April 14th, 2009, 09:06 PM
So i've been attempting to animate a pelican crash (lol originality) and I added onto the part in b30 where Bravo 22 begins his mayday call. wrote this script:
(cinematic_start )
(show_hud false )
(camera_control true )
(object_create insertion_pelican_1 )
(custom_animation insertion_pelican_1 "cinematics\vehicles\pelican\b30\b30" "b30crash" false )
What is wrong? I havent placed camera points so i just go into debug cam and just watch to see if it works. So far nada, nothing works. I tried slaving the camera to the peli in Sapien and it seems to transport into the middle and 5 seconds later just magically appear back at the spawn point. What gives?
(cinematic_start )
(show_hud false )
(camera_control true )
(object_create insertion_pelican_1 )
(custom_animation insertion_pelican_1 "cinematics\vehicles\pelican\b30\b30" "b30crash" false )
What is wrong? I havent placed camera points so i just go into debug cam and just watch to see if it works. So far nada, nothing works. I tried slaving the camera to the peli in Sapien and it seems to transport into the middle and 5 seconds later just magically appear back at the spawn point. What gives?