View Full Version : Drivers I can do Without.
April 10th, 2009, 05:40 PM
*All of the following are actual witnessed examples by either my friends or myself.
So, I've been driving quite a bit lately, and after a couple years of witnessing piss-poor driving by at least 10% of the population, I feel it's time for a good rant, and a good list of drivers I can do without. Let's get started.
People who don't use their blinkers: There's a reason as to why the car comes with this device. 40% of the time, I see people who make turns, whether that be sudden or gradual, that refuse to put their blinkers on when making a turn. Not only dangerous, but pisses me off.
People who don't pull to the side when turning: Another dumbass move. I can't stand it when people are slowing down to 15mph to turn onto a street forcing everyone behind them to slow down too.
People driving way too slow: With the general exception of the elderly, there is no valid excuse as to why you should be driving 10-15mph under the speed limit. None.
Women who put makeup on while driving: This one always leaves me speechless. What the fuck are you women thinking when you decide that driving the car or sitting at a stoplight is secondary to touching up the eye shadow. This is an actual story from Snaf of just such an occasion:
“So I was on my way home from school one day, and this woman (like so many others), decides she's going to do makeup in the car. Well, the light turns green and she decides that it's more important for her to finish applying eyeliner than it is for people to get to wherever they're going. Everyone is honking, I'm right behind her. I lay on the horn and she decides to give me the "Well fuck you I'm busy" look from her rear view mirror. I've fucking had it. I drop my jeep into low gear, take my foot off the brake. As my jeep begins to roll forward, I tap the gas, and more-than-a-little tap her bumper. Her car jars around and she gets super-pissed; pulls around the corner to flag me down to make an accident claim. I zip off, flipping her the bird. Too bad she didn't gouge her eye out, cunt.”
Californian Asian Drivers: Before any of you jump the gun and call me a racist, let me explain. I've been driving around Southern California for almost a year now, and I can say, that beyond a shadow of a doubt, 65% or more of the Asian drivers around here are god-awful. Snaf can vouch for me on this one. I could give a lot of examples of this, but to keep this short, I'll just do one. I was driving through the mall parking lot last week, at the limit of 25mph. This young Asian girl comes down one of the aisles in her van, doesn't even look, and cuts right across the road in front of me, and when I slam on my brakes and get pissed, she looks at me like I'm the asshole. I've seen this same shit countless times, and it's always apparently my fault when they do something dumb.
High School Drivers: Without a doubt, the worst drivers on the planet. Period, you can't debate this. I have more horror stories from my friends about someone in my high school crashing spectacularly than I can remember. Among them: “_____crashed into a barn coming to school.” “________ hit _______ in the parking lot because she wasn't looking.” It goes without saying that a drunk high school driver is even worse.
Rubberneckers: Seriously, why do we all feel the need to slow to 10mph while in the middle of a crowded thoroughfare to look at basic car wrecks that most of us will see at least 3 of each week? I see absolutely no reason to cause 30 minute delays because 2 cars are on the side of the road. Everyone always validates it as “Well, we're trying to keep them safe.” BULLSHIT. You wanted to see what was going on. Unless you're careening straight at them or they jump in your path, it doesn't matter if you're moving at 20mph or 60mph, you're not going to hit them. The only exceptions to this rule is when 1-2 lanes are shut down because of said crash, or if one of the vehicles is on fire. Unless you're planning to stop and help, keep it moving.
Well, that's about all I can think of for this rant. Any of you have any experiences you'd like to share?
Also, +rep to the first person who figures out where I got the inspiration for the title.
E: 2 rants in one week. Gotta calm down.
April 10th, 2009, 06:38 PM
High School Drivers: Without a doubt, the worst drivers on the planet. Period, you can't debate this. I have more horror stories from my friends about someone in my high school crashing spectacularly than I can remember. Among them: “_____crashed into a barn coming to school.” “________ hit _______ in the parking lot because she wasn't looking.” It goes without saying that a drunk high school driver is even worse.
Seriously, for the past 6 years straight, at least one student each year at my school has been killed in a car accident because their, or one of their friends reckless driving. While this is tragic, yes, its always because of the drivers inability to drive correctly.
I've also witnessed a few fender benders coming out of my school because of some dumb bitch doing her makeup or texting who rear ends some helpless parent or other student. I even know of one girl who's wrecked 5 cars in a row, all above $30,000.
April 10th, 2009, 06:43 PM
I agree completely with every argument you stated. Especially High School drivers.
Also, +rep to the first person who figures out where I got the inspiration for the title.
It doesn't happen to have anything to do with George Carlin, does it?
Llama Juice
April 10th, 2009, 06:49 PM
The blinker thing bothers me more than anything else.
Mainly because I live in an apartment complex right off of a highway and people like to go into my right turn only lane (which is really the only lane that's easy to get into for anyone in any of the six apartment complexes along this road) without using a blinker. How the fuck am I supposed to be prepared for your stupid ass suddenly deciding that it's a good idea to switch lanes?
AKA two days ago, was nearly in an accident.
If you wanna see horrible drivers though... go to Georgia. By far the worst drivers I've ever seen in my life.... and I live in Florida... where about twenty percent of the people use their blinkers.
Also, am I a nerd for thinking of computer drivers? instead of cars?
Asking if I'm a nerd is kinda silly, I know... I mean.. I'm on a fucking "halo" modding site... but you know what I mean.
April 10th, 2009, 06:58 PM
People driving way too slow: With the general exception of the elderly, there is no valid excuse as to why you should be driving 10-15mph under the speed limit. None.
Really? You get slowfucks down there?
You should move to Connecticut. I've lost count of how many people ride my ass while I'm doing 5 over the limit in towns, and pass me doing about 80 in a 65 MPH stretch of highway. O_o
April 10th, 2009, 07:02 PM
Californian Asian Drivers: Before any of you jump the gun and call me a racist, let me explain. I've been driving around Southern California for almost a year now, and I can say, that beyond a shadow of a doubt, 65% or more of the Asian drivers around here are god-awful. Snaf can vouch for me on this one. I could give a lot of examples of this, but to keep this short, I'll just do one. I was driving through the mall parking lot last week, at the limit of 25mph. This young Asian girl comes down one of the aisles in her van, doesn't even look, and cuts right across the road in front of me, and when I slam on my brakes and get pissed, she looks at me like I'm the asshole. I've seen this same shit countless times, and it's always apparently my fault when they do something dumb.
I usually have problems like this with mexican drivers. I don't mean American mexicans, I mean people who are actually from mexico. Theres a lot of them here, and I think that the rules of the road must be different there.
April 10th, 2009, 07:03 PM
Yeah, I thought software too.
Georgia isn't nearly as bad as you think. I actually consider the southeast part of the US to be the best. Lemme quote myself from the permit thread...
Over the last few years, I've done a lot of traveling around the US, and I have to say that every state I've been in is really good except for just one state: Virginia. Mother, fucking, Virginia. Every person here on the east coast (or more, for all I know) probably knows about these fuckers, because they, as of this post, are the only people I've seen in all my years do the following:
- U-turn in reverse
- Go 15 below the limit on the freeway
- Change lanes to go slower (as if to deliberately slow everyone behind him down)
- Use brakes going uphill
- Try and three point turn to go back to a missed exit
Everywhere else? Pretty good.
April 10th, 2009, 07:09 PM
I was on my way to a local college for an AP chem lab and we got stuck in traffic. I was being given a ride, so I had lots of time to pay attention to the scene behind us...
This woman had stopped in traffic, right in the middle of the two lanes so there was no way to get around her. She sat there for a while blocking traffic behind her (rush hour too), and then she finally decided to pull over to the side of the road and stop again. The problem is she's still blocking one lane and she obviously isn't trying to turn off to a business. What I don't get is that she wanted to pull a U turn the whole time...except there was a line of cars behind us waiting for the advance.
She holds out a little longer in both lanes, completely blocking traffic, until we get the advance and our lane clears up. Only then does she pull the U turn across the double yellow. Sigh.
April 10th, 2009, 07:20 PM
It's really daunting how bad women are at driving. Not to be a sexist, but women flat out SUCK at driving. They put gossip and makeup and themselves above the saftey of others.
Swear to you I saw a woman doing makeup, talking on the phone and eating a sandwich, steering with her knees, going 80 on the freeway! What the fuck is that?
Every accident I have EVER been involved in has ALWAYS without a doubt 100% been a woman's fault.
Grifted- Woman cuts me off and slams on her brakes to cause the accident. She did it for the money. By california law technicality it's my fault since i was behind her. fuck that. There were no obstructions, no cars, no nothing, not a reason for her to slam on her brakes.
Pacific Coast Highway - sitting in the right hand lane because a trash truck was picking up hotel garbage. waiting for my turn to pull out from behind him, a woman plows into the car behind me, which is then slammed under my jeep. After the cop took measurements, he confirmed she hit the other car at 55mph and hit the brake only SIX INCHES BEFORE HITTING THE OTHER CAR.
ASIAN TBONE- no, not what's for dinner. I am the ONLY FUCKING CAR ON THE ROAD. the ONLY ONE. She ran a stop sign and tboned me. Damage report comes back, if she had hit me a quarter of a foot in either direction, my car would've been totaled. Oh this was my new car, too, and it's silver, and it was a sunny day. How do you not see the only car on the road, which is silver, on a sunny day??
what the FUCK.
April 10th, 2009, 07:24 PM
fucking women
fuck them
my best friend's mom drives fucking crazily
April 10th, 2009, 07:26 PM
Really? You get slowfucks down there?
You should move to Connecticut. I've lost count of how many people ride my ass while I'm doing 5 over the limit in towns, and pass me doing about 80 in a 65 MPH stretch of highway. O_o
Interestingly enough, I lived in Connecticut until last June :p
April 10th, 2009, 07:29 PM
It's really daunting how bad women are at driving. Not to be a sexist, but women flat out SUCK at driving. They put gossip and makeup and themselves above the saftey of others.
what the FUCK.
And then sometimes they just drive slow as fuck and are afraid to enter intersections, and they're just pussy-footing so hard that they're totally unpredictable.
Also: Recent immigrants from Southeast Asia
...sweet christ
April 10th, 2009, 07:32 PM
Only woman I know that's capable of great driving? Danica Patrick.
April 10th, 2009, 07:58 PM
Swear to you I saw a woman doing makeup, talking on the phone and eating a sandwich, steering with her knees, going 80 on the freeway! What the fuck is that?
That would be my sister. I've actually seen her do that once, while i was in the car. :(
And my mom.... just cant even pay attention to the road for more that 2 minutes, at which point she starts to drift into another lane and has to quickly jerk her mini-van back into her lane.
April 10th, 2009, 08:07 PM
Only woman I know that's capable of great driving? Danica Patrick.
Oh yea, driving around in a circle is really that hard isnt it.../sarcasm.
What bugs me the most about driving is when idiots dont indicate on a roundabout. The way roundabout works is you go when it is clear, but that doesnt necessarily mean the road is clear of cars, you need to anticipate them turning off meaning the road would be free. Its fast past action, you cant dilly daddle, therefore when some idiot doesnt signal, it means there might not be a gap for bloody ages.
The problem in America is the fact driving is so easy. Stop, go, turning. Thats it. It means theres less to concentrate on, which could mean your mind goes and wonders off and you dont think about driving.
For me, I have to use both feet, both arms. Hand eye coordination is essential therefore its pure concentration.
April 10th, 2009, 08:11 PM
Danica my sweetheart does not do nascar, she does real racing now.
April 10th, 2009, 09:07 PM
LA traffic is the worst, with that in mind, Glendale is fucking ridiculous, I hear screeching tires at least once every hour when I'm at an outdoor party there.
April 10th, 2009, 09:16 PM
The problem in America is the fact driving is so easy. Stop, go, turning. Thats it. It means theres less to concentrate on, which could mean your mind goes and wonders off and you dont think about driving.
For me, I have to use both feet, both arms. Hand eye coordination is essential therefore its pure concentration.
April 10th, 2009, 09:23 PM
Only woman I know that's capable of great driving? Danica Patrick.
Wow, I cant even think of any other woman that can drive correctly.. :(
April 10th, 2009, 09:41 PM
a hem:
I think it's important to have his baby's up-to-date.
Update day 2 afternoon:
Urge to fap is none-existant.
i'm just too fucking angry right now and peenor knows if we do it now he's gunna have to go to the doctor.
Why am i this angry you may ask?
Everyone else on the fucking road thats why. jesus tap dancing Christ what the fuck is wrong with people!!!!
on the way back to my house i came up behind a road train ( 5 cars or more in a line, not over taking each other and not doing the speed limit. *twitch*) now i fucking hate road trains, they're slow, extremely gay and they're really fucking slow, they're "the weakest link" in the roads of australia.
Now most highway you guys know of are about 3-4 lanes wide, so these arnt that big a deal but in aus we have 1 lane, and we have to cross in the other lane to pass someone if your anywhere outside of the city's.
righto i'll set the seen.
1 petrol tanker at the back, 4 cars in between another petrol tanker at the front and old farmer billy with his big ol cowboy hat, in his burnt out piece of shit he bought second hand in 1962. Now naturally farmer billy'z deal old Josephine (his cars name) cant do more then 70 k's up a hill, and at most 90 (its a 100 zone), yet he seems to be incapable of pulling over and letting peope pass, despite it being clearly visible theres a army of cars behind him. But hey he's been driving since 19 dickerty 2 so he's right all the time.
He just is dammit.
now the petrol tanker cant over take him cause there's not enough room or another lane for him to pass him, so he naturally rides poor old Josephine's ass till they may as well be the same vehicle.
and all the cars in between that are not prepared (despite driving 6 litre v8's) to over take both the tanker and Josephine so they sit behind and build up until theres about 8 cars all tail-gating each other going fucking no-where.
This is a daily occurrence.
"no biggy, i'll just hop scotch up to the tanker and then pass as soon as i can."
pass the first tanker and then the cars easily enough, maybe a little bit of barging in (but i gave time and indicators to alert them what i was doing, and hey if they arnt prepared to overtake then STAY THE FUCK OFF THE PEOPLE IN FRONT SO OTHERS CAN. a hem.
where was i.
now by this time i'd reached the tanker and was ready to over take, as soon as i go to overtake he pulls out into the middle of the road and cuts me off.
Me being a calm rational individual concludes that his trailer must of just jacked a bit, and shortly enough he pulls back into his lane.
The chance to overtake is gone, but theres others coming up ahead soon enough.
he does it again.
erge to hill rising.
and again?!
turns out his mate in the other tanker was on the radio and was telling him when i was going to overtake so he could cut me off.
we came accross a wider section of the road with some bigger shoulders on the side.
i seize my chance!
Picture an angry 20 year old doing a 130 km'h on the shoulder of the wrong side of the road hurling abuse with 1 finger in the air while he drags off a semi-petrol tanker and old Josephine in 3rd gear in a 4 cylinder 2 litre mitsubishi lancer while a stunned drug fiend with enormous eyebrows watches from his enormous metal penis compensator.
Victory was mine, but i had a terrible taste in my mouth.
From this point on, i'm pro-gun.
who the fuck is mary sue?
pulled up to a round-about where theres always alot of traffic turning right. (it's a 2 lane round about, 1 turns right) some dousche bag got into the left lane, turned right nearly wiped out the front of my car and tried to barge his way in.
Theres a bridge 15m's off the round-a-bout where the road converges to 1 lane. I held my ground with 1 finger in the air and forced him to stop lest he hit the bridge.
if that fucker dented my car it would of been on. would of got all the money i could outta here and taken him to court for negligent driving, so that means fines, loss of points (and depending on how many points he has left a suspension of license)
i let people in all the time if they get stuck and need to change lane or merge into lane (i'm probably one of the more courteous people on the road), but the second they try to pull a dick move, such as flying up the inside and forcing there way in i dont give them an inch.
good times.
Also i agree about some of the shit in Soul society such as the HUGE fucking bankai's that whernt even swords *twitch* and all that other shit. was a bit :mech:
but they toned that shit back at the start of the next serious and it's more sword fighting and shit :mech2:
April 10th, 2009, 09:46 PM
Drivers in FL seem to drive shittier than any-fucking-where else.
April 10th, 2009, 09:54 PM
Snaf, you're doing it WRONG. You don't drive on the roads with your Jeep you idiot! If you would just stick to the side of the road you wouldn't have any problems!
Just last weekend on the way to an airsoft game I had to drive off the road and into the (extremely low sloped) ditch to pass some idiot who spun out trying to change lanes. Basically it was the old "I'm-an-old-guy-that's-going-to-switch-lanes-without-looking-or-signaling" routine. He decided to switch into the inside lane, almost ran a buddy of mine off the road, finally noticed after we both started honking at him, freaked out and swerved hard back into his lane inducing a spin. I either had the choice of punching the Jeep into the ditch going 120kp/h and passing him or turning into oncoming traffic.
This is also my biggest peeve about driving, people that switch lanes without checking, signaling, or doing ANYTHING except turning there wheel to get into the lane they want.
So Snaf, get yourself back in a REAL vehicle and start driving PROPERLY. God.
April 10th, 2009, 09:57 PM
had about 6 people do that to me last week.
April 10th, 2009, 10:08 PM
Once i build my apc nobody is going to fuck with me because i'll just crash into them.
E: :mad:
EE: iirc when that other suv ended up under my jeep on PCH, the firefighters asked me to drive off of it. that was some funny/fun shit. My jeep is the only thing that made it home on its own power. Jeep ftw.
MetKiller Joe
April 10th, 2009, 10:09 PM
This is also my biggest peeve about driving, people that switch lanes without checking, signaling, or doing ANYTHING except turning there wheel to get into the lane they want.
2 weeks ago:
A driver 4 cars in front of me stops short.
Three cars in back of him/her stop short but all crash into each other.
I stop before I hit a truck (I'm coming out of the 93N tunnel in Boston).
Unfortunately, the guy in back of me didn't.
So, he's going around 30-50 (I couldn't tell which).
I get pushed into the truck.
Of course, my bumper is made out of fiber-glass and foam. The truck is made of something much much harder.
My entire front end crumples.
Two weeks old and my car was totaled.
Because somebody switched lanes and didn't look.
April 10th, 2009, 11:03 PM
Wow, I cant even think of any other woman that can drive correctly.. :(
My mother's actually a damn good driver. She drives like a nut, not like a ditz. If she wants to run people off the road, she'll take the direct approach, not the makeup-and-lipstick-in-the-mirror-while-I-cut-you-off approach.
April 10th, 2009, 11:09 PM
Once i build my apc nobody is going to fuck with me because i'll just crash into them.
There was an add for a working Desert Storm era APC for sale at the gun show I went to today. $20,000.00 takes it!
April 10th, 2009, 11:26 PM
Pretty much everyone in my family is a terrible driver except my brother. They do stupid things like
*Riding the brake.
*Riding the brake while also riding the accelerator.
*Stopping way over the line or crosswalk.
*Constantly stepping on or off of the gas instead of using cruse control.
*Sometimes forgetting to stop at intersections and/or stop signs.
*Sometimes not using the blinker.
*Going either under the speed limit or over by excess of 10-15mph.
April 10th, 2009, 11:33 PM
fucking women
fuck them
my best friend's mom drives fucking crazilyMy friend's mom is from Britain and has lived in the US for over 18 years now. She still catches herself driving on the left sometimes. Riding in her car is a better adrenaline rush than a fucking roller coaster.
April 10th, 2009, 11:48 PM
There was an add for a working Desert Storm era APC for sale at the gun show I went to today. $20,000.00 takes it!
was it a gavin or a bradley?
April 10th, 2009, 11:50 PM
driving on the left
saw this with a van full of asians, driver was female. almost caused multiple head on collisions.
April 10th, 2009, 11:55 PM
What I absolutely despise are those random drivers who are driving a very nice sports car or BMW/Mercedes Benz, and take advantage of EVERY opportunity to cut you off and you're behind them for a couple streets until they finally merge onto a different street.
Dr Nick
April 11th, 2009, 12:04 AM
People who don't use their blinkers: There's a reason as to why the car comes with this device. 40% of the time, I see people who make turns, whether that be sudden or gradual, that refuse to put their blinkers on when making a turn. Not only dangerous, but pisses me off.
Sometimes people forget
People who don't pull to the side when turning: Another dumbass move. I can't stand it when people are slowing down to 15mph to turn onto a street forcing everyone behind them to slow down too.
Slowing down to turn can be good, who's gonna make a turn at 40MPH
People driving way too slow: With the general exception of the elderly, there is no valid excuse as to why you should be driving 10-15mph under the speed limit. None.
Driving fast will use more gas than driving slow.
Women who put makeup on while driving: This one always leaves me speechless. What the fuck are you women thinking when you decide that driving the car or sitting at a stoplight is secondary to touching up the eye shadow. This is an actual story from Snaf of just such an occasion
Women are women. They're hot, what more do you need?
jus breakin ur list mayng
No seriously, driving slower saves gas.
April 11th, 2009, 12:08 AM
jus breakin ur list mayng
No seriously, driving slower saves gas.
it's still an incredibly selfish dick move to do, because if you do these things your an arrogant fucker that thinks your the only one that matters on the road.
people have places to be, time limits to get there.
April 11th, 2009, 12:10 AM
Sometimes people forget
forgetfulness is forgivable, flat out not using them is bs, especially when they're going slower than you and just decide to swing in front of you. no warning.
Slowing down to turn can be good, who's gonna make a turn at 40MPH
slow down to turn near the curb so you don't impede traffic. i though that was pretty obvious dude.
Driving fast will use more gas than driving slow.
driving slow does not save gas. some transmissions use higher revs at lower speeds, and even if you use the same revs as at the speed limit, you use more gas because you're taking longer to get there.
Women are women. They're hot, what more do you need?
not even worth a response.
April 11th, 2009, 12:22 AM
No seriously, driving slower saves gas.
Or you could just drop the car into a lower gear/use cruise control.
April 11th, 2009, 01:43 AM
was it a gavin or a bradley?
Bradly with no type of armament iirc.
April 11th, 2009, 02:02 AM
did it at least have the turret without the cannon?
April 11th, 2009, 04:28 AM
did it at least have the turret without the cannon?
No it was completely removed, covered with some kind of rounded metal hatch jigger thing.
Canada, remember? We don't get cool stuff up here. Hell the G36 they had there was modified to be only Safe/Semi (as were all the "Black/Green" rifles, no full auto in Canada for civilians period).
April 11th, 2009, 11:27 AM
Drivers in FL seem to drive shittier than any-fucking-where else.
Snowbirds,tourists, and old people man.
Mr Buckshot
April 11th, 2009, 12:15 PM
Californian Asian Drivers: Before any of you jump the gun and call me a racist, let me explain. I've been driving around Southern California for almost a year now, and I can say, that beyond a shadow of a doubt, 65% or more of the Asian drivers around here are god-awful. Snaf can vouch for me on this one. I could give a lot of examples of this, but to keep this short, I'll just do one. I was driving through the mall parking lot last week, at the limit of 25mph. This young Asian girl comes down one of the aisles in her van, doesn't even look, and cuts right across the road in front of me, and when I slam on my brakes and get pissed, she looks at me like I'm the asshole. I've seen this same shit countless times, and it's always apparently my fault when they do something dumb.
High School Drivers: Without a doubt, the worst drivers on the planet. Period, you can't debate this. I have more horror stories from my friends about someone in my high school crashing spectacularly than I can remember. Among them: “_____crashed into a barn coming to school.” “________ hit _______ in the parking lot because she wasn't looking.” It goes without saying that a drunk high school driver is even worse.
don't worry I know what you mean, being an azn meself who lived in your state once (and is coming back soon...) Thank god my parents and I fall in that 35%!
Gotta say the Chinese (PRC only, those from Taiwan and the SAR areas are decent drivers) and the Indians are probably the worst Asian-American drivers. Japanese and Koreans are quite different though, if you travel to South Korea or Japan you'll notice that the road infrastructure and traffic laws are significantly better than in China/India, hence immigrants from those countries tend to be ok drivers. I've been to India once, it actually surpasses China in terms of traffic lawlessness.
Me, Chinese but not born in China (I'm born in a country where dickwad cops and traffic cameras are at every bloody corner, I'm serious, so people there drive properly out of fear of the law, not out of moral values, sadly), so society basically influences me to be a decent driver.
As for high school drivers, blame the driving instructors and testers in that state...I got my license from Canada and my instructor was pretty strict and kept picking on every little detail - I barely passed my road test to upgrade my license to Novice level, btw. My sister got her license from San Jose without even getting the hang of how to parallel park. She says either the driving testers are just oblivious to half the fuckups the high schoolers make, or they receive bribes, because just about everyone she knew at high school in Cali passed their road tests quickly and are still horrible drivers.
Over in Canada half of my friends at high school had to attempt their road tests 2-3 times before passing, I was pretty lucky to have passed on my first try. As for Asian-Canadians they tend to be better drivers than Asian-Americans, for the same reason - the road tests are stricter and so on. And, there are more Asians born-and-raised-in-Canada than there are Asians-born-and-raised-in-America. Immigrants are likely to be problematic drivers, those born in the country are likely to drive like the locals.
My friend's mom is from Britain and has lived in the US for over 18 years now. She still catches herself driving on the left sometimes. Riding in her car is a better adrenaline rush than a fucking roller coaster.
lololol, all it takes is just careful concentration if you travel to a country that drives on the opposite parents used to drive on the left, and they can adapt to the right very quickly, probably because my mom nags nonstop at my dad to keep to the correct side.
April 11th, 2009, 12:51 PM
It's really daunting how bad women are at driving. Not to be a sexist, but women flat out SUCK at driving. They put gossip and makeup and themselves above the saftey of others.
Swear to you I saw a woman doing makeup, talking on the phone and eating a sandwich, steering with her knees, going 80 on the freeway! What the fuck is that?
Every accident I have EVER been involved in has ALWAYS without a doubt 100% been a woman's fault.
I've seen one guy who was driving with his knees while eating, on his cell phone, and trying to hold an ipod.
Mr Buckshot
April 11th, 2009, 12:59 PM
I saw a driver going at 90 on I-5 with a huge road map spread out over his steering wheel and his eyes focused on the map...
April 11th, 2009, 01:02 PM
Coming back from a driving test for my brother to finally get his fucking license, we see some douche sitting there at a stop light holding down his brakes and pressing down his acceleration every couple of seconds for a few seconds. I think it's called dragging, because I know that's how you start races. The idiot was in just some regular SUV also, I can't remember what kind of car. Guess what happened when the light when green? Nothing, the guy just drove on regularly like any other driver. I'm in Illinois.
April 11th, 2009, 01:08 PM
April 11th, 2009, 01:24 PM
Today, everything wanted to run me off the road. Downtown, this dumb bitch pulls out in front of me from the left side of the street (two-lane one-way street with parking on both sides, I was in the left lane), and into the right lane, ONLY to pull back into a left-side parking spot about 10 cars down. No blinker, nothing, just cuts me off completely without notice from the right side of the street.
And then shortly after, I'm getting on I-95 North, and there was a fucking gaggle of geese just chilling out right in the middle of the on-ramp. Sitting there, completely unphased by cars driving right at them, honking, etc. WTF.
Wow. Just... wow.
April 11th, 2009, 01:45 PM
Despite that being incredibly unsafe...that's some epic balance he has.
E: Also, forgot about this little chestnut:
People who Pull Halfway Into the Street and Stop: FUCKERS. I can't stand it when some person is backing out of their driveway in their gigantic, oversized vehicle, pull about halfway into your lane, see you coming, and stop...halfway through the lane. So, what it amounts to is either I have to drive into oncoming traffic to pass them, or I have to slam onto the brakes, stop, and watch them smile and wave for letting them go before me. DICKS.
April 11th, 2009, 05:20 PM
I agree completely with every argument you stated. Especially High School drivers.
It doesn't happen to have anything to do with George Carlin, does it?
Crash, the movie, where the woman hit the "blake" light
April 11th, 2009, 06:48 PM
don't worry I know what you mean, being an azn meself who lived in your state once (and is coming back soon...) Thank god my parents and I fall in that 35%!
didnt you say that your dad forgot how to turn the car on without a key once.
Mr Buckshot
April 11th, 2009, 07:33 PM
I usually have problems like this with mexican drivers. I don't mean American mexicans, I mean people who are actually from mexico. Theres a lot of them here, and I think that the rules of the road must be different there.
technically the rules are the same, it's just that I wouldn't expect them to be enforced in Mexico.
Are they that bad though? There's a difference between genuinely not being skilled at driving, and driving with the attitude that you own the road and you are always in the right, etc.
April 11th, 2009, 08:09 PM
I must live in a pretty nice place because most people know how to drive where I live. We just have really bad traffic.
Slowing down to turn can be good, who's gonna make a turn at 40MPH
slow down to turn near the curb so you don't impede traffic. i though that was pretty obvious dude.
Are you suggesting that they go onto the shoulder to make a turn? Your sentence doesn't make any sense.
Driving fast will use more gas than driving slow.
driving slow does not save gas. some transmissions use higher revs at lower speeds, and even if you use the same revs as at the speed limit, you use more gas because you're taking longer to get there.
You create more air resistance when you're going faster than when you're going slower, and engines (presumably) aren't as efficient at high speeds than slow speeds. (This also helps explain why fuel runs out in 12 minutes while driving a veyron at 250mph but fuel won't run out for hours while driving at 60mph.)
April 11th, 2009, 08:17 PM
Dude, I totally understand what you mean. I drove all week this week. My first time using a turn line guided by yellow lines and I pull over to turn into the bank. Well apparently I was almost clocked by a truck going 60 (in a 45 mph zone) because I wasn't over enough in the lane, but my dad pulled the wheel to where we were inside the lines just in time.
I also have a tendency to obey the law. I will usually go around 40-50 at a 45 mph zone, but someone always has to go 60 and then honk the horn because they're not following the law. I'm sorry you have some where to be, but if you kill someone, please think twice about driving.
My brother is in Millegeville (city in Georgia, bad spelling) and he's a good driver. Well, another thing that annoys the hell out of both of us are people who drive slow as hell when they're on a cell phone. By God, if anything is more annoying than that I don't know what is. Annoying to a T if you know what I mean.
Turn on your blinker and gradually slow down approaching your turn. If someone has a problem with it, that's their problem, not yours.
April 11th, 2009, 10:31 PM
You create more air resistance when you're going faster than when you're going slower, and engines (presumably) aren't as efficient at high speeds than slow speeds. (This also helps explain why fuel runs out in 12 minutes while driving a veyron at 250mph but fuel won't run out for hours while driving at 60mph.)
The change in air resistance isn't so much that it would make you that much less fuel efficient. Let's also not forget city vs highway mpg. I've never seen a time were on the highway you didn't have better fuel economy, and on the highway you are obviously going faster (albeit cruising instead of stopping and starting). If you have the engine in a low gear while going in a high speed, yes it won't be as efficient. That's why you drop it into a higher gear or use cruise control. No, air resistance is not a major factor of the Bugatti Veyron running out of fuel when it's going 250. The main reason for that is because it's at the top of it's rev range, so the engine is going at 6500rpm vs that of 1000-2000rpm while cruising on a highway. It's not like the Veyron's engine is fuel efficient anyway though.
Mr Buckshot
April 11th, 2009, 11:14 PM
The change in air resistance isn't so much that it would make you that much less fuel efficient. Let's also not forget city vs highway mpg. I've never seen a time were on the highway you didn't have better fuel economy, and on the highway you are obviously going faster (albeit cruising instead of stopping and starting). If you have the engine in a low gear while going in a high speed, yes it won't be as efficient. That's why you drop it into a higher gear or use cruise control. No, air resistance is not a major factor of the Bugatti Veyron running out of fuel when it's going 250. The main reason for that is because it's at the top of it's rev range, so the engine is going at 6500rpm vs that of 1000-2000rpm while cruising on a highway. It's not like the Veyron's engine is fuel efficient anyway though.
my toyota hybrid SUV gets better mileage in the city because it can run entirely on electric power during slow traffic.
April 11th, 2009, 11:56 PM
my toyota hybrid SUV gets better mileage in the city because it can run entirely on electric power during slow traffic.
I meant purely gasoline cars.
April 12th, 2009, 12:17 AM
didnt you say that your dad forgot how to turn the car on without a key once.
his uncle is also the one that got on that can't-park-for-shit website
April 12th, 2009, 12:19 AM
Are you suggesting that they go onto the shoulder to make a turn? Your sentence doesn't make any sense.
right hand lane is double wide so you can slow to turn near the curb. jesus christ.
You create more air resistance when you're going faster than when you're going slower, and engines (presumably) aren't as efficient at high speeds than slow speeds. (This also helps explain why fuel runs out in 12 minutes while driving a veyron at 250mph but fuel won't run out for hours while driving at 60mph.)
250 compared to 60 =! 30 compared to 40
got damn.
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