View Full Version : [UNREAL] What is UT3 capable of?
June 6th, 2009, 04:09 PM
Well once I finish IMP and the Epsilon mod I've decided to move on to a new game (probably ut3) and I wanted to know what is possible in UT3. I have a good idea for a mod but I don't know if it possible in the engine so here we go.
1. Reassign a key to "melee" and add animations and what not.
2. Script the shields to regenerate.
3. Physics on weapons (not floating)
4. Re spawn times on weapons.
5. Reduce weapon count in inventory to 2 and have weapons swap.
6. Ammo counters on weapons FP model.
7. Add overheating to weapons and have meters to show heat on FP model.
8. Secondary triggers (overcharge)
9. Replacing the biped model (removing the custom bipeds and making it all standard)
10. Replacing FP arms (same thing as above but with FP arms)
11. Custom animations 1st person and 3rd person
12. Custom sounds
13. Reduce walking speed.
14. Remove double jump.
15. Remove wall jumps and other tricky shit.
16. Make flag a weapon that must be carried.
17. Vehicles that are not destroyed but transfer all damage to the player (while cutting it to a fraction)
18. Custom physics for vehicles.
19. Custom particles.
20. Support for max 8 exporting / importing
21. Importing BSP's or Meshes with collision from max 8.
22. Bumped cube maps or any shader of similar type.
23. Changing player FOV.
24. Adding a global trigger on all weapons for right click grenades.
25. Power ups invis/over shield (in combination with shield recharge #2)
26. Sitting in a vehicle first person with a weapon readied and able to fire.
27. Reloading FP and 3rd person.
28. No fucking hoverboard or translocater.
29. Custom gametype editing (KOTH oddball zombies territorys assault)
30. Custom UI
There are other things I can't think of atm. I'll add them as I think of them.
Also I know its very obvious what I'm thinking of doing.
Pyong Kawaguchi
June 6th, 2009, 04:58 PM
Considering Frontlines fuel of war has recharging energy, melee, global grenades, no double jump/tricky crap, and alot of the other listed, I'd assume that it should be possible.
If not as ut3, a Fuel of war mod though.
t3h m00kz
June 6th, 2009, 05:06 PM
Just about all of that is possible with mutators, save for anything that modifies the original game data, IE a custom UI would not be possible, I don't think. The only thing that is affected is in-game stuff.
For the most part though you can do pretty much any of that stuff if you have the programming know-how. It's scripting-based, much like Quake, just more complex.
June 7th, 2009, 05:46 PM
Custom UI is possible and well-since-done...
Not anywhere near easy but...
June 7th, 2009, 06:52 PM
Pretty much everything is possible just about.
June 9th, 2009, 07:26 PM
So you want to make a Halo mod for UT3 Inferno?
June 9th, 2009, 08:37 PM
Everything I see in that list is absolutely possible. UT3 is one of the most flexible engines I've ever seen.
June 9th, 2009, 09:31 PM
So any tips or tutorials you guys want to link me? I'm going into a brand new engine that I've never used before. I'm kind of scared. :saddowns:
June 10th, 2009, 06:03 AM
all you`ll ever need. ...
June 12th, 2009, 01:11 PM
Thanks man. Hopefully this project will work out and we will be playing the same old game with a better net game and shader engine some day. ;)
June 12th, 2009, 03:14 PM
Inferno , i would seriously like to help with what ever you have planned please PM meh :)
June 14th, 2009, 09:27 AM
Thanks man. Hopefully this project will work out and we will be playing the same old game with a better net game and shader engine some day. ;)
So you're gonna try and port the whole of CE to the UT3 engine so there are more possibilities?...
Seems like a good idea but legally using Microsoft's content is such a bad idea.
June 14th, 2009, 11:46 AM
So you're gonna try and port the whole of CE to the UT3 engine so there are more possibilities?...
Seems like a good idea but legally using Microsoft's content is such a bad idea.
Microsoft published a thing a while back about using assets from their games in mods and machinimas as long as it is being done for free.
June 14th, 2009, 01:25 PM
Microsoft published a thing a while back about using assets from their games in mods and machinimas as long as it is being done for free.
Damn them! They have thwarted my evil plan to sell ripped material on the internets!
Yes. A exact and authentic port of halo combat evolved to a engine that doesn't have a shitty net code.
June 14th, 2009, 01:31 PM
It'll never be the same. Remember what I told you last time? Some guys feel a bit more responsive than others. ;)
t3h m00kz
June 14th, 2009, 02:57 PM
There's still lag in the shots of the original UT3 weapons, IE you have to lead. However there have been mods titled "ZeroPing" which basically does what it sounds like it does... you shoot somebody and there's lag before they die rather than there being lag in your shot.
Seriously though, modding UT is a world of difference between Halo CE. Halo CE's got this structure of variables that you just swap out, and UT actually uses programming language. I'd say brush up on it a little bit and try some simple things like modifying firing rates and making a few mutators and working your way up from there.
Microsoft published a thing a while back about using assets from their games in mods and machinimas as long as it is being done for free.
Can I get some sauce on that? I'd like to read more, HEH
June 14th, 2009, 03:19 PM
Yeah sure mooks (
t3h m00kz
June 14th, 2009, 03:34 PM
ahhh, that.
I remember that...
June 14th, 2009, 03:45 PM
My friend said it was basically java script.
t3h m00kz
June 14th, 2009, 03:47 PM
I hear it's more C\C++, but don't take it from me. I'm a programming tard.
June 14th, 2009, 03:58 PM
C and Java's syntaxes are similar, if not the same, so I'd imagine the scripting is a C derivative. If you know how to code C/Java/PHP/etc it's really a matter of learning the core classes and functions.
June 14th, 2009, 06:34 PM
So its safe to say its nothing like halo script and I'll be learning a brand new language. Does UT editor import BSPS like halo? Or am I going to import meshes make them static and put collisions on them? Oh and can I import the models with multi materials?
Oh and btw I'm not starting this project for a few more months so I'm just speculating as to what I'm going to do and how ATM.
June 14th, 2009, 06:47 PM
Yes. A exact and authentic port of halo combat evolved to a engine that doesn't have a shitty net code.
Halo without springy vehicle physics just isn't Halo. ;)
June 14th, 2009, 07:13 PM
So its safe to say its nothing like halo script and I'll be learning a brand new language. Does UT editor import BSPS like halo? Or am I going to import meshes make them static and put collisions on them? Oh and can I import the models with multi materials?
Oh and btw I'm not starting this project for a few more months so I'm just speculating as to what I'm going to do and how ATM.You can import your whole bsp, or you can break it apart in smart locations so you have plenty of occluder objects (which will help with FPS). The collision can be done in max OR in the editor. And yes, you can use multi materials.
June 14th, 2009, 07:47 PM
Halo without springy vehicle physics just isn't Halo. ;)
Don't worry I'll make sure the warthog has mega suspension just like in the good old days.
And since Halos MP maps are barely even 10,000 polys max I'll probably just have them as single objects.
June 14th, 2009, 08:23 PM
Don't worry I'll make sure the warthog has mega suspension just like in the good old days.
And since Halos MP maps are barely even 10,000 polys max I'll probably just have them as single objects.Not really a good idea, particularly if you want to up them. If you split up a SMesh into smaller pieces, there are less calculated light/object interactions. Think if it this way, the light cast from firing a dude's gun in Red Base... do you really want your framerate to dip (VERY slightly) in blue base?
As for a CE-style feel... that's what I'm intending with the Chimpire mod... only sped up a little bit to compensate for the mouse/keyboard/netcode precision.
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