View Full Version : What the fuck happened to TechTV

May 11th, 2009, 09:24 PM
I use to watch this great channel called TechTV. The only real reason why I ever got expanded cable in the first place. It was a great station. It helped me troubleshoot and learn about PC issues. It kept me up to date about tech related news. It gave me game reviews and funny skits with X-Play (which has been massacred). It was a channel for nerds. That's honestly what it was.

Here is a quote from Wikipedia:

G4 (also known as G4 TV) is an American cable and satellite television channel originally geared toward male viewers aged 12–28, devoted to the world of video games. More recently, the channel has diverted its focus to general interest programming that targets male viewers aged 17–36, although video games are still represented by one show on the channel.Seriously? One show?

Call for Help (best show they had) - Cancelled
Screensavers - Killed then reborn as a dead hulk in the form of AoTS
X-Play - Turned into AoTS lite

Then they added these weird Japanese reality shows and other shows like Cops.

What happened to my beloved station? What have you done Comcast?!?!

Note: This whole revelation comes from the fact that I tuned out right after they dropped the TechTV name from G4TechTV. I just found out which channel it happens to be on, and decided to watch it for a little.

May 11th, 2009, 09:27 PM
Yeah, it's been bastardized and watered down to appeal to a broader audience.

May 11th, 2009, 09:27 PM
MTV dropped music, G4 dropped games, and Cartoon Network is dropping cartoons. TV is going down the generic-interest wide-appeal shitter.

May 11th, 2009, 09:30 PM
I would say that G4TechTV Canada still has hope, but from what I heard, they recently dropped Call For Help (and whatever show replaced it) too.

May 11th, 2009, 09:31 PM
MTV dropped music, G4 dropped games, and Cartoon Network is dropping cartoons. TV is going down the generic-interest wide-appeal shitter.

Isn't that what happened with Antena TV? :o

May 11th, 2009, 09:33 PM


May 11th, 2009, 09:35 PM
I mainly stopped watching G4 (when it was still at least half decent) because I had too much stuff to do. I just recently remembered that it existed (due to the upcoming E3 and me wondering what my best source of info would be, which G4 obviously will not be). After watching it, I became curious as to what I was watching, so I Wiki'd G4 and got the "general audience" bullshit that ruins everything else, then I Wiki'd related articles like Call for Help and Comcast. I also watched AoTS and XPlay online. The more I look into what G4 has become, the more angry I get.

May 11th, 2009, 09:38 PM
Because X-Play sucks now and AOTS sucks now.

X-Play was good up until xbox 360 came out.

May 11th, 2009, 09:45 PM
TechTv has been a crappy channel ever since it merged with G4.
Everything else that isn't taken from other channels is utterly boring garbage now and their resorting to airing old movies to get ratings up, that'll work for like a few months but it won't save the channel from the gutter.
They need to go back to airing Arrested Development marathons.

May 12th, 2009, 12:04 PM
due to the upcoming E3 and me wondering what my best source of info would be, which G4 obviously will not be
From what i've seen they are still decent for E3 and other "events" like it. Everything else is fail-sauce though.

May 12th, 2009, 01:31 PM
I miss Eletronic Playiground. :(

May 12th, 2009, 03:42 PM
G4 TechTV Canada is still pretty good. AOTS and X-Play are better than ever IMO. I never really liked call for help as it was showing almost at any given time and I never had a use for it. I'm glad they dropped it because even with the next piece of crap show, The Lab with Leo, it always dealt with people who had issues that I could troubleshoot and solve easily.

May 12th, 2009, 03:49 PM
in the world of the internet and the way people use it the tv stations are beginning to go backwards.
has been going on for a while. this is just these people trying to appeal to a wider range of people to try and get ratings again.
aint gunna happen buddy.

thats why so many companys are putting so much resources into the internet and trying to buy a slice of it through things like hulu.

May 12th, 2009, 03:57 PM
if I can count right, this is the 3rd thread about the declide of TechTV

I agree about call for help tho. Suck.

May 12th, 2009, 03:58 PM
From what i've seen they are still decent for E3 and other "events" like it. Everything else is fail-sauce though.
G4TV will be the official broadcaster of any and all things E3 related including a total of 22-hours of live coverage and live footage of all of the major press-conferences. Just thought I'd put that out there.

The only real good shows that I like on G4 (Canada btw) are Reviews on the Run, Electric Playground, X-Play, and The Lab (but I think that was just recently dropped.) AoTS used to be good, but what happened to the video games? All it is is just a bunch of random shit from around the web packed into an hour of unfunny boringness. If I wanted that, I'd come here where the humour at least makes me laugh.

May 13th, 2009, 12:43 AM
stop paying for TV you scrubs, it's all on the internet for free on demand!

May 13th, 2009, 10:03 PM
The ScreenSavers and the original X-Play on TechTV were my favorites.

May 13th, 2009, 10:51 PM
Original x-play was the best. I miss that, and I miss whatever that show was where theyd show off new technology and how to fix computers and shit. Cant remember its name...

The first season of Code Monkeys was fucking good too. They shitted it up on the second season, but the first was amazing.

May 14th, 2009, 12:34 AM
What the fuck is wrong with you people? I've been exposed to a lot more stuff that I would never have come across if I hadn't come across AOTS. I'd have to be on the internet 24/7 to find all that shit. And X-Play is a lot better now because it's not just boring gaming reviews anymore, it's reviews, news, previews, and on-set demo. It's some pretty insightful stuff. I don't know why you guys have a problem with that. And X-Play still only deals with games you retards. Attack of the Show was never exclusively video games either.

May 14th, 2009, 06:25 AM
What the fuck is wrong with you people? I've been exposed to a lot more stuff that I would never have come across if I hadn't come across AOTS. I'd have to be on the internet 24/7 to find all that shit. And X-Play is a lot better now because it's not just boring gaming reviews anymore, it's reviews, news, previews, and on-set demo. It's some pretty insightful stuff. I don't know why you guys have a problem with that. And X-Play still only deals with games you retards. Attack of the Show was never exclusively video games either.

First off, Screensavers was dedicated to technology and only technology. AoTS is dedicated to crappy Youtube videos and sex and other crap that they shouldn't be.

Second off, you need to watch Electronic Playground for news, because that's not what X-Play is for. X-Play has always done previews, but their main purpose was to give us, the viewer, a number to any game they could, so that we could know what to buy and what to avoid. Electronic Playground should be for everything else.

AoTS and X-Play have gone to shit.

May 14th, 2009, 10:09 PM
I miss Cinematech...

RIP TechTV...

May 14th, 2009, 10:15 PM
From what i've seen they are still decent for E3 and other "events" like it. Everything else is fail-sauce though.
The only worse coverage of an event I've seen apart from G4's E3 coverage was NBC's 2008 Olympics coverage. They put advertisers first, load it with more commercials than actual content, and fuck over their viewers. It's pathetic how they can even be allowed to coverage the event like they do. It's insulting.

Fuck G4.

Fuck Comcast.

What the fuck is wrong with you people? I've been exposed to a lot more stuff that I would never have come across if I hadn't come across AOTS. I'd have to be on the internet 24/7 to find all that shit. And X-Play is a lot better now because it's not just boring gaming reviews anymore, it's reviews, news, previews, and on-set demo. It's some pretty insightful stuff. I don't know why you guys have a problem with that. And X-Play still only deals with games you retards. Attack of the Show was never exclusively video games either.

May 15th, 2009, 08:23 AM
The only worse coverage of an event I've seen apart from G4's E3 coverage was NBC's 2008 Olympics coverage. They put advertisers first, load it with more commercials than actual content, and fuck over their viewers. It's pathetic how they can even be allowed to coverage the event like they do. It's insulting.
I haven't seen enough to make a comment on this, but I believe you. AOTS pulled that shit hard core for a while. It's still bad, but it used to be worse.

May 15th, 2009, 10:28 AM
It's not easy to fund a channel with tons of useless special effects on just 14k viewers.

May 15th, 2009, 11:21 AM
First off, Screensavers was dedicated to technology and only technology. AoTS is dedicated to crappy Youtube videos and sex and other crap that they shouldn't be.

They try to tailor it to more than just gamers. You forgot that they give some insight into what movies might be the largest block busters of that year and why they may amount to that. Technology is also somewhat covered in Gadget Pron. One of their major problems is that the amount of money that goes into making the show look so pretty could be used for other things. From what I've been lead to believe, not too many people watch G4 and G4TechTV.

Second off, you need to watch Electronic Playground for news, because that's not what X-Play is for. X-Play has always don previews, but their main purpose was to give us, the viewer, a number to any game they could, so that we could know what to buy and what to avoid. Electronic Playground should be for everything else.

You don't need to lecture me about that. I've watched the Electric Playground since its inception in 1997 and I know perfectly well what both EP and X-Pay provide. The Electric Playground used to be exclusively games, comics, and toys, but now it has been open to a more wide selection of topics, such as movies. It's the same thing that happened to X-Play and AOTS, yet I do believe they have stretched that too far in some aspects of AOTS. The Electric Playground has never offered reviews on television, that was reserved for Reviews on the Run (formerly known as Judgement Day in the US). Reviews on the run still shows but it's just reruns of old episodes and it kinda got dull after Tommy left to manage his Video Games LIVE project full-time. To my knowledge there are no 2009 episodes of Reviews on the Run.