View Full Version : Do-gooders and soppy gits, and how they're making the world shit. Also, Dresden.

May 31st, 2009, 08:54 AM
wootels rant thread~

We've all seen them. Some of us even know one. They're the kinds of people who complain about anything and everything, not because it affects them in any way, but because it fell on the wrong side of some arbitrary measure of 'right' and 'wrong' which they alone are privy to.

People who think it's honestly fair for violent criminals to sue for injuries they incurred while breaking into someone's home. People who pressure politicians into making things 'safe' for the portion of the population natural selection would usually take care of (the kinds who dive off of cliffs, break their necks on underwater sandbars, and then complain that there weren't any warning signs). People who think X decision in Y historic event was horribly wrong, yet it was fine when it was made by someone else.

What's brought this up? I just watched the first part of this really good German miniseries set during the lead-up and then the event of the Dresden raid. Every time I see a video with even the most tenuous link to Bomber Harris, Winston Churchill, Bomber Command or even the Allied air campaigns of 1943-45, some idiot is whining about it and slinging mud at those ignorant animals who don't join in their little crusade.

The sheer idiocy of people like these really gets up my nose. No amount of solid fact will shut them up and it seems not to have occurred to them at any point in time that these decisions were made in a very different situation. Precisely what, then, gives them the right to slander people like Bomber and Churchill who can no longer defend themselves? What makes them think they're the supreme authority on the matter, even though they or their parents hadn't even been conceived at the time?

Let's look at the facts. At the outbreak of war, all sides were supposed to stick to military targets and did their best to do so for the most part. However, the Luftwaffe had already bombed a civilian populace totally unrelated to the war during the Spanish Civil War (Guernica, for those who don't know), and they proceeded to do the same to Warsaw in Poland and Rotterdam in Holland. The general idea was to break the spirit of the people, thus undermining their will to help the war effort in any way.

During the Battle of Britain, one Dornier 17 taking part in a night raid got lost and jettisoned its bombs live. They just so happened to be over London, which they were forbidden from attacking. It was too late, because the next night the RAF hit back at Berlin and then Hitler made it personal. The Blitz went on well into 1941 by night, and the objective was to destroy London. It failed, but even for years after the war, whole areas of the city lay in ruin or had been hastily repaired.

By 1943 the Allies had complete daytime air superiority over Britain and were more than capable of sending thousands of bombers deep into France, Holland, and Germany. The Luftwaffe was still strong enough to inflict heavy losses, but they could do nothing to slow the airborne onslaught. The Americans bombed military and industrial targets by day, the RAF area-bombed by night. Accurate night bombing was out of the question, so the RAF's raids had more or less the same outcome as the German ones during the Blitz.

Fast-track to 1945. Germany is on its last legs. The Soviets are about to make their final push over the Oder and drive on Berlin. British and American aircraft are flying from bases inside Germany, but the Germans still refuse to surrender. Stalin is beginning to get restless and Churchill is worried about his postwar intentions. By now the RAF is flying by day as well as night; the Luftwaffe is pathetically weak and lacks fuel or experienced pilots. The Americans hit a city by day, and the RAF razes what's left to the ground overnight; in some instances, the Americans then return for a second raid the next morning. Germany's major cities are empty shells. As Bomber Harris put it, "they have sown the wind, so they shall reap the whirlwhind". The RAF's area-bombing of civilian targets was hardly justifiable by any means, but it is a nasty method of warfare they've learned from the Germans. The intent is to cripple the Germans' will to fight on, and bring an end to the war before the country is destroyed entirely. By this late stage, both of these objectives are clearly impossible.

Targets for dual raids are selected to maximise destruction to a city and cripple infrastructure. Cities with old buildings which combust easily, narrow streets, and closely-packed blocks are prime targets. However, the Germans are remarkably fast when it comes to repairing roads and railways. Stalin is still worrying Churchill, and he wants to prove to the Soviets that any hostile activities after the fall of Germany would be a tremendous blunder. He needs an example, much the same as the Americans needed one that August (I could go on for hours about how stupid it is to complain about the atom bombs; millions of lives were saved on both sides, and anyone who disagrees plainly has no understanding of the situation).

Dresden is picked as a target, as it houses a major railway interchange used by troops moving from one front to the other; Stalin requested help from the Allies, so Harris uses this help to show Stalin the might of the RAF. The city is bombed into the stone age and the Americans follow up the next morning. Tens of thousands are killed, and the movement of troops is disrupted for a short time. In this regard, the bombing of Dresden was a pointless waste of lives, both of the German citizens and Allied bomber crews. However, it seems nobody realises just what the intended effect was. Stalin did as he was damn well told when it came to dividing Germany up following the war. Dresden essentially delayed the heating of the Cold War much the same way the atomic bombs did.

No, it's not right to bomb cities outright. Neither side should've done it. You know what, though? Sometimes it's not that black and white, and some pretty shitty things may need to be done to prevent something even worse. That's what people these days don't seem to understand. You can't just roll over and take it whenever someone gets all uppity, because it never does any good. Look at kids who are spoiled and never told off. Look at countries which never receive any more than a slap on the wrist and an angry letter. Look at psychopaths who are released because some fucking action group had a whinge, only to reoffend almost immediately. Look at the kinds of idiots who come crashing in accusing people of this and that when there's no need. One of Facepunch's best artists posted an edited pose he'd made in Gmod on the DoD:S official forums. It was a pose of an SS guy with a pistol standing over a Jewish guy in the ghetto, and from the way the SS man was shadowed really darkly and desaturated compared to the more vivid colouring on the other guy, it was pretty fucking obvious who was the evil one and who was the one he supported. I mean, the guy's half Jewish himself. He got berated by a bunch of kids accusing him of being a Nazi, and then admonished and banned by some random admin and left with no chance to at least defend himself. Want to know something really fucking irritating? Not one of the people who gave him shit was Jewish by any measure. My grandfather was and it's a part of my heritage I'm proud of. We came through the war alright and we're still here. I am sick to absolute fucking death of having these misinformed pussies come barging in and telling everyone what Jews do or don't find offensive, then start on me when I tell them some honest damn truths. I thought the picture was a nicely-made piece of art and a strong reminder of just how evil humans can be. Nope, apparently it was Neo-Nazi propaganda. What would I know about what I should or shouldn't find offensive?

God, it makes me fucking sick.

Feel free to share your own run-ins with these misguided souls, or discuss any of the issues which I raised. I'm a pretty open and fair person but even I have my intolerant moments... ignorance like these people show is what led to many of the world's fuckups in the past and it's small wonder that the place is taking a nosedive as more and more of the general human populace just give up and let people tell them how to think.

May 31st, 2009, 10:41 AM
The kind of people I hate are the ones who think they have all the fucking right in the world to do whaever they want whenver they want to whoever they want. The kind of people who say "We're doing the work of God" in order to get away with shit. It's bullshit.

May 31st, 2009, 10:45 AM

Some people have a moral compass that only points south.

Mr Buckshot
May 31st, 2009, 10:52 AM
These days people are seeing things entirely in black and white, which contributes a lot to all this idiocy you see.

the nazi art thing you said reminds me of how people were accusing RE5 of being racist, just because it showed a white protagonist killing black zombies in Africa. I mean, many Splinter Cell games' plots have portrayed Asians as villains and yet I never once thought that Tom Clancy was a racist.

May 31st, 2009, 11:00 AM
It's ridiculous. You pretty much have to include women and/or other races in anything these days to avoid being dubbed sexist or racist. I mean, come the fuck on; they're even changing age-old, traditional nursery rhymes just so they have a female protagonist instead. That's too far, way too far.

I should also point out that in the same vein as idiots whining about what does or doesn't offend Jews, most of the morons carrying on about Dresden (yet conveniently ignoring the fact that Germany and the US also made extensive use of mass firebombing raids) weren't German and nor were they British. Nope... the last person I argued about it with was Finnish.

May 31st, 2009, 11:04 AM
I'm really not seeing all this kind of this stupidity where I live tbh...

May 31st, 2009, 11:06 AM
I'm really not seeing all this kind of this stupidity where I live tbh...

Please tell me, where do you live?

May 31st, 2009, 11:10 AM
Please tell me, where do you live?

Central Florida, near Orlando/Lake mary area

May 31st, 2009, 12:53 PM
People think Dresden was terrible because America was involved. TBH, I'm a bit of a WW2 nut myself, and I didn't even know the Brits had the first raid. People are all pissed off at the US because of Iraq, so their going back and making everything they ever did look like the fucking Schlieffen Plan (which wasn't even that bad tbh). If you wanna see REAL war atrocities people, look at the fucking American civil war, the battles in Missouri and Kansas between the Union and Confederate cavalry. THATS war atrocities. Fuck Nam, that ain't nothing compared to what the Brits did in India. Everything the United States turns the color of charred human flesh right now, and I'm fucking sick of that perspective. BTW, I'm a left winger who thinks America should have helped Germany in WW1

May 31st, 2009, 01:08 PM
The Brits were the ones who flattened the place. The USAAF came in and bombed the train station almost as an afterthought.

RAF bombers did literally all the heavy lifting in Europe. American bombers were certainly big, but they were so weighed down by guns and armour that they could only carry a pretty pathetic bomb load. Mind you, they carried out precision daylight raids en masse, so it balanced out. The Lancaster had the largest bomb bay on any WWII bomber and possibly the largest on any bomber to date, and could lug up to 22,000lbs of bombs fairly easily.

May 31st, 2009, 01:13 PM
The Brits were the ones who flattened the place. The USAAF came in and bombed the train station almost as an afterthought.

RAF bombers did literally all the heavy lifting in Europe. American bombers were certainly big, but they were so weighed down by guns and armour that they could only carry a pretty pathetic bomb load. Mind you, they carried out precision daylight raids en masse, so it balanced out. The Lancaster had the largest bomb bay on any WWII bomber and possibly the largest on any bomber to date, and could lug up to 22,000lbs of bombs fairly easily.
Sup B29. Whats that, the Brits were pretty much inoperative in the Pacific? Sad day! J/K bro lol. But yeah, I was aware of that. I just didn't know that it had been the Brits whod done it. I had thought the Americans had fire-bombed it or something.

May 31st, 2009, 02:44 PM
(yet conveniently ignoring the fact that Germany and the US also made extensive use of mass firebombing raids)
Well that's the reason it's not an actual warcrime as defined by the Nürnberg trails.

May 31st, 2009, 03:26 PM

Some people have a moral compass that only points south.
people are dumb

May 31st, 2009, 03:45 PM
holy shit man i JUST handed in a paper on this.
if only i could plus rep you twice
E: must spread rep before givving it to rossmum again? heresy.

May 31st, 2009, 04:44 PM
the bombing of dresden was a heinous warcrime and harris and churchill should have been hanged after the war qtiyd

same goes for hiroshima/nagasaki and truman http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c251/CN3089/Emoticons/emot-colbert.gif

May 31st, 2009, 04:52 PM
The Brits were the ones who flattened the place. The USAAF came in and bombed the train station almost as an afterthought.

RAF bombers did literally all the heavy lifting in Europe. American bombers were certainly big, but they were so weighed down by guns and armour that they could only carry a pretty pathetic bomb load. Mind you, they carried out precision daylight raids en masse, so it balanced out. The Lancaster had the largest bomb bay on any WWII bomber and possibly the largest on any bomber to date, and could lug up to 22,000lbs of bombs fairly easily.

This is besides the point, but:

The B-29 was capable of up to 44,000lbs (counting the T-14 bomb mod), and 20,000lbs. internally. Only reason the Lancaster dropped more than it is because it was older. 22,000lbs. wasn't even standard on the Lancaster, that was a modification; 14,000lbs. was standard. Also, British bombers dropped only 608,612 tons (not tonnes) of bombs between 1942 and 1945, where as B-17s alone dropped 640,036 tons, with the rest of the 1.5 million being dropped mostly by B-24 Liberators (452,508 tons) and a mix of everything else (463,544 tons).

This is Germany alone. Lancaster doing the heavy lifting? I think not...


Anyways, yes, I agree wholeheartedly that the world is becoming extremely pussyfooted, and frankly I find it disgusting.

May 31st, 2009, 05:12 PM
the bombing of dresden was a heinous warcrime and harris and churchill should have been hanged after the war qtiyd

same goes for hiroshima/nagasaki and truman http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c251/CN3089/Emoticons/emot-colbert.gif
I hope thats sarcasm...

May 31st, 2009, 05:14 PM
It's CN duder...look at the smiley...

teh lag
May 31st, 2009, 05:19 PM
I was watching TV a while back and an ad came on for an awareness event for some or other disease, part of which was "a race for your children where every child is a winner!" I just sat and stared in disgust. We're seriously raising our kids in bubbles now (don't get me started on our germophobia) and they'll have no ability to deal with things in the real world. Well, then again they might if all of society is run by people who believe in equality of outcome regardless of skill.

Someone at my school told me that their little brother had a graduation from preschool. PRESCHOOL. It's not that big of a goddamn accomplishment. We don't need to praise every little thing and turn it into a giant celebration. Well, then again (again) with the standards we're letting them slip to we might. Everyone is "special" I suppose, but not everyone is the best at everything and it's wrong to make them think as such. God forbid people should be discouraged from things they're bad at and instead work on things they're actually talented in. God forbid people should be raised to acknowledge their flaws instead of being told that no matter what they do they're doing it right.

...I should stop now before I lose my entire evening. Wouldn't want to get called out for my Anti-American Eurosnobbery again either.

May 31st, 2009, 06:03 PM
I hope thats sarcasm...

Of course it isn't. You think the killing of 250 000 civilians is A-OK? http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c251/CN3089/Emoticons/confused.gif

May 31st, 2009, 06:14 PM
Of course it isn't. You think the killing of 250 000 civilians is A-OK? http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c251/CN3089/Emoticons/confused.gif

Of course not, but WW2 would have lasted twice as long if we hadn't.

May 31st, 2009, 06:31 PM
Of course it isn't. You think the killing of 250 000 civilians is A-OK? http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c251/CN3089/Emoticons/confused.gif
More people would have died on both sides if we hadn't. Maybe not in Dresden, but definently in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And dont give me the "starving them out" BS. That still would have killed even more Japanese.

May 31st, 2009, 09:44 PM
say hello to australias solution to the skills shortage.
make tafe competency based.
you get the mark "competent" or "not yet competent".

now theres no difference in results or resume for a person who got 100% as opposed to someone who got 51%

now theres no incentive to ace tafe.

Smooth move mister bond.

May 31st, 2009, 10:50 PM
Sup B29. Whats that, the Brits were pretty much inoperative in the Pacific? Sad day! J/K bro lol. But yeah, I was aware of that. I just didn't know that it had been the Brits whod done it. I had thought the Americans had fire-bombed it or something.
Virtually every city which was destroyed by firebombing was the work of Bomber Command. The theory was that massed formations of heavily-armed American bombers would hit factories, docks, and key infratructure by day, and the RAF would come in and carpet-bomb the rest into oblivion by night.

This is besides the point, but:

The B-29 was capable of up to 44,000lbs (counting the T-14 bomb mod), and 20,000lbs. internally. Only reason the Lancaster dropped more than it is because it was older. 22,000lbs. wasn't even standard on the Lancaster, that was a modification; 14,000lbs. was standard. Also, British bombers dropped only 608,612 tons (not tonnes) of bombs between 1942 and 1945, where as B-17s alone dropped 640,036 tons, with the rest of the 1.5 million being dropped mostly by B-24 Liberators (452,508 tons) and a mix of everything else (463,544 tons).

This is Germany alone. Lancaster doing the heavy lifting? I think not...


Anyways, yes, I agree wholeheartedly that the world is becoming extremely pussyfooted, and frankly I find it disgusting.
Speaking literally, as we discussed on Xfire. British heavies could carry far greater loads than the B-17 or B-24, and the B-29 wasn't operational in Europe (although one was flown into the UK and the mere sight of it had the Germans shitting themselves).

The removal of the dorsal turret and various other things on the Lanc was common practice, upping the bomb load; most RAF bombers were carrying twice the payload they were designed for by war's end.

May 31st, 2009, 10:58 PM
One thing though: B29=Fucking amazing bomber. You dont fuck with a plane that size. Thats why Russia STILL has copies of them operational. Its just that beasty.

May 31st, 2009, 11:07 PM
So do China.

The B-29 could actually outrun early-war fighters, which is pretty damn impressive.

May 31st, 2009, 11:10 PM
B29=Fucking amazing bomber. You dont fuck with a plane that size.

Fuckers are bigger than even AC-130's, which is scary to think about ._.

May 31st, 2009, 11:38 PM
Fuckers are bigger than even AC-130's, which is scary to think about ._.

May 31st, 2009, 11:51 PM
But we have the B-52...you don't fuck with that plane either.

June 1st, 2009, 12:30 AM
When people piss and moan about nuking japan. People aren't educated enough to know that had they gotten the chance, Japan was ready to drop bubonic plague all over N. America.

Ross can fill you guys in on the details if he wishes.

June 1st, 2009, 12:37 AM
When people piss and moan about nuking japan. People aren't educated enough to know that had they gotten the chance, Japan was ready to drop bubonic plague all over N. America.

Ross can fill you guys in on the details if he wishes.
They were also planning on using some sort of chemical agent on American troops that fucks with RNA transfers. Dont know if that ones legit, but I saw it on History Channel.

June 1st, 2009, 12:42 AM
Gladly, Snaf.

By August 1945 Japan had several heavy bombers in development which were more than capable of reaching the western seaboard of the US and Canada. The Germans were verging on the same capability in April but the war ended before they got the chance; they were planning on carpet-bombing NY much the same way the RAF obliterated Hamburg and Dresden and countless other cities. This no doubt would've been devastating, but what Japan had in store was far worse. Virtually all of America's knowledge of biological and chemical weapons came from Japan. They had been testing things like anthrax on Chinese towns and Allied POWs right through the war; the Americans gave the scientists who performed these sick experiments amnesty in exchange for their findings. There are still areas of China where the bubonic plague is a health risk, thanks to Japanese shelling.

Had Japan had the additional month or two needed to build its own monster-sized bombers, there is little doubt in my mind that they would've used them to try spread that filth to as many major US cities as possible and perhaps even Australia. The Germans, at least, kept their methods of warfare somewhat 'clean'; they never used chemical or biological weapons in the field after WWI, and nor did the Allies. The Japanese didn't use them on any large scale against Allied troops at first but had no qualms at all about using them against the Chinese.

Let's also consider the Japanese mindset of the time: to surrender was the ultimate shame. Women and children were as eager to fight off any invasion as the soldiers, and failing that, there's every chance of mass suicides. Millions of Allied servicemen and millions more Japanese soldiers and citizens would've been killed, the war would've dragged on for another several years, and Britain would collapse. They only barely survived the war, another year or two would've done them in.

Now tell me that dropping the atomic bombs was wrong.

June 1st, 2009, 12:43 AM
When people piss and moan about nuking japan. People aren't educated enough to know that had they gotten the chance, Japan was ready to drop bubonic plague all over N. America.

Ross can fill you guys in on the details if he wishes.

The other dudes were evil that means we can be evil too WATERBOARD ALL TERRISTS http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c251/CN3089/Emoticons/emot_downspatriot345.gif

Now tell me that dropping the atomic bombs was wrong.

Dropping the bombs was wrong, evil, and everyone involved should have been convicted as war criminals. http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c251/CN3089/Emoticons/emot-crossarms.gif

June 1st, 2009, 12:46 AM
I don't see how it was any more evil that allowing the war to continue would've been. It saved a damn lot of lives.

War is full of shitty decisions, and that was one of them.

June 1st, 2009, 12:46 AM
it was as wrong as it was badass

in all srsness, ross is right but I see where you are coming from CN.

it was very uncharacteristic of the US and we were becoming the very thing we teach kids are "bad guys"

June 1st, 2009, 01:30 AM
say hello to australias solution to the skills shortage.
make tafe competency based.
you get the mark "competent" or "not yet competent".

now theres no difference in results or resume for a person who got 100% as opposed to someone who got 51%

now theres no incentive to ace tafe.

Smooth move mister bond.
I bludge and get the pass, shit's easy as fuck. I can't imagine how I'm qualified to do shit based on the crap I hand in, yet apparently I'm good enough to be payed for it.


I don't see how it was any more evil that allowing the war to continue would've been. It saved a damn lot of lives.

War is full of shitty decisions, and that was one of them.
ftfy bro~

June 1st, 2009, 01:48 AM
That it is, but so are people in general so there's not much you can do really

June 1st, 2009, 03:11 AM
well theres one thing.

we could always declare war on humanity.

oh shit, fox news.

June 1st, 2009, 11:46 AM
People are ignorant. This will never change. The only thing left to do is rant about their stupidity and feel better about your own superiority. That is, of course, unless you have power. We all know that only moral-ridden fucktarded politicians get that though.

Oh, and for once I agree with you Ross...

June 1st, 2009, 01:22 PM
War is full of shitty decisions, and that was one of them.
How so?
It sure showed them commies who temporarily had the biggest RL-peen.