View Full Version : Mongoose W.I.P
March 31st, 2007, 01:36 AM
Hey guys, im new to H2vista forums. I just joined gbxforums and happened to find out about from them. I figure this is a good place to post my w.i.p.,,,,ill save all the effort by putting my pics i have at gbx forums all together on this page. The newest version is at the top and oldest at bottom. Still lost of work to do but its coming along very nicely. lol ive spent more time analizing the dam refrence pics that bungie released more then i took modeling and texturing lol. I hope to have this and 3 maps completed by the time vista launches. maps will be based around ATV fun :).
Ive got it scaled to size for MC........ :) wouldnt becomplete without a render of chief
March 31st, 2007, 01:40 AM
welcome to h2v forums. nice work you've got there.
March 31st, 2007, 01:42 AM
i forgot to mention that the bump on your metal is way to aggressive. it shouldn't be anything like that at all. metal is smooth.
March 31st, 2007, 01:51 AM
Yes. metal is smooth. but when metal gets wet, such as steel it rusts. When metal rust/oxidizes it tends to what engineers call pitting. The sanfran bridge is known to have pits holes 2 inches beep. YIKES!!!!!....
thats why i have the unpainted metal only pitting. yes ill tone down the depth
Neuro Guro
March 31st, 2007, 01:53 AM
Very cool stuff , would love to see that ingame.
March 31st, 2007, 02:05 AM
D: get rid of all the crappier pics and just leave the 1st 2, my bandwith just got raped xD
Amazing job as always :)
March 31st, 2007, 02:30 AM
also, render in perspective, not user. user is for isometrics.
March 31st, 2007, 02:31 AM
Looks really nice but the front fender area and pieces look too chunky, you got a side view comparison compared to the halo 3 pics?
March 31st, 2007, 02:34 AM
cool, I like it add some scrachs to it, so it looks like it's seen a few years of warfar.
March 31st, 2007, 02:44 AM
also, render in perspective, not user. user is for isometrics.
Good point. accidently switched to user on render. Just through off shadow. no big its a w.i.p and im not entering any rendering compitions. As i stated on gbx forums. I love critisim and have already made some great changes from helpful people. But I will ignore any unhelpful crit/post. Since being a 3D artist for a few years Ive been part of many forums which have there Forum lurkers. who spend more time lurking then they do practicing there art. They are unhappy people who will never be satisfied with anything no matter what. So feel free to comment on geometry/texures issues, as those are whats most important for getting it looking good ingame
March 31st, 2007, 02:48 AM
Good point. accidently switched to user on render. Just through off shadow. no big its a w.i.p and im not entering any rendering compitions. As i stated on gbx forums. I love critisim and have already made some great changes from helpful people. But I will ignore any unhelpful crit/post. Since being a 3D artist for a few years Ive been part of many forums which have there Forum lurkers. who spend more time lurking then they do practicing there art. They are unhappy people who will never be satisfied with anything no matter what. So feel free to comment on geometry/texures issues, as those are whats most important for getting it looking good ingame
i can assure you i'm not a lurker. matter of fact i attended (taking time off for now) a world leading design school (for transportation design).
March 31st, 2007, 02:51 AM
sweet that school sounds very cool......i wasnt impling about you in anyway. i was just stating my thread rules for everyone. ive seen so many threads become offtopic and a flame fest. haha. i guess ill need to get to know eveyone one :). from the amount of most people post. you guys have been here for awhile. very cool. hope to get to know eveyone
Looks really nice but the front fender area and pieces look too chunky, you got a side view comparison compared to the halo 3 pics?
here you go.
March 31st, 2007, 03:13 AM
Yours is certainly overall bigger, or at least wider in top view. Thats your personal opinion to change.
The front fender to me look too rounded and a little too bulky, i think it needs to be a lil sleeker/more aerodynamic
What i would really love to see (not trying to be a pain, if you don't wanna its ok) is the scale of it next to the MC.
March 31st, 2007, 03:53 AM
Yours is certainly overall bigger, or at least wider in top view. Thats your personal opinion to change.
The front fender to me look too rounded and a little too bulky, i think it needs to be a lil sleeker/more aerodynamic
What i would really love to see (not trying to be a pain, if you don't wanna its ok) is the scale of it next to the MC.
Scale is the most easiest thing to do, select the model, scale tool or watever it is in Max, and drag it to the size you want......scale is NOT an issue.
and, hes not making it any different to the halo 3 one, his fender, judging from my perspective is exactly in proportion in width, though from the top view his is a teency bit wider.
the only things I can see improvement in are texture, and some slight tweaking overall. Oh and the wheels need to be a lil bigger.
March 31st, 2007, 10:41 AM
Where's the bar for the passenger to grip?
March 31st, 2007, 11:32 AM
I like this one better than the H3 one. This one seems to have some actual width in the seat, whereas on the H3 one, it's about as wide as a bloody bicycle seat. This is better. Excellent work on it!
And, welcome to the forums!
March 31st, 2007, 11:41 AM
awesome work!
March 31st, 2007, 11:44 AM
Wow. How long did that take you to make? How many polys?
March 31st, 2007, 12:19 PM
Heres a small update. the boys over at gbx forums requested that some things be changed. So i had a few minutes this morning. I toned down the Rivet/panel lines, toned down the front bumper rust pitting, and added more hight to the tire knobs.......if you guys have any request feel free to.......Also i am working on a scratch/destressed layer for the diffuse map in PS. ill post some screenies when its down. Ill be taking break from this model to finish up one of my maps :). cant wait to share some pics of
Wow. How long did that take you to make? How many polys?
took about 3-4 hours for model. base texure took about an hour. Took so dam long to model, as i had to study the crap out of the refrence pics :).....Poly count = 1220 for Hull and 248 for each tire
March 31st, 2007, 12:40 PM
That looks very nice up until now, but try changing the back a little, yours is too rectangular.. The next thing for you to do now is a Halo 3 MC.
March 31st, 2007, 01:44 PM
Win. and Welcome
March 31st, 2007, 02:33 PM
its a pity u had to go thru all that trouble to make such a flucking sexy goose, when bungie has playable versions already made.
nice job, its certainly playable, but not quite the same as halo 3's. close enough.
March 31st, 2007, 02:43 PM
What do you mean by "Bungie has playable versions already made"?
March 31st, 2007, 02:46 PM
Uhh, in halo 3? duh?
March 31st, 2007, 02:54 PM
Well, we don't have access to that Mongoose, so it's a good thing that he made this one. In plus, Halo 3 isn't on PC, so now we get one. Will this be for Halo CE or Halo 2 Vista?
March 31st, 2007, 03:00 PM
I'm thinking vista because he hopes to have this and three maps done for when h2v launches
March 31st, 2007, 04:31 PM
Welcome to H2vista. You should defiantly quit GBX and post here 100%.
Nice work on the mongoose, looks way better than the h3 one, h3 one looks too slim and not beefy enough. Your one looks the business and bulky :D
Neuro Guro
March 31st, 2007, 04:42 PM
also, render in perspective, not user. user is for isometrics.
You live in a van down by the river.
April 1st, 2007, 09:25 PM
ive got it scaled to size for MC. wouldnt be complete without a render of chief
April 1st, 2007, 09:59 PM
...looks way better than the h3 one, h3 one looks too slim and not beefy enough. Your one looks the business and bulky :D
Exactly what I thought! The seat is a little wider and the quad overall is bigger. Me likey!
April 1st, 2007, 10:54 PM
Tough wheels for tough work. Excellent job so far. Except... I don't know if it's just me, but the hub caps look ugly... or whatever the things in the middle of the wheels are (I Don't know my Car stuff... :() The center looks... I don't know. But still, the overall model is good.
April 2nd, 2007, 03:17 AM
that is win, you are win and i need new pants.
but red brake lights don't reflect of a black road.
when the road is wet, yes.:eyesroll:
April 2nd, 2007, 04:54 AM
its a pity u had to go thru all that trouble to make such a flucking sexy goose, when bungie has playable versions already made.
nice job, its certainly playable, but not quite the same as halo 3's. close enough.
That is the stupidest comment I've read thus far. Yeah, it's a pity he, unlike you, bothers to make something creative (and does it WELL), rather than just want to rip shit. It's a pity, that when this things finished, there will be miniscule differences between it and the halo 3 one, and it will be ingame in Halo 2 Vista and CE. What a silly idea of him.
It's also a pity it will be open sourced to the community, because of his kind generosity, and wanting people to learn from his model, texture, bump maps etc. Thats if people are still willing to learn, hurh.
Yeah, because I'm quite sure ripping the Halo 3 one is MUCH better than him learning, and making his own one, wich is QUITE FUCKING CLOSE in comparrison.>_>
With your mindset, we should all just give up on creating custom content and just start ripping, not learning and think and say shit like "why make that gun when you can just download it from Turbosquid LURL".
Also, you don't know about it's playability because:
a) it's not finished yet, as the letters "w.i.p" represent,
b) you haven't tested neither the halo 3 one OR this one ingame and
c) what the fuck, the beta isn't out yet, buddy.
April 2nd, 2007, 05:34 AM
i think you need to make the wheels a bit more wider so then they will look more like offroad wheels. they look a bit to fin to me. = get stuck in mood n stuff with them cuz theres not enough surface area.
April 2nd, 2007, 09:28 AM
Lazars ftw, and no, don't crap up his thread >:U I'm staying out of here until he posts an update. bai
April 2nd, 2007, 02:20 PM
small up date on the diffuse and normal map. i might tone it tone a bit, but bungie is kinda extreme as well....hmmm still wip.
added more wartorn feel.
April 2nd, 2007, 02:26 PM
whoever hates this, I dont know why, but this ATV is the most BEST thing I have ever seen
April 2nd, 2007, 05:50 PM
Looks good, but yeah, I think it needs a lot of toning down. pretty much under the front fender there, im fine with the whats on top, and hte stuff underneath the foot pedals, but yeah, just the stuff under the front bumper is a bit much. Looking much better though. :D
April 2nd, 2007, 06:05 PM
whoever hates this, I dont know why, but this ATV is the most BEST thing I have ever seen
I agree with you so much that I will ignore your grammatical error.
Master Chief
April 4th, 2007, 08:05 AM
AMEN!! i <3 it so much i will give +rep for you!! (x3)
April 4th, 2007, 09:25 AM
nice, thats just awesome. maybe a little less dimpling on the frame on the side near the foot pedals, its ok, just too much atm. doesnt really matter though, itll look the same in game.
might want to widen the wheels a tad more.
April 4th, 2007, 04:32 PM
As others have said, the seat is a bit wide. It looks awesome either way but if your going for 100% accuracy I suggest looking into that.
April 11th, 2007, 04:32 AM
meh, I have been so busy with work. have not had time to do much to my 3 maps. But i was begged to post something. heres My Atv using halo to render it, Kinda bleh. cant wait for H2Vista. :). also some sneek peeks of one of my maps. It called moab. I dont want to give to much away. But do some research on moab utah and you will see where i got my inspiration from. Big rocks stacked on small rocks ftw :). all in all everything is coming together
April 11th, 2007, 05:14 AM
Woah, probably best looking custom vehicle ive seen, 2nd is wasp :D
April 11th, 2007, 05:19 AM
Woah, probably best looking custom vehicle ive seen, 2nd is wasp :D
And the Hoplite?
April 11th, 2007, 05:28 AM
When I saw it, it had temp textures.
April 11th, 2007, 05:29 AM
He was going to hold a contest for people to skin it themselves and choose the best skin, but nobody ever did or they forgot about it. It's one of the reasons why he abandoned the project.
April 11th, 2007, 06:59 AM
That's looking really nice :)
come to think of it, where has mined gone to? haven't seen him post in a while...
Master Chief
April 11th, 2007, 07:50 AM
Best. Fucking. Thing. Ever.
+rep 4 u again!!
EDIT: goddamn it, i can't give u rep for now, cuz i hafta spread it around first... X_X
April 11th, 2007, 08:59 AM
Best. Fucking. Thing. Ever.
+rep 4 u again!!
EDIT: goddamn it, i can't give u rep for now, cuz i hafta spread it around first... X_X
Give me some rep to spread it then.
ontopic: looks amazing, even in CE's engine
April 11th, 2007, 11:22 AM
Holy shit, that looks incredible even in Halo CE, although I can't help but feel that the rims didn't get the full attention they deserved, when compared to the rest of the vehicle. BTW: (
April 11th, 2007, 02:47 PM
I never saw a handle bar in the screenies of the real H3 Mongoose, but it would make more sense to have on.
btw, this mongoose makes MC look like a Piece of Sh--=X no joke :XD:
April 11th, 2007, 06:20 PM
come to think of it, where has mined gone to? haven't seen him post in a while...
April 11th, 2007, 07:08 PM
I never saw a handle bar in the screenies of the real H3 Mongoose, but it would make more sense to have on.
btw, this mongoose makes MC look like a Piece of Sh--=X no joke :XD:
tru :lol:
April 11th, 2007, 07:13 PM
April 11th, 2007, 07:54 PM
btw, this mongoose makes MC look like a Piece of Sh--=X no joke :XD:
April 14th, 2007, 09:02 PM
This will probably be my last update for my Moongoose for awhile. as im busy with my maps. I am putting = effort into my maps, as i did the moongoose. Im hopeing they will provide some very fun/competive play. Anyhow, i tweeked some things and added some detail. Yes the chain texure on back drive does spin with foward and back motion. Ive Created driver enter, driver exit, driver sit, rider back animations. I have also created hijack animation for H2V. Half destroyed and full destroyed models are also done. Also the main handle bar is now there :) as well as a new shader tweek. Still need to complete my LOD's. Look foward to sharing my map's W.I.P when i feel there ready for CC and viewing. If i have time maybe this week :).
April 14th, 2007, 09:50 PM
PWN! :eek:
Fine...ill elaborate...ITS AMAZING!
April 14th, 2007, 10:05 PM
That looks too good to be in Halo 1... The shaders and textures make it look like you just added it in afterwards. You did a really good job on this.
April 15th, 2007, 12:10 AM
Dang it, I can't think of any thing to say, it's that amazing. But it needs less hands on the handle bar, you need one off the handle bar holding a weapon.
Reaper Man
April 15th, 2007, 12:18 AM
Looking awesome
April 15th, 2007, 12:23 AM
Theres a CE map that you can download that has mongooses in it. They dont look as good as the one that you made, but you can still drive them. It even has specters.
H2-Danger Canyon
Download Link:
April 15th, 2007, 12:37 AM
okay, wow. We're not retards. It originated on Yoyorast Island
but, thanks anyway.
Reaper Man
April 15th, 2007, 12:44 AM
okay, wow. We're not retards. It originated on Yoyorast Island
but, thanks anyway.
You're wrong.
Grow the fuck up kthx.
April 15th, 2007, 03:29 AM
awesome stuff mad :) It could possibly even look better than the halo 3 one, considering it's lower res than yours (by the looks of it)
April 15th, 2007, 06:17 PM
Jeez this thing is a beast now.
And if we were comparing. No offense to killa/knave or whoever the hell made the other mongoose, but this WIP Mongoose rapes the shit out of the old one.
April 15th, 2007, 11:44 PM
ya, lets not get off topic, if you're going to go off topic, go make a thread about it.
April 15th, 2007, 11:55 PM
madworks, are u SURE u dont work for bungie?
April 15th, 2007, 11:58 PM
the mongoose looks great! it looks better than the warthog actually.
April 16th, 2007, 12:16 AM
madworks, are u SURE u dont work for bungie?
Dude, if he does work for Bungie, it must be one of Bungie's plans to torment us.
April 16th, 2007, 12:39 AM
madworks, are u SURE u dont work for bungie?
Well, he doesn't at the moment, but It's something hes aiming for. So yeah, maybe in a year or 2 :P
April 16th, 2007, 01:13 AM
Back MC should be able to shoot IMO, looks kinda odd holding onto that, like hes afraid of falling off lol.
April 16th, 2007, 05:09 AM
Don't you think he allready knows that? Hes probably having trouble getting a new 1 handed shooting animation to work properly yet.
April 16th, 2007, 05:45 PM
Yeah there was nothing wrong with that comment, it's just some C&C whether he already knows or not.
April 16th, 2007, 05:50 PM
Well IM just saying, if hes smart enough to make such a beautiful thing, I think he'd be smart enough to know that the passenger will be shooting their own gun. Hes not a noob in general, just new to the forums. Logic people!
April 17th, 2007, 09:36 PM
when on the back of the vehicle shooting, we must be in 3rd person view like the driver. makes it easier so we don't keep missing the target cause of unknowing bumps or drops ahead.
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