View Full Version : My Thoughts on Celebrities and Paparazzi.

April 7th, 2009, 04:08 PM
The following is entirely subjective, so treat it as such.

Before I begin, let me say that I don't hate celebrities, whether that be who they are or what they do. They are people working in their chosen profession, and I respect that. That said, what I do hate is the American, and potentially the World's mindset when it comes to celebrities. Put bluntly, we are giving them far too much attention, and the very fact that we have People magazine is a testament to that. Of course, it's not enough that we have People, we have 6-7 other magazines all spurting the same bullshit about celebrities: “They're back together!” “Is she gaining weight?” “Who they voted for!” And to compound this, you'll often see the same story covered by 5 different magazines, which is not only a waste of paper, but is a waste of time.

Now, the aforementioned article examples, which I'm sure all of you have seen at one point or another, all beg the question as to, “Why do we care?” And no, that's not a rhetorical question, I'm looking for the answer on this. I fail to understand why any of this shit is important. There are only 5 things I care about when it comes to celebrities:

Is their recent movie/album/novel any good?

Did they win an award for their performance?

Did someone die?

Did they commit a crime? (Only if it's a valid one. Smoking pot is not a scandal and anyone who thinks so is full of themselves.)

This one is iffy, but I can tolerate hearing who is getting married. I'll live with that.

Aside from those, I don't care about celebrities past what they tell in interviews. The fact that they are movie stars and artists should not make them extra-special Gods the deserve all our attention. If you'll look on news websites, you'll find that a good 40-50% is centered entirely around celebrities, while you'll hear, at least in America, virtually nothing about the Iraq war. Well...last time I checked, a war where American citizens fighting for freedom or the stabilization of those nations is vastly more important than hearing about Brangelina's latest adopted child. Good for them, fine and dandy, but I don't want to hear about it. Speaking of that couple, I'm also tired of this stupid bullshit between Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston. This has been going on for years...YEARS. I am sick of magazines and paparazzi running around saying “She's not over Brad,” or...and this is an actual article I saw, some “Body Language Expert” discussing Jennifer Aniston's body language in front of Brad Pitt during the Academy Awards earlier this year. The fact that we can qualify these inherently minor activities as valid news stories really is upsetting, and downright pathetic. The way I see it, is if you HONESTLY care about celebrities to the extent I have mentioned, and it somehow affects your life when a celebrity couple breaks up, then you need to get a life of your own and stop depending on these people for anything other than entertainment in the mediums they work for.

Now, I wouldn't have to rant about celebrities like this if it wasn't for the paparazzi. Now, if you know me fairly well, you already know my thoughts about the vast majority of the entertainment press. I consider most of them scum who will do anything, even if it involves defacing another person in order to get a story. The sheer gall some of these reporters have is appalling. I'm not sure if everyone has heard this, but with that whole “Octomom” thing, which was on the news for a disgusting 2 months, reporters were jumping on top of her fucking car just to get photographs of her at her house. And did anything happen to them? No! I am completely aghast at the fact that paparazzi are somehow given the clear when stuff like this happens, and, while this may be a bit harsh, I simply think that the vast majority of the press we hear should be illegal. I'm tired of seeing photos of such and such on a private vacation from some fuckwit who decided to trail them to their destination and take candid photos of them. Last I checked, this completely goes against “Right to Privacy,” and yet very few people mention that. As far as they are concerned, it is perfectly okay for that to be broken so they can read about it. Call me an idiot if you like, bring up the argument that “Well, they're celebrities, so they ask for it,” all you want. I will refute your arguments by simply saying that “Celebrities are people too, and what they do is their own fucking business unless they say otherwise.”

That said, if you have read this entire thing and still feel that celebrities are golden beacons of human perfection and should have everything known about them, you are free to present a valid argument against what I have said. I will not change my stance, as this entire post is subjective, but if you provide a well-educated response, I will respect your views as well, and would be happy to discuss them. If you simply wish to throw insults at me and call this article stupid without fully reading it or presenting reasons for said insults, don't reply. If you do, I will ask you to kindly throw yourself off a bridge.

- Jean-Luc Fortier

We place way too much importance on these celebrities and not the important issues in the world. The lengths to which the paparazzi go to to write "sensational" stories is appalling and it's amazing that it is not illegal.

For the members here, I ask this question. Is it like this all over the world, or is this purely an American thing?

April 7th, 2009, 04:14 PM
They spend so much time reporting on them for two reasons.

A: There's a demand for that information. People generally like these people, their work, or whatever it is that draws folks to 'em.

B: This may even cause the first, but there's a term known as living vicariously. Basically means living through another person. If your life is boring and without meaning, then celebrity gossip can be a great thing to grab on to.

Personally, I think it's all ridiculous. We get so much information about American, and to a lesser extent Canadian, celebrites up here too.

Mr Buckshot
April 7th, 2009, 04:31 PM
Yeah it's pretty stupid to see the checkout counter at the grocery store polluted with filthy magazines about how actor X cheats on his wife and how actress Y got plastic surgery and blah blah blah. Useless garbage (and most of it is probably lies anyway) that milks stupid people for their money (yes they may be stupid but it's their hard earned money, it's wrong try to cheat them out of it).

To me, all that matters is whether the actor can deliver a quality performance in a movie whether live action or animated. Who cares about his personal life - if he wants to get drunk or have an affair or whatever, that's his business and IDGAF. If an actor I like gets arrested, I just go, "aw that sucks no more cool movie from him for the time being" but I don't act like one of those stupid fans who start crying about it.


April 7th, 2009, 04:32 PM
A: There's a demand for that information. People generally like these people, their work, or whatever it is that draws folks to 'em.
This is fine. I have no issue in hearing about a celebrity's latest work. That's their job. What bothers me is hearing every aspect of their lives.

B: This may even cause the first, but there's a term known as living vicariously. Basically means living through another person. If your life is boring and without meaning, then celebrity gossip can be a great thing to grab on to. I've heard that term, and I find it to be rather unfortunate, although it does explain the existence of some of the tabloid journalism I see.

teh lag
April 7th, 2009, 04:50 PM
I agree that the level of coverage they get is disgusting and we would be better off without it. It's pretty much crammed down our throats every time we even so much as slightly open ourselves up to the media; following the mantra of "just ignore it" means effectively shutting out all mainstream media sources.

People want this stuff because it interests them. If your life is as dull as the average American's (the ones who make The O'Reilly Factor the most watched cable show and Fox News the most watched cable channel), just about anything will do as you sit on the couch and do whatever it is you do. If it involves stuff that would be exciting if it happened to you, it's all the better since you can project yourself into that situation (basically repeating what hoodedsmack said). Yeah, I don't see the point for covering any of that material. It's none of our business what someone else's private life is like - after all, it's their private life. If the media would grow some balls (Heh.) and realize how stupid it is to report on that kind of thing and keep it to pretty much what you said we'd all be better off. But these are average Americans. Anything that'll spice up their life is nom for the nomming.

However, the sad thing is that there will never be an effective way to get rid of it. There's a seriously massive amount of money to be had from this kind of coverage. Any attempt to remove it will result in people hiding behind freedom of the press; I can just picture Fox News running a segment on how Your Freedoms™ are being Attacked™. This is what people want and it's how other people make money; you won't be able to get rid of it without getting rid of them. Then there's also the attention whores who enjoy getting all this coverage - I remember a while ago someone sold the rights to photograph her baby to a magazine for some sickening amount of money. People like that really need to go as well, but there's really nothing you can do except yell about it on the internet (or if you're lucky a 5 minute segment on a talk show or in a book that nobody pays attention to).

What it ultimately boils down to is us (people who don't care for this shit) being outnumbered (or at least outshouted) by the people who have a stake in it - be it money, attention, or filling a void in their pathetically uninteresting lives. It's really irritating to say the least that we have to put up with it, but then again a lot of things are.

April 7th, 2009, 04:50 PM
You have to learn is all about the $$$

April 7th, 2009, 04:53 PM
You have to learn is all about the $$$

I'm fully aware that it's all about money, but that doesn't change the fact that it's despicable.

April 7th, 2009, 05:29 PM
It's pretty much crammed down our throats every time we even so much as slightly open ourselves up to the media

Where do you get your news? I read the paper, and there's never anything in there about celebrities (but of course I live nowhere near where celebrities live). I know Yahoo! News has a lot of it, but you should just ignore it. I don't read it much, but I don't dislike it either. My cousin has a subscription to some tabloid, and hes a pretty cool guy. He certainly has more of a life than I do ATM.

If your life is as dull as the average American's
just about anything will do as you sit on the couch and do whatever it is you do.
But these are average Americans. Anything that'll spice up their life is nom for the nomming.

You're calling US dull in life? You're another anti-American or what I like to call a Euro Snob. I sir, take offense to those words. What exactly do YOU do that's so great? I am seriously really fucking sick and tired of all the haters out there against our country. Its not your war, SO BUTT OUT!!!

that the vast majority of the press we hear should be illegal.

That's not only wrong, its also illegal. The constitutions bill of rights guarantees the right to freedom of speech, and making any kind of press coverage illegal would be tantamount to Facism and one step in the road to it.

April 7th, 2009, 05:31 PM
Thats America for you...that said, we do get it quite bad here in UK but its nothing compared to the US. Here its mostly singers and who they are spotted with, and footballer's wifes.

Recently though (past month) an ex big brother contestain (aka, random joe no skills) who got famous because of the show died of cervix cancer. The whole media went crazy and a huge media storm brew up it was all over the news "OMG JADE HAS CANCER CRY CRY".

Looking at it from a sane perspective, yes it was really bad that a women aged 34 had cancer and was told she only had weeks to live. The problem is, that happens alot in the world, but no one gives a fuck. The second it happens to a celebrity, people freak and think its the end of the world.

It made me sick how the media kept going on about how this Jade girl was so amazing at coping with it all, and is a noble person. Fuck that, she was a common fucking idiot who couldnt even speak correctly, why the fuck was she given all the special treatment when it happens to tons of other people....

Part from that we dont get alot of it in UK, we just get the US information.

Today there was bugger all on tv so I watched the news for 2 hours. Not one article was about celebrites. The coverage was about;

Earthquake in Italy.
Two young boys who attempted to kill two other young boys.
The women who went missing and was found dead today.
Obama going to Iraq.
And of course, the recession.

Luckily our news doesnt sound as bad as the stuff in USA, we get actual good news.

I agree with you about we are getting it shoved down our throats. I would like to hear about when people win awards for movies and stuff, but I do not give a crap that Britney went into a store to buy new fitness equipment, which the media would probably conclude that she is unhappy with her looks...

April 7th, 2009, 05:35 PM

Can't say I didn't warn you. Now kindly go jump off a bridge.

We don't need you to stir up controversy and hate when I clearly stated I won't tolerate insults without justification.

MetKiller Joe
April 7th, 2009, 05:37 PM
I just feel for the poor celebrities. I don't care about the tabloids. My life is already complicated as it is. I don't need to worry about somebody else's.

I think that people just feel more secure, for some reason, knowing that famous people also make mistakes and big ones at that.

April 7th, 2009, 05:40 PM
I think that people just feel more secure, for some reason, knowing that famous people also make mistakes and big ones at that.
That may be true for some people (kinda sad imo), but that doesn't explain why for some reason we had to all go into an uproar over something so trivial as Michael Phelps smoking pot. Last I checked, a relative unknown named Bill Gates Arnold Schwarzenegger Barack Obama did the same :rolleyes:

MetKiller Joe
April 7th, 2009, 05:49 PM
That's another issue all together. Taboos and status quo.

Unfortunately, celebrities are humans, they make mistakes, but if they play a role model in pop culture, then things get blown out of proportion by the media or internet.

People love scandals. It arouses their curiosity and busy body genes.

April 7th, 2009, 06:07 PM
Where do you get your news? I read the paper, and there's never anything in there about celebrities (but of course I live nowhere near where celebrities live). I know Yahoo! News has a lot of it, but you should just ignore it. I don't read it much, but I don't dislike it either. My cousin has a subscription to some tabloid, and hes a pretty cool guy. He certainly has more of a life than I do ATM.

You're calling US dull in life? You're another anti-American or what I like to call a Euro Snob. I sir, take offense to those words. What exactly do YOU do that's so great? I am seriously really fucking sick and tired of all the haters out there against our country. Its not your war, SO BUTT OUT!!!

That's not only wrong, its also illegal. The constitutions bill of rights guarantees the right to freedom of speech, and making any kind of press coverage illegal would be tantamount to Facism and one step in the road to it.

you do realize teh lag is american right?

April 7th, 2009, 06:27 PM
You're another anti-American or what I like to call a Euro Snob. I sir, take offense to those words. making any kind of press coverage illegal would be tantamount to Facism and one step in the road to it.
You are a fucking moron.

April 7th, 2009, 06:36 PM
Euro Snob.
lollin' ...he's American. So am I, I feel the same way.

Its not your war, SO BUTT OUT!!!
Was this even brought up? Any war is a global event, it's you know, inherently international.

The constitutions bill of rights guarantees the right to freedom of speech, and making any kind of press coverage illegal would be tantamount to Facism
The fourth amendment also guarantees a right to privacy, which these people simply do not get. Not to mention this stuff is mostly broadcast by News-ertainment channels, like Fox, which previously had its talking points dictated by the Bush Administration...talk about *fascism* <-- Note correct spelling.

You're just plain wrong and evil, buddy.

April 7th, 2009, 06:38 PM
Celebrity overattention is disgusting, yes. Though, wanting to know when your idol does something unlike what you made them out to be is just human nature, I guess.

But by all rights, the paparazzi need to fuck off. It may be legal in most cases and profitable, but there's a thing called "personal space" that these idiots need to learn how to respect. I can't believe that the celebrity is the one who gets penalized when some selfish fuck gets in their face and shit gets real.

April 7th, 2009, 06:47 PM
Without Paparazzi and the Media, know one would have known not to trust Micheal Jackson with kids.

April 7th, 2009, 06:53 PM
Without Paparazzi and the Media, know one would have known not to trust Micheal Jackson with kids.Whew, thank god for the paparazzi, they sure do know how to find bad parents everywhere!! ...oh, wait...

One good thing out of how many useless and trivial things that they dig up while annoying the shit out of and violating the privacy of celebs everywhere. Whoop.

Mr Buckshot
April 7th, 2009, 06:59 PM
Thats America for you...that said, we do get it quite bad here in UK but its nothing compared to the US.

lol, it's not just in western societies. Asian magazines/newspapers are equally bad when it comes to local celebs there, they're just printed in different languages that's all. In Taiwan there was this case of some girl who was obsessed with this actor/singer and she committed suicide shortly after the guy died in an accident, leaving a note professing her "love" for him. Wow...

lol @ FreedomFighter7.

April 7th, 2009, 07:25 PM
The media should be banned outright from harassing, following, or otherwise obsessing over anybody. I hope to God I never become famous, because first sign of those bastards I get on my property, the Enfield is coming out, and they're going to get the pointy end right up them.

They do not like it up them, they do not like it! (if you get the reference, you own)

e/ yep ff7 is a genuine dolt, i called it, bow to the masta~

Mr Buckshot
April 7th, 2009, 08:14 PM
For the members here, I ask this question. Is it like this all over the world, or is this purely an American thing?
Basically anywhere where there's a sizable film/music industry. Much of Asia and western Europe have such problems.

April 7th, 2009, 08:16 PM
It's not just music and film, they go after anyone who's famous.

April 7th, 2009, 08:19 PM
Why not go after someone famous? I would love to get my hands on Tila Tequila.

April 7th, 2009, 08:21 PM
Do something to get you in the news, then see how much you enjoy every single aspect of your life being common public knowledge.

teh lag
April 7th, 2009, 08:22 PM
Why not go after someone famous? I would love to get my hands on Tila Tequila.

Are you serious.

April 7th, 2009, 08:24 PM
I think that when people see a celebrity, they expect that this person is supposed to be someone of high standing because they are well known. I'm not sure exactly how to say it, but people assume that celebrities are up on their high horse or at least a little bit cocky. Of course, people will have their opinions as to who their most favourite celebrity is. The mindset of "this person is the best of them", and the fact that celebrities are competitors in their jobs, makes people want to see the others fall. People laugh when the jerk falls off his high horse. I'm just trying to apply this situation to more known smaller situations where the interest is understood. People find entertainment when the great fall, but only when they're not being rooted for. See it like a school team, of course you're going to be happy when the other school's players make mistakes--all the better for you and your favourite team.

April 7th, 2009, 08:44 PM
yep ff7 is a genuine dolt
But I like that game :(

Yeah, I think the paparazzi is bullshit. These people wouldn't act out the way they do if they left them the hell alone.

April 7th, 2009, 09:44 PM
nothing interests me about them except their work.

i dont give a flying fuck if they commited a crime or sucked joe the plumbers small cock in the parking lot behind Wal Mart.

it has nothing to do with me, or anyone.
Waste of time, paper and intelligence.

i feel my IQ slipping when i see those things.

Mr Buckshot
April 7th, 2009, 10:18 PM
Those useless celeb gossip magazines need to be removed from the shelves and converted into toilet paper because that's all they're good for.

April 7th, 2009, 10:25 PM
They should keep the funny ones though. The ones that say "PANORAMIC PICTURE COMES TO LIFE, W/TORNADOES". Saw that today and I lol'd

April 8th, 2009, 01:17 AM
Those useless celeb gossip magazines need to be removed from the shelves and converted into toilet paper because that's all they're good for.
You know, they'd be pretty bad at that too.


April 8th, 2009, 03:06 AM
Thats America for you...that said, we do get it quite bad here in UK but its nothing compared to the US. Here its mostly singers and who they are spotted with, and footballer's wifes.

Recently though (past month) an ex big brother contestain (aka, random joe no skills) who got famous because of the show died of cervix cancer. The whole media went crazy and a huge media storm brew up it was all over the news "OMG JADE HAS CANCER CRY CRY".

Looking at it from a sane perspective, yes it was really bad that a women aged 34 had cancer and was told she only had weeks to live. The problem is, that happens alot in the world, but no one gives a fuck. The second it happens to a celebrity, people freak and think its the end of the world.
i read a bit about that, it wasnt the media that made it a massive thing mate, it was Jade herself.
She sold the story and purposely put herself in the spot light as much as possible to create a fund for her children to live off of when they didnt have their mum anymore.

Pretty smooth move if you ask me.

April 8th, 2009, 07:17 AM
You know, they'd be pretty bad at that too.



April 8th, 2009, 11:00 AM
i read a bit about that, it wasnt the media that made it a massive thing mate, it was Jade herself.
She sold the story and purposely put herself in the spot light as much as possible to create a fund for her children to live off of when they didnt have their mum anymore.

Pretty smooth move if you ask me.
what pissed me off, was the fact first she was hated by everyone then celebrated, then hated again for the racism thing a while back now the media are saying she was on par with princess diana (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diana,_Princess_of_Wales#Landmines) who did more usefull things than just slag people off on national television....
the only sympathy i have is for jades kids yes she died in a bad way but atleast she had a chance to say her good byes unlike some...

April 8th, 2009, 03:42 PM
thats not her fault, all she can do is put herself in the spotlight, she cant dictate which way the media is going to play her story to meet the ever growing mass of retarded people that need to know these things.

April 8th, 2009, 04:19 PM
thats not her fault, all she can do is put herself in the spotlight, she cant dictate which way the media is going to play her story to meet the ever growing mass of retarded people that need to know these things. feel like life can be interesting and exciting to give them reason to live.


April 8th, 2009, 04:45 PM
Posted by: Jean-Luc:

Can't say I didn't warn you. Now kindly go jump off a bridge


I didn't mean to stir up controversy, its just that this whole anti American thing is a pet peeve of mine.

Posted by: Yuki:

you do realize teh lag is american right?

No I did not know that.

Posted by: Mass

Was this even brought up? Any war is a global event, it's you know, inherently international.

I brought it up because I believe that all the hate against us is based on the unpopularity of the war. I suppose it would be more pertinent if they were telling us how to fight it.

Posted by: Mass

The fourth amendment also guarantees a right to privacy, which these people simply do not get

That's not technically correct, the fourth amendment guarantees the right to protection from unwarranted search and seizure by the goverenment/police. It has nothing to do with someone's privacy from the press or other people.

Why not go after someone famous? I would love to get my hands on Tila Tequila.

Who's that?

April 8th, 2009, 04:48 PM
Who's that?

:eek: Click Here. NOW! (http://tinyurl.com/cxzsye)

April 8th, 2009, 04:48 PM
its just that this whole anti American thing is a pet peeve of mine.

Admitting that America has faults, and we have many, is not being anti-American.

April 8th, 2009, 05:14 PM
I as an American, see that the US has a lot of faults.

For 1, we have a serious flaw in our economic system (as you can see). Things are overpriced and they demand more and more money to create products, yet, the average worker only makes so much. So less $$$ in the Consumers pocket = less $$$ in the companies pocket.

2, our culture is so fucked. If you think about it, we are one of the few countries who has a new style almost every month, as of other countries, the styles are the same. (Take Germany f.e. I want a fucking pair of fucking Yodelers.)

April 8th, 2009, 05:22 PM
We're also becoming a bunch of pussies who get offended by everything and are systematically taking away all possible risks that may harm us. I'll discuss this more in my next rant :p

April 8th, 2009, 05:28 PM
This thread is Dano welcome.

April 8th, 2009, 05:59 PM
To sum it all up, women eat this shit up more than men at all do. Men would just read "cheats on wife with her sister" and we'll just think "huh, okay" then analyze if she's hot or not. What I'm trying to get at is this is for the people who look up to some of these celebs, than gets too personal in their life, and most of the time it's women rather than men. The media journalist does whatever gets them money, fuck personal space they could care less. It's the PEOPLE that CONSUME it that keeps this money building up as stated above and puts in a never-ending cycle. At least that's MY viewpoint so don't take it to heart.

April 8th, 2009, 06:12 PM
I brought it up because I believe that all the hate against us is based on the unpopularity of the war. I suppose it would be more pertinent if they were telling us how to fight it.
nope it's because a lot of the yanks we're exposed to are arrogant, self-important idiots who think they know everything when they actually know less than most kids fresh out of our high schools

Admitting that America has faults, and we have many, is not being anti-American.
this on the other hand is why those of us with any sense know not all of them are that way

e/ if women weren't so self-obsessed and insecure the world would be a far better place

i almost cried when a hot friend started worrying about her weight, she's got a perfect figure yet somehow she's still sure she's fat, jesus christ get a grip