View Full Version : [HALO 3] Halo 3 (spoilers enclosed!)
April 20th, 2009, 09:46 PM
So I recently beat Halo 3. Somehow, the MC gets left behind while the new halo fires. The arbiter makes it through but the chief is left in space. How the HELL did the chief survive?
April 20th, 2009, 09:47 PM
More importantly, how did you just now beat Halo 3?
April 20th, 2009, 09:48 PM
Even more importantly, why didn't you post this in the Halo 3 section?
April 20th, 2009, 09:48 PM
Chief survived because Bungie needed a sequel.
Did you just get the game last month or something? Not to be harsh, but it's been out for three years.
April 20th, 2009, 09:50 PM
Move thread, lock thread, delete thread.
Edit: Lol, that was quick. Well what happened was that somehow the back half of Forward Unto Dawn didn't get blown up in the destruction of the Ark and Alpha Halo. Chief goes to sleep. That's it.
April 20th, 2009, 09:53 PM
The ship was split in half when they went through the portal. The Arbiter's half got through, but the Chief's didn't. Now he's drifting through space in a cryotube with Cortana sending out a distress signal, saying it could takes years for someone to find them. The last line, which is decent, is 'Wake me when you need me.'
April 20th, 2009, 09:53 PM
How the HELL did the chief survive?
Sea Turtles.
April 20th, 2009, 09:53 PM
The front half of the ship made it through to Earth, but the other section ended up somewhere in between.
April 20th, 2009, 10:10 PM
bad game~
April 20th, 2009, 10:54 PM
Chief survived because Bungie Microsoft needed a sequel.
It keeps the ending open for future development, wherever Microsoft decides to take it.
April 21st, 2009, 12:37 AM
Sea Turtles.
April 21st, 2009, 06:36 AM
Did you just get the game last month or something? Not to be harsh, but it's been out for three years.
It came out late 2007, and it's early's more like a year and a half, not three.
But yeah, the ship was halfway through the portal when it collapsed, leaving the Chief behind. He survived since there probably was still air in his suit/in the ship.
April 21st, 2009, 10:27 AM
I think the poster of this thread is trying to say that Installation 04b (new version of Halo 1's Ring which was recreated) was fired, which it was at the end of the game. But as it wasn't 'finished' yet it just shook its self apart and didn't initialize its 'sentient life killing thing' it just blew up and 'did a number on the ark' this means all the other 6 halo's are still out there, even Installation 05 is still there, nothing ever happened to that.
Anyway, yea Chief is 'drifting' in space, I’m not sure if that is near the Ark, or if the ship went through the portal but because the one on earth's side collapsed that the back half of the ship got taken somewhere else. It's never clearly explained, obviously for sequel purposes. Also, with Cortana stating it's going to take a while before anyone finds us, i think we may not hear any more of Chief's story (unless it is past events) for along time. But M$ will keep milking the franchise for a while then continue his story...well i assume so anyway.
Oh also, WTF is going on with Cortana? She is getting pretty old now and Smart AI have an estimated lifespan of 7 years so, maybe by the time he is found she has gone rampant (more so then now?).
I'm more interested in what that planet was at the end of the game (Legendary Ending). Title states that there will be spoilers so i don't need to use these. :highfive:
April 21st, 2009, 12:55 PM
Anyway, yea Chief is 'drifting' in space, I’m not sure if that is near the Ark,
Oh also, WTF is going on with Cortana? She is getting pretty old now and Smart AI have an estimated lifespan of 7 years so, maybe by the time he is found she has gone rampant (more so then now?).
I'm more interested in what that planet was at the end of the game (Legendary Ending)
Go look up the plotline of Marathon my friend :D
April 21st, 2009, 01:04 PM
I don't think Halo and Marathon had anything to do with each other, I remember reading somewhere that bungie confirmed this, though I'm afraid I can't offer a link.
April 21st, 2009, 01:17 PM
I don't think Halo and Marathon had anything to do with each other, I remember reading somewhere that bungie confirmed this, though I'm afraid I can't offer a link.
Fully aware, it's just the similarities between the situations are almost identical.
Halo 3 Ending - Chief and AI are heading towards an unknown planet
Marathon - Supersoldier and AI crash land on unknown planet
Not to mention, one of the main bad guys in Marathon looks almost exactly like the planned Covenant Drinol:
April 21st, 2009, 03:41 PM
Oh also, WTF is going on with Cortana? She is getting pretty old now and Smart AI have an estimated lifespan of 7 years so, maybe by the time he is found she has gone rampant (more so then now?).
Yeah I know, I was wondering that myself.
Thanks you guys were a lot of help!
What is this 'shitposting' and why did I get an infraction for a made up rule?
April 21st, 2009, 03:51 PM
Anyway, yea Chief is 'drifting' in space, I’m not sure if that is near the Ark, or if the ship went through the portal but because the one on earth's side collapsed that the back half of the ship got taken somewhere else.
Actually, the other half of the ship with the chief in it is still where the Ark used to be, since the Ark's portal collapsed, due to the extensive damage done on the construct. You can tell that they're still near the Ark when Cortana says something similar to "The portal collapsed when Halo shook itself to pieces, and did a number on the Ark". How else could she know that the Ark survived the explosion (hence the "did a number" not a "destroyed") if they weren't still near it?
Oh also, WTF is going on with Cortana? She is getting pretty old now and Smart AI have an estimated lifespan of 7 years so, maybe by the time he is found she has gone rampant (more so then now?).
Actually, Cortana was created in late-ish 2552 from Dr. Halsey's cloned brain, and since Halo 3 ends in March 2553, it's been a year that she was created, or less. So, theoretically, she still has around 6 years before she goes rampant.
Cole Protocol spoilers :
They don't necessarily die after 7 years either. Julianna was past the 7 year operation lifetime, and she was still "alive" and "well".
April 21st, 2009, 03:52 PM
shitposting isnt a made up rule fyi. its kinda been around for as long as i can remeber. it sort of means your post was spam, but not really spam, so its classified as shit.
in a nutshell, your post sucked. i didnt see it so i cant really pass any judgment, but that seems to be the gist of it.
April 21st, 2009, 05:25 PM
Cole Protocol spoilers :
They don't necessarily die after 7 years either. Julianna was past the 7 year operation lifetime, and she was still "alive" and "well".
Very good point, <3 Halo books, can't wait for the new trilogy about the Forerunners.
I see the similarities between Halo and Marathon but i don't think they're in the same universe tbh. Just similar.
But i guess we'll just have to wait for more Halo information, as i doubt ODST will explain much to us anyway, just fill in a few blanks.
April 21st, 2009, 05:48 PM
I think the forerunner mystery should be left just that. A mystery.
April 21st, 2009, 06:37 PM
If I had to take a gander at what that planet is beyond just a Bungie tribute to Marathon, I'd say it's the external shell of the Dyson Sphere in which the other Spartans and Dr. Halsey are trapped (I know it said it was in a slipspace bubble, but it has to have a physical location somewhere).
Also, to me, Marathon is like a prehistoric Halo, a test-bed of sorts.
April 21st, 2009, 06:40 PM
I think the forerunner mystery should be left just that. A mystery.
I, on the other hand, am also really interested in knowing all about the Forerunner. It'll give us a much broader view on how it all came to be the way it was in the games.
April 21st, 2009, 08:10 PM
I, on the other hand, am also really interested in knowing all about the Forerunner. It'll give us a much broader view on how it all came to be the way it was in the games.
English Mobster
April 21st, 2009, 08:24 PM
If I had to take a gander at what that planet is beyond just a Bungie tribute to Marathon, I'd say it's the external shell of the Dyson Sphere in which the other Spartans and Dr. Halsey are trapped (I know it said it was in a slipspace bubble, but it has to have a physical location somewhere).
Also, to me, Marathon is like a prehistoric Halo, a test-bed of sorts.
Chief and Cortana could have, technically, been inside a slipspace bubble when the exit portal collapsed on the ship, cutting it in two and leaving Chief and Cortana adrift in slipspace. This explains how Chief survived Halo being fired, as Guilty Spark confirmed Halo was operational, but would destroy itself if fired. If Chief and Cortana are adrift in slipspace, then, theoretically, they could stumble upon the Dyson Sphere in the books.
If Halo Wars is any indication of what happens when humans find a Dyson Sphere, the back half of Forward Unto Dawn would be guided by Sentinels into the center of the planet, where (presumably) Chief would meet up with the other Spartans. From there, they could theoretically (with the combined efforts of Cortana and Dr. Hasley) break the Forerunner technology keeping it in a Slipspace bubble (Cortana downloaded ALL the info Alpha Halo had into her memory while Chief was off checking out books from a Library) and bring it into realspace. If there is a Forerunnner Ship somewhere in the Dyson Sphere, which, if the Dyson Sphere is similar to the one in Halo Wars, there should be (several, in fact), then the Spartans should be able to escape.
And it's hard to judge exactly how long Cortana has to go. Her memory has been stretched FAR past its breaking point (again, downloading EVERYTHING on Alpha Halo), not to mention shortly afterwards she was tortured and nearly completely broken.
Cortana's future lifespan doesn't look good.
April 21st, 2009, 08:46 PM
If I had to take a gander at what that planet is beyond just a Bungie tribute to Marathon, I'd say it's the external shell of the Dyson Sphere in which the other Spartans and Dr. Halsey are trapped (I know it said it was in a slipspace bubble, but it has to have a physical location somewhere).
The Dyson Sphere from The Ghosts of Onyx is inside the planet Onyx, and it's external length can be measured in nanometers. I really doubt that the Halo 3 legendary ending has ANYTHING to do with Onyx.
PS: There were no Dyson Spheres within Halo Wars. It was merely a hollow planet.
April 22nd, 2009, 07:22 AM
Why would the games incorporate anything that was mentioned in the books? I don't think players are expected to go read those things, so it would just be confusing. Or, I suppose they could take the time to explain it, but that's a lot of explaining to do.
April 22nd, 2009, 02:47 PM
I actually thought, you know from all the promotional crap and ARG shit, that we would actually get some INSTORY bits about the forerunner. Instead of those out of the way terminals.
April 22nd, 2009, 09:54 PM
a ship gose out looking for them then gets boarded by the slavers
cortana turns into leela, and chief gets a downgrade.
its now marathon
April 22nd, 2009, 10:12 PM
How about...they land on said planet, cortana wakes chief up. Adventure ensues?
April 23rd, 2009, 01:35 AM
From what I remember of that one spoof documentary thing they made, close to 100 years after "The Great War" (something like that, it was in the middle 2600's when the marines were in their 60's or 70's or something), they still speak of the Master Chief as if he was gone. I don't think we'll be hearing a whole lot about MC, not in the short term.
IIRC, Marathon takes place in the 2800's.... :)
April 23rd, 2009, 06:53 AM
From what I remember of that one spoof documentary thing they made, close to 100 years after "The Great War" (something like that, it was in the middle 2600's when the marines were in their 60's or 70's or something), they still speak of the Master Chief as if he was gone. I don't think we'll be hearing a whole lot about MC, not in the short term.
IIRC, Marathon takes place in the 2800's.... :)
Well, those documentaries weren't quite canonical, where they? In plus, the Chief could have come back, then have died or something, no?
April 23rd, 2009, 07:10 AM
Well, those documentaries weren't quite canonical, where they? In plus, the Chief could have come back, then have died or something, no?
They might be considered canon. If I recall correctly, the people who made them had no extra insight into what the storyline of the game was, but you could consider it military propaganda. The big model has got the Chief captured by a Brute, readying a grenade, and the soldiers make reference to that in the interviews. You could say it's the UNSC making a cover-up, saying the Chief died giving his life to stop them at that specific battle, as opposed to dropping the whole "There is no God, and Humans were chosen to rule the galaxy by ancient all-powerful beings." Something tells me tales of the Ark and the Halos would be a little too much for the public to handle, even after an alien invasion.
April 23rd, 2009, 11:17 AM
How about...they land on said planet, cortana wakes chief up. Adventure ensues?
Simple.but no fun...what if the ship burned up on re-entry...its half a ship man, no power to even the breakin thrusters (unless power was diverted somehow)
in short, if that ship got sucked into that planet's gravitational pull...chief would probably be taking a dirt nap...
not meaning to troll, but that is the "practical man" view
April 23rd, 2009, 03:27 PM
Chief's side of the ship has the main thrusters...and remember, Arbiter only had half a ship when he plowed through Earth's atmosphere.
The Dyson Sphere from The Ghosts of Onyx is inside the planet Onyx, and it's external length can be measured in nanometers. I really doubt that the Halo 3 legendary ending has ANYTHING to do with Onyx.
PS: There were no Dyson Spheres within Halo Wars. It was merely a hollow planet.
No no no no, you got me all wrong. I'm saying that when they went through the portal on Onyx, it transported them to the inside of the Dyson sphere (which itself was not part of the Onyx planetoid). Where they were was technically only nanometers across, but what if the actual physical Dyson sphere, located somewhere else, is what the Chief is eminently about to start orbiting/crash into?
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