View Full Version : WTF G36!

April 10th, 2009, 05:37 PM
So I checked out the local gun show today with my dad, I mainly went to see what the latest non-restricted "tacticool" rifles were available for hunting (found an interesting AR-15 style 7.62N non-restricted rifle, forget the make/model though)...

Anyways, Wolverine Supplies had an H&K "G36P" and SL8 there for sale ($9000.00 and $2500.00 respectively). Unfortunately I was extremely disappointed with the build on the G36P, which was basically a G36 that was using the dual optic carry handle and restricted to semi-fire only. When I was holding the rifle almost every piece seemed to wobble and move around in my hands, I asked if I could field strip it to see if there was anything wrong with it but they said no (Psh, I just watched the instruction manual videos on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65TyTZlpPlk&feature=PlayList&p=8C94F73685A4BBBB&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=50) last night). The eye relief was also WORSE than my CA carry handle scope, this AMAZED me as I figured that they would have corrected such an obvious flaw by now.

Honestly, if I could do a practical review on the G36P externals that Wolverine Supplies had against my CA G36K airsoft gun, I'd rate the CA higher. Obviously, my CA isn't made out of fiber reinforced polymer though so it's still weaker... I inquired into the cost of getting a real H&K G36 body kit purchased but the girl there said they were unable to get H&K to send them external replacement parts (was hoping to do a "Reel Steel" mod and turn it into an airsoft rifle). http://www.jocairsoft.com/forums/images/smilies/frown.gif

Someone explain why the "Reel Steel" (yes, I know it's polymer) version is so wobbly, or explain what could have caused such epic fail.

April 12th, 2009, 05:02 PM
Real Steel*

Because G36s are craptastic guns. Real men use metal weapons like HK416s and AK-103s. :haw:

I don't think H&K puts as much effort into their civilian line, since there isn't much demand in Germany.

April 12th, 2009, 05:04 PM
Real Steel*

Because G36s are craptastic guns. Real men use metal weapons like HK416s and AK-103s. :haw:

I don't think H&K puts as much effort into their civilian line, since there isn't much demand in Germany.
Yea but it's not a "civilian line" weapon. It was brought in Country as a full G36E and modified to shoot semi-auto only to conform with Canadian regs. Also, screw you the G36 is an amazing weapon system when it's not falling apart.

April 12th, 2009, 05:13 PM
It's your typical gas blowback system with a very tight fit, and is in fact a modified AR-18...if that thing gets dirty inside, it's gone. It also uses proprietary magasines, which means it has zero interchangeability with coalition forces in the field without modification to the magasine well, which goes against the STANAG specs. Yes the studs on the side are handy, but you can make a STANAG with those as well. I don't see what is so great about it, since a 45 year old gun can perform just as well in the field. And it is hardly any lighter, the G36...3.6kg vs. 3.77kg...

As for the craptastic build, you have me stumped then. Perhaps the gunsmith who modified it didn't rebuild it properly?

April 12th, 2009, 05:24 PM
As for the craptastic build, you have me stumped then. Perhaps the gunsmith who modified it didn't rebuild it properly?
I'm going to go with this, since they wouldn't let me field strip it even though I said I knew how.

April 14th, 2009, 12:34 AM
Ask yourself this...Is it used?

it could have been disassembled like warsaw said and reassembled poorly and if it was used clearly the person didn't care for it. I've held two G36's and they were sturdy as fuck and made me want one so bad. So something was wrong with the model you held

April 14th, 2009, 04:53 AM
Probably a case of poor reassembly. Dad's 'new' .22 was wobbly as hell, all it took was a quick disassembly and we found and corrected the problem. Sturdy as a brick now.