View Full Version : Ogame

May 16th, 2009, 07:11 AM
ogame.org (http://ogame.org)

Ogame is a text based MMORTS set in space. It's a game that started as a single Universe (the Ogame equivalent of "Realms") in Germany to hundreds of Universes all over the world, including 40+ for Europe and about 5 for America (but the .us Universes aren't that popular and are actually pretty buggy, so most Americans use the European Universes).

Basically it works this way:

The whole point of the game is to get points. For each 1k of any res you spend (not including fuel for ships) equals a point. You can get res one of four ways. You can build mines to gain a steady stream of res, you can trade one type of res for another (I forget what the current ratio is), you can attack other players to capture their res, or you can build recycling ships to recycle destroyed ships for res (usually player will destroy an enemy fleet and then send recycling ships to get the debris, but sometimes players will not be able to recycle enemy fleets, giving you a chance to recycle what they missed).

There are five types of resources (though only 3 of them can be gained by attacking, recycling, or trading).

-Metal: Probably the most common resource, it is produced the quickest out of all of the resources. It is also the most used of all the res types. This resource can be gained in any of the four previously mentioned ways.

-Crystal: Like metal, just less common. This resource is used more commonly later in the game, but that doesn't mean it isn't used a lot early in the game. This resource can also be obtained through all four of the methods I have previously stated.

-Deuterium: This is the fuel of the game. It is used to fuel ships, but it is sometimes also used to build or research. It is pretty rare, most players late in the game have a hard time getting enough due to their enourmess fleets. This resource can be obtained any of the previously mentioned ways except for recycling.

-Energy: This is the resource used to run mines. This resource is obtained by either building solar plants or solar sails in space. It can't be obtained any other way.

-Dark Matter: This is a resource that can only be obtained through paying for it. It basically lets you buy commander, which is just a better looking interface.

This is a basic run through that will get you started, but you will need to learn alot if you want to survive.

So why, you might ask, did I just spend my time writing this post? Well, it all starts back in the summer of '07. I started out in Universe 15. I was unable to play my account right after I played it, so about two weeks later, I come back to an account with more resources then I knew (as a beginner, as an expert, the amount of res I came back to would be a worthless amount) what to do with. With such a healthy start, I was able to eventually, with months of work, make it to the top 600. I was crashed though when I forgot to fleetsave (terms you will learn), so I lost my fleet. I then quit (I'm a lucky one, many call this game Ocrack, because no matter how hard they try, once you get sucked in, you can never come back out).

I personally want to start again, but I know that starting alone is just plain dumb. So I have made an alliance named Modacity in universe 30 (a 2x speed universe to make it faster paced, because this is a slow game). I would like you guys to join me, so that I'm not alone this time.

Here are some guides for those of you that are interested. (http://board.ogame.org/board.php?boardid=201&sid=a9a02e2fe2b153f171f70d0b6261f236)

PS: Some of the guides might talk about 3am server refreshes. Ignore that, there are no more refresh times. It is all instant.

Llama Juice
May 16th, 2009, 08:23 AM
Haha silly Ogame.

I haven't played in years.... because it's silly.