View Full Version : [HALO 3] [concept] H3:ODST-like map?

May 29th, 2009, 09:20 AM
I had an idea for map and had started it and base it off Halo 3:ODST with the attacking team starting inside a ship in the skybox of sandbox and the defenders (covenant) dug in at a building or forerunner temple of sorts

I'm also wondering if I can get vehicles to "drop in" as if they were being delivered via a pelican or hot dropped themselves.

the original Idea map revolved around ODST, or most of them, start out inside a small "tactical defense ship", suit up (the ship would have a light armory and have only a rocket as the heavy weapon avalible in-ship), then enter "drop pods" (teleporters), the exsit nodes would be suspended as high as the ground would allow (almost touching the sky box)

a small portion of the attackers would spawn ground side, meaning the UNSC had a presence on the ground and those dropping in were back-up

the attackers would be dug in at a smaller structure with a giant forerunner like weapon (think one of the things that gathers energy for Halo to fire) charging preparing to do god knows what once its ready.

the defender base would include covenant wepaons mostly with a hammer as a sign of the cheiftan/leader

around the map there are signs of carnage (overturned warthog with some Assault Rifles nearby)

thats my idea, I'm aiming this map towards objective game-types because a dropping in map wouldn't work for slayer.

May 29th, 2009, 05:16 PM
1-side assault. That is all.

Stack up crates, put a vehicle on it, then delete the crates. Whenever the vehicles spawn, they will drop to the ground.

Don't put the vehicles on the skybox. The Killfield below the skybox destroys vehicles.

May 29th, 2009, 06:29 PM
But then the vehicles would keep falling when they spawn.
What about just driving the vehicle through a hole in the ship?

dark navi
May 29th, 2009, 06:40 PM
If falling vehicles is an issue, I am pretty sure if they are set to invincible, they wont die from the fall.

May 29th, 2009, 09:08 PM
Doesnt matter, even if your falling with a vehicle from the skybox, it would probably still blow up. And you would still die from the death plane.

May 29th, 2009, 10:52 PM
i've actually tried a concept where i saved and quit while holding a vehilce in the air above the ground and just below the skybox kill barrier, vehicles blow up on impact and i dont want invinicble vehicles because it wouldn't feel right, i have a rough design of the Tactical Assault Carrier set up with the interior almost done. and the one sided game types the objective score point would be on the ground by the human camp

May 30th, 2009, 09:11 AM
i've actually tried a concept where i saved and quit while holding a vehilce in the air above the ground and just below the skybox kill barrier, vehicles blow up on impact and i dont want invinicble vehicles because it wouldn't feel right, i have a rough design of the Tactical Assault Carrier set up with the interior almost done. and the one sided game types the objective score point would be on the ground by the human camp

Why do you want to drop them from as high as they can go? Pelicans don't do that. They drop vehicles up pretty much at ground level. You only need like 3 crates to stack up high enough, 2 more likely though. That shouldn't destroy the vehicles.

May 31st, 2009, 08:56 AM
Why do you want to drop them from as high as they can go? Pelicans don't do that. They drop vehicles up pretty much at ground level. You only need like 3 crates to stack up high enough, 2 more likely though. That should destroy the vehicles.i dunno, and ask for the players dropping in, like i said, its taken from how ODSTs drop from high or low orbit to ground

June 9th, 2009, 12:20 AM
ODST's don't push Warthogs out the back of their ships in low orbit either... :downs:
