View Full Version : The HCEM Team
April 27th, 2009, 07:00 PM
Hello, this is CodeBrain, and I was going to make a team for Halo Custom Edition. It was going to be called: HCER Team, which is a acronym for "Halo Custom Edition Revival".
Anyway, about the team...
I sort of need members for it. However this isn't your usual team, such as:
hai i r gud modderz i can join teamsz :D :D :D :D :D :p :p :pFor this is meant to be for the revival of Halo Custom Edition. Sure, I may sound like a fool now, but seriously, look into it.
Halo CE is dying (Not with patch 1.00, however most of the times people are playing stock maps.) I had a theory. "If someone people made a really kick-ass map, which had custom, and original content, plus had very talented members, they would be the "heros" of HCE.
Now, that sounds stupid, I know. But think for a second. CMT strives for making custom content, for all to be awed at. This is kind of the same point.
Techically, the team isn't "set in stone" yet. I need a couple of people first...
1. Modeler (This would be the spot for modeling certain objects/weapons in the game.)
2. Animators (For animating the modeler's stuff)
3. Artists (Usually this means people who can use Photoshop, to make textures for Halo.)
4. Scripters (In case we do a SP map, or a MP map which requires scripts)
That SHOULD be about it.
Now I bet you are thinking "HEH THIS KID HAS NO IDEA WHAT HE IS DOING / GETTING INTO" Maybe I don't, maybe I do. All I know is, we need something that brings Halo CE back to the good old days, back when everyone was on it, having fun beyond imagination.
So, if you would like to help, Please either post in this thread, or PM me your "resume" for a spot.
Also, if you are going to shit-post, I recommend you don't.
Thank you for reading this thread, and I hope we can work together in the future.
April 27th, 2009, 07:25 PM
If music/sounds are required, I'd like to help out. I'm also a decent code editor (java/c++), but not a very good writer.
teh lag
April 27th, 2009, 07:26 PM
Something that I've learned from experience is that a team needs a rallying point more specific than "revive CE" to be effective and get off the ground to become something respectable. Set down specific guidelines - what content do you want? What is the idea behind it? Whose talent do you want on this? Is their talent available? How will you motivate yourself and others to keep working? These all can (and will) change as your team progresses, but without a solid start you're already lost.
If I may suggest a few things...
-Get something done by yourself. Nobody will make a project for you while you sit back and give orders. Show people what you can do alone and why you need help. Teams are teams because they complement each other and work well together, not because everyone wants to work for one guy in charge for the sake of working for him. Something else I learned before I became active in CE's community is that you can make stuff happen yourself and it's usually better when you do (as long as you know what looks good).
-Make something novel, something that you'll be remembered by. Something like the flying pelican in Quagmire or the aurora in Portent or the visuals of Church. Not novel like "you can pilot a longsword," novel like actual atmosphere that makes your products stand out. Atmosphere is something that things in CE are really lacking.
-Encourage people to come to you with ideas and things that they've already got in production. Meetings where you say "k we've got x people now what should they do" rarely produce much. Much of the content I did for CMT I was doing on the side anyway and then just said "hey, what if we did this? I've already got it started." Incorporate stuff you've done yourself or stuff that people you know have done. Start from somewhere and always have something to direct your team's energy towards.
-Do something unique. We've already got Halo Mashup, (CMT) Custom Campaign (BoT and BCE), Conversion (ZTeam and H3MT), and Halo Redux (HRH) teams, as well as plenty of others. Maybe just focus on maps - you don't need new content to turn out respectable products. Ironically, I don't think we really have a team dedicated to nothing but pure mapping.
-Set realistic goals. You cannot do a mod on the level of HRH, ZTeam, or CMT without a team equivalent in talent or dedication to HRH, ZTeam or CMT. Find out what you have to work with and go from there, and be sure not to overstep what you can do. Even something a simple as adding a single new weapon can take a month of dev time from model to skin to animations and tags.
April 27th, 2009, 07:31 PM
Now I bet you are thinking "HEH THIS KID HAS NO IDEA WHAT HE IS DOING / GETTING INTO" Maybe I don't, maybe I do. All I know is, we need something that brings Halo CE back to the good old days, back when everyone was on it, having fun beyond imagination.
You called it.
New maps aren't going to save custom edition. People just aren't playing anymore. Trust a person who acctually knows the community. I'm not like most of the people on these forums, I play acctually play this game. Competitive halo PC scrims and Tournaments are all that are left for this game.
Ok, lets say a month or so, and your team makes a cool map. Then what? You get 15 people from these forums to download it? MAYBE play it once when its released? And MAYBE at a gamenight, which these days are cut short due to the lack of players.
Trust me, this is going to take you a lot more frustration and work then fun. CE was fun, use the friends you met during this time and play a new game.
April 27th, 2009, 07:32 PM
Has anyone been able to do anything with OS yet? The possibilities looked amazing. I hope you get to put it to good use.
Edit: I don't know why people say this game is dieing, the modding community might (or this one might), but the game is more popular than ever and still has thousands of downloads daily and is the best form of Halo for the PC. Isn't the number of players for all versions of CE total up to like 800 online at a time?
April 27th, 2009, 07:32 PM
If you want to revive CE too, you're gonna have to get a lot of the other PC gamers attention...
April 27th, 2009, 07:34 PM
Or, with enough coders/time, we may as well put our resources toward unlocking H2EK :downs:
Yeah, I know, unrealistic... but a man can dream.
April 27th, 2009, 07:54 PM
I hate deadlines. I was supposed to give duce my model for cmt like a month ago and havent got around to it. Make sure you have plenty of motivation to go around for your team.
Rob Oplawar
April 27th, 2009, 09:40 PM
With a team of Expert Developers, you can set about to accomplish any task, even if that task is ill-defined!
And of course, if it proves to be too difficult, you can solve your problem simply by bringing on more developers.
Your plan is foolproof!
il Duce Primo
April 27th, 2009, 09:48 PM
I hate deadlines. I was supposed to give duce my model for cmt like a month ago and havent got around to it. Make sure you have plenty of motivation to go around for your team.
Hurry that shit up!
April 27th, 2009, 09:50 PM
If you want to revive CE too, you're gonna have to get a lot of the other PC gamers attention...
That, and you have to get the attention of the pirates who downloaded Halo PC through not so legal methods, and convince them to get a copy through more legal methods. Then maybe they'll upgrade to 1.08, and possibly even play some custom maps.
Also we need to tap into the Halo 3 market somehow...
April 27th, 2009, 10:29 PM
Hurry that shit up!
Your never online when I have a chance to send it :/ Its done. I think its how masters wanted it too (hopefully)
April 27th, 2009, 10:36 PM
Personally, I think it would be nice to have a night map or something. You hardly ever see them.
Speaking of that, I've also had this really wacky idea. Since the multipurpose map on the Masterchief can be used to make him glow in the dark, I thought it would be fun to have a dark level with plenty of obstacles, but have the armor of the chief's with glowing lines all along the body. Not only would this reverse the normal lighting system so common in all maps made, but visually, it could be pretty neat.
The only issues that I could find with this would be that the players would be extremely visible at all times, so sniping would be easy as pie. Methinks the only possible way to do this would be to either A) Have a paintball styled arena with lots of obstacles, or B) create a level with Tron graphics, making everything neon.
Sorry if this seems like a thread-jack, just putting ideas out there ;)
I have more, but unfortunately, I have no skill when it comes to Halo mapmaking.
April 28th, 2009, 08:04 PM
you want to revive CE?
make a no cd patch for all the 1.0 players... and get them to 1.08...
there's your answer.
April 30th, 2009, 07:35 AM
you want to revive CE?
make a no cd patch for all the 1.0 players... and get them to 1.08...
there's your answer.
MetKiller Joe
April 30th, 2009, 09:20 AM
Its nice that you think about these kinds of things, but Halo is a dying game because it is OLD. There are new games coming out, and they are also really good.
There are still hundreds of people that play the game, more than most old communities. I'd say enjoy it while it lasts because it might not last much longer. I'm not sure how feasible it would be to have one map or one patch or one magic bullet that will cure what you think is a loss of interest because of hurdles. People get tired of the same game, and they are walking not because of patches and because of hurdles but because there are other games their friends are playing (TF2 etc) that they want to play.
April 30th, 2009, 03:20 PM
The team is growing at a slow rate. Ideas where given at Halomaps, and (might/might not) be used.
Mostly, "Halomaps" agreed on making a SP campaign.
The team as of now:
Modeler: Mastur Cheef (Don't base stuff on his name, please.)
Artwork: Scrables_the_DeathDealer
Scripter: Gamma927 (also he is a Campaign Designer)
Unknown: HighProphetofDeath (Until he PM's me again on which spot he wants.)
Just want to mention that those options above aren't locked to those people. If you want to join the team, and are good at those spots, you can join with them.
Sorry if that did not make much sense, I am a bit out of wack now.
So, anyone else?
April 30th, 2009, 03:29 PM
There already is a no cd patch, just click the icon that is circled red...
April 30th, 2009, 05:56 PM
you don't understand... the no cd 1.00 patch has it's own servers and when you upgrade manually with that it discredits the installation. So what I mean was make it so that the .exe is only needed so when you replace the 1.00 no cd .exe with the 1.08 no cd .exe it bumps them all up... if you get what i mean.
April 30th, 2009, 07:20 PM
I just got my friend (who has a legal cd key) to get CE and install it from, and use the updater to get to 1.08 because he lost his disc long ago. So you can use ANY cd key to do that with the halo ce installation then upgrade to 1.08.
Will you retype everything you just said? I didn't understand any of it.
April 30th, 2009, 07:21 PM
1.08 is no CD... :downsrim:
April 30th, 2009, 07:25 PM
1.08 has a cd key check. If you try and use a keygen'd cd key on 1.08 it goes
And ejects you from the server.
April 30th, 2009, 07:26 PM
Very true but legit CD keys can be passed around. In fact if you see one with many names and his shortcut in the app database is "danofagimpersonator" that's a pirate cd key people use all the time.
April 30th, 2009, 07:31 PM
People using the same key can't all play at once.
April 30th, 2009, 07:54 PM
Yup, but there is more than one pirate cd key out there
April 30th, 2009, 07:56 PM
So I take it this team is consisting entirely of incredibly bad mappers/modelers from halomaps. REVIVE CE PLS :downsrim:
April 30th, 2009, 07:57 PM
Yeah, its pretty much that, other then me, I am a shitty concept artist, but I am thinking of quiting after seeing how masta cheefa models.
April 30th, 2009, 07:58 PM
Yeah, its pretty much that, other then me
April 30th, 2009, 08:05 PM
I am a shitty concept artist, not a shitty modeler or mapper. ;)
l2read Selie m' boy.
April 30th, 2009, 08:06 PM
I am a shitty concept artist, not a shitty modeler or mapper. ;)
l2read Selie m' boy.
He's saying you used 'then' and not 'than'.
April 30th, 2009, 08:07 PM
I was talking about your grammar
you fucked up "than" with "then" and I didnt understand your post!!!
April 30th, 2009, 08:08 PM
:confused2: Oh, then why did he bold the rest?
Anyways this is getting way off topic of me and my freshman education.
edit- k, sel srry 4 doin tht 2 u :)
April 30th, 2009, 08:37 PM
Yeah, this isn't exactly looking very promising. I'd volunteer to model for you, but honestly I'm very lazy and unmotivated, I'd just end up letting you down.
April 30th, 2009, 09:01 PM
So I take it this team is consisting entirely of incredibly bad mappers/modelers from halomaps. REVIVE CE PLS :downsrim:
Don't forget where you came from.
And half of CMT.
April 30th, 2009, 09:01 PM
I guess I wasn't very clear before hand.
No SHIT-POSTING in this thread.
And just to let you guys know, HaloMaps apparently wants to help, due to having MORE users over there requesting to be on the team than here.
Seriously guy's, come on. I thought you were more mature than that.
E: Retracted Masterz statement.
April 30th, 2009, 09:04 PM
Don't forget where you came from.
And half of CMT.
I'm not, I remember quite well that I came from halomaps, I also know that if I had not shown up here and stayed at halomaps I would be nowhere close to the skill I have now.
April 30th, 2009, 09:15 PM
And you've been banned from here how many times? You and Hunter are both here because you were to stubborn to be shooed away, and ultimately ended up fitting in. I don't mean this in a bad way, but you both are the exception to the migration of users rather than the rule. There were a lot of people who didn't want you here, and a few who stood up for you and told them to give you a chance. Most people who come here don't have the luxery of senior members going against the popular opinion and sticking up for them.
You also had the advantage of working with CMT, which you've told me multiple times while you were on the team really enhanced your skill, during which the same time you were being banned from Modacity weekly.
What I'm trying to say is don't act like you joined here and were able to fit right in and be accepted, because your story isn't what happens to anyone else who joins here.
April 30th, 2009, 09:42 PM
I came here because halo mods had no experienced users and even though I got a bit of flak at first I got around that and look at me now! Working on the sequel to one of my favorite maps when I started playing CE.
Yoyorast V2.
New users will always have a hard time at first but the ones who get through it usually end up better because of it. That's why modacity has more experienced users. Because were all total assholes to the new people.
That's the difference between halomaps and modacity.
April 30th, 2009, 10:00 PM
The problem with your idea is twofold.
1) It's not original
2) It's never succeeded.
If you're not going to be innovative, and yet do something that has a chance of success, then this project is doomed to failure. Hate to say it, but it's true.
E: And really, unless you're designing the map to end all maps, with impeccable gameplay, then believe me, this won't revive CE.
April 30th, 2009, 10:15 PM
I came here because halo mods had no experienced users and even though I got a bit of flak at first I got around that and look at me now! Working on the sequel to one of my favorite maps when I started playing CE.
Yoyorast V2.
New users will always have a hard time at first but the ones who get through it usually end up better because of it. That's why modacity has more experienced users. Because were all total assholes to the new people.
That's the difference between halomaps and modacity.
Modacity may have several people who are short out of amazing (Snaf, Lag, Leet, WOL, Dano) but Halomaps has many users who have turned out amazing work, even if it is not as mind blowing as some of the members here. And not to insult you or put you down Inferno, but there are people at halomaps who are just as good as you or better, just like there is some people there who can do things I could never imagine being able to do. It's not fair for anyone to just slap a label on them as sucky inexperienced users, or put down Codebrains team like Sel did just because they come from somewhere else. This isn't the only place with talent, but it bothers me no one seems to respect that.
I snagged these pics of some of the talent at halomaps, since I know there's some of you who do think it's all box maps and tag collages.
April 30th, 2009, 10:17 PM
Masterz, stop turning this into a Modacity vs. Halomaps thread. We don't need that.
April 30th, 2009, 10:18 PM
Not to mention it bore no relevance to what he said at all.
April 30th, 2009, 10:19 PM
The problem with your idea is twofold.
1) It's not original
2) It's never succeeded.
If you're not going to be innovative, and yet do something that has a chance of success, then this project is doomed to failure. Hate to say it, but it's true.
E: And really, unless you're designing the map to end all maps, with impeccable gameplay, then believe me, this won't revive CE.
You don't need good maps to revive CE, or give it a boost. The initial H2 CE maps, SPV1, Hugeass, Coldsnap, and Extinction have all brought waves of players into the game and kept them interested. Regardless what you feel about the maps, if you're talking about helping revive the game, there's a number of ways that can be done, and it doesn't have to be the map to end all maps.
Edit: Codebrain brought it up, and ALL of us continued the subject. Since Codebrain retracted part of his post, I'll drop it, but it's really foolish to just assume the talent in the meat of the community is here.
April 30th, 2009, 10:24 PM
Not to mention it bore no relevance to what he said at all.
I've been sitting here for the past hour, working on a history summative, while discussing with a few people what you're going on about here, and none of us are really able to figure out what your point is..
April 30th, 2009, 10:36 PM
You don't need good maps to revive CE, or give it a boost. The initial H2 CE maps, SPV1, Hugeass, Coldsnap, and Extinction have all brought waves of players into the game and kept them interested. Regardless what you feel about the maps, if you're talking about helping revive the game, there's a number of ways that can be done, and it doesn't have to be the map to end all maps.
Why is it that every map has to be good? Why does it always have to have this little thing, or that. Why does it have to be a awesome mapper that does it.
Countless amount of people come here from Halomaps, trying to improve there skills. What they get is a "Wow, your model sucks." No crit, just plain out flame. Seriously, thats the worst demotivator ever.
Not only that, Halomaps, although a bit younger than the so-called "community" here is, has a lot more ideas brewing around. CMT, H3MT (H3T), and Zteam arent the only teams out there you know.
Just because they aren't the above teams, doesnt mean they suck. If you were to help them get better, instead of out-right flaming them as soon as they walk in, Modacity would have mods coming at a fast pace. It doesnt have to be good, it can be a start.
Now, back to the team.
I just finished giving the team my IM accounts, so they will be in contact when the time comes.
For now it is waiting to see if anymore will join.
That is all.
April 30th, 2009, 10:37 PM
E: ugh don't want to inflame the situation
CE isn't going to be revived. It's too old, the tools are too unfriendly to new users, the entire game is ridiculously low resolution, it's not supported.
Unless you're going to do a series of maps that look way better than halo and don't play like halo, you won't even boost the user base.
April 30th, 2009, 10:49 PM
Countless amount of people come here from Halomaps, trying to improve there skills. What they get is a "Wow, your model sucks." No crit, just plain out flame. Seriously, thats the worst demotivator ever. This is what is known as generalizing. Not every experienced member here says that. A lot of the time, people recieve crit, INTERPRET it as "Wow, your model sucks," and don't try to improve.
Not only that, Halomaps, although a bit younger than the so-called "community" here is, has a lot more ideas brewing around. CMT, H3MT (H3T), and Zteam arent the only teams out there you know. I don't give a flying fuck if Halomaps has more ideas brewing. Unless I see them implemented, then they stay ideas, and just having an idea doesn't cut it.
Just because they aren't the above teams, doesnt mean they suck. If you were to help them get better, instead of out-right flaming them as soon as they walk in, Modacity would have mods coming at a fast pace. It doesnt have to be good, it can be a start. Two things wrong here. First off, it is not an obligation of more experienced members to help newbies. While I am not a CE mapper, I have created many Halo renders, and I can't tell you how annoying it is to have countless people yapping about how I should help them improve their own work. There is nothing wrong with learning how to do it yourself. Most of my stuff is self-taught. Secondly, Halo CE is so friggin old at this point (as Snaf said), that many people have moved onto newer games, including much of CE's playerbase.
April 30th, 2009, 10:52 PM
I would rep you if I could.
You just hit the nail right on the head.
April 30th, 2009, 10:58 PM
*insert bold post here*
Jean, look at Masterz pictures. Those pictures PROVE that they are more than ideas.
April 30th, 2009, 11:01 PM
Don't take my post and summarize it down to one point, then use one bit of information to try and take me down.
Masterz has proved to me that halomaps definitely has some quality members, with some quality material. I won't dispute that. But that does not mean my other arguments are invalidated.
April 30th, 2009, 11:05 PM
Jean, look at Masterz pictures. Those pictures PROVE that they are more than ideas.
I posted revelations on halomaps
guess halomaps has more than ideas
April 30th, 2009, 11:06 PM
Don't take my post and summarize it down to one point, then use one bit of information to try and take me down.
O.o Woah dude, chill. I wasnt "attacking" you. I wouldnt do that.
April 30th, 2009, 11:07 PM
O.o Woah dude, chill. I wasnt "attacking" you. I wouldnt do that.
Fine, I'll end it here. There's no points left to be argued anyway.
May 1st, 2009, 08:18 PM
Masterz, (almost) all of the content you posted is by people who are also members here, just pointing that out.
May 2nd, 2009, 09:54 AM
But thats originally from halomaps.
May 2nd, 2009, 11:11 AM
Yes, like I told Masterz in a profile visitor message: The members were able to improve their skills here and bring it back to halomaps to help out the younger members. I'm an example of that. I started at halomaps (though I lurked here all the while) but this place helped me improve my skills, now I try to help out at halomaps when I can.
May 2nd, 2009, 03:19 PM
June 7th, 2009, 12:23 AM
Hello guys, sorry to bring this thread back, but HCER would like to say that we are not dead, we are in a "stand-still" at this moment.
We have a general idea of the first SP we will make, it will either be on a custom BSP (If we can find a BSP modeler) or New Mombasa Classic. The reason I picked NMC, is because of the play value of the map in general. The map feels like it NEEDS a SP to play on.
I have the run down of the map so far, have made 2 custom animations for a pelican drop in/exit, set up two globals that tell when the pelican has landed and has left the map. When the pelican lands on the ground, Two ghosts will appear and battle the player along with some marines.
Now, I originally had idea's of adding dialogue into this level, mainly because it would seem...boring without it. Most SP's I have seen were without dialogue, maybe it was because of either finding voices or just too lazy :P
Also, the pelican sometimes disappears during the animation (for whatever reason) however it does reappear after .5 - 1 second. It might be an animation bug, or something wrong with the frames, I really don't know.
Encounter's are probably going to be similar to the Halo CE campaign, and I am trying to keep the tagset under Halo 1's tag system, rather than using H2/H3 tags. Reason why is because I want it to feel like it was made by Bungie, rather than some half-bad attempt to put a SP together.
So there you have it. A update on HCER, 36 days from the last post.
One note, we are still looking for people! What we need is probably:
HUD Specialist/Maker
BSP Modeler
The Opinionist(What this position is basically what a test person is, he/she will personally say their opinion about what the map needs/doesn't need, what stuff should be here/there/anywhere, etc).
June 7th, 2009, 12:39 AM
If you cannabalize caz's maps and NMC, along with custom stuff, then you could end up with a good New Mombasa level.
June 7th, 2009, 04:55 AM
Do it the ODST way:)
June 8th, 2009, 08:50 PM
can i be The Opinionist
June 9th, 2009, 08:48 AM
Everyone wants into the credits:P a "Opinionist" is unnessesary.
June 9th, 2009, 08:23 PM
Yeah would be unnecessary to be in credits but I can give feedback too if you want me to. My Xfire is "punkapina".
June 15th, 2009, 10:10 AM
And you've been banned from here how many times? You and Hunter are both here because you were to stubborn to be shooed away, and ultimately ended up fitting in. I don't mean this in a bad way, but you both are the exception to the migration of users rather than the rule. There were a lot of people who didn't want you here, and a few who stood up for you and told them to give you a chance. Most people who come here don't have the luxery of senior members going against the popular opinion and sticking up for them.
You also had the advantage of working with CMT, which you've told me multiple times while you were on the team really enhanced your skill, during which the same time you were being banned from Modacity weekly.
What I'm trying to say is don't act like you joined here and were able to fit right in and be accepted, because your story isn't what happens to anyone else who joins here.This so speaks the truth that it's not even funny.
Also CodeBrain... who else is in your team?
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