View Full Version : Bawls

May 27th, 2009, 12:55 PM
Decided to work on epsilon today and I changed to my epsilon tag set and opened the scenario only to have sapien crash like a hoe. :mad:

05.23.09 03:29:28 a hobo pc ----------------------------------------------
05.23.09 03:29:28 reference function: _write_to_error_file
05.23.09 03:29:28 reference address: 401b13
05.23.09 03:29:28 Couldn't read map file './a_hobobeta.map'
05.23.09 03:29:29 CreateDevice succeeded with refresh rate = 0
05.23.09 03:29:30 Sound card doesn't meet minimum hardware requirements. Disabling hardware option.
05.23.09 03:29:30 Increasing sound decompression buffer size to 1048576 bytes
05.23.09 03:30:00 local player 0, weapon (0x0), deleted unexpectedly
05.23.09 05:52:16 DirectSound: 'couldn't lock buffer.' (DSERR_INVALIDPARAM#13225664)
05.23.09 07:41:52 DirectSound: 'couldn't lock buffer.' (DSERR_INVALIDPARAM#13225664)
05.27.09 12:49:42 Couldn't read map file './a_hobobeta.map'
05.27.09 12:49:43 EAX: 0x00000000
05.27.09 12:49:43 EBX: 0x00000040
05.27.09 12:49:43 ECX: 0x00000000
05.27.09 12:49:43 EDX: 0x00000000
05.27.09 12:49:43 EDI: 0x0012EDE0
05.27.09 12:49:43 ESI: 0x0012F310
05.27.09 12:49:43 EBP: 0x0012F1BC
05.27.09 12:49:43 ESP: 0x0012EDC4
05.27.09 12:49:43 EIP: 0x00417E20, 8B 01 8B 96 ?????
05.27.09 12:49:43 7C816FE7 ?????
05.27.09 12:49:43 00751B18 ?????
05.27.09 12:49:43 004F8200 ?????

On the bright side I finished my last exam today so I'm out of school!

May 27th, 2009, 01:00 PM
First question, which obviously you have on:

Are you a Admin on your computer?

May 27th, 2009, 01:01 PM
Windows Xp.

May 27th, 2009, 01:04 PM
You've tried multiple times and been given the same output (save the CPU exception dump, which will for the most part be different each time)? I'm pretty sure this is a fairly common problem related to DSound, and not specifically to your scenario. Give the forums a search

May 27th, 2009, 08:34 PM
If i can remember correctly try re-extracting the tags recursively like if you have any original halo 1 tags, extract the halo 1 tags recursively from HEK+ (there should be a check box on the side of HEK+) and see if that works. Btw what were you changing in the tag set

May 29th, 2009, 09:08 PM
Sorry I forgot to post back. I reset my computer and it fixed it. Must have been a problem when I renamed the tag directory or something.