View Full Version : CLAYTON? CLAYTRON 2000!!!!1

April 20th, 2009, 03:33 AM
Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Clayton.
Clayton was special, not in a retarded way but more
like in a Clayton way. Clayton. But Clayton was no
ordinary boy, for he had super magical powers when
harnessing the elements of fire, metal, cardboard and
Christmas..."by the power of Christmas!"...when then
Clayton turned into the super-mecha-human robot CLAYTRON!
"I am Claytron with the most super terrible fantastic fun powers!"

This is a show that comes on tripple J every monday.
It's fucking LOL and welcome to australian humor.



episodes in the notes :D

April 20th, 2009, 04:23 AM
Narrator: It's the morning and all is quiet, but not Clayton.
He's really excited because he's going on a school excursion to the country womens association traveling museum of contemporary Craft.
Clayton: "I want a woolen doughnut!"
Clayton was so excited at the thought of a contemporary craft fair ran by senior aged women he slept in his Chubacca Mask.
Clayton's second worst friend, Rory, had slept over at Claytons and was gripped with excitement about the excursion too.
Rory: "I'm Rory!"
Clayton: "FUCK OFF RORY!"
Clayton: "aww gotta go!"
Suddenly Clayton burst out of bed and sprinted to the bathroom in his chubacca Mask and thongs.
Clayton: "aww gotta go bad!"
He really was Busting.
"AW YUCK" Cried clayton."who did that!?"
Laying in the bowel was quiet unlike something clayton had ever seen before.
It was a poo shaped like a human baby.
"It's a miracle!"
Just then Clayton's mum, Claytons mum, walked into the bathroom
Claytons mum: "hey whats all the commotion?"
Clayton: "It's emotion."
Claytons mum: "Oh goodness me, i think it's a regale poo-baby"
Clayton: "like a poo baby christmas miracle!"
Claytons mum: "a Religious poo..."
Clayton: "a holy Shit!"
Claytons mum: "aww like the image of jesus on a cornflake"
Rory: "i'm Rory!"
Clayton: "FUCK OFF RORY"
"clayton" Said Claytons mum, Claytons mum, "go nad get some incents sticks and my enya CD. We can charge people to come and touch the jesus poo!

*Toilet flush*

Clayton: "Rory flushed away the Jesus poo!"
Claytons mum: "aww Rory...."
Rory: "i'm Rory!"


April 20th, 2009, 05:07 AM

April 20th, 2009, 05:18 AM
lmao my name is clayton

April 20th, 2009, 05:33 AM
Clayton: "a holy Shit!"


April 20th, 2009, 07:18 AM
This thread made me hungry

April 20th, 2009, 03:56 PM
Fuck off rory.

wheres computer tits?