View Full Version : This has got to stop

May 21st, 2009, 07:17 PM
Please leave comments about my skill and complaints at the door, or go jump off a bridge.

I play Halo CE almost exclusively mainly because there are better servers and server operators. I'm banned from most good server in the regular version of the game, because I can't get along with the ridiculous rules such servers implement and enforce. No swearing rules are absolutely ludicrous, and so are rules against TKing in a game where Friendly Fire is OFF. This last rule means that since you can't TK even though FF is off, you can't shoot your teammate for fun and funny.

What I'm getting at is the Aimbots that plague the game. I've rarely seen them in normal halo, I'm sick of them being in this great game. I would like to see more servers punishing Aimbotters. Some people I'm sure aimbot are: AE-. ,Conscars, hry, a Mouse, USMC joel, and some others I have forgotten. I would sure like to see this on my favorite servers like Freelancers 24/7 Banfree BG 100 caps. You may not want to ban people but you can still punish them with your server app, and maybe even temp ban some people.

May 21st, 2009, 07:33 PM
Conscars doesn't aimbot you dumb fuck

also you suck at halo scrub shrub etcv

May 21st, 2009, 07:35 PM
Less people aimbot in Halo CE than you think. Also, the idea that one of the mods here is a halo ce botta is making me lol.

May 21st, 2009, 07:36 PM
The server operators are either taking the time to run a server from their home or to fork over the money to run a CE server. Be glad they are doing either of those.

1) If an admin has a trouble with language, then you shouldn't swear.
2) While you may not actually be able to TK someone, it is quite annoying to get shot by someone. It throws off your aim of it is impossible to play while someone is shooting you.

It's your fault you get banned. Stop bitching and make/buy your own server if it's so bad.

Edit: I missed that Con was on the list of botters. You might not want to make him angry FF, he can ban you on more places then a CE server...

May 21st, 2009, 07:37 PM
One thing I learned from going nuts with a sightjacker a few months ago is that most "aimbotters" are just better at the game.

Cry more.

May 21st, 2009, 07:37 PM
What's your ingame name so i can ban you from lancers

May 21st, 2009, 07:38 PM
Since I got some time to burn before dinner...

I play Halo CE almost exclusively mainly because there are better servers and server operators. I'm banned from most good server in the regular version of the game, because I can't get along with the ridiculous rules such servers implement and enforce. No swearing rules are absolutely ludicrous, and so are rules against TKing in a game where Friendly Fire is OFF. This last rule means that since you can't TK even though FF is off, you can't shoot your teammate for fun and funny.

I can understand where you're coming from but you have to understand that it's their server and they can do what they please with it. Their money, their server. Simple as that. While I agree the swearing rules are ridiculous, there isn't really any need to swear too much... The typical, "bullshit" "damn" or whatever is fine, other than that, yeeeea. As for team killing, don't really care for it. You should really be team killing at all. The whole "you killed me so I killed you" thing is stupid. You got team killed by mistake, big deal. On purpose? Try to ignore it, it happens. Not that big of a deal. Besides, MOST servers have a team kill limit so any trouble makers should be gone rather quick. Assuming they don't quit and rejoin that is...

What I'm getting at is the Aimbots that plague the game. I've rarely seen them in normal halo, I'm sick of them being in this great game. I would like to see more servers punishing Aimbotters. Some people I'm sure aimbot are: AE-. ,Conscars, hry, a Mouse, USMC joel, and some others I have forgotten. I would sure like to see this on my favorite servers like Freelancers 24/7 Banfree BG 100 caps. You may not want to ban people but you can still punish them with your server app, and maybe even temp ban some people.To be quite honest, I haven't seen them too much here... If I suspect anyone aimbotting in my server, I slightjack them. If they're caught, bye bye. Otherwise, consider it a compliment to be called a botter when you're not... And they're called banfree for a reason. It's their choice so just deal with it. As for idiots, my tolerance for them is real low since I play recreationally and am just killing some time. :downs:

Honestly, it's a game. These types of things happens in A LOT of games. Just deal with it the best you can and move on. These types of things are not really a big deal. While aimbotting can be a problem, I think it's 100 times better than before. Especially since a lot of kids arn't smart enough to find the updated one (assuming they don't use the version changer). When it first came out, it was a pain to get the problem resolved...

May 21st, 2009, 07:46 PM
What's your ingame name so i can ban you from lancers

Its Selentic.

May 21st, 2009, 07:52 PM
Its Selentic.

You're just digging a deeper and deeper hole for yourself.

May 21st, 2009, 07:52 PM
Its Selentic.
You're from Halomaps, aren't you?

May 21st, 2009, 07:58 PM
Please leave comments about my skill and complaints at the door, or go jump off a bridge.
I don't even know/care who the fuck you are.

but all I am hearing is you complain about how the rules make you butthurt.

If you don't follow the rules then you will be made to gtfo.

If you dont like something, quit playing, fuss ingame, do something about it, but for the love of my own attention span, dont come to these forums and whine about it like a little girl.

Regardless of popular belief, the internet is NOT serious business.

May 21st, 2009, 08:04 PM
You're fucking terrible, you TK when friendly fire is off? Wow thats cool, lol. You're a moron. Get out of my halo you shit dicked piece of fuck.

May 21st, 2009, 08:07 PM
Its Selentic.

ok if I see anyone using that name in lancers I guess I will have to ban them

May 21st, 2009, 08:10 PM
I think we should all :ignore: this guy.

May 21st, 2009, 08:25 PM
this guy sounds legit, he's got his facts straight!

May 21st, 2009, 08:32 PM
You're just digging a deeper and deeper hole for yourself. Not by trying. Seriously, nobody finds my post funny? Conscars, if you read my accusation of aimbotting, I hope you don't take it the wrong way and instead take it as a compliment, I know I would and I'm probably wrong according to the members here.

Please leave comments about my skill and complaints at the door, or go jump off a bridge.
I don't even know/care who the fuck you are. I know that, I merely typed that to fend off anyone planning to make a comment about my complaining or skill, should they decide to do so upon reading my post.

You're from Halomaps, aren't you?Yes, in fact I was sent on a secret mission here to get myself bitched at and have every member hounding my neck, posting flames and generally trying to get a rise out of me. That might have worked if I hadn't changed thanks to some members here. So basically, no.

Why does everyone hate me? I haven't done anything to you, could someone take my post at least a bit less serious for once or do I have to make tag for my every joke?

you TK when friendly fire is off? Senseical post makes sense. And no, I don't. The simple fact that the enemy kills my teammate shortly after I shot him and I end up getting the kill is simply an accident.

Regardless of popular belief, the internet is NOT serious business. For that reason I no longer take replies to my posts very seriously. Thanks to some people, I've changed and I'm learning. I don't take your flame bait, and I don't take these boards as seriously. For the simple fact that the internet is not serious business I have refrained from reporting you gais to the mods for the numerous times you've flamed me.

ok if I see anyone using that name in lancers I guess I will have to ban them


May 21st, 2009, 08:37 PM
There was absolutely nothing in your first post to suggest you were bullshitting.

May 21st, 2009, 08:38 PM
Don't really see how TKing relates to aimbotting, but ok.

The Modacity server (possibly the Bunghole too) bans anyone who cheats (with proof). There has never been a ban issued without solid proof that they are using an aimbot. We also ban douchebags for being massive assholes though. So if you come in and start bitching about worthless shit, or if you want to be an asshole about how pro you are (ego-wise), then you can do it somewhere else.

Oh and Connor bots. It's just impossible to prove. Sneaky you :cop:

May 21st, 2009, 08:50 PM
Not by trying. Seriously, nobody finds my post funny? Conscars, if you read my accusation of aimbotting, I hope you don't take it the wrong way and instead take it as a compliment, I know I would and I'm probably wrong according to the members here.

I know that, I merely typed that to fend off anyone planning to make a comment about my complaining or skill, should they decide to do so upon reading my post.

Yes, in fact I was sent on a secret mission here to get myself bitched at and have every member hounding my neck, posting flames and generally trying to get a rise out of me. That might have worked if I hadn't changed thanks to some members here. So basically, no.

Why does everyone hate me? I haven't done anything to you, could someone take my post at least a bit less serious for once or do I have to make tag for my every joke?

Senseical post makes sense. And no, I don't. The simple fact that the enemy kills my teammate shortly after I shot him and I end up getting the kill is simply an accident.

For that reason I no longer take replies to my posts very seriously. Thanks to some people, I've changed and I'm learning. I don't take your flame bait, and I don't take these boards as seriously. For the simple fact that the internet is not serious business I have refrained from reporting you gais to the mods for the numerous times you've flamed me.

you know whats funny?

Shut up and leave http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm61/HeathenHero/Smileys/th_sarcasm_by_sereneworx.gif (http://s293.photobucket.com/albums/mm61/HeathenHero/Smileys/?action=view&current=sarcasm_by_sereneworx.gif)

May 21st, 2009, 08:50 PM
Senseical post makes sense. And no, I don't. The simple fact that the enemy kills my teammate shortly after I shot him and I end up getting the kill is simply an accident.

Are you retarded.
Thats not how Halo works you fucking terrible, terrible faggot.

May 21st, 2009, 09:02 PM
Postin in dis thread.

Seriously though dude, the aimboters aren't nearly as bad now as they were back in the 1.07 days. Quit being a bitch and just play the fucking game.

May 21st, 2009, 09:06 PM
I haven't seen any aimbotters at all in 1.08 recently, it's been a pretty effective patch so far, so all the people are obviously better then you..

May 21st, 2009, 09:06 PM
delusional children are so much fun

"omg someone beat me at halo they are botting because i am the greatest halo player ever!!!1!"

seriously, stop posting, before my brain melts

May 21st, 2009, 09:07 PM
I'm connors bot.

Deal with it.

May 21st, 2009, 09:39 PM
Having a bad day? Unfortunately for you, so am I.

Please leave comments about my skill and complaints at the door, or go jump off a bridge.You are terrible at Halo. You are a terrible person.



...I'm banned from most good server in the regular version of the game, because I can't get along with the ridiculous rules such servers implement and enforce.Tough shit. Read the MOTD and listen to the server admins. They operate the server, so they have the last say in how things are done. If you do not like their rules, you do not have to play the server.

No swearing rules are absolutely ludicrous,While I agree with how no swearing rules are bullshit in a game rated M by the ESRB, the fact remains that they run the server, and if they want to make a place where they don't have to see swear words, they can and will.

and so are rules against TKing in a game where Friendly Fire is OFF. This last rule means that since you can't TK even though FF is off, you can't shoot your teammate for fun and funny.Having your screen flash and shake constantly while trying to focus on something because some dipshit thinks unloading a weapon into an invincible target is hilarious (read: stupid) is the reason people enforce that rule.

Some people I'm sure aimbot are: ...Conscars...You just lost all credibility right there. You lose, thanks for playing.

May 21st, 2009, 10:01 PM
This kid is a BAKA, indeed, P0lar.

May 21st, 2009, 10:02 PM
This kid is a BAKA, indeed, P0lar.

I no longer deserve the title of ⑨.

Eye... eye am no longer the strongest.


teh lag
May 22nd, 2009, 02:20 PM

cirno you will always be the strongest