View Full Version : Star Trek
May 7th, 2009, 10:48 PM
I decided this needed a new thread since the movie came out today, and I, along with a group of friends, saw the first showing at 7pm.
At first I was a little skeptical. Then special effects. And Vulcan. And Kirk. And Spock. And holy frak McCoy. AND SIMON PEGG AS SCOTTY. O_O By the end I was not only impressed, but convinced that this is one of the best Star Trek movies ever. And that's quite a feat.
End verdict: Hot damn, that was awesome.
Discuss. Spoilers may abound, so watch the movie before joining in.
May 7th, 2009, 10:49 PM
I thought it sucked balls.
I think it completely raped what the original star trek was all about.
May 7th, 2009, 11:23 PM
Really? Explain please- I am curious to hear your view on it.
May 7th, 2009, 11:55 PM
Everything I've seen so far (from trailers, ads, tv spots) indicated that the movie is about a bunch of hot-headed horny space jocks on a joyride to blow shit up. Prove me wrong.
May 8th, 2009, 12:24 AM
Midnight release tickets bitches....
May 8th, 2009, 12:56 AM
Well, shit does blow up, but I wouldn't say that's the point of the movie. We all enjoyed it, and we consider our tastes to be above the typical "yay stuff is exploding so this must be awesome!" viewpoint. I won't discuss the specific plot points for anti-spoiler reasons. Go see it, and then report back here to tell us that you thought. Never just trust the ads- could be better or worse. :)
And Paladin, you do know the movie was released at 7pm on the 7th, not at midnight? :P
And very funny, whoever added "spock blocked" to the tags list. :lolugh:
May 8th, 2009, 01:09 AM
I thought it was good.
I didn't watch it to satisfy my need for new Star Trek awesomeness (being a huge trekkie, I love all the series and the dogma behind the show), I watched it for entertainment, and I was thoroughly entertained.
May 8th, 2009, 01:17 AM
I bet RecycleBin hasn't even seen it yet.
May 8th, 2009, 01:30 AM
Changed the first post so it includes a spoiler warning.
I agree with Atty. There's enough Trek out there to satisfy me, but the concept of the new movie intrigued me. I think they did a really good job of creating a parallel storyline in which they can do whatever they want without worrying about what happened before. Contrived? Maybe, but isn't that what movies are for? Regardless, it didn't get in the way of me enjoying it.
Llama Juice
May 8th, 2009, 03:07 AM
The movie was awesome.
That being said, I'm not a trekkie.
My experience with the movie.
The movie locked up midway through, it was funneh. Got some footage of it with my phone lol
May 8th, 2009, 05:29 AM
Everything I've seen so far (from trailers, ads, tv spots) indicated that the movie is about a bunch of hot-headed horny space jocks on a joyride to blow shit up. Prove me wrong.
That's exactly what it's like.
May 8th, 2009, 06:13 AM
I'm going to see the movie on my birthday on Sunday with the rest of my family. Seeing as how the reviews have been amazing so far, I have high hopes for it :)
May 8th, 2009, 11:43 AM
Its score on Rotten Tomatoes has actually gone up- it dropped from a 100 to a 93 the other day, and now it's up to 96. 176 fresh reviews and 8 rotten ones. I'm going to see that movie again. And maybe again.
May 8th, 2009, 12:31 PM
Woot, I'm going in 1 hour to go see it. Yays. :)
I own lost of startrek ships and most of the series but I dont think this movie is going to be like the TV series or other movies... But I still wanna see it for its epicness.
May 8th, 2009, 05:38 PM
O.M.F.G Star Trek was PURELY EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was everything I didn't expect. It was Epic for one, and it uplifted the Star Trek series. Wow.. to the guy who said crap about the movie in this thread.. well.. your mentally retarded man.
EDIT: If you enjoyed Transformers, you will Enjoy this. I know I did. :)
May 8th, 2009, 05:39 PM
I agree. The should just change the name to 'Epic'
May 8th, 2009, 08:01 PM
I agree. The should just change the name to 'Epic'
Very true. Since it's hard to know what exactly to call this movie in the context of the franchise- "Star Trek" seems general, and "The New Trek Film" will sound outdated within a year or two. The solution:
Star Trek: Epic
May 8th, 2009, 08:05 PM
I'm not much of a star trek guy.
But that movie was awesome!
May 8th, 2009, 08:33 PM
This movie is basically guaranteed to at the least gain the franchise a little more respect, and at the most get more people interested in it. It manages to capture some of the best of the franchise, while giving it a definite new flair. I love it. :D
May 8th, 2009, 09:36 PM
I saw the movie yesterday. I thought it was good.
May 8th, 2009, 10:04 PM
If you enjoyed Transformers, you will Enjoy this. I know I did. :)
Oh, so it's about a bunch of minor characters who take up way too much screen time while the shit you went to see the film for gets 10 minutes near the end with a shitty conclusion?
Damn, and I was planning on seeing this too. :saddowns:
May 8th, 2009, 10:12 PM
Oh, so it's about a bunch of minor characters who take up way too much screen time while the shit you went to see the film for gets 10 minutes near the end with a shitty conclusion?
Damn, and I was planning on seeing this too. :saddowns:
So what you been smoking?
Wait.. minor? I guess you didnt even understand the movie....
May 8th, 2009, 10:56 PM
So what you been smoking?
Wait.. minor? I guess you didnt even understand the movie....
I was talking about the Transformers movie in that bit (incase it wasn't clear).
If you knew that, then yes they (the human ones) were fucking minor characters. It was the transformers movie, I know this, it said so in the title!!
May 9th, 2009, 12:21 AM
Everything I've seen so far (from trailers, ads, tv spots) indicated that the movie is about a bunch of hot-headed horny space jocks on a joyride to blow shit up. Prove me wrong.
In fact, it is not at all like that. The movie is very character and plot driven, and I feel it was very well executed in this aspect. It has some great character development, which is really what makes it more than just another blow shit up movie (although that part was very great also). I did notice that some of the acting of the more minor characters was sub-par, but I feel it did not take away from the cinematic experience at all. There was no problem with the acting of the main characters.
@RecycleBin: Either you didn't see the movie, or you weren't paying attention very much.
E: Also, I'm not a Trekkie or anything, so I cant comment on whether it held true to the series or not. But as a film by itself, I thought it was very good.
May 9th, 2009, 01:29 AM
the movie was fantastic, no way around it.
May 9th, 2009, 02:12 AM
I did notice that some of the acting of the more minor characters was sub-par, but I feel it did not take away from the cinematic experience at all. There was no problem with the acting of the main characters.
@RecycleBin: Either you didn't see the movie, or you weren't paying attention very much.
E: Also, I'm not a Trekkie or anything, so I cant comment on whether it held true to the series or not. But as a film by itself, I thought it was very good.
Chekov did seem a little overdone, but his character was always somewhat silly like that, so I didn't mind. I loved the acting of the primary cast though. Karl Urban was incredible as Bones.
The best thing about the movie is that it actually does fit perfectly into the canon, and I think it holds very true to the series. I saw an interesting graphic novel that bridges the previous Trek timeline with this one- it's called Star Trek: Countdown. People have been nice enough to scan it and upload it to rapidshare, so I took a look last night. Not only is it actually pretty decent, but any Trek fan would be fascinated by the way they've weaved the two timelines together, far beyond even what we see in the movie. For instance: Geordi built Spock's ship, and Captain Data of the Enterprise-E was part of the effort to halt the supernova. I recommend that anyone who watched the older franchise take a look at it.
the movie was fantastic, no way around it.
I agree with SnaF completely.
May 9th, 2009, 03:09 AM
Just saw it.
What? I've got your gun.
Awesome movie, some great comedy threaded into it as well.
May 9th, 2009, 11:39 PM
never watched star trek
May 10th, 2009, 12:29 AM
Hahaha. I like that comic, but I think that although the premise seems a bit wobbly, it actually pulled it off quite nicely. Go see it and see what you think! :P
Man, they should pay me for this... Lol.
May 10th, 2009, 12:32 AM
The movie was amazing. I've never heard such incredible sound effects before.
Definitely worth seeing!
May 10th, 2009, 12:39 AM
The movie was amazing. I've never heard suck incredible sound effects before.
Definitely worth seeing!
"suck" incredible effects? ;)
May 10th, 2009, 01:44 AM
I liked how the first bit of end credits were TOTALLY done using Adobe After Effects.
May 10th, 2009, 03:07 AM
Since a bunch of the movies fanboys are getting their panties in a bunch and -repping me I'm going to explain why i didn't like the movie.
1) Some of the parts of it were rushed.
2) the sex scene kinda ruined it for me. Even though it wasn't graphic. The only reason I there should be a sex scene is if the movie plot is weak and a sex scene is the only way to keep audiance watching the movie or if you're shooting a porn.
3) Some of the charters didn't get a proper intro/background story example: Spock and the evil dude.
4) In the original Star Trek (which i really don't watch in the first place) they didn't act all bad ass and horny unlike in the movie.
Now I think I over exagerated in my previous reviews of the movie.
I don't really HATE the movie. I wouldn't mind watching it again it's just no that great of a movie everyone says it is.
That's my two cents.
May 10th, 2009, 03:26 AM
1) Some of the parts of it were rushed.
2) the sex scene kinda ruined it for me. Even though it wasn't graphic. The only reason I there should be a sex scene is if the movie plot is weak and a sex scene is the only way to keep audiance watching the movie or if you're shooting a porn.
3) Some of the charters didn't get a proper intro/background story example: Spock and the evil dude.
4) In the original Star Trek (which i really don't watch in the first place) they didn't act all bad ass and horny unlike in the movie.
1) That's just like saying "The Lord of the Rings movies were rushed and they weren't completely accurate to the books!". There's limits on how long films can go on, scenes are cut.
2) Do I really need to explain that this wasn't even a real sex scene? The point of that scene was to show off that he was still acting like a typical Cadet or College student. You're making a big deal out of nothing again (ex: my "banning").
3) Have you watched much Star Trek? Go do that and then come back to me when you realize that none of the bad guys get huge intros and background stories. Spock doesn't NEED a background, everyone knows who he is...
4) This is a period of time where the Enterprise is manned by a majority of Cadets thrown into a military crisis, it's not even the same reality as the original TV show... Or was that part of the story to rushed for you grasp?
They accomplished what they set out to do when they made this movie.
May 10th, 2009, 04:05 AM
1) That's just like saying "The Lord of the Rings movies were rushed and they weren't completely accurate to the books!". There's limits on how long films can go on, scenes are cut.
True, however some scenes needed to stay. And those scene could make all the difference.
2) Do I really need to explain that this wasn't even a real sex scene? The point of that scene was to show off that he was still acting like a typical Cadet or College student. You're making a big deal out of nothing again (ex: my "banning").
I already said it wasn't a big deal. And why was it necesasary to even show that?
3) Have you watched much Star Trek? Go do that and then come back to me when you realize that none of the bad guys get huge intros and background stories. Spock doesn't NEED a background, everyone knows who he is...
Except people who have never seen the series and want to just see the movie
4) This is a period of time where the Enterprise is manned by a majority of Cadets thrown into a military crisis, it's not even the same reality as the original TV show... Or was that part of the story to rushed for you grasp?
No comment.
They accomplished what they set out to do when they made this movie.
Read in bold
May 10th, 2009, 10:29 AM
Well, I'm going to go see the movie today (Hooray for it coming out just before my birthday!), and am quite excited for it. From what I've heard, it's quite a great movie. I guess I'll be the judge of that after seeing it in IMAX. :)
May 10th, 2009, 10:34 AM
Dawww, to bad... I wanted to see it in IMAX. :(
Happy early Birthday. :p
May 10th, 2009, 11:48 AM
I loved it.
Unfortunately, I doubt I saw it all. I was in the front row in front of the largest movie screen I've ever seen--I had to move my neck to see from one side to the other.
That mining ship's exterior looked amazing to me. Especially near the end where it was being sucked into the red matter.
May 10th, 2009, 12:15 PM
Dawww, to bad... I wanted to see it in IMAX. :(
Happy early Birthday. :p
Yeah, it's gonna be awesome.
And not early birthday, it is my birthday:(
May 10th, 2009, 12:39 PM
Having never seen a star trek movie and never seen a full episode (they looked horribly tacky) from the trailer it looks like an amazing action film.
I heard the casting is superb and works incredibly well. But I'm just not in a rush to go see it, especially after the pretty weak xmen film that was over hyped.
May 10th, 2009, 12:40 PM
Having never seen a star trek movie and never seen a full episode (they looked horribly tacky) from the trailer it looks like an amazing action film.
I heard the casting is superb and works incredibly well. But I'm just not in a rush to go see it, especially after the pretty weak xmen film that was over hyped.
I think this wasn't over hyped... it was just brought to the surface after it came out, just because the trailers were crap, and the movie was awesome. :p
May 10th, 2009, 12:43 PM
I think this wasn't over hyped... it was just brought to the surface after it came out, just because the trailers were crap, and the movie was awesome. :p
You talking about star trek? Cuz all I've heard past few weeks has been omg star trek movie!!
May 10th, 2009, 12:45 PM
You talking about star trek? Cuz all I've heard past few weeks has been omg star trek movie!!
Yea.. that's what I mean, its now hyped because its actually good, compared to other films that everyone gets hyped about and turns out to be crappy. :)
May 10th, 2009, 01:43 PM
I'm about to go see it. Wish me luck (as in I hope I don't get stuck behind a tall person, or get stuck near a loud group, or...)
May 10th, 2009, 01:55 PM
I'm about to go see it. Wish me luck (as in I hope I don't get stuck behind a tall person, or get stuck near a loud group, or...)
Me too, I'm leaving now. Good luck to the both of us!
Also, I know I said it before but...IMAX! :D I feel so lucky that we have an IMAX playing the movie here, one of the few worldwide that are doing so.
May 10th, 2009, 02:35 PM
Went and saw it again today, loved it just as much, if not even more becuase I didn't miss about two minutes of it from having to go pee. Damn you over sized water bottles!
May 10th, 2009, 03:19 PM
I missed the short scene between when
kirk meets old spock and they get to the outpost
But not a whole lot happened as far as I can tell. I'm hoping to see it in IMAX, but I have to find one first. I love that movie the more I think about it. :P
May 10th, 2009, 06:53 PM
Having never seen a star trek movie and never seen a full episode (they looked horribly tacky) from the trailer it looks like an amazing action film.
I heard the casting is superb and works incredibly well. But I'm just not in a rush to go see it, especially after the pretty weak xmen film that was over hyped.
The difference is Wolverine was a major disappointment and this film is actually very good. Trust me it will be worth it.
Also, @RecycleBin: I've never seen the series, and I feel there was plenty enough background information for Spock and Nero (is that right?). I mean, what more info do you need than that
Spock is a half Vulcan half human, who is not accepted by the Vulcans, and is a genius. And the bad guy is a wackjob from the future trying to get revenge on something that hasn't happened yet.
May 10th, 2009, 07:52 PM
Before the movie started a friend of mine just yelled "The special hell is reserved for child molesters and people who talk at the theater", no one talked or disrupted the movie at all.
+rep for people who get the reference.
May 10th, 2009, 08:03 PM
Holy shit, that movie was amazing, especially in IMAX. I couldn't find anything I disliked about it, and am totally seeing it again.
May 10th, 2009, 08:42 PM
Holy shit, that movie was amazing, especially in IMAX. I couldn't find anything I disliked about it, and am totally seeing it again.
-Insert Internet jealousy here-
May 11th, 2009, 12:00 AM
The movie was absolutely fantastic, and the reviews are there to back it up.
Please none of you listen to RecycleBin, I doubt he has even seen the movie. He is probably basing everything he says off of the trailer and random things he's heard about the movie.
May 11th, 2009, 12:19 AM
Please none of you listen to RecycleBin, I doubt he has even seen the movie. He is probably basing everything he says off of the trailer and random things he's heard about the movie.
That'd be my guess, having seen it. None of the theatres around here had it in IMAX, though. :saddowns:
May 11th, 2009, 01:10 AM
It was a good movie, though the trekkie inside of me hated it. I know I know, it was labeled as fanboy friendly, but I find that the entire thing was ruined by that gay little twist...
May 11th, 2009, 06:33 AM
It was a good movie, though the trekkie inside of me hated it. I know I know, it was labeled as fanboy friendly, but I find that the entire thing was ruined by that gay little twist...
Well, I actually think that twist was a good surprise.
You're talking about Spock and Uhura, right?
May 11th, 2009, 07:16 AM
Before the movie started a friend of mine just yelled "The special hell is reserved for child molesters and people who talk at the theater", no one talked or disrupted the movie at all.
+rep for people who get the reference.
why harrow Captain Jack Sparrow.
should also be "deepest circle of hell..." :p
May 11th, 2009, 09:59 AM
Well, I actually think that twist was a good surprise.
You're talking about Spock and Uhura, right?
do not click this spoiler, if you haven't seen the movie.
the 'plot twist' you know the one where spock travels back in time, and changes reality, thereby negating all previous versions of my beloved star trek.
May 11th, 2009, 12:55 PM
do not click this spoiler, if you haven't seen the movie.
the 'plot twist' you know the one where spock travels back in time, and changes reality, thereby negating all previous versions of my beloved star trek.
They had to do it to reboot the series to make 100 sequels ;)
May 11th, 2009, 03:36 PM
They had to do it to reboot the series to make 100 sequels ;)
It does not necessarily mean that everything which has come before does not exist- it is merely in an alternate timeline. Usually when they mess with the timeline, we end up back on the side of the "real" timeline- the awesome twist here is that we get to follow the other side this time. Like having Star Trek in the mirror universe. Allows for infinite stories, without worrying about being perfect in the continuity.
As someone who has seen everything Trek, I can say that this is definitely the best way to go. No other acceptable alternative.
May 11th, 2009, 03:55 PM
do not click this spoiler, if you haven't seen the movie.
the 'plot twist' you know the one where spock travels back in time, and changes reality, thereby negating all previous versions of my beloved star trek.
Oh, well I absolutely loved that causeIt was awesome to see Leonard Nemoy playing as Spock once again, and I loved seeing both Spocks together
May 11th, 2009, 11:20 PM
I haven't seen many movies in the theatre, but we happened to be down island for Mother's Day and I said to my mother (who's been a major Star Trek fan since Roddenberry thought it up), "let's go see Star Trek!" Yes, I went to see the movie with my MOMMY. Shut up.
Half of the awesomeness was the movie. I enjoyed the plot, having Leonard Nimoy show up, and Karl Urban did a great McCoy. The other half was all the Star Trek nerds in the theatre that would pump their fists, yell "YES!" and all that jazz when something "very Star Trekky" happened. The fist-pumping following "God dammit, I'm a doctor, not a..." was nothing short of epic. And I was amazed at the sound effects; the fact that the theatre was booming, every sound was blasted out the speakers in the utmost high quality, but afterwards I could still hear perfectly. Not sure how they did that. I saw Insurrection in the theatre when it came out and I couldn't hear afterwards.
My opinion? Great movie, lots of great moments, and I want MORE. More deviation from my beloved Star Trek canon... Oh, I'm goin' into that SPECIAL ring of hell.
As someone who has seen everything Trek, I can say that this is definitely the best way to go. No other acceptable alternative.
Amen, fellow trekkie!
May 12th, 2009, 06:38 AM
Yes, I went to see the movie with my MOMMY. Shut up.
Hey, I went to see the movie with my mommy too...and my daddy...and my brother...and my non-trekkie sister...
Amen, fellow trekkie!
May 14th, 2009, 12:55 AM
Heh, It's funny because I only really just noticed that yes, that movie WAS full of lens flares.
May 14th, 2009, 05:02 AM
Before the movie started a friend of mine just yelled "The special hell is reserved for child molesters and people who talk at the theater", no one talked or disrupted the movie at all.
+rep for people who get the reference.
I've only seen a couple of Star Trek movies but this one was definitely a second viewer. Great plot, effects and sound overall. Oh and this iteration of the Enterprise was kickarse. :woot:
May 14th, 2009, 06:41 AM
Heh, It's funny because I only really just noticed that yes, that movie WAS full of lens flares.
It was, but it wasn't THAT bad :P
Oh and this iteration of the Enterprise was kickarse. :woot:
Thank you! Many of the old fans hate the new Enterprise, but I for one love it, and yes, I am an old fan of Star Trek.
Captain Pakundo
May 14th, 2009, 08:29 AM
Well, I got my tickets for free after winning them trough an sms, and since most teenagers in Israel don't even know of Star Trek, I saw it with my father, a trek fan.
The funny thing is when we got to the theatre, I argued with my father that we should get seats in the 4th or 5th row, so we could look straight, while my father wanted 1st row.
Hearing this, the cashier told us: "You're alone in the movie".
I was like WTF, and then "figures".
Next thing I know is that I got to see Star Trek with my father alone in a theatre that could fit in 300 people.
Let's just say no one interrupted. :-D
May 17th, 2009, 12:16 AM
Amazing movie. Simon Pegg + giving it all she's got = win
However, all of you who say there was nothing wrong with the movie are sadly misinformed:
No shit he was a minor character, if you took this post seriously... but still, gtfo out of anything cool Tyler Perry
English Mobster
May 17th, 2009, 01:15 AM
Unfortunately, I saw it right after Angels and Demons and getting a total of 4 refills of a 44 ounce soda. If 22 oz of soda = 2 mg of caffeine (which I believe it does, I'm doing this off of random figures in my head), then I had 16 mg of caffeine in one sitting before seeing another movie, and I think 20 mg of caffeine is enough to kill (again, going off of what I think I remember in my head, forgive me if I'm wrong).
Needless to say, I felt VERY queasy and jittery the entire movie, and I felt like my heart was on a treadmill. Not to mention I thought I felt it stop several times and it scared me half to death.
Anyway, I managed to catch bits and pieces regardless. I got REALLY bad when the planet Vulcan got ripped apart by a black hole and I got too worried about my safety around the part where Kirk meets up with old Spock to enjoy and take in the movie.
Having gotten home and drunk 3 water bottles now, I'm feeling a lot better, and I'm sure I was just freaking out over nothing (I do that a lot). The caffeine probably dehydrated me, and I still can't type with any ability. :p
Anyway, what I did manage to catch was, in my opinion, spectacular. I've only watched 2-3 episodes of the original series and NONE of the series with Picard or any of the movies, but didn't Spock die in one of the movies?
If so, then how the HELL did he live to go back in time?
May 17th, 2009, 01:39 AM
~parallel time lines~
May 17th, 2009, 02:53 AM
Spock only pretended to be dead. They found him in The Search for Spock :v:
May 17th, 2009, 03:47 AM
Unfortunately, I saw it right after Angels and Demons and getting a total of 4 refills of a 44 ounce soda. If 22 oz of soda = 2 mg of caffeine (which I believe it does, I'm doing this off of random figures in my head), then I had 16 mg of caffeine in one sitting before seeing another movie, and I think 20 mg of caffeine is enough to kill (again, going off of what I think I remember in my head, forgive me if I'm wrong).
To overdose on caffeine (depending on weight) you would have to consume 5-10 GRAMS of it. A cup of coffee has roughly 70mg of caffeine. Let's say you were drinking Coke. 12oz of Coke has roughly 35mg of caffeine. 44oz x 4sodas = 176oz of Coke. 176oz / 12oz ≈ 15. 15 * 35mg = 525mg of caffeine. That's about as much caffeine as 6 1/2 Red Bulls, or 3 1/4 16oz Monsters. If I did the math wrong feel free to correct me.
May 17th, 2009, 05:04 AM
A lethal dose in an average human is about 300mg. He couldn't have consumed that much or he'd be dead.
May 17th, 2009, 10:25 AM
Well, I'm off to go see the movie again with some friends in a few hours, though unfortunately it won't be in IMAX this time :(
Still gonna be awesome though :)
May 17th, 2009, 11:15 AM
Okay, *sigh* after watching it again when I wasn't half alseep I came to a conclusion.........
It's a fucking awesoem movie!
Lesson learned. Never watch a movie when your falling asleep.
May 17th, 2009, 11:24 AM
For those who didn't notice, Uhura's "Alternate Reality" quip was actually the movie's way of nullifying any continuity screwing the movie may have done, while also opening up the way for a buttload of sequels.
It's a shitty Star Trek movie, but a fuckin' awesome movie in its own right, and I'd prefer that any day.
May 17th, 2009, 12:49 PM
A lethal dose in an average human is about 300mg. He couldn't have consumed that much or he'd be dead.
Lethal is not 300mg, 300mg is just considered as an (acute) overdose. And from the Wikipedia page, it seems he must of overdosed because he was showing the symptoms of it.
An acute overdose of caffeine, usually in excess of about 300 milligrams, dependent on body weight and level of caffeine tolerance, can result in a state of central nervous system over-stimulation called caffeine intoxication,[79] ( colloquially "caffeine jitters". The symptoms of caffeine intoxication are not unlike overdoses of other stimulants ( It may include restlessness, nervousness (, excitement, insomnia, flushing of the face, increased urination (, gastrointestinal ( disturbance, muscle twitching (, a rambling flow of thought and speech, irritability, irregular ( or rapid heart beat (, and psychomotor agitation ([77] (
May 17th, 2009, 03:10 PM
They just got some new fans for sure. Before I saw the new movie, all I did know about Star Trek was that there are some guys called Kirk and Spock and their ship Enterprise and that the series was really popular. It was a good movie and I'm waiting if there's a sequel in development.
May 17th, 2009, 07:11 PM
Just saw it today...
I pronounce it as win material...the USS Kelvin is a good transition from NX-01 (which was taken into consideration for this movie), and the way they redid the weapons and story was badass. Also, I don't think you can get the characters any closer to their original actors than they did in this movie...bravo.
JMS's "B" universe seems to have made it. Heh.
May 17th, 2009, 07:30 PM
ye it was an awesome addition. awesome nod to the original cast. i guess the fact that they destroyed vulcan is just gonna have to be accepted.
May 17th, 2009, 08:01 PM
saw it today, and it kicked ass. it felt like a little too coincidental and confusing at times (the whole time-space continuum thing), but overall it was pretty awesome.
favorite parts:
Harold/John Cho lol
Beastie Boys - Sabotage
James screwing with Spock's test
Enterprise rising from Saturn
Enterprise's last barrage on Nero's ship
I thought all the characters were well played/performed, and the whole thing felt...believeable somehow. Only thing that detracted form it was the terribly 2D black hole effect.
Also, I really want an EVE Online movie now.
English Mobster
May 17th, 2009, 09:01 PM
The symptoms of caffeine intoxication are not unlike overdoses of other stimulants ( It may include restlessness, Check nervousness (, Check excitement, Check insomnia, I was tired, so that was odd flushing of the face, Check increased urination (, Check, I went 3 times in 10 minutes gastrointestinal ( disturbance, ... muscle twitching (, a lot of that one a rambling flow of thought and speech, check irritability, check irregular ( or rapid heart beat (, check and psychomotor agitation ( check, I was pinching myself, biting my fingers, etc. because I couldn't feel it.[77] ( it was Diet Coke.
But now I'm going to have to see the movie again, I guess. What I did see was good, though.
May 17th, 2009, 09:27 PM
And it was Diet Coke.
But now I'm going to have to see the movie again, I guess. What I did see was good, though.
Diet Coke is even worse, it has 46mg of caffeine per 12oz, about 10mg more than regular Coke. Do all the math again and it will come out to nearly 690mg (!) of caffeine.
May 17th, 2009, 09:58 PM
Saw the movie on Omnimax (, at the Franklin Institute in Philly. OMFG it was epic! The curved screen distorted it somewhat, but it was worth it for the awe factor. I mean, Spock's head 60 feet tall? That's epic.
Pros: FUCKING HUGE. Everything was just overwhelmingly epic, which is awesome. Plus, the shot near the beginning wherethe original captain of the Kelvin flies toward the Romulan ship was incredible, because you couldn't see the edges of the screen in your peripheral vision. o_o So intimidating...
Cons: The distortion, mainly. The captions "Iowa" and 'Vulcan" showed up as "wa" and "can", but you could barely see them anyway since they were about 30 feet to the left and above of everyone's head, right against the wall. Lol. The hand-to-hand combat sequences were so fast and chaotic that it was insane, but it was awesome anyway.
I recommend that everyone see the movie both in Omnimax, normal IMAX (not that IMAX digital crap (, and a normal theater. Omnimax for epic, normal theater for detail, and IMAX for both.
English Mobster
May 17th, 2009, 11:52 PM
Diet Coke is even worse, it has 46mg of caffeine per 12oz, about 10mg more than regular Coke. Do all the math again and it will come out to nearly 690mg (!) of caffeine.
Oh. Fuck.
Anyway, thinking about Star Trek reminded me of this Far Side joke:
"Satan, Satan, it's the main mega furnace! She's losing heat fast and I'm not sure I can hold 'er!"
-Scotty in Hell
May 17th, 2009, 11:56 PM
Let's face it. I'm no trekkie fan and don't know a whole lot about star trek.
I went to see it today expecting "oh, i'm not going to get it"
I was wrong.
I got it.
Most badass movie ever.
May 18th, 2009, 12:05 AM
Holy hell... I'm not even going to read what everyone else has to say.
But that god damn movie is the best god damn movie I've seen in the past few years! That includes the Dark Knight... although equally high in my heart, I think Star Trek has surpassed it.
May 18th, 2009, 02:08 AM
Diet Coke is even worse, it has 46mg of caffeine per 12oz, about 10mg more than regular Coke. Do all the math again and it will come out to nearly 690mg (!) of caffeine.
Which means his math was wrong. That's an (assuredly) fatal dose right there.
May 18th, 2009, 02:15 AM
Or Xet is just shit at maths :downs:
English Mobster
May 18th, 2009, 02:55 AM
According to Wikipedia, a fatal dosage of caffeine is anywhere from 700-1000 mg, depending on your age, body fat, and health. Since I'm a medium-built 17 year old in perfect health, it should take > 900 mg to kill me.
Anyway, enough with the caffeinated ramblings and let's get back on topic, shall we?
May 18th, 2009, 08:49 AM
Which means his math was wrong. That's an (assuredly) fatal dose right there.
I don't know where you're getting any of this from.
A lethal dose of caffeine for an adult is about 10 grams.
In cases of extreme overdose, death can result. The median lethal dose (LD50 ( given orally, is 192 milligrams per kilogram in rats.[2] ( The LD50 of caffeine in humans is dependent on weight and individual sensitivity and estimated to be about 150 to 200 milligrams per kilogram of body mass, roughly 80 to 100 cups of coffee for an average adult taken within a limited time frame that is dependent on half-life (
E: And yes if we want to discuss this further make a thread about it, otherwise let the rest of the thread be as it was intended to be, a discussion about Star Trek.
May 18th, 2009, 10:42 AM
I think the consensus so far is this:
For the first time, Trek has bridged the gap between the hard core fans and the general public. Khan came close, as did Trek IV and First Contact. But nothing like this one. This is the first time I'll be waiting in line, and the people coming out of the theater will be talking about Star Trek. Always makes me do a double-take. Normal people- talking about Trek? It's the end of the world! Therefore- J.J. Abrams is the man. :worship:
May 18th, 2009, 03:20 PM
I don't know where you're getting any of this from.
E: And yes if we want to discuss this further make a thread about it, otherwise let the rest of the thread be as it was intended to be, a discussion about Star Trek.
May 18th, 2009, 07:53 PM
A bunch of people from my hometown put gas in my van and hijacked me to take them to see the movie 'cause we don't have a theatre here. 2 1/2 hours drive to the nearest. I can safely say that the movie was as good the second time as it was the first time, especially since I could get up and get my drink refills without missing anything.
Though I have to agree that the really 2D black hole effect did get on my nerves.
Alwin Roth
May 18th, 2009, 08:17 PM
Oh I did not see this topic.
Anyways, I FUCKING loved the movie, watched it last week with my dad, (who loved it as well) my brother refused, which was a "wtf" moment, i wanted to slap him silly...
The characters personalities in the new movie fits in perfectly with the old ones.
Especially Scotty's in my opinion.
everyone did good acting in it, and i barely saw any flaws,
My favorite part was when Kirk was being chased by the aliens on that ice plant he was left on...
Scared me a bit when it zoomed in to the monster unexpectedly with a loud roar.
OH and you have to admit that retractable sword Hikaru has was bad-ass, how it came out and everything.
and I Almost jizzed brix when i saw the transformers 2 trailer during the star trek movie.
CGI Ownage right there.
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