English Mobster
May 20th, 2009, 08:01 PM
I was debating over whether to put this in Off-Topic, Tech, or here, and I finally decided on here because, well, it IS Halo-related. If a mod deems otherwise, please go ahead and move it.
Everyone who has been to Halomaps has a favorite quote. I rarely venture there (I don't even have an account), but when I do for some reason or another (this time because of a link a friend gave me), I always find a quote there which makes me laugh, either out of its sheer stupidity, or for some other random reason.
But when I went there this time, I found Dennis getting pissed at someone (who deserved it, of course, the fuckwad was trying to get around the 1 download at a time limit) and... Well, I've never seen him this angry. I don't go there a lot, so there may have been other times he's gotten madder, but hey.
So you're the selfish dickweed that is slowing things down for everyone else by trying to get around the 1 file at a time download limit. You self centered little brat. That policy was put in place not to inconvenience you but to insure that everyone gets a fair share of the bandwidth I am willing to spend my money on supplying you all these free files. FREE Files. FREE as in it doesn’t cost you a damn thing, as in I am the one paying for every single byte of bandwidth you drain from my servers. And all you can think about is how to get around a policy that makes it fair for everyone. How special you must think you are by taking bandwidth, which I pay for, away from everyone else when you download more than one file at a time. You don’t have a right to my bandwidth you only have a right to use it as I dictate. It’s all about you isn’t it? No one else is every going to want a fast download from the limited bandwidth I have? Noooo….. It’s Just for you right? WRONG! You disgust me you self important little thief you thoughtless malcontent, you "I have to get around a fair policy because I want to" person...
Oh... was I typing out loud? Sorry never mind...
Yea there are ways around it but only one file per IP per server.http://forum.halomaps.org/index.cfm?page=topic&topicID=26242
In the words of a Halomaps member:
I'm going to copy and paste that post and pm it to myself so that I will forever have proof that it is possible to seriously piss of Dennis and make him curse.
Yeah, I know it's not that good. But this thread really wasn't dedicated to that particular quote, I just want to see what other's favorite quotes were.
Everyone who has been to Halomaps has a favorite quote. I rarely venture there (I don't even have an account), but when I do for some reason or another (this time because of a link a friend gave me), I always find a quote there which makes me laugh, either out of its sheer stupidity, or for some other random reason.
But when I went there this time, I found Dennis getting pissed at someone (who deserved it, of course, the fuckwad was trying to get around the 1 download at a time limit) and... Well, I've never seen him this angry. I don't go there a lot, so there may have been other times he's gotten madder, but hey.
So you're the selfish dickweed that is slowing things down for everyone else by trying to get around the 1 file at a time download limit. You self centered little brat. That policy was put in place not to inconvenience you but to insure that everyone gets a fair share of the bandwidth I am willing to spend my money on supplying you all these free files. FREE Files. FREE as in it doesn’t cost you a damn thing, as in I am the one paying for every single byte of bandwidth you drain from my servers. And all you can think about is how to get around a policy that makes it fair for everyone. How special you must think you are by taking bandwidth, which I pay for, away from everyone else when you download more than one file at a time. You don’t have a right to my bandwidth you only have a right to use it as I dictate. It’s all about you isn’t it? No one else is every going to want a fast download from the limited bandwidth I have? Noooo….. It’s Just for you right? WRONG! You disgust me you self important little thief you thoughtless malcontent, you "I have to get around a fair policy because I want to" person...
Oh... was I typing out loud? Sorry never mind...
Yea there are ways around it but only one file per IP per server.http://forum.halomaps.org/index.cfm?page=topic&topicID=26242
In the words of a Halomaps member:
I'm going to copy and paste that post and pm it to myself so that I will forever have proof that it is possible to seriously piss of Dennis and make him curse.
Yeah, I know it's not that good. But this thread really wasn't dedicated to that particular quote, I just want to see what other's favorite quotes were.