View Full Version : fuck yes I has driver's permit

t3h m00kz
April 8th, 2009, 01:10 PM
Ugh I've been procrastinating that shit for about five years so I finally bit the bullet and took the test. Never really needed to take the test but I figured hey why not, I have a few days off from work

Passed it the first try. Got one question wrong, skipped one question. Once I got 20 out of 25 right they skipped the rest of the questions.

I'm the shit brah

April 8th, 2009, 01:13 PM
...congrats? Your a little late there. D:

April 8th, 2009, 01:21 PM
So, that means you can learn to drive now? Congrats I suppose...only 25 questions? Damn piece of piss, UK one is 60 questions.

Btw, I hope your learning to drive a manual. Otherwise theres bugger all to learn.

April 8th, 2009, 01:23 PM
I sure am glad we share no major highways :downs:

April 8th, 2009, 01:33 PM
So, that means you can learn to drive now? Congrats I suppose...only 25 questions? Damn piece of piss, UK one is 60 questions.

Btw, I hope your learning to drive a manual. Otherwise theres bugger all to learn.

Yea it's 50 questions here in Belgium. Though we just sit behind some computer and put on gigantic headphones. It's quite the epic endeavour.

t3h m00kz
April 8th, 2009, 02:15 PM
So, that means you can learn to drive now? Congrats I suppose...only 25 questions? Damn piece of piss, UK one is 60 questions.

Btw, I hope your learning to drive a manual. Otherwise theres bugger all to learn.

I've driven a Manual before on some empty streets. Shit sucked, I was in 3rd gear and I thought it was in first D; stalled like five times

And yeah 25 questions lol

April 8th, 2009, 02:34 PM
I was in 3rd gear and I thought it was in first D; stalled like five times

I sure am glad to have you on the road with the rest of us! :iamafag:

April 8th, 2009, 02:37 PM
@ Limited
Its amazing here (Canada), i park my truck at work and someone wants to move it, so i tell them to just move it.
Funny the amount of middle aged men who come back in 5 mins saying "i cant drive standard" lol.
Its a different world driving over here compared to the UK, i miss corners :(

April 8th, 2009, 02:57 PM
Ehy, Canada is awsome. :)

Also, grats. :)

MetKiller Joe
April 8th, 2009, 03:03 PM
My license test:

(With my own car and the officer sitting shotgun)
* start engine
* back up
* go to a stop sign
* go 50 ft
* do 3 point turn
* return to the registry

At the farthest point in the test distance wise, I was literally across the street from the registry.

I drive stick and at that point had already been driving a year with a driver's permit.

They can't make it too hard because Americans need to go to their jobs and they'd complain that the test is too hard or whatever. Honestly though, I'm much more in favor of driving hours as a requirement not tests. One can know all of the road laws and still be a horrible driver.

April 8th, 2009, 03:47 PM
I should probably get my learners one of these days.

PS: 30 questions here and you can get 1 wrong.

April 8th, 2009, 03:50 PM
thats all you have to do to get your license?

in australia it's fucked we got a really really long test and thats to only allow you to drive with a supervised full license driver. many restrictions on how powerful the car can be, 80km/h max speed.
Once you get your L's you need to complete 120 supervised driving with something like 50 hours night time driving before you can take a test with and instructor that runs you through heaps of things. 3 point turning, town driving, highway driving, hill starts, reverse parallel parking.. ect
once you get your red P's your on them for a year, many restrictions, very few points on your license, if your caught speeding once you get your license suspended for 3 months ect ect, 90 km/h max speed.
you then sit a test to go for your Green P's. it's a computer test heaps of things on it.
then your on your Greens for 2 years with a max speed of 100 km/h and you still have a mass of restrictions.
then you can sit a test to go for your Black license and have the same rules as everyone else.

Also they charge you to book the test, to take the test, to receive your license (a heap of other fees) every single step of the way.
costs thousands of dollars to get your car license here now.

Yay for australia.... fucking ignorant dumb fucks.

April 8th, 2009, 04:15 PM
Cry the fuck more?

E: Wow, NSW laws are a bitch, come to Qld :haw:

April 8th, 2009, 04:29 PM
I plan on taking the test this summer.

April 8th, 2009, 04:29 PM
thats all you have to do to get your license?

in australia it's fucked we got a really really long test and thats to only allow you to drive with a supervised full license driver. many restrictions on how powerful the car can be, 80km/h max speed.
Once you get your L's you need to complete 120 supervised driving with something like 50 hours night time driving before you can take a test with and instructor that runs you through heaps of things. 3 point turning, town driving, highway driving, hill starts, reverse parallel parking.. ect
once you get your red P's your on them for a year, many restrictions, very few points on your license, if your caught speeding once you get your license suspended for 3 months ect ect, 90 km/h max speed.
you then sit a test to go for your Green P's. it's a computer test heaps of things on it.
then your on your Greens for 2 years with a max speed of 100 km/h and you still have a mass of restrictions.
then you can sit a test to go for your Black license and have the same rules as everyone else.

Also they charge you to book the test, to take the test, to receive your license (a heap of other fees) every single step of the way.
costs thousands of dollars to get your car license here now.

Yay for australia.... fucking ignorant dumb fucks.
They all seem reasonable to me.
Better than having a bunch of fucktards on the roads.

Mr Buckshot
April 8th, 2009, 05:47 PM
How the BC, Canada drivers' licensing works:

1. The day you turn 16 or later, you can immediately go take the written test (80% to pass minimum), just like in the States. If you pass the written test you get issued a Learner's License and a red L-plate. Whenever you drive, you must have a fully qualified driver sitting in the passenger seat to guide you and the L plate must be displayed. You cannot carry any passengers other than the one guiding you.

2. Exactly one year or later after you pass your written test, you take a hands-on road test in an actual car. If you pass, you are upgraded to a Novice license and you receive a green N-plate. You are allowed to drive on your own, and you may carry as many passengers as your car allows, but you are prohibited from driving on any Canadian highways without a qualified driver sitting in the passenger seat to guide you.

3. Exactly one year or later after receiving the Novice license, you take a second road test and get your full Canadian driver's license.

I'm currently at step 2.

April 8th, 2009, 05:48 PM
Need a quick license? Come to Maryland!
Permit: 20 questions, can get 3 wrong, all easy as fuck.
Until license test (6 months): "60 hours of driving, 10 of them at night". Riiight.
License test: Start engine, turn left, parallel park, three point turn, back up, stop sign, turn right, park in front of registry.

April 8th, 2009, 05:48 PM
Ouch, aussie one is pretty harsh.

We have the 2 theory exams, multiple choice questions and hazard perception.

I got all my multiple choice questions right, alot of them were just common sense.

Then we have the practical test which lasts 30 - 45 mins. You need to be able to judge distances, know your way around a car, (show him brake fluid, windscreen washer, how to check oil etc) then show him the insides of car.

Then you start it up, drive out and he just takes you around a town, you do a few routines such as parallel park, turn in the road, reversing around a corner, emergency stop.

Bit of parking and your pretty much done.

America sounds proper dangerous, first off the driving is piss easy, stop, go and turning THATS IT :O. Then the test sounds ultra easy, your roads must be incredibly dangerous.

Mr Buckshot
April 8th, 2009, 05:56 PM
My sister studies in America and she got her U.S. driver's license (from California) so easily without even getting the hang of how to parallel park. Yes, the road test is easy, plus you can get the full driver's license at the age of 17 whereas in Canada I have to wait till I'm 18 as I'm only considered a novice now.

Parking your car in most suburban parts of Silicon Valley, CA is pretty easy as the lots are drawn at an angle to the pavement so getting in and out is bloody easy. There are some rare places where the lots are drawn perpendicular to the pavement so you have to be more careful. Parallel parking is virtually nonexistent except in downtown areas. I don't know what it's like in other parts of California though.

I daresay my Novice license road test (upgrading from Learners) was harder than the full-license test my sister took.

April 8th, 2009, 06:00 PM
America sounds proper dangerous, first off the driving is piss easy, stop, go and turning THATS IT :O. Then the test sounds ultra easy, your roads must be incredibly dangerous.It's surprisingly not too bad. Cops in the US are assholes (think the jock on welfare who "almost went pro in college", but with spec ops), so people are usually pretty good not to give them that power trip of the day. Over the last few years, I've done a lot of traveling around the US, and I have to say that every state I've been in is really good except for just one state: Virginia. Mother, fucking, Virginia. Every person here on the east coast (or more, for all I know) probably knows about these fuckers, because they, as of this post, are the only people I've seen in all my years do the following:
- U-turn in reverse
- Go 15 below the limit on the freeway
- Change lanes to go slower (as if to deliberately slow everyone behind him down)
- Use brakes going uphill
- Try and three point turn to go back to a missed exit
Everywhere else? Pretty good. Maybe the danger you're thinking of all migrated to that one place.

t3h m00kz
April 8th, 2009, 06:32 PM
fucking Virginians

Also sort of surprised to hear how different the laws are in other countries, I never expected Australia to be all fucking crazy with their requirements. Guess they gotta make sure you don't fuck up and send kangaroo giblets everywhere, HEH

April 8th, 2009, 07:05 PM
I'm 16 and still dont even have a permit :gonk:

Ima get it soon.

April 8th, 2009, 07:10 PM
15, took a 35 question test (must score at least 80%) and got my permit. Only costs about $30 for all the testing fees and everything else. You need to show them things like birth certificate, prove of residence, proof of school attendance, etc before you can take the test/get the permit. When you're driving someone who has had a license for at least 3 years must be in the passenger seat. You can drive with as many people as the car allows.

To get your full license, you must be/have
*16 years of age.
*Driven 100 hours (with a permit) or
*Driven 50 hours (with a permit) and taken the driving test.

April 8th, 2009, 07:42 PM
I live in NC.

Requirements for License:
-Must be 16 (dur)
-Must have driven for at least 6 hours every week for 4 weeks.
-Must pass the test.
-Get the driving instructor McDonalds.

Mr Buckshot
April 8th, 2009, 07:55 PM
Ouch, aussie one is pretty harsh.

We have the 2 theory exams, multiple choice questions and hazard perception.

I got all my multiple choice questions right, alot of them were just common sense.

Then we have the practical test which lasts 30 - 45 mins. You need to be able to judge distances, know your way around a car, (show him brake fluid, windscreen washer, how to check oil etc) then show him the insides of car.

Then you start it up, drive out and he just takes you around a town, you do a few routines such as parallel park, turn in the road, reversing around a corner, emergency stop.

Bit of parking and your pretty much done.

America sounds proper dangerous, first off the driving is piss easy, stop, go and turning THATS IT :O. Then the test sounds ultra easy, your roads must be incredibly dangerous.

Not really true, in the three years I spent in America I never had any accidents. Every once in a while there's the young dickwad who thinks he owns the road and pisses other drivers off, but for the most part it's fairly safe. Probably because everyone in America is afraid of getting sued by one another :O In fact I've seen quite a few more aggressive drivers in Vancouver than in San Jose.

U.K. test sounds pretty similar to Canadian test, except in Canada we don't need to know things like brake fluid and windscreen washer and stuff.

April 8th, 2009, 07:58 PM
I sat 1 test in Scotland and failed (i think its coz i was hungover and stoned) and 1 test in Alberta where the instructor just gazed out the window asking questions about Scotland :) (passed that one).
Thats funny about the British Columbia laws coz im sure in Alberta you get your learners at 14 and can sit your full test at 16, if you pass that you get a probationary licence that basically restricts you to a 2 axle vehicle and maybe a weight limit but you are on your own :)

April 8th, 2009, 08:06 PM
How the BC, Canada drivers' licensing works:

1. The day you turn 16 or later, you can immediately go take the written test (80% to pass minimum), just like in the States. If you pass the written test you get issued a Learner's License and a red L-plate. Whenever you drive, you must have a fully qualified driver sitting in the passenger seat to guide you and the L plate must be displayed. You cannot carry any passengers other than the one guiding you.

2. Exactly one year or later after you pass your written test, you take a hands-on road test in an actual car. If you pass, you are upgraded to a Novice license and you receive a green N-plate. You are allowed to drive on your own, and you may carry as many passengers as your car allows, but you are prohibited from driving on any Canadian highways without a qualified driver sitting in the passenger seat to guide you.

3. Exactly one year or later after receiving the Novice license, you take a second road test and get your full Canadian driver's license.

I'm currently at step 2.

Same. :rolleyes:

April 9th, 2009, 01:55 AM
I get my driver's permit in late June. :D

April 9th, 2009, 02:28 AM
Cry the fuck more?

E: Wow, NSW laws are a bitch, come to Qld :haw:
you see we are the guinee pig state.

it's coming to you soon enough noob.
Theres a dam good reason why i told you to hurry up and get yours before all this shit comes in.

April 9th, 2009, 02:31 AM
They all seem reasonable to me.
Better than having a bunch of fucktards on the roads.
you honestly think that works?

the biggest fuckign problem we have is people that got it BEFORE all this shit came in, as in the old cunts who think they know better.
you know the same people that ARE TEACHING THE KIDS TO DRIVE?

i dont mind sitting the test but they fucking Charge you ludicrous amounts of money for every step or half step you take. then you've got insurance, registry, green slip, pink slip, service's ect to worry about before you can drive.

It stinks horribly.

April 9th, 2009, 02:43 AM
I took a driver's ed course, pretty much an expensive learner's permit. As for the test, I had to answer a fair sized written test and score at least 80% (I think, or am I thinking of the CompTIA A+ Cert exam?), then do actual driving. Wasn't hard, really.

You will be nervous as all motherfuck your first time on the highway; believe me, I was petrified when the instructor told me to get on the on ramp. Hell, I still get nervous whenever I'm within 100ft of a big rig. If you're forced onto a highway, stay in the right lane, follow the speed limit, watch your mirrors like a schizophrenic, and check your blind spot (look out the rear passenger window) when changing lanes. Your sterring wheel'll feel a bit more loose when going fast, just a forewarning.

April 9th, 2009, 04:23 AM
they never say watch out for female drivers on these tests. idk why.

(all the accidents i've been in have been a woman's fault)

April 9th, 2009, 07:36 AM
what you mean the one where you where on medication and partying in your head?

Good times.
Seriously bro minoritys and women are shocking, not being racist or sexist but GOT DAM SON.

i know chicks that have crashed there car multiple times and some of them have crashed on the first time they drove.
how is that shit even possible >_>

April 9th, 2009, 08:41 AM
Man I'm so damn lazy.

April 9th, 2009, 08:57 AM
Nice man. I'm going to do the same thing this weekend. I could've got it last year, but my lazy ass was...well....too lazy to go to the DMV and take it.

Also, manual ftw!

April 9th, 2009, 12:52 PM
I just got my C,N, and T class CDL...

April 9th, 2009, 03:06 PM
Took you that long? In Alberta here you can get your learners license at 14 (always need someone with a full license in the car with you). One year after that you can get your Graduated Drivers License which lets you drive by yourself until you're 18, then you take another road test to get your full license.

April 9th, 2009, 03:14 PM
Drive by yourself, still as a learner? Jeez thats crazy. I hate it when motorbikes over here do that, but thats due to the fact they cant have two people. Thats crazy freelancer.

You guys seem to require a certain amount of hours driving, here in UK you can take your test whenever you want, usually when the instructor believes your confident and capable of passing, so you could technically only have 1 lesson.

April 9th, 2009, 03:26 PM
Mandatory class in public school for half semester

25 question test where you have to get an 80% and there are another 10 sign questions you can't get any wrong on

Take Range class (one Saturday for a few hours)

Get permit (50$)

Take Traffic class (same as Range)

accumulate 50 hours with a licensed adult in the car (used to be ten, then twenty-five, now fifty, they're discussing one-hundred, but you can just do like ten or something and have your parents sign off on it)

Get license, get rammed by recent Southeast Asian immigrant (or a soccer mom who drives like such a pussy that it actually makes it more likely she'll hit you with her METRIC FUCKTON OF SUV) if you live where I do.

Best and safest lesson of Driver's Ed: Be predictable.

April 10th, 2009, 08:38 AM
At least you just got yours and haven't had yours for extraneous by extraneous months. I should have had my license back in January. I waited till August to get my permit. :gonk:

April 10th, 2009, 11:49 AM
Cost my buddy in Germany 1800 Euros to get his license.

April 10th, 2009, 06:22 PM
Waited exactly one full year to get my Learners Permit, so I get my license on my 17th birthday, in about 2 months. The permit test was easy hell, + I did it online so I could have used the book if I needed to. Driving is easy too, and the license tests are simple enough so I'm sure I'll do fine.

April 11th, 2009, 04:33 AM
Heh, all this talk of "required hours" is pretty funny. No such thing here, you just do a few written tests, drive awhile, then do some road tests.