View Full Version : Wraith

May 12th, 2009, 03:54 AM
Well, the forums are quiet :p

I am modelling a Halo 3 Wraith soon, then that thing for you Masterz, sorry about leaving it late, and could you send me the references again please.

Anyway, in Halo 3 there are two perms of the wraith, Plasma Cannon and the Anti Air. Well can anyone think of another weapon that could be put on the back of it? I was thinking of a giant needle launcher would would take out vehicles and go straight through them. A needle sort of like the Needler needle.

I could have a go at designing the shape of the weapon - just need to know something good it could fire basicaly.

Back to making my database in college now :(

May 12th, 2009, 04:06 AM
How about this, a pure anti-ground vehicular system.
It's in essence a large version of the plasma pistol weapon system. The Wraith needs to charge up the shot, and then a suitably enlarged charged plasma pistol whip charges at high speed to it's target!

As for design, I see some kind of "pointy" gun used for this. I'll see if I can woop something up in paint to show you what I mean.

May 12th, 2009, 04:07 AM
That actually sounds good, could have some smexy effects when charging. Green-Purple+ color?

May 12th, 2009, 04:12 AM
Hmm, well I'm not sure about colors. We've already got a purple and a red(ish) wraith.
How about dark blue-purple with yellowish tints for the armor?

Projectile could be any color that looks good: normal wraith has blue, AA green, so that leaves red, if you want to follow the rgb color system ;)

May 12th, 2009, 04:33 AM
Okay, I'm not the best at paint, but this is roughly the idea that floated my mind when thinking of this:


The thinner lines represent a cylindrical "tube"-like thing. Also, this is a side view, and I angled the gun slightly, cause, well, that's how I started drawing it :p

May 12th, 2009, 07:28 AM
What about a green wraith that fires red projectiles?

dark navi
May 12th, 2009, 08:20 AM
Suicide Grunt-launching trebuchet?

May 12th, 2009, 08:26 AM
Lets see, we have an Anti-Vehicle (normal turret) and Anti-Infantry (Anti-Air Turret).

Why don't you make a Wraith that has ACTUAL Anti-Air capabilities.

May 12th, 2009, 08:38 AM
How about one that has the equivalent of twelve Plasma Rifles mounted on the back of it. It just shoots a storm of Plasma at any target. It'd still have the dead zone around it, but it could easily engage targets at medium-to-long range. It wouldn't be highly damaging (think the Specter or Prowler), but it'd actually be good against airborne targets. Hell, you could also make it shoot Carbine/Specter shots.

Reaper Man
May 12th, 2009, 08:57 AM
What about a scarab-esque beam/halo 2 hunter beam style weapon, needs to be charged up, continuous stream of plasma/energy for a couple seconds, so you can sorta spread it around a little. By beam, I do mean beam, not just some trail of projectiles..

May 12th, 2009, 09:31 AM
Covenant Warships utilize special magnets in order to make their plasma bolts home in on human ships.

Why not make a Wraith that has a cluster plasma launcher, essentially mini homing plasma bolts. You could easily design them into the "pod" areas that are right beside the main cannon, thus keeping the actual cannon for its primary purpose.

I recently played a PS2 game that toyed with this idea. The game itself pulled it off rather well.

If my wording confused you about the placement, this area is what I meant.

May 12th, 2009, 10:40 AM
Why not make a Wraith that has a cluster plasma launcher, essentially mini homing plasma bolts.
what, like a macross-style itano circus with mini homing missiles/plasma bolts flying all over the place looking absolutely badass but mostly missing anyway?

yes please!

May 12th, 2009, 11:03 AM
scuse me mister i still need a pelican :(

May 12th, 2009, 01:01 PM
You should do the "sidegun" like in Halo Wars, where it's a single cannon that peeps out of wraith and doens't require an actual gunner. A lot better than wimpy looking sideguns.

May 12th, 2009, 01:47 PM
what, like a macross-style itano circus with mini homing missiles/plasma bolts flying all over the place looking absolutely badass but mostly missing anyway?

yes please!

Exactly! Only without mostly missing of course.

May 12th, 2009, 02:03 PM
I was thinking of maybe an artillery barrage wraith. Sure a single large arching projectile can be menacing, but if it's launching multiple smaller ones that cover a wider area (like the h1 frg) would be a lot better for suppression and sieges.

Then again, why not just forgo the entire "new wraith" idea and make something we haven't seen, such as a fixed position covenant anti-tank gun (i'm thinking something like what was employed in ww2), or even a human one, that could be towed around by a warthog, such as was done with Jeeps?

May 12th, 2009, 02:28 PM
I was thinking of maybe an artillery barrage wraith. Sure a single large arching projectile can be menacing, but if it's launching multiple smaller ones that cover a wider area (like the h1 frg) would be a lot better for suppression and sieges.

You're talking about an Anti-Air Wraith with arching projectiles?

May 12th, 2009, 03:10 PM
Doesn't have to look the same.

May 12th, 2009, 03:43 PM
What about a brute wraith? Fires brute style projectiles and such.

May 12th, 2009, 04:03 PM
What about a brute wraith? Fires brute style projectiles and such.
And by brute projectiles you mean spiker rather than chopper rounds.

Seconded. Especially if it's not just a Wraith with a different turret, but actually fits the brute aesthetic.

May 12th, 2009, 04:11 PM
You could try to make a Brute Wraith that looked like it was put back together by Brutes. Eg. pieces patched together and what not.

May 12th, 2009, 05:01 PM
scuse me mister i still need a pelican :(
Oh shit yeah, I will come home from college early tomorow and try and get that finished.

You should do the "sidegun" like in Halo Wars, where it's a single cannon that peeps out of wraith and doens't require an actual gunner. A lot better than wimpy looking sideguns.
Got any pictures of these side guns?

I was thinking of maybe an artillery barrage wraith. Sure a single large arching projectile can be menacing, but if it's launching multiple smaller ones that cover a wider area (like the h1 frg) would be a lot better for suppression and sieges.

Then again, why not just forgo the entire "new wraith" idea and make something we haven't seen, such as a fixed position covenant anti-tank gun (i'm thinking something like what was employed in ww2), or even a human one, that could be towed around by a warthog, such as was done with Jeeps?
Like the plasma connons in Halo 2. The big giant things. The only problem with making something new like that is that;
1. I cant design for shit...
2. The idea for this second wraith weapon is for an an extra addon to H3MT maps. I would indeed think about start to make custom things like that in the future.

You could try to make a Brute Wraith that looked like it was put back together by Brutes. Eg. pieces patched together and what not.
That would be cool. Basicly a wraith that looks like a pile of junk, and is not shiny Lol. And has nails and other material all over it.

Covenant Warships utilize special magnets in order to make their plasma bolts home in on human ships.

Why not make a Wraith that has a cluster plasma launcher, essentially mini homing plasma bolts. You could easily design them into the "pod" areas that are right beside the main cannon, thus keeping the actual cannon for its primary purpose.

I recently played a PS2 game that toyed with this idea. The game itself pulled it off rather well.

If my wording confused you about the placement, this area is what I meant.

Do you mean like the parts you have on tanks where flares are fired out of? (Real tanks)

May 12th, 2009, 05:04 PM
How about this, a pure anti-ground vehicular system.
It's in essence a large version of the plasma pistol weapon system. The Wraith needs to charge up the shot, and then a suitably enlarged charged plasma pistol whip charges at high speed to it's target!
I think this is the best idea put forward so far especially the needing to be charged part (provided you allow the secondary plasma rifle style weapons that fired at you in HALO 2 campaign). Also make it imposible to aim very high up, so it is used more against ground vehicles than aircraft and make the projectile travel much faster than the plasma pistol's. I think the projectile should have a charged plasma pistol-ish style but coloured red. Some puffs of red disipating plasma appearing if you let go of the trigger while it is still charging could be a nice addition too. As for the colour of the wraith itself yellow/orange sounds interesting if your going to have the hexagons/honeycomb finish like CMT SPv2 and HALO 3 (not sure if it would actually look good, but I'd like to see it to see how it looks). You could try green also (but then you end up with a similar colour to the HALO 3 Elite phantoms) or bright red (brighter than AA Wraith) to match the plasma.

Of course you might only be modeling this, and handing over to somebody else for everything else so my talk of effects might not be relevent, sorry if that's the case.

May 12th, 2009, 05:08 PM
Oh shit yeah, I will come home from college early tomorow and try and get that finished.

Good cause I'll be needing it shortly :)

May 12th, 2009, 05:13 PM
I like to try and do everything my self, so I dont think I will handing it over the someone else for the effects. Depends, will have to see what I can do, someone might be awesome at making effects.

As for colour, I was thinking of having it red, but parts of it like the canopy of the banshee, so at a certain angle it would have a green tint. Or what ever...
The shades parts on the image would be in a seperate texture so shaders are easier to make. And I will try to add the hexagon effect.

Good cause I'll be needing it shortly :)
Doesnt need to be too detailed does it? Just extremly simular to the Halo 3 model? Can you get the textures to counter some low poly parts? Because there are no bump maps... also, who is texturing it? Would I be able to use the finished texture for my maps and H3MT? Credit to you of course for the texture and everything else like tagging, animating, ect...

May 12th, 2009, 05:23 PM
I remember it looking a bit different ingame, but it's your wraith, you can always make a way to make that top mounted cannon look better.

May 12th, 2009, 05:34 PM
I see what you mean Masterz. Also, Invader Veex, seems as you are viewing the thread, do you want to texture it? I was going to attempt, but I cant be bothered Lol.

May 12th, 2009, 06:39 PM
How about this, a pure anti-ground vehicular system.
It's in essence a large version of the plasma pistol weapon system. The Wraith needs to charge up the shot, and then a suitably enlarged charged plasma pistol whip charges at high speed to it's target!

As for design, I see some kind of "pointy" gun used for this. I'll see if I can woop something up in paint to show you what I mean.
best idea would to make it sorta like an Ion cannon from star wars, those send out electro magnetic shot that disables systems and such...

i'd say make the gun something like a rail driver that shoots the plasma like a hyper kinetic slug or something

while we're on the subject of covenant vehicles, since Halo 1 in general had crap handling for vehicles like the hog, would it be possible to make a prowler in CE? I mean it'd fit right in seeiong as how the prowler jsut slides about

May 12th, 2009, 09:36 PM
Do you mean like the parts you have on tanks where flares are fired out of? (Real tanks)

Close. The only difference with these that it would be pointed forward to an extent to compensate for the engines limited aiming capabilities.

May 13th, 2009, 01:39 AM
while we're on the subject of covenant vehicles, since Halo 1 in general had crap handling for vehicles like the hog, would it be possible to make a prowler in CE? I mean it'd fit right in seeiong as how the prowler jsut slides about

A Prowler should be able to use a physics model similar to the Ghost's. I believe someone made a Specter a while ago, which is essentially the same vehicle. Then again, I seem to recall the Prowler not being able to strafe. That would make it more similar to the Hog then?

May 13th, 2009, 01:52 AM
I'd love to see a cobbled together Brute wraith (I have a thing for the ork asthetic :P).

May 13th, 2009, 10:37 AM
You and your bloody orks.

May 13th, 2009, 02:06 PM
I'd love to see a cobbled together Brute wraith (I have a thing for the ork asthetic :P).

I already said that... :slap:

May 13th, 2009, 04:57 PM
I said Brute Wraith first :mech3:

May 13th, 2009, 04:58 PM
I said Brute Wraith first :mech3:
3rd time isnt funny...