View Full Version : I have a question about why no one makes many custom bipeds and I DON'T want to be...

May 19th, 2009, 06:40 PM
I have a question about why no one makes many custom bipeds and I DON'T want to be flamed for asking! Please hear me out.

I wanted to know why people don't make many custom bipeds anymore. I think it might have to do with all the work put into it such as placing markers, animating, and rigging it, and more or less coming up with ideas and modeling it. I know that it is really hard to make them for most people. I would like to have a answer to why a lot of people don't make custom bipeds anymore.

I also have another small question that has to do nothing with the subject whatsoever.Does the H1 xbox assault rifle have a higher ROF (rate of fire) than the PC version? I was just testing it on the xbox and it seems from the sound it does, I just wanted to be sure so can someone also answer this question please.

May 19th, 2009, 06:45 PM
I have a question about why no one makes many custom bipeds and I DON'T want to be flamed for asking! Please hear me out.

I wanted to know why people don't make many custom bipeds anymore. I think it might have to do with all the work put into it such as placing markers, animating, and rigging it, and more or less coming up with ideas and modeling it. I know that it is really hard to make them for most people. I would like to have a answer to why a lot of people don't make custom bipeds anymore.
Why do you care so much? You could just as easily ask why people aren't making as many maps as they used to, which would also be a dumb question.

I also have another small question that has to do nothing with the subject whatsoever.Does the H1 xbox assault rifle have a higher ROF (rate of fire) than the PC version? I was just testing it on the xbox and it seems from the sound it does, I just wanted to be sure so can someone also answer this question please.
As far as I know, both versions have the same rate of fire for the assault rifle. And yet again, why does it matter?

May 19th, 2009, 06:49 PM
He was curious.

May 19th, 2009, 07:08 PM
Uhh, because it's hard?

May 19th, 2009, 07:32 PM
Very lengthy process.

May 19th, 2009, 08:41 PM
Soon as I saw this thread, I thought of this
Anyway, biped making is a lot harder then it seems, you have to first model the biped, then rig it to the mc's rig so you can use it the same as his. If you plan on not using his, you gotta animate it. Lots of other stuff, I wouldn't say really hard, but its time consuming.

May 19th, 2009, 08:42 PM
Because it's time-consuming? Because they don't want or need to? Because they want to piss people who care off?

Why does it matter? If they're not doing it, they're not doing it. Deal with that or better yet, learn to do it yourself and rectify the problem.

May 19th, 2009, 09:01 PM
Modeling and texturing a biped is nothing hard (a couple of boxes and simple textures should do it)

But making a complete custom biped, would require model, textures, animations, and tagging. And that would be difficult.

May 20th, 2009, 02:54 AM
I don't think there has ever been many completly custom bipeds, ie. modeled from scratch, textured etc. The ones I can think of are CMT's from SPv1, the randomly selected mix in CMT Coagulation CE, that flat biped shown in this topic and maybe the "lost spartan" biped (that I think Jarian made(I probbably spelt the name wrong)).

Recently though several attempts have been made to put the HALO 3 spartan biped into HALO Custom Edition, however I have yet to see a completely succsessful rig when put in game as a biped with the original animations. (All the attempts I've seen have messed up shoulders at the very least, including both my attempts (the second was alot better, but still messed up).)

Reaper Man
May 20th, 2009, 03:54 AM
I don't think there has ever been many completly custom bipeds, ie. modeled from scratch, textured etc. The ones I can think of are CMT's from SPv1, the randomly selected mix in CMT Coagulation CE, that flat biped shown in this topic and maybe the "lost spartan" biped (that I think Jarian made(I probbably spelt the name wrong)).

Recently though several attempts have been made to put the HALO 3 spartan biped into HALO Custom Edition, however I have yet to see a completely succsessful rig when put in game as a biped with the original animations. (All the attempts I've seen have messed up shoulders at the very least, including both my attempts (the second was alot better, but still messed up).)
Jahrain's biped, the samus biped, the sonic biped...

May 20th, 2009, 05:11 AM
I have a question about why no one makes many custom bipeds and I DON'T want to be flamed for asking!
Heh, most people itt didn't see this.
Please hear me out.

I wanted to know why people don't make many custom bipeds anymore.
As HaloCE dies so will content
I think it might have to do with all the work put into it such as placing markers, animating, and rigging it, and more or less coming up with ideas and modeling it.
In a way, yes. You don't need to have all those features on a biped. Look at
Advancebos stick figure biped. (no offence bo) It's not a highly detailed or a model that took a month to make (I would imagine)
I know that it is really hard to make them for most people.
It's not all that hard though. Read the above^
I would like to have a answer to why a lot of people don't make custom bipeds anymore.
Read answer no.2

I also have another small question that has to do nothing with the subject whatsoever.Does the H1 xbox assault rifle have a higher ROF (rate of fire) than the PC version? I was just testing it on the xbox and it seems from the sound it does, I just wanted to be sure so can someone also answer this question please.
They have the same. However I would guess that if your PC lagged a tiny bit when playing Halo then it would seem like it was going slower. Turn down all setting to either low or off and then compare.

Response in bold.

May 20th, 2009, 05:11 AM
And soon my Recon Armer Biped... So there has been a few. No one really bothers.

May 20th, 2009, 06:28 AM
And that spartan biped on youtube. Modeled from a box, textured and rigged by the same guy. And animated into a small 10 second scene.

May 20th, 2009, 06:35 AM
stop flaming him guys, c'mon that wasnt really necessary now was it.

It's a very very hard thing to do and it takes alot of time.

people here lack the drive and reason to do them now.

May 20th, 2009, 10:40 AM
I wasn't taking the piss mate, I was genuinely suggesting he learn to do it himself

May 20th, 2009, 09:21 PM
About the assault rifle:

What difficulty were you playing on mate? It fires slower depending on the difficulty, i.e. it fires slower on Legendary than it does on Easy (which is why the AR appears to be so weak on Legendary, though if you know what you're doing it rapes). Don't believe me? Count the seconds it takes to empty a magazine on Easy, then do it again on Legendary.

English Mobster
May 20th, 2009, 09:26 PM
Yeah, things are modified based on the difficulty levels. Take a long, hard look at globals.globals.

May 20th, 2009, 09:27 PM
They're not worth the weight in gold.

May 21st, 2009, 06:00 PM
This thread makes me sad, and it's not because of the OP.