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View Full Version : Power Mac 7200

April 25th, 2009, 11:03 AM
So, today is the day when we people in Eau Claire ("city" I live in) are suppose to collect some of our old electronic crap and give it to a recycling group. Well today I was loading some old busted DVD players into my car when I found it. It was a Mac keyboard and mouse. I had never known that I have had a Mac. So I go looking for it and I find 2 Macs. A Power Mac 6400 and a Power Mac 7200. 7200 sounds more powerful, so I put the 6400 away and took my 7200 back inside. After a quick check at Wikipedia, I have some specs:

Manufacturer: Apple Computer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Inc.)
Introduced: August 7 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/August_7), 1995 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1995)
Discontinued: July 1 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/July_1), 1996 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1996)
Price: US$ (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_dollar)1700, 1900
CPU: PowerPC 601 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PowerPC_601), 75 - 120 MHz
RAM: 8 MiB (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MiB), expandable to 512 MiB, 70 ns 168-pin DIMM
OS: System 7.5.2 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_7_%28Macintosh%29)

I have the 75MHZ edition. And I always thought that my old 1997 Toshiba laptop was my least powerful computer.

I hit the jackpot too. It looks like this Mac has what could be a VGA connector on it, so I should be able to hook it up and see what it is running. Pics and more info once I get it running.

Edit: I'm gonna hook it up to my current PC using Ethernet so that I can try to go onto the interwebs, so I'm going to keep this PC on, and that little green light that says I'm logged in will stay on (I'm going to keep a FireFox window opened onto this thread so that my Wireless adapter doesn't go idle). I will not be able to post for awhile though because I am short on Monitors (aka I only have one), and I lack any KVM switches, so unless I get my Power Mac onto the interweb, assume that the green light is lying.

Edit2: I was lied to. It was not a VGA connector. I also I no knowledge of how to open it up, so I would not be able to get picture of it's innards. Just imagine that they consist of awesomeness and classics. I can though get pics of it in it's unopened state.

Mr Buckshot
April 25th, 2009, 01:37 PM
My school had the same "recycle old electronics" thing on wednesday. I "donated":

- dad's old 1999 non-color-screen cell phone (doesn't work)
- compact DVD player from 2000 (well it works...but can't read burned discs)
- 2002 sony vaio laptop with an AMD Duron processor
- Flashlight that I dropped on the ground once
- mom's old digital watch with cracked face
- My 2001 HP Jornada personal digital assistant that I dropped in the toilet last year by accident (I still kept it because it was so special...but now I decided to let it go).

April 25th, 2009, 02:11 PM
Woot! SweeT! YOU live in WISCONSIN! FUCKING AWESOME! I used to live there, and I've never met any halo modders who lived in wiSconsin before!!

You're awesome!

PS: yay for recycling, we're doing the same here where I live.

April 25th, 2009, 02:16 PM
Oh god, Power Mac 7200, so many memories...

My mom had a Power Mac 7300 (very close) that she used for her graphic design stuff. It was upgraded a lot to say the least. We dropped a Sonnet upgrade card into it that brought it up to 800mHz or so and filled the thing up with as much ram as we could. That ended up going to my brother when she bought a PowerMac G3, which was later upgraded with a 1GHz processor card and more ram.

Meanwhile I had a dinky little Quadra 650 :P.

April 25th, 2009, 05:41 PM
Might look for a Monitor that's compatible with the 7200. I mean someone around here must have one.

Well, time for me to go Garage-Sale hopping. And by "time for me to go", I mean probably in two weeks when I have nothing better to do.

MetKiller Joe
April 25th, 2009, 06:30 PM
We still have an old Mac. I used to play some Mac games on it way back when.

I played this one game. You rode on the back of a turtle (least I remember one level being like that), and it was like Myst (puzzle/problem solving?) and did stuff for some scientist. I had a friend back then that played Myst and some other kids games (this was back in the mid 90s). The cover to the game was like the Magic The Gathering graphic you see on the back of every card. +rep to whoever figures out what it is.

Brings back so many memories.

April 27th, 2009, 11:43 PM
IIRC, they used to sell DB-15 to VGA adapters so you could use a regular monitor with it; see if you can find one online or something.

April 28th, 2009, 12:48 AM
my bro has that system beat. let me find the pics and such...

actually, i think he still has the box; from what i can remember, he was one of the first people in probably the county to have a system running 16 mgs of ram...

i wish i could have been born then, at the advent of true computing. fucking amazing how far we've come. from the 200mhz (my first pc) to 3.7ghz quad cores, and 16 cores promised by AMD next year (scream all you want xet). it's almost enough to get me hard...

wait, i lied: it is enough to get me hard.