM
It doesnt matter really now... The sky is what made the lightmaps look all white. When i saw the lightmaps there were signs of differentiated colors. And the sky tag showed these colors as well. So the lightmaps are working properly. Its just the colors. It was going to look better once I lightmapped it but the lightmap UVs overlap all over the place.

Pyong Kawaguchi
April 4th, 2009, 01:00 PM
I have a nice processor, if you want me to do it, tell me, I can even set it so that it runs at 9.0ghz that sysrequirementslab tells me its rated at :)

April 4th, 2009, 01:23 PM
It doesnt matter really now... The sky is what made the lightmaps look all white. When i saw the lightmaps there were signs of differentiated colors. And the sky tag showed these colors as well. So the lightmaps are working properly. Its just the colors. It was going to look better once I lightmapped it but the lightmap UVs overlap all over the place.
You say that for every lightmap you make :mech2:

April 4th, 2009, 01:53 PM
Noice yoyo2 is going places now :)

Don't break it Freelancer!

April 4th, 2009, 05:09 PM
D: what's wrong with my setup.

Aha, go for it freelancer :D

April 4th, 2009, 05:35 PM
I broke it guys, I left it running for like 6 hours and it just stayed at the "frozen" stage. Windows 7 issue maybe? I don't want to run it on my Vista installation because it's not 64-bit so half my ram would go out the door.


04.04.09 08:41:11 sapien pc ----------------------------------------------
04.04.09 08:41:11 reference function: _write_to_error_file
04.04.09 08:41:11 reference address: 401b13
04.04.09 08:41:11 Couldn't read map file './sapienbeta.map'
04.04.09 08:41:11 CreateDevice succeeded with refresh rate = 0
04.04.09 08:41:11 Initializing 11 button 0 axis 0 pov joystick 'Saitek Gamers' Keyboard Command Pad'
04.04.09 08:41:11 Successfully initialized device button 4 instance number 0 - Button 0
04.04.09 08:41:11 Successfully initialized device button 260 instance number 1 - Button 1
04.04.09 08:41:11 Successfully initialized device button 516 instance number 2 - Button 2
04.04.09 08:41:11 Successfully initialized device button 772 instance number 3 - Button 3
04.04.09 08:41:11 Successfully initialized device button 1028 instance number 4 - Button 4
04.04.09 08:41:11 Successfully initialized device button 1284 instance number 5 - Button 5
04.04.09 08:41:11 Successfully initialized device button 1540 instance number 6 - Button 6
04.04.09 08:41:11 Successfully initialized device button 1796 instance number 7 - Button 7
04.04.09 08:41:11 Successfully initialized device button 2052 instance number 8 - Button 8
04.04.09 08:41:11 Successfully initialized device button 2308 instance number 9 - Button 9
04.04.09 08:41:11 Successfully initialized device button 2564 instance number 10 - Button 10
04.04.09 08:41:11 Could not initialize unknown device object 192 instance number 0 - Collection 0 - Game Pad
04.04.09 08:41:11 Sound card doesn't meet minimum hardware requirements. Disabling hardware option.
04.04.09 08:41:12 Increasing sound decompression buffer size to 1048576 bytes
04.04.09 08:41:25 WARNING: 2 clusters in structure_bsp levels\test\yoyov2\yoyov2 have no background sound or sound environment.
04.04.09 08:41:25 local player 0, weapon (0x0), deleted unexpectedly
04.04.09 11:21:37 radiosity error: out of memory
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed
04.04.09 11:21:37 \halopc\haloce\source\rasterizer\dx9\rasterizer_dx 9_widgets.c(959): D3DERR_DEVICELOST in hr (code=-2005530520, error=<can't get description>)
04.04.09 11:21:37 ### ERROR rasterizer_widget_get_occlusion_test_result failed

April 4th, 2009, 06:13 PM
I have nothing better to do, so I can still run light maps for Yoyo if Freelancer can't.

April 4th, 2009, 06:19 PM
freelancer, you using sapien or tool?

April 4th, 2009, 07:54 PM
Failancer :smith:

Are sapien or tool even multithreaded?

Choking Victim
April 4th, 2009, 08:10 PM
freelancer, you using sapien or tool?

04.04.09 08:41:11 sapien pc ----------------------------------------------
04.04.09 08:41:11 reference function: _write_to_error_file
04.04.09 08:41:11 reference address: 401b13
04.04.09 08:41:11 Couldn't read map file './sapienbeta.map'It's sapien.

l2read debug.txt

Also, try tool.

April 4th, 2009, 08:47 PM
Also, try tool.


04.04.09 19:46:30 tool pc ----------------------------------------------
04.04.09 19:46:30 reference function: _write_to_error_file
04.04.09 19:46:30 reference address: 42ca20
04.04.09 19:46:30 Couldn't read map file './toolbeta.map'
04.04.09 19:46:30 i'm going to render debug lightmaps for yoyoiv4 of levels\test\yoyov2\yoyo_iv4, and i'll stop when red+blue+green = 0.000001.
Hit control-c now if this isn't right.
04.04.09 19:46:30 WARNING: 2 clusters in structure_bsp levels\test\yoyov2\yoyov2 have no background sound or sound environment.
04.04.09 19:46:30 EAX: 0x00000000
04.04.09 19:46:30 EBX: 0x00000001
04.04.09 19:46:30 ECX: 0x0018FBE0
04.04.09 19:46:30 EDX: 0x00000020
04.04.09 19:46:30 EDI: 0x0018F9D0
04.04.09 19:46:30 ESI: 0x00000000
04.04.09 19:46:30 EBP: 0x0018F8A8
04.04.09 19:46:30 ESP: 0x0018F898
04.04.09 19:46:30 EIP: 0x77497662, 83 C4 04 C2 ?????
04.04.09 19:46:30 EXCEPTION halt in \halopc\haloce\source\tag_files\tag_groups.c,#3157 : #-1 is not a valid scenario_vehicle_palette_block index in [#0,#7)

April 4th, 2009, 09:52 PM
04.04.09 19:46:30 EXCEPTION halt in \halopc\haloce\source\tag_files\tag_groups.c,#3157 : #-1 is not a valid scenario_vehicle_palette_block index in [#0,#7)

Seems one of your vehicle spawns is referring to an invalid vehicle. Check the Vehicles block in the scenario.

April 4th, 2009, 10:00 PM
All the vehicles seem fine to me. Inferno, make this better.

April 5th, 2009, 02:29 AM
lol, you guys fucked up by letting freelancer do it.

April 5th, 2009, 02:40 AM
If you're still having problems on Wednesday, I can try my hand at it. I don't have much experience with lightmaps or any aspect of mapping, but I do have a recently-built machine that beats many other systems I've looked at. I'd be able to let it sit and render while I was away, and I'd have it (hopefully) done by Monday.

April 5th, 2009, 11:51 AM
I have no problems running radiosity on that tag set. Maybe its a W7 fail.
Also shouldn't "04.04.09 19:46:30 EXCEPTION halt in \halopc\haloce\source\tag_files\tag_groups.c,#3157 : #-1 is not a valid scenario_vehicle_palette_block index in [#0,#7)" cause sapien to crash?

Anyone else wanna have a go at the light maps of doom?

April 5th, 2009, 12:49 PM
Anyone else wanna have a go at the light maps of doom?
I told you this map was cursed, looks like I was right. :p

April 5th, 2009, 12:57 PM
My offer is still on the table if you want.
specs are in my profile.

April 5th, 2009, 12:57 PM
I have no problems running radiosity on that tag set. Maybe its a W7 fail.
Also shouldn't "04.04.09 19:46:30 EXCEPTION halt in \halopc\haloce\source\tag_files\tag_groups.c,#3157 : #-1 is not a valid scenario_vehicle_palette_block index in [#0,#7)" cause sapien to crash?

Anyone else wanna have a go at the light maps of doom?

I'm still up for it.

Even though if my PC melts I expect you to pay for a new one.

April 5th, 2009, 08:52 PM
Isn't the #3157 error caused by the scorpion tank for the most part? It's always caused that error for me when I try making maps with it. Works fine ingame, but you have to remove it from the vehicle palette while using sapien. Try that, I bet it would fix it if you have the Scorpion in the map.

Also, I think if I can get my parents to get my desktop gaming computer that's at home hooked up, I could try to do the lightmapping. (Via remote control, because I'm at college. This also means I can tell the entire system to focus on sapien to get the best/quickest results, since it won't be doing anything else anyways.)

My desktop has about the same specs as Freelancer's except I have 4 gigs of RAM and a NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS with 640 MB of video RAM, and I'm on 64-Bit Vista Ultimate. Not sure how well my graphics card compares, but I can start it and basically walk off because I have this computer to do things from.

April 5th, 2009, 10:04 PM
I tried running it on my Vista installation and got the same problem, Sapien just freezes once I type "radiosity_start". Also, the Scorpion isn't on the map...

April 5th, 2009, 10:38 PM
I'd offer to run it but I don't have any of the CE modding tools

April 5th, 2009, 10:38 PM
Did you try removing all the vehicles? (Not the actual spawnpoints for them, just the stuff in the vehicle palette so that if you open Sapien they show up as blank boxes you can click on.)

April 6th, 2009, 01:57 AM
I'd offer to run it but I don't have any of the CE modding tools
Re-download the HEK?

April 6th, 2009, 03:17 AM
Did you try removing all the vehicles? (Not the actual spawnpoints for them, just the stuff in the vehicle palette so that if you open Sapien they show up as blank boxes you can click on.)
Yes, Sapien just crashes on load:

04.06.09 00:00:41 sapien pc ----------------------------------------------
04.06.09 00:00:41 reference function: _write_to_error_file
04.06.09 00:00:41 reference address: 401b13
04.06.09 00:00:41 Couldn't read map file './sapienbeta.map'
04.06.09 00:00:41 CreateDevice succeeded with refresh rate = 0
04.06.09 00:00:41 Initializing 11 button 0 axis 0 pov joystick 'Saitek Gamers' Keyboard Command Pad'
04.06.09 00:00:41 Successfully initialized device button 4 instance number 0 - Button 0
04.06.09 00:00:41 Successfully initialized device button 260 instance number 1 - Button 1
04.06.09 00:00:41 Successfully initialized device button 516 instance number 2 - Button 2
04.06.09 00:00:41 Successfully initialized device button 772 instance number 3 - Button 3
04.06.09 00:00:41 Successfully initialized device button 1028 instance number 4 - Button 4
04.06.09 00:00:41 Successfully initialized device button 1284 instance number 5 - Button 5
04.06.09 00:00:41 Successfully initialized device button 1540 instance number 6 - Button 6
04.06.09 00:00:41 Successfully initialized device button 1796 instance number 7 - Button 7
04.06.09 00:00:41 Successfully initialized device button 2052 instance number 8 - Button 8
04.06.09 00:00:41 Successfully initialized device button 2308 instance number 9 - Button 9
04.06.09 00:00:41 Successfully initialized device button 2564 instance number 10 - Button 10
04.06.09 00:00:41 Could not initialize unknown device object 192 instance number 0 - Collection 0 - Game Pad
04.06.09 00:00:41 Sound card doesn't meet minimum hardware requirements. Disabling hardware option.
04.06.09 00:00:41 Increasing sound decompression buffer size to 1048576 bytes
04.06.09 00:00:42 WARNING: 2 clusters in structure_bsp levels\test\yoyov2\yoyov2 have no background sound or sound environment.
04.06.09 00:00:42 EAX: 0x00000000
04.06.09 00:00:42 EBX: 0x00000001
04.06.09 00:00:42 ECX: 0x0018F388
04.06.09 00:00:42 EDX: 0x00000020
04.06.09 00:00:42 EDI: 0x0018F070
04.06.09 00:00:42 ESI: 0x00000000
04.06.09 00:00:42 EBP: 0x0018EF48
04.06.09 00:00:42 ESP: 0x0018EF38
04.06.09 00:00:42 EIP: 0x77987662, 83 C4 04 C2 ?????
04.06.09 00:00:42 EXCEPTION halt in \halopc\haloce\source\tag_files\tag_groups.c,#3157 : #0 is not a valid scenario_vehicle_palette_block index in [#0,#0)

April 6th, 2009, 04:03 AM
Removing the vehicles sounds like a good idea, maybe you should try that...

April 6th, 2009, 04:38 AM
Try using Kornman´s HEK for removing the tag if sapien crashes on load...

April 6th, 2009, 07:45 AM
Re-download the HEK?

Its not that I can't find it, I just havn't used it in 5 years and don't rememeber wtf to do :puke:

April 6th, 2009, 08:03 AM
Im still willing to help if you want me to.
i've done a fair amount of ce tagging so if i got any other errors i could help but i do suggest clearing the vehicle spawns and vehicle pallete.

April 6th, 2009, 03:33 PM
Freelancer open guerrilla and delete all the vehicles out of the pallet and vehicle placement fields.

Also get on xfire.

April 6th, 2009, 07:21 PM
Double post with new info.
WTF IS THE TOOL LIGHTMAPS COMMAND! No matter what we put it just says will run till RGB 0.001 and then it stops for a second and then says done. It doesn't generate any lightmaps.


April 6th, 2009, 07:24 PM
It's 0.01 not 0.001

April 6th, 2009, 07:30 PM
Are you using it correctly? It's tool lightmaps <scenario> <scenario_structure_bsp> <quality> <stop threshold>

April 6th, 2009, 07:58 PM
It says "done" as if it completed the light maps but it doesn't create light maps.

I tired 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001 etc.

April 6th, 2009, 08:13 PM
then your doing something wrong, paste the exact command you are entering.

April 6th, 2009, 08:59 PM
See if this works: set it to 0.9 or something like 0.9999999999

It should work.

April 7th, 2009, 05:38 AM
try Tool lightmaps levels\Yoyorast?\Yoyorast? Yoyorast? 1 0.0001 or whatever...I think thats the command right?

April 7th, 2009, 11:21 AM
I've got some time free if you want me to look into your Aether/UV problems. I haven't got a monster PC though so someone else would have to render it if I got it working.

April 7th, 2009, 03:23 PM
I can send the bsp over to you and any other files you need to try and fix the problem.

April 7th, 2009, 03:51 PM
I should just need the Aether file and any custom textures your using :).

April 7th, 2009, 03:55 PM
I don't have any idea how to use aether. Can't you just extract the textures and sbsp from a build of the map?

April 7th, 2009, 04:00 PM
Yep, can do if you want.

April 7th, 2009, 04:06 PM
Aim (infernoxpyro) or Xfire (wankzta)?

April 9th, 2009, 12:51 PM
EAX: 0x00000000
EBX: 0x00000001
ECX: 0x0018F388
EDX: 0x00000020
EDI: 0x0018F070
ESI: 0x00000000
EBP: 0x0018EF48
ESP: 0x0018EF38
EIP: 0x77987662, 83 C4 04 C2 ?????

these sorta seem like the errors I got when I tried making a atest map and kept bugging inferno about what they were....

also, what is condition #6 in sapien?

April 9th, 2009, 01:33 PM
Isnt that a shader problem?

April 9th, 2009, 01:39 PM
Isnt that a shader problem?

April 10th, 2009, 11:49 AM
For future reference, the UV problem here was because the shaders didn't have Simple Parameterisation checked prior to lightmapping. It seems a bug in HEK+ causes this value to be reset when you extract shaders.

Pyong Kawaguchi
April 10th, 2009, 01:18 PM
Are you guys still having troubles?
I can try doing the lightmaps, I have a 3.20ghz Quad core and a HD4870, so I could probably get it done well :P

April 10th, 2009, 01:35 PM
Anyway, I found a last new invisible wall in the last build so, we'll have to wait inferno to fix this last one, then another test then Firescythe can run the lightmap. Thanks man, this is an awesome news you could fix this uv problem, now there's a chance we get an awesome lightmaping.

Edit: Firescythe, please get in contact with inferno, we need your fixed stuff to take care of this invisible wall before you start the lightmap. thks

April 10th, 2009, 06:12 PM
The sweet sound of progress.

Awesome news Yoyo.

April 12th, 2009, 06:13 AM
i can try and run lighmaps if nessessary, would 4gb of ram do it?

April 12th, 2009, 09:30 AM
Its not the ram dude..Its if the whole computer can handle it without crashing.

April 12th, 2009, 03:47 PM
Anyway, I found a last new invisible wall in the last build so, we'll have to wait inferno to fix this last one, then another test then Firescythe can run the lightmap. Thanks man, this is an awesome news you could fix this uv problem, now there's a chance we get an awesome lightmaping.

Edit: Firescythe, please get in contact with inferno, we need your fixed stuff to take care of this invisible wall before you start the lightmap. thks
Well, Dee is still doing the lighting, he just needs to check one box in all the shaders before he runs lightmaps :).

April 12th, 2009, 06:00 PM
I can do a few 'maps if you want me to.

April 14th, 2009, 02:58 AM
Its not the ram dude..Its if the whole computer can handle it without crashing.

it probly could, i just havn't got anything to test with

April 14th, 2009, 06:08 PM
Inferno, Dee is waiting for the new build (without the remaining invisible wall), whenever you get on AIM, plz contact him.

April 15th, 2009, 03:40 PM
Sorry Ive been fapping off to sandbox for the past 4 days.

April 15th, 2009, 09:24 PM
I can give it a bash, got a spare PC sat here doing f*ck all (Intel E6600, 4 GB RAM).

April 15th, 2009, 09:43 PM
I can give it a bash, got a spare PC sat here doing f*ck all (Intel E6600, 4 GB RAM).
Got enough offers, doubt we need the assistance of someone with one post and absolutely no previous reputation to speak of... That goes for a lot of you other "newbies" out there, you don't get sent beta tag sets when no one even knows who the fuck you are.

April 15th, 2009, 09:50 PM
Dee is handling it anyways.

April 16th, 2009, 01:31 PM
Got enough offers, doubt we need the assistance of someone with one post and absolutely no previous reputation to speak of... That goes for a lot of you other "newbies" out there, you don't get sent beta tag sets when no one even knows who the fuck you are.

I loled

April 18th, 2009, 04:30 PM
I got the lightmap done in 7 minutes using sapien. Already started lightmapping. Here are some preview renders of the lightmap so far. There is no scenery in it yet, still fixing the glass and some self illuminating surfaces.

April 18th, 2009, 04:32 PM
They look very good, its bout time this starts getting done.

April 18th, 2009, 04:37 PM
Pretty nice, I guess.

April 18th, 2009, 06:20 PM
I love this. Remember that the teleporters need to emit green light.

April 18th, 2009, 07:42 PM
I did all the detail work. Already. The floor arrows, the teleporters, the light planes. Only problem I am having now is that 3ds max shows 18 lightmap elements. When aether shows 16. And now when I import textures it is offseted.
Also. The uvs are correct but it wont show correctly on the model. :/

April 19th, 2009, 06:31 PM
Guys, I thought that was it, that we were reaching one last big step, but we're stuck again... anyone have an idea on how to fix this issu. Firescythe, if you're reading...

I did all the detail work. Already. The floor arrows, the teleporters, the light planes. Only problem I am having now is that 3ds max shows 18 lightmap elements. When aether shows 16. And now when I import textures it is offseted.
Also. The uvs are correct but it wont show correctly on the model. :/

Choking Victim
April 19th, 2009, 06:39 PM
Are you sure it's not just because of your bitmaps render quality in the viewports? Go to Customize > Preferences > Viewports > Configure Driver and make sure your settings look like this (http://halotrialmods.org/zteam/personal_files/cv/config.jpg). Or you can try rendering the scene to see if they still look offset from the bitmap.

April 19th, 2009, 06:41 PM
Also dee if you don't have all the UV faces in the editor selected they don't show up in the viewport.

April 19th, 2009, 06:46 PM
But not only does it not work in the viewport. it does not work in-game as well. When I import the baked lightmap_0 bitmap and import it to the lightmap_0 model. It would be assigned either to a random object to with incorrect uvs.

April 19th, 2009, 06:51 PM
This map is cursed.

April 19th, 2009, 06:51 PM
Well if we can't get it working then we can just do high quality sapien lightmaps.

April 19th, 2009, 07:30 PM
Well if we can't get it working then we can just do high quality sapien lightmaps.

It would be painfull, we're seem to be so close to have wonderfull lightmaps.

April 19th, 2009, 08:33 PM
Standard lightmaps? Like, that radiosity that every noob uses when he gets his first map in CE from Gmax with chimp into Sapien. What about that? (This may have sounded very stupid, but just saying the classic lighting found in most maps is okay).

April 20th, 2009, 04:09 AM
Are you sure have the correct lightmap model? When you run lightmaps you have to create a new project in Aether to get the new lightmap model and UV's, otherwise your just exporting the old one (because it stores all BSP and lightmap data in its own file). Also, looks like you need to up your render to texture padding to remove that black banding.

April 20th, 2009, 07:35 PM
I made a new project several times because of the offsetting lightmaps problem.

April 21st, 2009, 04:22 AM
Do you have overwrite checked when exporting from Aether?

April 21st, 2009, 05:39 PM
Yes. I made sure it overwrote. And the uvs and model where obviously different from the last time I opened it.

April 22nd, 2009, 07:56 PM
Please FireScythe, get in contact with Dee to see if you can look into it yourself. YoyoV2 is sleeping for too much time now. You're the last hope man. Thks