View Full Version : Just Cause 2

June 8th, 2009, 08:38 PM
I think I'm in love. (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-09-just-cause-2/50740?type=mov)

Best use of a grappling hook in a game, ever.

June 8th, 2009, 08:50 PM
Awesome. I liked the first one, but this one looks infinitely better.

Llama Juice
June 8th, 2009, 09:52 PM
*is glad I clicked this thread*

Looks really neat :P

June 8th, 2009, 10:22 PM
Holy shit, thats awesome.

June 8th, 2009, 10:34 PM
That game looks so epic; the fighting is funny, stupid and fun at the same time. They've successfully made an entertaining game without being all srs about it.

June 8th, 2009, 10:35 PM
Apparently there will be no multiplayer at release, but they hope the singleplayer will make up for it for the time being. And with 6400 square miles to roam in (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/no-multiplayer-for-just-cause-2), they might be right.

For reference, that's approximately 426.6 times larger than Fallout 3. Let's see if they can deliver on that promise.

June 8th, 2009, 10:52 PM
I call a Peter Molyneux on that. I think Itll be big, but not that big.

June 8th, 2009, 10:53 PM
That looked sweet.

June 8th, 2009, 10:54 PM

Agreed. Regardless though, I think I've found my second Must-Buy title for 2010 (First is Mass Effect 2 :pcgaming:)

June 8th, 2009, 10:57 PM
Crysis + sense of humor - decent gun combat design = this. The use of the parachute and grappling hook was REALLY interesting, but I couldn't help but notice the clunky gun fights during that demonstration. In fact, it makes me think of HL2, only the gravity gun is a grappling hook.


Okay, so maybe it won't be a problem. Can't wait to see this game's release.

June 9th, 2009, 12:42 AM

This is the sort of shit I love seeing in a game.

June 9th, 2009, 12:43 AM
Gunplay looks like ass, but the rest actually appears quite interesting. Seems like what you'd get if you took Far Cry and ran it through a Saints Row blender.

June 9th, 2009, 02:25 AM
When did reco loose his second pistol???
I assume nobody here has played the original? It wasn't great.
The thirdperson gunplay really killed the game (shoot, cycle target, shoot, throw grenade, target grenade, shoot grenade in air, receive killtacular, cycle target... manual aim was a pig), the physics were LOL a lot of the time, trees appeared in water, the missions were often boring or stupidly easy if you had the right gun, the plot was crap and the characters even worse.

I get that a lot of it was satire, but statire should still be funny/fun and a lot of the time it wasn't. I still enjoyed it, if only to fly around in planes and shit on the lolhuge map.

This looks like they've made the combat more interesting and made the grapplehook good for more then scoring your next free ride (which were often hard to find thanks to the lastgen hardware having to run the huge environment and so things had to be traded off). Hopefully the characters are a lot better this time and the missions proper fun (and the sidequests not an identical trudge every single fucking time)

Oh, and the cinimatics for when you do something cool better be able to be turned off, that shit got fucking annoying (it'd do it when you stacked your bike on a 5 cm rock ffs).

June 9th, 2009, 05:04 AM
I got the original back in 06, and while I agree that alot of it was repetitive, I think its a good thing that they broke into the third person sandbox genre so there is more variaty than just GTA (and now also Saints Row). They haven't been making these sandbox games for years now like Rockstar, so they have to learn some of their own ropes along the way. They can't just play other games and automically make their game better that way, there is a technical side to it too. They've also added their own IP to it (grappeling gun, revolutionary vs dictators), which introduces its own obstactles they have to learn on their own. People can make sequals, so they can just improve upon what they originally had then.

The first JC was a really nice game and engine. Of course most of the map (this time and last time) is not only land, but water too...so not all of that "playable" area is really useful. It looks like they're using in-game cinematics this time too, instead of pre-rendered stuff, which is a plus.

When did reco loose his second pistol???
I assume nobody here has played the original? It wasn't great.
The thirdperson gunplay really killed the game (shoot, cycle target, shoot, throw grenade, target grenade, shoot grenade in air, receive killtacular, cycle target... manual aim was a pig), the physics were LOL a lot of the time, trees appeared in water, the missions were often boring or stupidly easy if you had the right gun, the plot was crap and the characters even worse.

I get that a lot of it was satire, but statire should still be funny/fun and a lot of the time it wasn't. I still enjoyed it, if only to fly around in planes and shit on the lolhuge map.

This looks like they've made the combat more interesting and made the grapplehook good for more then scoring your next free ride (which were often hard to find thanks to the lastgen hardware having to run the huge environment and so things had to be traded off). Hopefully the characters are a lot better this time and the missions proper fun (and the sidequests not an identical trudge every single fucking time)

Oh, and the cinimatics for when you do something cool better be able to be turned off, that shit got fucking annoying (it'd do it when you stacked your bike on a 5 cm rock ffs).

June 9th, 2009, 05:19 AM
I got the original back in 06, and while I agree that alot of it was repetitive, I think its a good thing that they broke into the third person sandbox genre so there is more variaty than just GTA (and now also Saints Row). They haven't been making these sandbox games for years now like Rockstar, so they have to learn some of their own ropes along the way. They can't just play other games and automically make their game better that way, there is a technical side to it too. They've also added their own IP to it (grappeling gun, revolutionary vs dictators), which introduces its own obstactles they have to learn on their own. People can make sequals, so they can just improve upon what they originally had then.

The first JC was a really nice game and engine. Of course most of the map (this time and last time) is not only land, but water too...so not all of that "playable" area is really useful. It looks like they're using in-game cinematics this time too, instead of pre-rendered stuff, which is a plus.

The real thing that kept me playing through the game was the hope that the dev's would really relise the potential the game had and deliver it properly. Unfortunately, the final mission had stupid difficulty (enjoy insta-level 4 once you reach the presidential island, 100 AA missiles and dozens of tanks v you who arived on a boat or (if you went allllll the way to an airport with a decent chopper/jet spawn, an aircraft). I finally managed to blitz that and the rest of the mission (SPOILERS) where you had to race against the clock to stop a nuke, chase down the presidential aircraft on your shiny top-of-the-range fighterjet (though getting the boarding on the plane was too hard too and if you fucked it up, gg mission ><), have a little firefight to meet the president then strap a bomb to him while you're both in freefall was great fun.

It's a shame that the main quest was only a dozen or so missions long, with no real motivation to do the sidequests other than a few safehouses I never used and (eventually), some decent vehicles.

I really want them to do it right this time, because I still play the origional today, flaws and all (though only as a sandbox and only to maintain my own GLORIOUS DICTATORSHIP where every second man is killed, THE MAD GLIDER swoops over citys, poping caps in randoms with his unlimited ammo duel pistols, every prostitute is killed on site and entire free ways get stopped by doubledecker buses so that the drivers can be summarily executed to reduce over-population and provide raw material for the STATE OWNED FACTORIES!).

E: lol this has turned into another bitch post... oops!

June 9th, 2009, 09:22 AM
Game looks sick, reminds me of Far Cry 2 mixed with one of the latest Tomb Raider games.

That grapple thing is crazy, I do love how they havent bothered to go "omg but you cant do that in real life" they just though screw it, it would be kickass to do. Helicopter jacking? Oh snap.

I just hope it doesnt turn out to be a let down like Far Cry 2. Trailers/previews looked amazing, once I got the game it was different though, not as fun, I've only played like an hour.

June 10th, 2009, 12:21 AM
(has JC1 seriously sliped this far under everybody's radar?
you act like this is new gameplay that wasn't done in 06 :S)

June 10th, 2009, 04:32 AM
I just hope it doesnt turn out to be a let down like Far Cry 2. Trailers/previews looked amazing, once I got the game it was different though, not as fun, I've only played like an hour.What the hell are you on about, FC2 was great.

June 10th, 2009, 09:26 AM
What the hell are you on about, FC2 was great.
FC2 was a letdown, sorry to say it.

June 10th, 2009, 11:17 AM
FC2 was a letdown, sorry to say it.

I agree. I played until I got 50% through the game and realized a had played for 30 or so hours. That's when I decided to quit. The game was repetitive and not all that interesting, except for burning stuff.

June 10th, 2009, 03:53 PM
When you realize it's a game where the real fun is in fucking around, you'll see what I mean. It's like assassin's creed that way.