View Full Version : What to do with my life...
May 21st, 2009, 12:30 AM
Okay so, I can't figure out what the fuck I want to do with life. I finished High School and all that, but I haven't had the motivation or determination to look into any post secondary stuff that much... I still literally don't know what I want to do "when I grow up", though I've always wanted to go into law enforcement to some degree.
I'm fairly handy with pretty much anything to do with technology and computers, but I also get bored doing things like data entry and tech support. I do enjoy outdoors things like off-roading, camping, hunting, trail biking (pedal bikes, down hill style to be specific), and swimming. I've always had an interest in the military, especially the aviation side of things. I'm already a licensed civilian pilot, but I can't become a fighter pilot due to my lack of 20/20 vision. I don't want to serve as a freighter pilot or helicopter pilot either, and logistics is extremely boring (been there, done that).
If I ever go into law enforcement, I don't see how joining the military in an infantry role could hurt but I've heard conflicting stories on that point. If I do join the military it will be in a reservist role at first, if I enjoy it enough I'll go do basic infantry training and all that in reg force. I've always had a kinda deep longing to attempt to join some kind of special forces unit as well, but I don't think I'm in good enough shape at the moment to even attempt that. Honestly, there are some REALLY cool things that you get to do in the military, even as a lowly infantry soldier during basic. I've already had a taste of the shitty side of military life as well, Cadet summer camps usually take place at CF bases here so I've got that down to a degree.
The Good:
The Gay:
Anyways, with that in mind... Suggestions?
May 21st, 2009, 12:42 AM
As long as its not the American Army, you should be good.
This Army makes me want to team kill IRL. Thank god they don't respawn :party:.
May 21st, 2009, 12:45 AM
Right, I never really stated which army...
Canadian Forces obviously, since I'm not going to MOVE to another country to just to join their army... >.>
Also, wouldn't it be better if they respawned? Seeing as how the people getting killed aren't at fault? You just need to setup your auto-tk-banning system down there guys...
May 21st, 2009, 01:00 AM
And I was just stating that general Army wise, as long as its not American, you should be good :eyesroll:
The American Army just needs to stop abusing its fucking forces.
Just so I'm not hi-jacking your thread: If you can start off in reserves then easily transfer over to active, then do it. Like you were saying, at least then you can see if you like it full time. However I know for the US anyway, that lifestyles for active vs reserve have some noticeable differences.
May 21st, 2009, 01:05 AM
I'm not sure as to the lifestyle since you're usually housed in barracks in reg force, and you just stay at your home in reserve force. But I know the Basic Infantry Training course is practically the same for reserve/reg force in Canada, reg force has an additional 13 week course after the BIT though.
I will enquirer about this when I next talk to my pipe instructor, who happens to be an officer in the reserve force I'm thinking of joining...
May 21st, 2009, 08:43 AM
Canada has an army?
Stereotypes aside, I hope your not joining just because you get to play with guns... In that case you're no better than half of the kids in the US who join the military cause they want to shoot stuff and kill people.
Side note, damn you people :mad: if i didn't have asthma I already would have enlisted in marines :(
May 21st, 2009, 09:01 AM
I'm sure you know you don't have to join the marines or army or whatever to help them out. There is volunteer and charity work.
That's not counting the building contractors that work for the military. They build housing units/barracks and such.
If you feel so obliged to help , just saying.
May 21st, 2009, 09:32 AM
Law enforcement seems like it would be good for you.
But on the other hand you seem to be good with computers.
Do law enforcement. It suits you.
May 21st, 2009, 09:45 AM
K dude, I take you're having the same trouble I did at the time, of which I had no idea what I wanted to do during and after secondary (high for you guys). I ended up doing IT related work for a while, and as blind knows, I became pretty successful, choose something to do with technician, it tips well for me and I bet it would for you. =)
E: Of course, if you'd rather join the army then go ahead, I was thinking about it for a while, but I realised it was mainly because of my interest in guns. I would love to serve England if it was required, but not a full time thing I'd want to do. Especially since I moved to the coast, which was my only ambition/dream.
May 21st, 2009, 09:55 AM
Oh nice, always wanted to see other country's versions of basic. Guess its not surprising that Canada's doesn't seem all that different from the US since its right next door
May 21st, 2009, 10:43 AM
Move to Russia.
Join their army.
Tell us their secrets.
May 21st, 2009, 01:56 PM
I don't like you freelancer, but I can say, truthfully, that you should do what you love.
Cheesy, I know, but it works. It really does.
*Edit: Also, avoid gang rape.
May 21st, 2009, 02:23 PM
I liek you lancer. So don't die like a cock.
Have fun.
May 21st, 2009, 08:47 PM
You should send me your aviators.
May 21st, 2009, 08:52 PM
Side note, damn you people :mad: if i didn't have asthma I already would have enlisted in marines :(Try swimming, it completely obliterates Asthma. At least it did for me, as well as shaved 2.4 minutes off my mile run time. My mom tells me it isn't gone though, just my lungs are awesome and it doesn't effect them much anymore.
May 21st, 2009, 08:52 PM
You should illegally fly and import crack around the world and become a gangster
Or, join the army and kill some baddies
May 21st, 2009, 08:54 PM
Form a team of 9 specialized social deviants, and have mad adventures under the guise of something lame like a builder's union, or a demolition company,
My friend's younger brother went to get interviewed for enlisting in the Canadian Army just last night! If this thread had come about sooner, I would have asked him some questions.
May 21st, 2009, 09:09 PM
I liek you lancer. So don't die like a cock.
Have fun.
you told me you hated his posts.
May 21st, 2009, 09:17 PM
First page: Excellent thread.
Second page: Mild Failure.
I wasn't really one of those people who didn't know what they wanted to do when I hit post-secondary. I am currently trying to get into university programs for both Physical/Human Geography and Computer Science. I briefly checked out what the Canadian Forces has to offer in terms of logistics and maybe technical work. I haven't looked into it very much since I'm headed back to school for a 5th year to tie up loose ends.
I say do it if you want to. Then after a while see if anything else catches your eye. If not, join the reserves and continue from there.
May 21st, 2009, 09:17 PM
Move to Russia.
Join their army.
Tell us their secrets.
May 21st, 2009, 09:42 PM
you told me you hated his posts.
I do.
May 21st, 2009, 09:48 PM
alternatively you could just do some freelance jobs
*budum scht!*
May 22nd, 2009, 06:01 AM
I definitely don't want to join the infantry just to play with guns, although that's an attraction. I'm very interested in the skills that I'd acquire such as survival and defense training in addition to the exciting stuff like "tactical" training and cross-training with the other branches of the military (air and naval forces). If I do take the military route I'd like to move to law enforcement from there, hopefully to the RCMP ( and then to the ERT ( (SWAT for you Americans).
If I take the tech route I'd most likely go into something video game or feature film related, I enjoy the special effects side of things. I've already had quite a bit of "generalized" experience with film work in high school.
Honestly though, I hate studying and anything school related... There's just something about getting stuck in a room that's filled with a majority of people that are slower than me... I'm taking a course that I didn't finish in high school right now at home (English :() because I couldn't deal with the kids in my class. Fucking kids constantly made the teacher repeat things to the point where I just dropped out because we'd cover the SAME SHIT for two weeks. I've had a bad experience with mainstream schooling, so if I can avoid it by taking the military route I probably will.
May 22nd, 2009, 09:26 AM
W8! It's not already for me to ask you guys what to do with my future but it's okay for him?
Go be a military dog fixing their equipment!
May 22nd, 2009, 09:34 AM
W8! It's not already for me to ask you guys what to do with my future but it's okay for him?
Go be a military dog fixing their equipment!
There's a difference between the way he went about doing it and the way you did.
Your way:
May 22nd, 2009, 03:17 PM
Go be a military dog fixing their equipment!
I already stated that I wouldn't be going into a logistics role...
June 11th, 2009, 04:03 PM
Talked to a CF recruiter today, apparently I can "apply" to CSOR (Canadian Special Operations Regiment) as soon as I join the reserves and by the time they get through all the current recruits I might be ready sometime in the next 2-3 years... lol.
I'm going to go all special forces on your asses.
English Mobster
June 12th, 2009, 03:30 AM
Canadian special forces, hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha what a joke
That aside, I hope you get in. My girlfriend's sister just joined the (American) Navy. She's to be shipped off to one of the big Battleships docked down in San Diego next month, I believe.
My girlfriend told me which one it was, but I have completely forgot which one, and I don't want to call her to find out at this ungodly hour (it's 1:30 here right now).
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