View Full Version : Fuck kids

May 26th, 2009, 08:26 PM
no this isnt a pedo thread, so if you were expecting that, :gtfo:

I have been seeing more and more of this bullshit. kids have absolutly no respect or any brains nowadays. moreso than that, i want to know why parents dont step up and beat the living shit out of them for how they act. i know this happens all the time, but i got threatened by a 10 year old on LIVE the other day who didnt understand that threatening violence on somebody is a crime.
this video, staged or not, inspired this mini rant. when i get the spare time and get fired up again ill open msword and unleash the beast on it, but for now im just wondering what you all think about this shit.

the video:

theres a fucking part 2

and oh my god a 3rd for a grand total of about 28 minutes. the fat fuck could have walked down to taco bell by now

E: yes inferno i jacked your title.

May 26th, 2009, 08:36 PM
I'll just say that that video was hilarious but I don't think that it represents a good portion of that generation.

Still laughing over the videos though :v:

May 26th, 2009, 08:47 PM
If I was that kids Dad I would have slapped his ass so hard he would still feel it when he graduated from High School.

That kid needs to learn how to respect his mother.

May 26th, 2009, 08:48 PM
your right, it doesnt represent a majority of kids in that age group, but how the fuck do kids like that get away with acting out like that? the kid says that hes 15. im 15. if i ever said that to my parents they would beat the shit out of me. that shit wouldnt have lasted 28 minutes, it would have lasted 28 seconds. and the only reason it would for 28 seconds is because 20 of them would be spent finding an suitable blunt object to beat my ass with

May 26th, 2009, 08:49 PM
This is why I'm glad halo 1 didn't have voice that :downs:

May 26th, 2009, 08:50 PM
I'll just say that that video was hilarious but I don't think that it represents a good portion of that generation.

I can't laugh at something that horrible though. :v

May 26th, 2009, 08:51 PM
Hey.. this reminds me of.. of... owai, today's generation! :\

May 26th, 2009, 08:54 PM
This kid wants a Pepsi? I'd slap his ass for that too. Everyone knows that Coca-Cola is the only way to go.

I love how these guys invited other people to watch this. It's like a spectator sport. On one side, a dumb ass kid with no manners. On the other, a mom who for some reason isn't beating her child up, even though if there was any time that she should, that would be a great time.

Edit: 3:40 on the 2nd video. This kid is just horrible. Forget high school graduation, for that line he would feel the beating for the rest of his life.

May 26th, 2009, 09:12 PM
Fuck Donut

Title Thief.

May 26th, 2009, 09:22 PM
Doesn't make me think of my generation as much as the generation behind me. Haha, poor cockfags.

May 26th, 2009, 09:28 PM
Want to know why kids have no respect for anyone or anything these days? Look at the parents. Or don't, since most of them aren't there. They're out working all day or out boozing all day and leaving their kid with babysitters or daycare groups or whatever.

If people actually gave a flying shit about proper parenting (and no that does NOT mean beating the shit out of the kid every five minutes), this wouldn't be nearly as prolific.

May 26th, 2009, 09:31 PM
thats kind of what i figured ross, a lack of a parental figure. a "let the xbox be the babysitter" kind of mentality. i just dont understand how the kid gets so ignorant to the point where he does something then backs it up with a "fact" that he just pulled out of his ass (fuck = fag = cigarette ?)

E: i wasnt condoning child abuse, just in case it seemed that way. i was just saying that if it gets to the point where the kid is talking like that to his mother, he needs an assbeating. theres this girl on my bus who fights with her mom just like this too. her brother got a splinter and had to go to the hospital, and she didnt want to walk an 1/8th of a mile off the bus to her house, so she told her mom to tell her brother to piss off and wait until tommorow to go to the hospital so her mom could pick her up and drive her home.
i see this shit on almost a daily basis. its just getting so ridiculous at this point. before i didnt leave the house because i had nothing to do outside of my computer. now i dont leave the house because i cant stand looking at kids who act like this. theyre everywhere :gonk:

Dr Pepper
May 26th, 2009, 09:38 PM
If I was that kids parents I would of hired a damn psychiatrist theorpy dude after I shoot him in the f**king leg with a .44. There's kids like that in Halo 3 ALL the time, that's why I don't barely play it anymore. It's a little better in COD WAW.

May 26th, 2009, 09:38 PM
Damn, I can't believe that video. I still think it's fake, what parent wouldn't do anything if their kid acted like that :confused2:

May 26th, 2009, 09:42 PM
E: i wasnt condoning child abuse, just in case it seemed that way. i was just saying that if it gets to the point where the kid is talking like that to his mother, he needs an assbeating. theres this girl on my bus who fights with her mom just like this too. her brother got a splinter and had to go to the hospital, and she didnt want to walk an 1/8th of a mile off the bus to her house, so she told her mom to tell her brother to piss off and wait until tommorow to go to the hospital so her mom could pick her up and drive her home.
If they're brought up properly they shouldn't pull that shit in the first place.

May 26th, 2009, 09:43 PM
Want to know why kids have no respect for anyone or anything these days? Look at the parents. Or don't, since most of them aren't there. They're out working all day or out boozing all day and leaving their kid with babysitters or daycare groups or whatever.

If people actually gave a flying shit about proper parenting (and no that does NOT mean beating the shit out of the kid every five minutes), this wouldn't be nearly as prolific.
Quoting the truth for the second time in the same thread.

May 26th, 2009, 09:48 PM
Listened to all three :(

May 26th, 2009, 09:55 PM
Damn, I can't believe that video. I still think it's fake, what parent wouldn't do anything if their kid acted like that :confused2:

It's called a passive parent. They let their kids do whatever and you'll be surprised at how many parents are that way.
I stopped paying like 7$ a month to have some 10 yr acting 15 talking shit to me cuz he keeps dieing.

"Milk!? I can't eat milk!!!!!" - OMFG i laugh at that part but the rest wasn't really funny (only saw first part, i can't stand watching more).

They, the parents, need to learn that no restriction will give them hell, too much restriction will also lead to hell. They parents need to be strict be flexible, which will lead to creative ways to bend the rules and invent new methods around it. But that kid needs to either go to hell or military school, which ever is easier; shooting him or deporting him.

May 26th, 2009, 10:03 PM
Yeah, I don't usually condone child abuse, but this keep seems to be so far beyond reasonable, they should just beat his ass. Then maybe they could start teaching him how to fucking behave, like they should have 15 years ago.

May 26th, 2009, 10:03 PM
I would never do that to my mother. D:
I cant believe this kid.

May 26th, 2009, 10:39 PM
I always tell them to let their daddy back on the xbox.

Ida punched the lil fucker.

May 26th, 2009, 10:46 PM
These are the little shits I have to deal with every day.

The year's over next Wednesday, but it still hurt. Fucking kids.

(In all seriousness, this faggot isn't representative of the entire generation, but quite honestly, that child-dominant household will simply not function.)

May 26th, 2009, 10:51 PM
Why do these threads never fucking deliver what they say.

May 26th, 2009, 10:55 PM
These are the little shits I have to deal with every day.

The year's over next Wednesday, but it still hurt. Fucking kids.

(In all seriousness, this faggot isn't representative of the entire generation, but quite honestly, that child-dominant household will simply not function.)

May 26th, 2009, 11:07 PM
Why do these threads never fucking deliver what they say.

May 26th, 2009, 11:27 PM
I've been waiting for some inspiration to write my next uberrant, and by God if you didn't give me some with these videos :D

In any event, the issue really does come down to parents nowadays being way too soft, and you can see this extend into the culture today (see America). Nobody wants to hurt anyone, yet they'll take abuse just to ensure they protect their kids...owait remember guys, THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!

Seriously though, what I don't get is why all these fuckers are on Live. I may have been playing Half-Life when I was 8 years old, but I never treated, nor do I treat anyone this way.

Mr Buckshot
May 26th, 2009, 11:30 PM
I have far more respect for any of my elders than that kid does for his mom, because my parents basically drilled that into my head from the day I could talk.

It's a matter of improper parenting, not that the kid was born retarded or anything. While I don't think kids should be brought up the way Harry Potter was with the Dursleys, I do support some kind of physical punishment for when it's really needed.

i.e. if I were a dad and my kid got caught cheating on a test in school or started a fight or something, I'd take a wooden ruler and smack his ass a few times - not with the intention of causing any real hurt beyond some short-lived pain, but with the intention of teaching a moral lesson. I don't support child abuse, but there are times when we have to use the rod and unspoil the child.

From what I've seen a lot of parents these days fail to control their kids at all, e.g. letting them play Runescape 12 hours a day and neglecting homework or letting them skip class to smoke cigarettes as early as 10 years old. I feel sorry for such kids.

May 26th, 2009, 11:32 PM
I don't support child abuse, but there are times when we have to use the rod and unspoil the child.

In today's America, disciplining your child in a manner like that could be spun in court to be considered "child abuse."

Fuckin sad world we live in guys.

May 27th, 2009, 12:01 AM
Fun fact: It's only child abuse if you hit them somewhere besides the ass. You can take a massive spiked paddle and hit 'em acros the bum a million times without consequence; that's just good parenting. But if you stray an inch into other territory (back, head, legs, etc.) then the kid has every right to sic some lawyers after you.

May 27th, 2009, 12:05 AM
I use to get my ass beat all the time and I turned out pretty good :downs:

May 27th, 2009, 12:41 AM
I got a good walloping once or twice as a kid, but I was pretty good. Dad and I both have short tempers so we constantly rile each other up and on occasion get pretty nasty at each other, I love my parents though. I'll be damned if I won't bring my kids up the same way I was, because hey, it worked.

Regarding Jean-Luc's point about people being too soft... you can attribute most of the problems in our society to that very thing. Something is very, very wrong when someone who breaks into your house with the intention of stealing your personal property and harming you or your family can sue the shit out of you for cutting themselves on a window which they broke.

May 27th, 2009, 01:50 AM
Ya i never grew up having an argument with my parents when they get mad at me, even over nothing. Maybe because of my bad experiences in the past.

May 27th, 2009, 02:23 AM
Want to know why kids have no respect for anyone or anything these days? Look at the parents. Or don't, since most of them aren't there. They're out working all day or out boozing all day and leaving their kid with babysitters or daycare groups or whatever.

If people actually gave a flying shit about proper parenting (and no that does NOT mean beating the shit out of the kid every five minutes), this wouldn't be nearly as prolific.
bada bing bada boop.

May 27th, 2009, 03:01 AM
Want to know why kids have no respect for anyone or anything these days? Look at the parents. Or don't, since most of them aren't there. They're out working all day or out boozing all day and leaving their kid with babysitters or daycare groups or whatever.
Or they just do what may parents did, left me at home alone 90% of the time because they were to busy with work. God, I never got any parenting from my parents. It's a good thing my best buddies parents were always around most of the time.

May 27th, 2009, 03:37 AM
Isn't that illegal?

May 27th, 2009, 08:21 AM
Man, what the fuck is crawling up the asses of todays kids? If I would have said that to my mom she would have beat kicked my ass all the way to Hong Kong. I couldn't even watch the whole video. If I was his mother I would shut is Xbox off grab the controller from his hands and bludgen him with it. Sometimes when I'm in the car with my dog kids will start barking at him and say "ooo look at dat pit bull" and the peice of shit parents are just sitting there laughing. I have half the mind to let my dog out and make him bite the shit out of everybody there. I have to admire that kids balls though. But seriously, stop threatening your kids and start beating them. Have any of you seen Super Nany or Nany 911? All the parents do for dicapline is say "Please stop" ot "Please don't do that, mommy is tired" and the kids never get hit, they continue acting like retards.

May 27th, 2009, 09:13 AM
Parents need to assert their authority instead of folding so easily. Today's parenting schools teach how to nurture (is that spelled wrong?) and give the child what they want, NOT WHAT THEY NEED! Since when the hell does a kid need XBL to live? An offline xbox/xbox360 is fine with me, but they shouldn't even be online talking smack to potentially a cop, lawyer, or terrorist, who can arrest them for threatening a law enforcement officer, sued for whatever, I'm sure that there's something about what that kid did there that can be sued for, or just blown up and get the entire family killed.

I've never met 15-20+ that act like that at all, from my experience, the only ones that act like that are those who are 5-12 year olds and all of them are like that.

May 27th, 2009, 09:41 AM
Before I start, I would like to point out that this is a good post, but the responses I will be giving come from my own experiences. So, not saying you're wrong on any count, but here's what I've seen.
Parents need to assert their authority instead of folding so easily. Today's parenting schools teach how to nurture (is that spelled wrong? Nah, it's right) and give the child what they want, NOT WHAT THEY NEED! Since when the hell does a kid need XBL to live? I've found that most kids act tough on XBL for a reason: They can't be tough anywhere else without the bigger (or given some of these pussies, smaller) kids ruining his shit. So, admittedly, they may actually require this to not kill themselves for sucking so much. An offline xbox/xbox360 is fine with me, but they shouldn't even be online talking smack to potentially a cop, lawyer, or terrorist, who can arrest them for threatening a law enforcement officer, sued for whatever, I'm sure that there's something about what that kid did there that can be sued for, or just blown up and get the entire family killed. A bit of a run-on, but yeah, this is all pretty much right. Again, I would put emphasis on "online", because I guarantee you the second a true authority is in front of them, they'll crumble like a water-soaked cookie.

I've never met 15-20+ that act like that at all, from my experience, the only ones that act like that are those who are 5-12 year olds and all of them are like that. This is where my experience differs the most. I've found that between the ages of 15-20, most people are exactly the same as any younger age. The only real difference is that when sex is involved, they actually know what they're talking about.

May 27th, 2009, 11:52 AM
I've been waiting for some inspiration to write my next uberrant, and by God if you didn't give me some with these videos :D

In any event, the issue really does come down to parents nowadays being way too soft, and you can see this extend into the culture today (see America). Nobody wants to hurt anyone, yet they'll take abuse just to ensure they protect their kids...owait remember guys, THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!

Seriously though, what I don't get is why all these fuckers are on Live. I may have been playing Half-Life when I was 8 years old, but I never treated, nor do I treat anyone this way.

Voice chat. It's a lot easier to say stupid shit when you don't have to take the effort to type it into a keyboard.

May 27th, 2009, 12:44 PM
My parents disciplined me by hittimg me with a chancla everytime I disrespected them.

May 27th, 2009, 12:48 PM
Voice chat. It's a lot easier to say stupid shit when you don't have to take the effort to type it into a keyboard.

This is true. And it unfortunately means we have to hear pre-pubescant voices saying and doing things they never should.
*huggles the mute button*

May 27th, 2009, 01:06 PM
I refuse to play with high pitch voiced kids. I know the little shit for brains is going to say something stupid. I'm so glad I've got a deep voice.

May 27th, 2009, 01:31 PM
Deep voice =/= mature.

May 27th, 2009, 01:34 PM
Deep voice =/= mature.

I wouldn't want to hear myself talk while i played with myself. I would be to annoyed with my own voice.

May 27th, 2009, 03:08 PM
I wouldn't want to hear myself talk while i played with myself. I would be to annoyed with my own voice.
I lol'd.

May 27th, 2009, 03:23 PM
I love how this kid falls into every stereotype of the prepubescent XBL player.

MLG wannabe with BR in his name, general, sitting in a lobby waiting to play MLG gametypes on MLG maps, yelling at his parents because he can't get his way.

...bullshit this wasn't staged. My mother would have beat me senseless if I gave her lip like that.

May 27th, 2009, 03:39 PM
kids are disrespectful becuase they grew upwith spongebob instead of powerangers

May 27th, 2009, 03:40 PM
kids are disrespectful becuase they grew upwith spongebob instead of powerangers

Spongebob rocks, shut up. :mad:

May 27th, 2009, 04:01 PM
Never was physically disciplined, but didn't need to be. I wasn't a little cockfaggot because my parents were GOOD parents.

And I was usually alone.

Parents work till 9 and are gone for weekends mostly.

Been staying alone since I was hardly 7.

May 27th, 2009, 04:06 PM
Beating your children is mere child's play, so to speak lol.

When my kids are disciplined, I give them small pox, or some other mutagenic wonder I picked up while I worked for the military...

May 27th, 2009, 04:34 PM
So many people are wrong in this thread... -.-

It seems like Donut was laughing just to be mean, which I frown on because its ludicrous, and makes you a poser.

But yeah that video did make me laugh.

Kids don't need to be beaten, simply taking away their privileges will suffice. I know, my parents did this to me and it worked. Although I would throw fits and get worse than this kid. But that's in the past and I regret doing so very much.

PwN Lone
May 27th, 2009, 04:44 PM
After watching said videos all I can say is: Holy crap. Things have gone down the hellhole over the past few years. I'd never act like that to my parents. Seriously, if he wanted a fucking taco that much he could have gotten one himself, lazy fuck.

May 27th, 2009, 04:46 PM
So many people are wrong in this thread... -.-

It seems like Donut was laughing just to be mean, which I frown on because its ludicrous, and makes you a poser.

But yeah that video did make me laugh.

Kids don't need to be beaten, simply taking away their privileges will suffice. I know, my parents did this to me and it worked. Although I would throw fits and get worse than this kid. But that's in the past and I regret doing so very much.
Yeah, you go gee, you aint no poser, for shiz mah nig.

May 27th, 2009, 05:06 PM
But the fear of pain is more than taking their crap.
I bought two of my own GBA's so when my mom would take mine, I had extras.

Kids aren't stupid.

May 27th, 2009, 05:18 PM
This is exactly what happens when parents never say no. They spoil the kid to hell, and when they finally realise he's rotten beyond any hope, they want to try to discipline him now.

You think any normal kid would act like that? His parents obviously gave him whatever he wanted when he wanted too much. Now they have to pay for bad parenting.

May 27th, 2009, 05:24 PM
Taking away all privilages doesn't work for all children. I had to stay in my room with no TV no 64 for three days. You wanna know what I did for fun? Draw. Did I learn my lesson? No, I'm a hard head. My point being, beating your kids is nesseccary sometimes.

Also, Xbox Live is the nursery for online gaming.

May 27th, 2009, 05:32 PM
youve got the order mixed up there
xbox live is online gaming turned into a nursery. i love it as a gaming service, but when i get my messages spammed DURING a game by some pissed off kid JUST because i killed him once or twice, theres something wrong going on.

god forbid you tell the kid that hes wrong. just god forbid. the kid will summon Thor riding upon a diamond-encrusted golden chariot driven by flaming winged rosie o donnels to punish you for your insolence.

May 27th, 2009, 05:43 PM
youve got the order mixed up there
xbox live is online gaming turned into a nursery. i love it as a gaming service, but when i get my messages spammed DURING a game by some pissed off kid JUST because i killed him once or twice, theres something wrong going on.

god forbid you tell the kid that hes wrong. just god forbid. the kid will summon Thor riding upon a diamond-encrusted golden chariot driven by flaming winged rosie o donnels to punish you for your insolence.

Have you ever had some high pitched 7 year old douchebag spam message you saying he is going to find you and kill you for handing his ass to him in Halo 3? And have you ever met one of those fucking kids who sing throughout the whole god damn game?

May 27th, 2009, 05:52 PM
Have you ever had some high pitched 7 year old douchebag spam message you saying he is going to find you and kill you for handing his ass to him in Halo 3? YES. FUCK EM. And have you ever met one of those fucking kids who sing throughout the whole god damn game? Nope, but I have found the rather special ones who decide to blast music the entire game, and unfortunately, this isn't limited to the younger crowd...

tl;dr :fail:

May 27th, 2009, 06:05 PM
Man, the more I look in this thread, the more I realized why I took the money, time, and effort to become a PC gamer, despite the lack of games that ought to exist on the platform (GoW 2, please).

May 27th, 2009, 09:00 PM
Kids don't need to be beaten, simply taking away their privileges will suffice. I know, my parents did this to me and it worked. Although I would throw fits and get worse than this kid. But that's in the past and I regret doing so very much.
If you truly regretted it, perhaps you would've quit throwing fits altogether instead of doing it here as well http://sa.tweek.us/emots/images/emot-psyduck.gif

The only thing my parents could really stop me from doing was playing the computer, and as a kid I didn't play it much anyway. They couldn't stop me watching TV because I mainly watched documentaries, and even if they had done so I would have been quite happy drawing or making stuff out of plasticine or whatever.

May 27th, 2009, 09:02 PM
If you truly regretted it, perhaps you would've quit throwing fits altogether instead of doing it here as well http://sa.tweek.us/emots/images/emot-psyduck.gif

May 27th, 2009, 09:29 PM
If you truly regretted it, perhaps you would've quit throwing fits altogether instead of doing it here as well http://sa.tweek.us/emots/images/emot-psyduck.gif

Get sum oinkment fur dat burn.

May 27th, 2009, 10:14 PM
Ohhhhh, insta-burn!!!! He look like dat that piece of kentucky fried chiken I left in the microwave too long!!!

May 27th, 2009, 10:18 PM
Voice chat. It's a lot easier to say stupid shit when you don't have to take the effort to type it into a keyboard.

The best thing about Xbox Live is that it only has two voice zones: Rapist and 10 year old.

It's true, everyone either has a really deep voice or really high, there's no in between.

I coined that phrase, don't steal it.

May 27th, 2009, 10:40 PM
The best thing about Xbox Live is that it only has two voice zones: Rapist and 10 year old.

It's true, everyone either has a really deep voice or really high, there's no in between.

I coined that phrase, don't steal it.
Not true. Ask pooky, sever, and huero. I have a smoothe, erotic voice.

May 28th, 2009, 06:02 AM
Not true. Ask pooky, sever, and huero. I have a smoothe, erotic voice.

He really does.

May 28th, 2009, 06:06 AM
Just yesterday some kids and other people spammed me with xbox messages calling me a scrub and getting all mad about how they lost a round (you would really think they'd have something better to do instead of spending an hours worth of time sending me messages):mad:

May 28th, 2009, 06:15 AM
This happend to me earlier today. It's pretty funny actually.

I was in the matchmaking lobby and some little kid (on my time, of fucking course!) and I tk'd him and he started calling me a dildo and throughout the whole game, dildo dildo dildo dildo! I asked him if he even knows what a didlo is and he said it was "a fake vagina you you stuff your penis into".

May 28th, 2009, 07:43 AM
dude that kid has no respect, i've had the crap kicked out of me cause i took two red bulls from the fridge in our garage (fuck the sugar free ones)

kids today are really out of control and need some sense beaten into them or atleast take away the damn xbox and tell them to go outside the fat fucks...

honestly i really dont put up with these kind of children on XBL, i either mute them and quit, or mute them and play the game, kick their asses, unmute them and shove it in their pudgy little faces

if you can't phsyically beat the kid, do it over a game and make him feel bad...if he harasses you, well his ass will be banned from XBL if you report them enough fopr the same thing :D

dark navi
May 28th, 2009, 08:28 AM
These kids can't be more than 9....

It's just kinda sad what little kids say these days.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iibi5TgL6_c&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fuser%2FInfract ionation&feature=player_profilepage

May 28th, 2009, 11:48 AM
In response to the above. :suicide:

May 28th, 2009, 12:19 PM
These kids can't be more than 9....

It's just kinda sad what little kids say these days.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iibi5TgL6_c&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fuser%2FInfract ionation&feature=player_profilepage
coming from the little kid who bragged about having recon armor then losing it BECAUSE you bragged about it >.>

BTW how is QQ shoe, you two still ass buddies are no?

anyways back on topic:

kids need to be shown whats right and wrong, if the parents over indugle them...well that trouble downb the road leading to real life

May 28th, 2009, 01:28 PM
In response to the above. :suicide:

Truer words have never been posted.

May 28th, 2009, 03:09 PM
Meet teh counter strike community.

May 28th, 2009, 03:12 PM
I may cry :saddowns:


May 28th, 2009, 03:31 PM
Whats he saying he wants? It sounds like 'I want to go to Kosovo' but I'm pretty sure it isn't :S

May 28th, 2009, 03:38 PM
He lives in California. Boys...you know what to do.

May 28th, 2009, 03:41 PM
get me an address.


May 28th, 2009, 03:44 PM
but they are so easy to insult.
If they were gone, xbl would have nothing to keep me on.
my friends laugh for hours while listening to me argue with people online for shits and grins.

Because people get so raged up and I always destroy all their insults instantly.

One guy was like "Hey...hey...Zeet Paradox...are your parents dead?"
and I was like "yeah, why?"
and he was like
"HAHA, your parents are dead!"
and I was like "yeah, but do you have a job?"
"Well I don't because of this fat money I roll in because of my dead parents. Its pretty sweet...."
and then I went on explaining how much better my life is because my parents aren't alive and then he got pissy so I just had fun for the next 3 hours or so.

May 28th, 2009, 04:05 PM
i just love how little kids sometimes go "i'd beat you in 1v1"...my normal response is "ok, gimmie a second", at this point i go to custom games, set up normal slayer, and invite the kid...after either waiting 5 minutes or winning i decided to go back about my business

<3 the interwebz

oh and hi Bham

May 28th, 2009, 04:22 PM
Had bitch simular to this last year, my sister had a friend come up here for a week went back come then came back 3 weeks later this time to stay for two weeks....the first houyr shes up here hell broke loose because when she was here before she had met a boy and while comming up here which is a 4 hour drive from her place she had been arranging the kid to come round without permission when it was 12pm.
Next day after being questioned on why she thought it would be a good idea to get the entire neighborhood to our front door she flipped out and pretty much legged it to the boys house called my parents every name under the sun and stayed at her new boyfriends house for the rest of the time she was up here, she only knew the kid for maybe a month?
Her parents did not want to know a god damned thing about what was going on and told us it was our fault she flipped out because she was questioned about her stupidity.
My father went to collect her after two weeks and put the child locks on and didnt stop untill he got to her home [pretty much all motorway/highway so there was little chance of her getting out the car]
Since then she has come back up and permanently moved in with her boyfriend, she has pretty much cut ends with her family [i am so glad i am in no way related...i would denouce her and probably call police] every now and then i see her in town while im with friends and each time she freaks out and tries avoiding me.
The bitch is 18 now and is so dumb that she makes some blonde bimbo look like einstein, when she was 16 she didnt know what pregnancy was or how to get pregnant...
I can see her life leading her to a very sore butt...

May 28th, 2009, 04:42 PM
Had bitch simular to this last year, my sister had a friend come up here for a week went back come then came back 3 weeks later this time to stay for two weeks....the first houyr shes up here hell broke loose because when she was here before she had met a boy and while comming up here which is a 4 hour drive from her place she had been arranging the kid to come round without permission when it was 12pm.
Next day after being questioned on why she thought it would be a good idea to get the entire neighborhood to our front door she flipped out and pretty much legged it to the boys house called my parents every name under the sun and stayed at her new boyfriends house for the rest of the time she was up here, she only knew the kid for maybe a month?
Her parents did not want to know a god damned thing about what was going on and told us it was our fault she flipped out because she was questioned about her stupidity.
My father went to collect her after two weeks and put the child locks on and didnt stop untill he got to her home [pretty much all motorway/highway so there was little chance of her getting out the car]
Since then she has come back up and permanently moved in with her boyfriend, she has pretty much cut ends with her family [i am so glad i am in no way related...i would denouce her and probably call police] every now and then i see her in town while im with friends and each time she freaks out and tries avoiding me.
The bitch is 18 now and is so dumb that she makes some blonde bimbo look like einstein, when she was 16 she didnt know what pregnancy was or how to get pregnant...
I can see her life leading her to a very sore butt...
that has what to do with kids on halo? Just curious.

May 28th, 2009, 04:44 PM
after either waiting 5 minutes or winning i decided to go back about my business

Waste of your time.

Take up his offer, don't follow through, and when he spams you with invites or messages, act like you've never seen him before and that you're going to report him for harassment if he keeps bugging you.


May 28th, 2009, 04:57 PM
Waste of your time.

Take up his offer, don't follow through, and when he spams you with invites or messages, act like you've never seen him before and that you're going to report him for harassment if he keeps bugging you.

then they cry.

You know whats fun?
Tell kids you can get them a 50 in halo and that all they have to do is give you their password and name.

it works

Then keep it and don't even use it.

Zeit Paradox, systematically taking every annoying and stupid child's xbl profile.
E: I dont charge their cards however. Thats just fucked up.

May 28th, 2009, 05:48 PM
then they cry.After having your fill of little baby tears, select Block Communications, and enjoy the fact that you just made some dipshit sit in a lobby for probably half an hour waiting for you so he could jerk off his e-peen.

May 28th, 2009, 05:57 PM
I have been seeing more and more of this bullshit. kids have absolutly no respect or any brains nowadays. moreso than that, i want to know why parents dont step up and beat the living shit out of them for how they act. i know this happens all the time, but i got threatened by a 10 year old on LIVE the other day who didnt understand that threatening violence on somebody is a crime.

And I was thar.

May 28th, 2009, 06:32 PM
After having your fill of little baby tears, select Block Communications, and enjoy the fact that you just made some dipshit sit in a lobby for probably half an hour waiting for you so he could jerk off his e-peen.
nah, I like their crying. Then comes pleading. Then comes threats of getting their parents on the mic. I had a kid do that. I just talked shit to his parents for about 30 minutes.

Kids are dumb. Parents are dumb.

And their parents love hearing that they just lost 60 dollars because their stupid kid was stupid enough to give me his password.

A lot of times, if they have a card, I tell the parents something along the lines of: "If I wasn't doing this for the sick pleasure of making your son cry so I can laugh and get my jollies off, I could easily use the credit card you have on here for a multitude of things, but I wont because it has happened to me before and it sucks. Let this be a warning, just don'"t let your son have xbox live.

May 28th, 2009, 09:35 PM
as funny and awesome as that is heathen, i would be careful doing that since the parents could report you for that. it does ultimately come down to the stupidity of the kid for giving you his password, but im sure they would find a way to turn that around on you.

May 28th, 2009, 09:41 PM
This isn't really Live-related but several times I had kids threaten me on the Xfire forums. I truly pity those of you who have not had the experience of a dopey, pudgy 14-year-old posting photos of themselves with their assorted airsoft guns or photos of AKs they've found on the internet and then telling you in some bastardised gangsta-speak how if they ever see you, they'll cap you with their nine.

Oddly enough, the kid stopped posting after I told him I'd meet him at Kingsford-Smith :haw:

May 28th, 2009, 09:52 PM
as funny and awesome as that is heathen, i would be careful doing that since the parents could report you for that. it does ultimately come down to the stupidity of the kid for giving you his password, but im sure they would find a way to turn that around on you.
What're they gonna do? Block my account?

I have exactly 15 other accounts.

This isn't really Live-related but several times I had kids threaten me on the Xfire forums. I truly pity those of you who have not had the experience of a dopey, pudgy 14-year-old posting photos of themselves with their assorted airsoft guns or photos of AKs they've found on the internet and then telling you in some bastardised gangsta-speak how if they ever see you, they'll cap you with their nine.

Oddly enough, the kid stopped posting after I told him I'd meet him at Kingsford-Smith :haw:
HAHA, I have given my address out to shit talkers on live. They are like "AW U TUF BEHIND DA MIC BUT I'D WOOP DAT ASS IN PURSON"

I'm like "arrite, I live on **** (cunts on here will mail me jizzrags or something)"

I am like "But your too much of a chicken shit to come over here arent you?"

Brave? No. Stupid? Yes. Ballsy? Yes. Cool? Of Course.

May 29th, 2009, 12:11 AM
What're they gonna do? Block my account?

I have exactly 15 other accounts.

Worst case scenario? They report you to Microsoft for it, and you get arrested/fined/sued for fraud, ID theft, etc.

There are people who know how to make the system work for them. Things can seem to go your way for a while until you finally end up crossing one guy who's one step ahead of you.

It may sound like the usual paranoia I spew when people do questionable bullshit, but it's a possibility that you shouldn't discount just because you've managed to nick that many accounts off of people who are dumb enough to give you their passwords.

May 29th, 2009, 01:37 AM
That video instantly reminds me of this:

May 29th, 2009, 06:46 AM
Single mothers, man...

May 29th, 2009, 10:05 AM
(cunts on here will mail me jizzrags or something)"

but I thought you liked those jizzrags i sent :(

anyways kids need to grow up, actually just go play Lost Planet: Colonies...no annoying kids, a fuckload of japanese people, but no small annoying kids

Mr Buckshot
May 29th, 2009, 06:02 PM
Single mothers, man...

Not necessarily, I have a friend who lost his dad at the age of 6, and his mom never re-married. He was raised to be a normal, decent kid who never gets in trouble and is gonna graduate as a good student. Point being that his mother was definitely a sensible woman who knew how to handle matters without the aid of a second parent.

May 29th, 2009, 06:33 PM
that has what to do with kids on halo? Just curious.

Because she was a example of something worse than kids on halo, atleast on halo you can mute them, you try muting people in real life and it dosnt work so you resort to packaging tape and cable ties...
E: just noticed i quested wrong reply...that heatstroke really has affected me...

May 29th, 2009, 06:54 PM
Worst case scenario? They report you to Microsoft for it, and you get arrested/fined/sued for fraud, ID theft, etc.

There are people who know how to make the system work for them. Things can seem to go your way for a while until you finally end up crossing one guy who's one step ahead of you.

It may sound like the usual paranoia I spew when people do questionable bullshit, but it's a possibility that you shouldn't discount just because you've managed to nick that many accounts off of people who are dumb enough to give you their passwords.
Well I cant really get in trouble because it was there own fault.
It'd be just the same as relocating a profile I previously owned.

Yeah, its a possibility, but I have my defenses worked out and I know what my rights are.

The only illegal thing I can do is use their cards, and I dont.

May 31st, 2009, 08:48 PM
If i was this kids dad i would go to the Taco Bell, buy an entire bag of Chalupas then tie him to a chair and force him to watch me eat them while waving them under his nose.

May 31st, 2009, 09:01 PM
If i was this kids dad i would go to the Taco Bell, buy an entire bag of Chalupas then tie him to a chair and force him to watch me eat them while waving them under his nose.
Or sodomize him with a wrench.

May 31st, 2009, 09:26 PM
Some young kids are completely disrespectful punks. But guess what, half of them are in middle school, so they're Grade B assholes to begin with. Nothing really new here IMO. But it does bug me how nothing is getting better neither.

May 31st, 2009, 09:43 PM
Some young kids are completely disrespectful punks. But guess what, half of them are in middle school, so they're Grade B assholes to begin with. Nothing really new here IMO. But it does bug me how nothing is getting better neither.
If only there were some kind of group to pass age limitations on ga- ohai ESRB.

May 31st, 2009, 09:44 PM
If only parents would take responsibility and monitor what their children are doing, or even discipline their children before problems escalate.


May 31st, 2009, 09:48 PM
Sadly, you can't hit your child for yelling "Fuck" at you or something anymore. That's considered child abuse and you can get defax called on you. Isn't the law fucking awesome in this sense. In the 90s, if I ever got caught saying a bad word, I'd get my ass hit.

May 31st, 2009, 09:48 PM
this too