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View Full Version : Remember Pokemon Gold and Silver?

May 23rd, 2009, 10:23 PM
Nintendo is finally granting our (Pokemon fans) wishes, by porting Pokemon Gold and Silver to the NDS, calling them:

Heart Gold (Japanese Name)


Soul Silver (Japanese Name)


Basically, it's Pokemon Gold and Silver, on the Nintendo DS, with D/P Style graphics.

For me I find this a god send, because I LOVED Gold and Silver as a kid. :iamafag:

Info and Pics: http://serebii.net/heartgoldsoulsilver/

Release Dates (Estimated)

Japan: Fall 2009
US: 2010
Europe: 2010


May 23rd, 2009, 10:31 PM
gold and silver were my favorites, im gonna HAVE to get these.

MetKiller Joe
May 23rd, 2009, 10:32 PM

My reaction (in a good way).

May 23rd, 2009, 10:47 PM
They aren't gonna include any of the stupid new Pokemon, are they?

May 23rd, 2009, 10:55 PM
Fuck that unless I can trade my shit from silver to there.

I want my mew fuck

May 23rd, 2009, 11:01 PM
They aren't gonna include any of the stupid new Pokemon, are they?

They might be, I really can't say. Not until a new update comes out.

Reaper Man
May 23rd, 2009, 11:04 PM
Oh my god, best ever version of Pokemon. :iamafag:

May 23rd, 2009, 11:14 PM
~Cyndaquil supremecy~

May 23rd, 2009, 11:48 PM
Can I transfer my Mew?

May 23rd, 2009, 11:55 PM
Fuck you guys red version owned.

May 23rd, 2009, 11:57 PM
This is somewhat similar to what Nintendo did to Green and Red, made one for the GBA called Fire Red and Leaf Green.

May 24th, 2009, 12:02 AM
Well, I loved the G/S series, and I loved the looks/controls of the new games...so this is bound to be pure epic :)

May 24th, 2009, 12:13 AM
i'm sorry but this news is old as my grandfather's cock

May 24th, 2009, 12:15 AM
Better have the duplicating Pokemon glitch or else :toughguy:

Mr Buckshot
May 24th, 2009, 12:20 AM
Damn, I remember beating those games on a game boy emulator :P Fun times.

Kinda lost interest in Pokemon though :/

I have a friend who plays the Diamond and Pearl versions on DS every single minute of lunchtime at school. He never plays anything else...well, now I think he will play these new games once they come out.

Reaper Man
May 24th, 2009, 12:28 AM
~Cyndaquil supremecy~
Fuck yeah

Also, Tyranitaur was the best thing ever, such a bitch to evolve to that stage, but holy fuck, I could beat the whole league without changing Pokemon if I used that thing.

May 24th, 2009, 12:38 AM
Damn, I remember beating those games on a game boy emulator :P Fun times.

Kinda lost interest in Pokemon though :/

I have a friend who plays the Diamond and Pearl versions on DS every single minute of lunchtime at school. He never plays anything else...well, now I think he will play these new games once they come out.

your friend is a weird guy

May 24th, 2009, 01:16 AM
I could never catch Entei or Raiku >:V

May 24th, 2009, 07:04 AM
They should make a game that connects the areas from all the games into one >_> each one with the original pokemon that were in each area. Like the red blue green yellow areas would all be the original 150 + 1, etc.

Pyong Kawaguchi
May 24th, 2009, 07:30 AM
In crystal, I duplicated cyndaquil 5 times and got a lvl 250 cyndaquil o.o

May 24th, 2009, 09:49 AM
In crystal, I duplicated cyndaquil 5 times and got a lvl 250 cyndaquil o.o
The duplicating part is easy to do...but lvl 250? How'd you do that?

May 24th, 2009, 10:02 AM
Feraligatr all the fucking way. Been waiting for this.

May 24th, 2009, 10:08 AM
I wonder if they plan to convert Crystal.:-3

May 24th, 2009, 10:43 AM
They should make a game that connects the areas from all the games into one >_> each one with the original pokemon that were in each area. Like the red blue green yellow areas would all be the original 150 + 1, etc.

the original silver, gold, and crystal was like that. damn i missed having to go to the league for 2 diff. regions they really need to connect all the regions together on 1 came. only way the can make them better since their Pokemon ideas are totally lame now. the first 2 regions owns all!

crystal is to emerald as gold/silver is to saphire/ruby. :D

May 24th, 2009, 11:04 AM
I'm sure they'll keep the Kanto region in the remakes, since they were in the first one. I mean, why disappoint the whole fanbase like that?

May 24th, 2009, 11:08 AM
i remember playing gold, transfering my lv 100 raichu from my blue to my cousin's gold, and then he lost the fucking cartridge at a condo. for 6 years since then we have gone back to that condo every year, same one, and never found that cartridge. i made his ass level me up another raichu

May 24th, 2009, 11:10 AM
better have faster text, battles, running and surfing or heads are gonna roll.
seriously, didn't anybody else notice that everything is slow as FUCK in D/P/P? It's like they tried to increase game time by making battles laboriously slow, making texxt crawl across the screen etc.

May 24th, 2009, 11:12 AM
I'll ask again: Can I transfer my Mew?

Thing's been with me since Blue, and I grabbed it at a low level and raised it up to 100... Good times... Good times...

May 24th, 2009, 11:34 AM
Sorry Admiral, I don't think that will work, they dropped the GB games a while ago :(

May 24th, 2009, 11:40 AM
I'll ask again: Can I transfer my Mew?

Thing's been with me since Blue, and I grabbed it at a low level and raised it up to 100... Good times... Good times...
where did you get a mew in blue? all i could find was mewtwo.
my cousin (same one that lost the gold btw) said that there was some convention somewhere where people had special version of the games and transferred mews to other people... we were like... 8 years old at the time though, so mind clearing this up for me? :embarrassed:

May 24th, 2009, 11:56 AM
Yes, there was a special event in which a trainer named "Luigi" gave Mews to players.

However, another way was to do the Mew Trick, located here:


Is probably the way Bacon was talking about.

May 24th, 2009, 12:11 PM
wow thats fucking insane. iv never understood how people find these secrets. i just drove around in farcry 2 for like 10 hours looking for gold ak 47s and didnt find anything. thanks though. will go try on emulator

May 24th, 2009, 12:16 PM
~Cyndaquil supremecy~

+rep and lots of loving for you my friend. <3

E: dammit gotta spread some rep around.

I loved this, hopefully it will bring back some of my childhood memories and be able to go back to the Kanto region.

May 24th, 2009, 12:49 PM
looks like I wont be sleeping anymore >.>

May 24th, 2009, 12:58 PM
This gives me a good excuse to "borrow" my mother's DS... even if I can't get my Mew... Thing never listened to me on my Silver anyway.

May 24th, 2009, 05:46 PM
Feraligatr all the fucking way. Been waiting for this.
Untill we get :frogout4: this will have to do.

May 24th, 2009, 05:48 PM
I maintain that Cyndaquil was the greatest of the starting Pokemon. Fire types were way too rare.

God I'm such a dork :rolleyes:

May 24th, 2009, 05:49 PM
This gives me the desire to get a Nintendo DS finally--after buying Pokemon Diamond for use with Pokemon Battle Revolution and then borrowing Lightning's DS. XD

But yeah, Blue Version all the way for me. I had Gold, but I didn't like it as much as I love(d) Blue. Pokemon Diamond feels superfluous to me, even, but it does feel fresh to me, like it reminds me a lot of Blue. I guess my problem with Gold was that I had already perfected my pokemon party with Blue, and I did not want to deviate from it. And starting over just felt tiring.

I am still a really big fan of Pokemon, even though I've long outgrown it. It is just something out of my childhood that will not let go.

However, another way was to do the Mew Trick, located here:


Also, I was always looking to catch mew, and I did everything possible--pushing the truck by SS Anne, using Missingno and doing a bunch of bullshit.... I finally bought a Gameshark and just caught about 25 of them and used my link cable to trade them off to friends for really good pokemon. ;)

May 24th, 2009, 07:16 PM
Also, I was always looking to catch mew, and I did everything possible--pushing the truck by SS Anne, using Missingno and doing a bunch of bullshit.... I finally bought a Gameshark and just caught about 25 of them and used my link cable to trade them off to friends for really good pokemon. ;)
Curse that truck! I used a Gameshark to get Mews, too. I think on Blue I had one with me at all times that only knew the HM moves, so I wouldn't have to bother teaching any of my combat-oriented pokemon useless moves like cut and flash. I also got 99 of each TM and transferred all of that to Pokemon Stadium. Good times. :cool:

May 24th, 2009, 09:14 PM

http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b152/ShadowFireMario/GoldSilver/DarkHo-oh.png http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b152/ShadowFireMario/GoldSilver/DarkLugia.png

Have a look!

May 24th, 2009, 09:57 PM
try projectpokemon.org way better site.

May 25th, 2009, 05:14 AM
Wow, and I thought pokemon was dead...

May 25th, 2009, 08:38 PM
This is all pure speculation, however I think I can "guess" whats new and whats not.


New Pokemon Sprites (Meaning different poses)
New menu, located on the bottom screen.
Starter follows you around, like in Pokemon Yellow.
D/P Graphic Style


Same story from G/S (Which is good)


All I can find for right now.

May 26th, 2009, 07:21 AM
Wow, and I thought pokemon was dead...
The day that happens will be a sad one indeed.. :(

This is all pure speculation, however I think I can "guess" whats new and whats not.


New Pokemon Sprites (Meaning different poses)
New menu, located on the bottom screen.
Starter follows you around, like in Pokemon Yellow.
D/P Graphic Style


Same story from G/S (Which is good)


All I can find for right now.
The New Sprites isn't a surprise, since it's a must, same with the D/P graphic style. As for the new menu, that'll be interesting to see.

Oh, and I already knew about the following Pokemon due to the screenshots I've seen :)

May 26th, 2009, 07:36 AM

http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b152/ShadowFireMario/GoldSilver/DarkHo-oh.png http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b152/ShadowFireMario/GoldSilver/DarkLugia.png

Have a look!

June 22nd, 2009, 04:29 PM
New stuffz:

Partner Pokemon

In Pokémon Yellow, a new feature was introduced which had your starter Pokémon, Pikachu, follow you around. Pikachu was always behind you and you could always check it to see its happiness. This feature later returned in Amity Square in Diamond, Pearl & Platinum, with a limit to 20 Pokémon. In Heart Gold & Soul Silver, you once again get a partner Pokémon. However, it is not limited to your starter Pokémon.
In Heart Gold & Soul Silver, as soon as you get your Pokémon, Professor Elm will say that your Pokémon can come out and walk along with you. Originally, this would seem to follow the precedent set with Pokémon Yellow, however every single Pokémon can be sent out to follow you. From Bulbasaur to Arceus, you can have any of your favourites follow you. To do this, all it seems you need to do is have the Pokémon at the top of your team and it shall be sent out.



Like with Pikachu in Pokémon Yellow, you have the ability to interact with your Pokémon. If you turn around and face your Pokémon, simply press A and you will get to see the mood of your Pokémon. Whether it's happy with you, apathetic or is in trouble due to low health or a status condition. This will allow you to be able to quickly gauge how your Pokémon is doing.



As with when you take your Pokémon out for a stroll in Amity Square in Diamond, Pearl & Platinum, when you are out with your Pokémon in this game, your Pokémon will sometimes find items. These items include Berries and Accessories for your Pokémon. It is unknown if there's just a set list for the Pokémon to get or if each Pokémon has a unique list of obtainable accessories.


This next one is a bit weird...lol.


PokéWalker is a new bit of hardware which is said to be bundled in with Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver. This bit of hardware is special in that it will allow you to transfer one Pokémon from your HeartGold & Soul Silver games onto PokéWalker. As PokéWalker is a pedometre, when you walk about, your Pokémon will slowly raise level and happiness. This will allow you to raise your Pokémon as you go about your daily lives.


However, that is not all. As you play on your PokéWalker, you will occassionally come across mini-games of sorts. These mini-games will also have an effect on your Heart Gold & Soul Silver games. One includes finding of items while you're walking. These include items such as Potions. You will also sometimes come across wild Pokémon while you play. It is currently unknown if you have to battle them in the same manner as the main games


Sending Pokémon to PokéWalker

To send Pokémon over to PokéWalker, you have to open a specific menu in-game. The location of this menu is currently unknown. In this menu, you can select Pokémon from boxes and send them over to PokéWalker. It appears that there are three slots for the Pokémon in PokéWalker.
In communication with PokéWalker, you can keep track of certain variables from it including how many steps you have taken and how many watts you have built up. When you build up more Watts, you can access more areas.



When you send over your Pokémon to PokéWalker, you will have to select a certain area that your Pokémon shall walk through. There are a variety of areas to walk through. You start off with two areas to go to and unlock more as you go on. The items and Pokémon vary from area to area so you will have to go from area to area to get the best use out of PokéWalker


Battling Pokémon

To battle Pokémon on Pokéwalker, you have to use the PokéRadar item which will only work if you have built up enough Watts. Here, it will give you four pieces of grass. You have to select one and a Pokémon may come out. Once the Pokémon comes out, battling happens. This battle system is currently unknown, abut is likely to work in a similar manner to the in-game battles.
Details on the Pokémon in each area will come on the game's release.


I thought this was pretty cool.

Arceus Event

Like Pokémon Platinum, Heart Gold & Soul Silver have special details implemented within the game if you send certain Pokémon over. With this Pokémon, the Movie 12 Arceus (and other subsequent Arceus from various events around the world), you get new aspects in both Platinum and Heart Gold & Soul Silver. The special feature in this game for Arceus is much more elaborate than the Platinum one.
If you trade Arceus over to Heart Gold & Soul Silver from Diamond, Pearl or Platinum and take the Arceus with you to a specific place, to be confirmed later, you will meet up with Cynthia, the former Champion of the Sinnoh Region. She will explain that Arceus has the ability to create newborn Pokémon. Out of the three possibilities, you only have the option of getting one so you have to choose wisely. They are all at Level 1 so it is a truly personal preference based decision.


http://serebii.net/platinum/pokemon/483.png (http://serebii.net/pokedex-dp/483.shtml) http://serebii.net/platinum/pokemon/484.png (http://serebii.net/pokedex-dp/484.shtml) http://serebii.net/platinum/pokemon/487-a.png (http://serebii.net/pokedex-dp/487.shtml)

(These three will be your choices, all at level 1.)


Notched-Ear Pichu Event

Like Pokémon Platinum, Heart Gold & Soul Silver have got special details implemented within the game if you send certain Pokémon over.. In Platinum, this allowed for new forms and capturing of certain Pokémon. However, Heart Gold & Soul Silver have got a slightly different take on this.
If you send over the special Pikachu Coloured Pichu obtained from the special 12th movie event given away from June 19th to July 18th, a special event will activate. This event takes place in Ilex Forest. When you go by Celebi's Shrine in Ilex Forest when you have the Pikachu Coloured Pichu in your party, a Notched-Ear Pichu will appear.


The full details of this event are still unknown, but it is confirmed that you get the Notched Ear Pichu to join your team. It is unknown what is special about the Notched Ear Pichu or if you can get it any other way


And that's all there is.

Sounds like a pretty cool game already :iamafag:

June 22nd, 2009, 05:25 PM
Events. We need more events. Its why I play pokemon.
The strange little events outside of the story.

June 22nd, 2009, 05:43 PM
Events really piss me off when you have to attend stupid 1 off things around the world.
Who can be fucked vOv

June 22nd, 2009, 06:12 PM
looks pretty sweet, but it gets pretty redundant over a period of time.

June 22nd, 2009, 09:46 PM
Looks pretty cool. I wonder if my non-legit Arceus will work for the event?

June 22nd, 2009, 09:51 PM
"Poke Walker"

Digimon method in my pokemon method?


June 22nd, 2009, 09:57 PM
Looks pretty cool. I wonder if my non-legit Arceus will work for the event?

Well, it depends on how you made it.

When you set the location, where did you set it at?

For the events, it requires the "Pokemon Event" location, or else it doesn't trigger the event.

June 23rd, 2009, 11:38 AM
Well, it depends on how you made it.

When you set the location, where did you set it at?

For the events, it requires the "Pokemon Event" location, or else it doesn't trigger the event.
Oh, I got mine from a guy who used an external piece of hardware (I forget what the name is at the moment) to trigger the event to get Arceus.

English Mobster
June 25th, 2009, 02:59 PM
Ugh... Serebii.net... Good site, but the moderators in the forums are pieces of shit.
When I was a wee lad, I posted there and had a link in my sig to my little Pokemon forum. Eventually, one of the mods from Serebii.net visited my site (I think his name was Razor Leaf), and he spammed my little forum to hell, then hacked into it and brought it offline, infracted me, sent me an PM bragging about how he took down my forums, then, once I had read it, banned me.
And I don't know why. Left a nasty taste in my mouth.

Anyway, glad to see that Gold and Silver are being ported to the DS! I remember playing Crystal all the time when I was little.