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View Full Version : Undead Concept Test (Think L4D Diablo and UT3 Retard Baby)

June 5th, 2009, 06:15 AM
So I had this idea a while back for a zombie mod in a really old game called Nox. (http://www.noxhub.net) The best way to describe nox is if you took unreal's twitch aiming and diablo's game style and strategy and mixed them together.

So last night I put together a test map with some scripted AI to see if I could get them to work on LAN/Internet play.

Here you go.

http://video.xfire.com/c9b8c-4.jpg (http://www.xfire.com/video/c9b8c/)

Currently the script spawns basic AI's that just attacks the player when he enters their sight line. I'm hoping to build large defense maps were the zombies spawn and rush toward a single point on the map that the players must defend. Also note that while I only used about 6 different spells and ability's. There are around 150 spells in the game. I just have a combo I like to use and that is what is set to my spell sets 1 5 and 2.

Overall though the mod is pretty fun even in these early stages.

Comments? And who's up for a testing next time I get a chance?

June 6th, 2009, 12:08 PM
You know, I might be interested.