View Full Version : God Damn the Motherfucking EAX EBX Error
May 6th, 2009, 09:49 AM
Anyways, I wanted to start building in B40, AOTCR, for a test map. Now, every OTHER scenario but this one loads. It gives me the standard:
05.06.09 07:43:10 EXCEPTION halt in \halopc\haloce\source\tag_files\tag_groups.c,#3157 : #-1 is not a valid object_function_block index in [#0,#4)
Now, sometimes these errors magically fix themselves, but this one has been bugging me for the past 23489 weeks.
Also, don't say Set Affinity, I'm running Windows XP and it doesnt have that.
May 6th, 2009, 10:04 AM
That error is normally caused by having corrupt scorpion tags as a result of extracting using HEK+. Try replacing your scorpion tags with stock ones. Here is a copy of them. (
May 6th, 2009, 10:08 AM
Thanks, I'll try that out.
May 6th, 2009, 10:17 AM
That worked. I have one more problem though:
In sapien and Guerilla, 1/2 of my tags are corrupted and seem to appear with these pinking sprays of random colors. Now, when I load it up in Halo, it appears fine, and it really bugs me. Anyone know the problem?
I'll be back at 3:30 PST
May 6th, 2009, 10:50 AM
It sounds like when you extracted with HEK+ or HTC, it corrupted your tags. Extract them again using the most up to date build of HEK+ ( 20of%2012-17-06.rar).
May 6th, 2009, 03:23 PM
This happens to me often. I usually just re install HEK, and delete all the normal tags. You extracted corrupt tags from the campaign. I believe it was either the scorpion or monitor tags that were corrupt.
May 6th, 2009, 04:11 PM
This happens to me often. I usually just re install HEK, and delete all the normal tags. You extracted corrupt tags from the campaign. I believe it was either the scorpion or monitor tags that were corrupt.
It has been established that the scorpion tags were the ones that were causing the first error. There is no need to restate what I have said already.
I'm curious as to how so many tags go corrupted though to be honest. Did you accidentally check the overwrite option when extracting tags in HEK+?
May 6th, 2009, 05:31 PM
I usually never do unless I'm reextracting something thats corrupted (lolol irony rofl)
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