View Full Version : Terminator salvation[ Game ]

April 4th, 2009, 04:11 PM
Anyone noticed the Terminator salvation game?

Me thinks me is going to need to buy this when it comes out.
anyone got any info on this?

April 4th, 2009, 04:18 PM
it's probably just going to be another crappy movie game. Don't be so quick to decide on a game after all you've seen is some pre-rendered trailer.

April 4th, 2009, 04:21 PM
it's probably just going to be another crappy movie game. Don't be so quick to decide on a game after all you've seen is some pre-rendered trailer.
i was thinking more long the lines of them using the cry engine, afterall they are licencing the cryengine out now.

Mr Buckshot
April 4th, 2009, 04:42 PM
The Quantum of Solace video game used the awesome COD4 engine, yet it came out as mediocre (not a terrible game, but best suited only for diehard 007 fans). Using a good engine doesn't necessarily mean a good game.

Movie-tie-in video games flop most of time (with very few exceptions like Goldeneye and Chronicles of Riddick), so not really interested. However, I am quite interested in the Terminator Salvation movie (with Christian Bale and future setting and all) - can't wait for that to release.

April 4th, 2009, 05:21 PM
Well, because they weren't able to use Christian Bale's likeliness, and just from the look of the trailer, it seems less concerned with just making the movie game and more of making a good Terminator game once and for all. That's just what I'm hoping though.

April 4th, 2009, 05:32 PM
Where did it say they were making it for the cryengine? All the screenshots of the game shows the game looking like shit both in gameplay and graphics.

Mr Buckshot
April 4th, 2009, 05:40 PM
^agreed. Well I don't think the graphics were shit, but they said the game was for PS3 and the graphics look more like PS2.

April 4th, 2009, 06:09 PM
While I do agree the graphics look a little bit half-assed for the CryEngine, it'll be interesting to see if this one can manage a little bit of originality and entertainment, rather than being sucked in by the evil machinations of Hollywood's need to make $$.

Can't say I'm too hopeful however. Like Buckshot said, there are very few video games based on movies that actually work.

April 4th, 2009, 06:28 PM
Well, if the game's gameplay is crap you would think they would cover up the mediocre gameplay with some shiny graphics. From what I read from the preview in last month's issue of PC gamer, it's nothing more than a another Gears clone.

Mr Buckshot
April 4th, 2009, 06:56 PM
While I do agree the graphics look a little bit half-assed for the CryEngine, it'll be interesting to see if this one can manage a little bit of originality and entertainment, rather than being sucked in by the evil machinations of Hollywood's need to make $$.

Can't say I'm too hopeful however. Like Buckshot said, there are very few video games based on movies that actually work.

to add to that, it seems like the movie-based games that do work well like Goldeneye are released quite some time after the movie (e.g. Goldeneye movie was in 1995, game was in 1997 - two whole years window), which means there was more time and effort put into them to make them good. Movie-tie-in games that are released at the same time as the movie (e.g. Iron Man, fantastic 4) pretty much all flop because they're probably rushed and thus released with major problems that the developers chose to ignore.

April 4th, 2009, 07:10 PM
The issue with most movie based games is that they try to follow the movie's story to the letter. Well guess what, it is a story made for a movie, not a game. The best movie based games are those that either only base their stories roughly on the movie, or those that are based on Movies that could actually work for games.

Luckily though Terminator Salvation has some hope because 1) A war between man and machine-that-wants-to-kill-man is perfect for videogames, as long as they 2) take a slight detour from the movie.

April 4th, 2009, 07:25 PM
Well, if the game's gameplay is crap you would think they would cover up the mediocre gameplay with some shiny graphics. From what I read from the preview in last month's issue of PC gamer, it's nothing more than a another Gears clone.
Whats wrong with that? :-D. Sounds awesome to me.